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TNT Championship
"The Scapegoat" Jack Perry (c) vs. Daniel Garcia
The video package airs for our next match, which is another championship contest. After it wraps up, we see a music video style package to introduce the challenger, with home videos of Daniel Garcia as a kid blowing out candles on his birthday cake, growing up, etc. as his mom on a voicemail is played talking about how Garcia always puts others before himself and how he needs to do what's best for him.
Garcia is shown lost in thought with headphones on as the video ends. Inside the arena, his little catchy entrance tune plays and out he comes to a decent reaction for this TNT Championship contest. As always when Garcia is in action, out comes "Daddy Magic" Matt Menard to join the gang on special guest commentary once again.
"The Scapegoat" Jack Perry's theme hits next and out he comes with a giant mask on and fire blasting from the entrance area. This match is being treated like a much bigger deal than anything else on the show so far just in terms of sheer production costs and value.
The bell sounds and the two stare each other down. Off of a lock up, Perry escapes out to the floor to avoid the action. They lock up again and Garcia takes the upper hand, sending Perry to the ropes. Once again the champ escapes to the floor. Garcia gives chase as Perry heads back in the ring, frustrating Daniel before staring him down on the outside, and this gives Garcia an opening to send the champ into the barricade. And again.
Now we see Garcia throw a chair in anger before laying in some hard forearms, eventually sending him over into the crowd with a running kick. Perry gets to his feet but is intercepted by the challenger, who sends him into the ring post before driving his shoulder into it. Perry catches Daniel with a DDT off the apron. Garcia bounces out and crashes on the floor.
Perry maintains the offensive lead and slows things down. He brings the action back out to the floor and gets in Menard's face. Menard pops up but is held back from doing anything. Perry power bombs Garcia into the timekeepers table and Garcia folds in half in scary looking fashion. Perry gets in Menard's face again. Menard goes to check on Garcia.
We see Garcia finally fight back into competitive form before taking over. Perry starts being defiant, daring Garcia to try and finish him off, complete with the out-stretched Raven pose. Garcia ends up slapping on a Sharpshooter and dropping all the way back, Bret Hart vs. Mr. Perfect-style, to force the tap for the win. Garcia is your new TNT Champion. He drapes himself in an AEW flag from a fan in the crowd and walks to the back as Menard gives him a standing ovation.
Winner and NEW TNT Champion: Daniel Garcia