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Thanks to 411mania.com for the following results
Good evening to all you wrestling fans, and especially to the SICKOS who are tuning in for some live coverage of AEW Collision tonight! Theo Sambus on hand for your Saturday night instalment, and it has been QUITE the week in the world of wrestling, amiriiiiight?! Raw made it’s debut on Netflix and brought the spectacle, and the AEW-NJPW collaboration brought us the goods with Wrestle Dynasty last Sunday. Omega vs Kidd gets the nod from me for the single greatest spot featuring an abdominal stretch, maybe ever? Masterful execution. Having said that (and I’m bracing myself here for the inevitable ‘Sambus, WHAT are you smoking?’) I actually felt that Takeshita vs Ishii was the MOTN. Whereas Takeshita/Shingo the night before didn’t quite Dave-Batista-Give-Me-What-I-Want, Sunday’s bout absolutely delivered and I was loving every second.
Regardless, the landscape moves on quickly, and AEW comes to Georgia tonight, where we are promised some ‘Hot Girl Graps’ as Mariah May goes one on one with the charismatic sensation that is Harley Cameron. Should be a blast. Not only that, Pac looks to take revenge on Komander for knocking Castagnoli out of the Continental Classic, Dax Harwood faces Chris Jericho, and Cope goes up against Big Bill. Decent little card despite some various travel issues, so let’s head down to ringside and get this show on the go.
Location: Athens, GA
Venue: Akins Ford Arena
Commentators: Nigel McGuinness & Tony Schiavone
It’s another cold open, as Harley Cameron has her guitar and sings about feeling the wrath. Mariah May says it’s Hot Girl Graps tonight and Cameron will not sing again once she’s ripped out her vocal chords. Big Bill says Cope shortened his name and he will shorten his career tonight. Jericho will show that Harwood is NoGood. Sick burn. Tonight, Dax the Axe chops the Learning Tree down. Top Guys out.
Jericho has joined the commentary desk for this one. Collar and elbow tie up, and Bill shoves Cope back into the buckles. They spill to the outside, and Cope drop toe holds Bill into the steel steps before bouncing his head off the barricade a number of times. Up to the apron, Cope goes for a spear but Bill sidesteps and clubs away at the back. Big boot to the side of the head from the Redwood. Snake Eyes into the announce desk! And another into the steel steps, and Jericho wants to celebrate that. Bill pins Cope up against the barricade and slaps him across the chest. Bill continues the assault on Cope around the ringside area as we head to PIP.
During the break, Bill brings Cope back in the ring, and stands on the back of the neck. Neck crank applied, but Cope rallies and stomps the leg to cut the Redwood down to size. Northern lariat to the back of the neck, cover, 1, 2, Bill kicks out. Cope ducks a few clotheslines but gets caught with a spinning side slam for a 2 count. Bill calls over Jericho to the ring, allowing Bill the distraction to expose the top turnbuckle. Cope to the top rope, gets caught with a right hand. Cope sends Bill headfirst into the exposed buckle though, and then hits a powerbomb out of the corner for 1, 2, no. Spear attempt, Bill ducks it and Cope goes headfirst into the exposed buckle, Bill follows with a big boot, 1, 2, no. Bill signals for a chokeslam, reversed into the Impaler DDT! SPEAR! 1, 2….KICKOUT, that was a loooong 2. Goozle by Bill, Cope grabs the referee though? SPEAR. Hammer and anvil elbows from Cope into the rear naked choke, and Bill is out.
Winner: Cope
Time: 13:33
Rating: **3/4 – Pretty standard stuff that didn’t sizzle until the closing moments. Also Cope totally grabbed the ref for a distraction which is NOT VERY FACEY! Bill kicking out of the Spear didn’t have the best timing, but the fact that he kicked out itself is pretty big, helping him look good in defeat.
The Learning Tree swarm Cope and attack him as soon as the bell rings…but here come FTR! Cash takes out Jericho, Dax goes for the Bad Apple, and Cope and Bill carry on fighting. Security pour out to break them all up.
*We hear that everyone is barred from ringside for Jericho vs Dax Harwood later on.
*Hangman Adam Page is backstage speaking to camera, saying he’s worked hard to protect his family from prying eyes. In one night, all of that work was undone and it nearly tore his family apart. It broke him, because for a long time he was ashamed. He was ashamed to look his wife and son in the eyes after what he allowed to happen to them. Page knew that he had to make a decision. He could remain the husk of a man that he was, or he could do something about it. So he found Strickland and he made sure he did not hold the AEW World championship. He severed the ties that meant Swerve could have a family and a home like he had. Page understands what Christopher Daniels was trying to say to him. Daniels was the first person who’d ever done anything in this business that saw a future in Page. But Daniels crossed a line when he lay his hands on him. Next Saturday in Collision, it will be Page vs Christopher Daniels in a Texas Deathmatch. Page has decided who he will be, and he would rather injure and maim, tear every life apart, than be the man he was last year. Daniels has made his bed, and next Saturday, Page will lie him down in it forever. Damn, nice promo there.
Aggressive tie up as the bell rings, Komander flips out of it though. Komander tries a monkey flip but Pac lands on his feet. Tijeras sends Pac to the floor, Komander reverses himself out to the floor, lowering into a tijeras, taking Pac down. Komander back to the ropes, does the rope walk across the ring and hits the dive. Springboard crossbody back into the ring gets a 2 count.
Pac takes control, throwing Komander to the outside and tossing him into the guardrail. Pac gestures at Alex Abrahantes before getting back in the ring. Komander makes it back inside, dodges a shot in the corner but misses a dropkick and Pac hits a running pump kick. 1, 2, no. Pac darts to the floor and grabs Abrahantes! But that provides a distraction, allowing Komander to jump to the top rope and hit a springboard moonsault to the floor! In the ring, a cutter connects, followed by a spinning DDT for 2. Komander leaps to the top for another dive, but Pac is up and clips the leg, preventing the dive. Pac to the top instead, but Komander rolls to the other side of the ring out of harm’s way. Thrust kick, and again from the ROH TV champ. Springboard Destroyer by Komander! He heads up top again, 450 splash but Pac gets the knees up! Brutalizer applied! Komander has to tap.
Winner: Pac
Time: 8:03
Rating: ***1/2 – That was fun! They kept it pacey without resorting to a bunch of kickouts, and I love that Pac can bust out that Brutalizer at any point, it’s still seen as quite the killer move and has been well protected.
After the bell, Claudio Castagnoli’s music hits, and out come the Death Riders. Wheeler Yuta and Pac hold back Komander as Claudio steps into the ring…but here come the YOUNGEST MEN ALIVE! The Outrunners dive into the ring, and the ref rings the bell, this match is on!
Yuta works over Magnum in the corner, until Magnum comes back with some chops. Floyd in for an uppercut, quick tags between the Outrunners. Claudio and Yuta double wishbone legsplit to Turbo Floyd, and Claudio muscles him up for a big body slam. Uppercuts from Castagnoli now, Lou Thesz Press from Turbo, who tags Magnum back in for a little double team combo. They take the Death Riders to the floor with stereo clotheslines as we head to commercial.
On the outside, Magnum is thrown knee-first into the steps, and the Death Riders immediately start working the leg, dropping him knee-first over the guardrail. Yuta in, dropkick to the knee, Magnum gets a rollup though for 2. Yuta locks in a figure four, tags in Claudio, who stomps away on the prone Magnum. Neck twist, and Claudio goes back to the leg and ankle, applying a short heel hook. Magnum shakes him off but Claudio takes out Floyd, and Yuta comes back in. Hart Attack, 1, 2, no. Magnum manages to back body drop Claudio to the floor and goes for the tag, but Claudio dives into the ring right by Floyd to cut him off. Magnum works around him though and finally makes the tag.
Floyd with scoop slams to both guys, before slamming Magnum on top of Yuta. SUNAVABITCH ELBOW! Total Recall attempt, Claudio sweeps the legs of Magnum though. Floyd gets rolled up for 2. Sunset flip attempt by Yuta, Floyd sits down into a pin for 2. Pin exchanges, all for 2. Dropkick to the face by Yuta, Floyd right back with a suplex for 2. Claudio tosses Yuta into his corner, tagging himself in. Giant Swing! Into the kick from Yuta, Yuta goes for the pin but Claudio is legal so he shouts at Yuta, and that momentary miscommunication allows Magnum to break it up. Claudio and Floyd battle on the top rope now, Claudio shoved off but Yuta holds the leg. Claudio with a gutwrench superplex, and Yuta gets rocket launched into a splash on Floyd for the 1, 2, 3.
Winners: Claudio Castagnoli & Wheeler Yuta
Time: 11:40
Rating: ***1/4 – Good double team offense from both teams on display here, and the leg work on Magnum gave us a neat face-in-peril stretch. Yuta still appeared like the weak link of the Death Riders, which may be the point, but hopefully he gets a chance to work his way into Claudio and Mox’s good books.
*Back from commercial, we go to a video package for Powerhouse Hobbs. He’s been listening since the beginning of all this Death Riders stuff. You want AEW to be a place where people take initiative? That’s exactly what Hobbs did. He stood up to Moxley, and Moxley tucked his tail between his legs. Hobbs has been shot and stabbed and homeless…there’s nothing Moxley can do to him. Hobbs will make Moxley his bitch this coming Wednesday at Maximum Carnage.
Here we go, Hot Girl Graps time! Cameron goes for a quick rollup and gets 2. Small package, 1, 2, no. Headbutt by May, nice! May stomps away at Harley in the corner until Cameron comes out of the corner with a clothesline. Side Russian Legsweep connects, but gets a 1. Elbows to the collarbone from Cameron, May gets her on her shoulders but Cameron counters with an enziguri for 2. Dropkick from May, 1, 2, no. Spinning sideslam connects and gets a 2 count. May drives the knee into the back of the neck against the ropes. She rakes the eyes across the rope now, snapmare and a straitjacket submission applied. May yanks the hair, then hoists Cameron to the top turnbuckle. She chops her in the chest, then hits the handspring tijeras and gets a 2. Cameron counters a Storm Zero attempt and grabs the hair of May for a spinning hair slam. They trade strikes and Cameron starts to build momentum.
Splash in the corner by Cameron, modified Divorce Court. Pumphandle suplex, 1, 2, no! BIG knee to the face from May, straight into the Storm Zero for the 1, 2, 3.
Winner: Mariah May
Time: 9:19
Rating: *** – Nicely done, Cameron held her own and had some good shine (that Pumphandle suplex looked sweet) but May is on a path to Grand Slam Australia so a decisive victory was needed.
*Christopher Daniels responds to Hangman Page. He was never approaching him as an official, he was trying to be a friend. He witnessed Page go through the worst year and half of his life. Everytime Daniels reached out, Page responded with violence. When Page asked Daniels what he’d done in wrestling, that hurt. He’s main evented PPVs, he’s won championships, he’s built companies from the ground up, Maybe 2024 wasn’t the best in-ring year of his career, but 2025 is going to be different. You want Texas Death? Daniels will list ‘beating Page’s ass’ to his list of accomplishments.
Blackwell tries some strikes on King, but King is of course having none of it. Brody biels him out of the corner, places him across the top turnbuckle and chops the hell out of him. Blackwell escapes to the floor but runs into Hart who wags her finger, and King catches up with him. Back in the ring, big lariat connects followed by the canonball in the corner. Gonzo Bomb! 1, 2, 3.
Winner: Brody King
Time: 1:27
Rating: N/R – Necessary squash to build King’s momentum off the back of his Tokyo Dome appearance last Sunday. Did its job.
*Lexy Nair catches up with Brody King, talking about his strong finish to 2024 and how that is looking to continue into 2025. Brody King says it’s a confusing time for the House of Black…but here comes Cope to interrupt. Cope says he respects him, as well as Hart and Buddy. They have a world of potential at their feet. Cope says it’s time for Brody to take the reins and run.
Garcia’s personal commentator Matt Menard joins the commentary desk. Shibata backs Garcia into the ropes, clean break from the challenger. Knife edge chop, and Shibata wants one in return. Garcia obliges, and Shibata fires back. They exchange chops, both men laying them in. Shibata shrugs off a series of chops and then gets Garcia in the corner and tees off with machine gun chops and the running dropkick. Butterfly suplex, cover, 2. Shibata traps the knee and twists, hooks the leg round too. Garcia fights with chops, but Shibata keeps it applied, grabbing wrist control as well and stomping the elbow. Indian deathlock by Shibata but Garcia reaches the ropes. Garcia is reeling as Shibata delivers more chops.
Shibata shrugs off clothesline now, delivers chops galore until Garcia comes back with a falling clothesline to finally take him down. 10 count mounted punches in the corner, Twist & Shout neckbreaker gets a 2 for the TNT champion. Step-through rollup gets 2. Big boot from Garcia, and again. Shibata with the boots now, and they trade big boots. Backdrop driver bu Shibata, Garcia right back up with one of his own. Garcia charges but Shibata catches him with an STO and both men are down. They both sit up and get to their feet. Chop war! Abdominal stretch applied by Shibata, goes for a kick but Garcia catches it and dragon screws him. Shibata into an ankle lock, but Garcia counters into a rollup for 2. Dragon Tamer locked in! Nope, Shibata counters into an achilles lock, lovely stuff. Figure four by the challenger now, Danny grabs the ropes. Kick to the spine, misses the PK, but Shibata goes for an armbreaker. Slap to the face by Shibata! Ripcord is reversed, JACKKNIFE! 1, 2, 3.
Winner and STILL AEW TNT Champion: Daniel Garcia
Time: 11:25
Rating: ***1/2 – Great technical exchanges here, alongside some decent strikes, and this was just a lovely hard-hitting contest between these two. Garcia is low-key building up a solid array of title defenses here.
*We get a video package hyping up the Casino Gauntlet and the first ever Women’s edition next week on Maximum Carnage.
As mentioned earlier, everyone is barred from ringside for this main event. Both men grapple and end up falling to the outside, still grappling as they shove each other into the guard rail. They tussle around the ring, but neither man can get the advantage. They re-enter the ring, and this time Jericho gets Dax in the corner. Dax reverses and delivers some chops, grabbing the leg for a dragon screw leg whip. Dax brings Jericho to the corner and whips the leg around the ringpost. He goes for a wishbone but Jericho pulls his legs in, sending Dax headfirst into the post. They head out into the crowd briefly, Dax chops him and sends him back over the guardrail.
Back in the ring, vertical suplex gets 2 for Dax the Axe. He heads up to the top, Jericho is up though and shoves him to a seated position. Hurracanrana by Jericho! He then catapults Dax face-first into the middle buckle, following up with a back suplex. Cocky cover gets just a 1 count. Senton by Jericho, 1, 2, no. Jericho panders to the crowd as we come back from commercial, and Dax starts to fight back with right hands. Shoulder blocks by Jericho, then to the top rope for a crossbody, Dax rolls through though into a 2 count. German by Dax! He holds on for multiple Germans, but a third is reversed into a rollup and Jericho transitions into the Walls…nope, catapults Dax into the buckles instead. Lionsault connects (almost on Dax’s FACE!), 1, 2, no.
Jericho steps through the ropes and Dax capitalizes with another dragon screw, but he gets rolled up for 2 anyway. Jericho climbs the buckles, Dax cuts him off and goes for a superplex, Jericho slips, but they recover and Dax follows through to hit the superplex. On their knees we get the yay-boo strike deal, working to their feet. Wrist control, they chop each other and then goozle each other before going for headbutts and both men go down. Jericho to the floor, grabs his ROH title, runs at Dax but Dax boots him away. Dax steps through, looking for a sharpshooter but gets shoved backwards. Codebreaker! Jericho rolls back in the ring to allow Dax to be counted out….but Dax makes it in the ring at 9.
Jericho sweeps the legs and looks for the Walls again but Dax counters and locks in the Sharpshooter! Jericho makes it to the ropes, the referee has to force Dax to break the hold, allowing Jericho the chance to grab the title bely. Swings and misses, back suplex by Dax, and he heads up top. Diving headbutt! Looks like Jericho poked the ref in the eye? Belt shot by Jericho while the ref is blinded, 1, 2, NO! Dax gets the arm up. Judas Effect! 1, 2, 3.
Winner: Chris Jericho
Time: 15:20
Rating: **3/4- Old school in structure, which had the potential to be pretty good, and Dax certainly tried his best, but Jericho probably shouldn’t be going 15 minutes in a main event singles match anymore. The belt shot was clearly botched as it looked like they were supposed to do the old Jericho-Benoit spot, with Dax’s diving headbutt into the belt shot, but the timing wasn’t there unfortunately. That lead to a slightly sour ending, but hey, it could have been a lot worse.
The Learning Tree arrive and start the attack, but here come Cope and Cash to even things up. All six men brawl, but here come the Death Riders, and now the Outrunners too! It’s absolute chaos as various pairings fight around the ring, and inside the ring Cope spears Pac! And HERE’S JON MOXLEY! Moxley spins Cope around and hits the Death Rider. Moxley places a chair under the head of Cope, thinking Conchairto, but the music of Powerhouse Hobbs hits.
Hobbs runs down and comes face to face with Mox. Claudio interrupts but gets spinebustered for his troubles. Moxley with a chairshot to Hobbs…and Hobbs NO SELLS IT! He smacks the chair away and looks like an absolute monster. To the outside goes Hobbs, Yuta dives onto him, so Hobbs catches him and hits a uranage through the announce table. Moxley looks SHOOK at the path of destruction caused by Hobbs, and with that we are done for the evening! Good night everybody!