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The episode starts with a recap of last week’s iMPACT! - The Northern Armory beating up Steve Maclin and Frankie Kazarian inserting himself into the Bound for Glory main event as the Special Guest Referee.
Frankie Kazarian vs. AJ Francis vs. Jake Something vs. Jason Hotch vs. Sami Callihan - Winner Enters the Call Your Shot Gauntlet Match at #20 on Saturday
Frankie Kazarian asks Jade Chung to introduce him the right way in order for the match to start. Laredo Kid isn’t interested in that, though, and takes out Kazarian. The ring clears quickly, with Laredo Kid taking the quick advantage. Jake Something barrels him over.
AJ Francis gets into the ring, takes out Something, and clears out his other opponents. He fakes a dive to the outside. Sami Callihan clears the ring and Jason Hotch hits a big dive to the outside. Something hops back into the ring and takes out Callihan and then Laredo Kid. Something then hits a dive to the outside.
Callihan picks up Laredo Kid and throws him over the top rope into all the opponents. Francis gets back in the ring and takes out Callihan. Something is back in the ring and stops Francis’ momentum. Hotch hops in and helps Callihan and Something to Triple Powerbomb Francis.
Kazarian hops in the ring, clears the ring and jumps on Francis for a two count. Laredo Kid takes out Kazarian. Something clears him out. Hotch hits a DDT on Something. Callihan tries to take out Hotch, but Hotch fights it off. Hotch knocks Callihan out of the ring and then gets hit by the Slingshot Cutter by Kazarian for a two count.
Kazarian goes for Fade to Black on Hotch, but Laredo Kid hits a Superkick on Kazarian. Something comes back in and clears the ring. Callihan Stunners Something. Callihan goes to Powerbomb Something, but Kazarian tries to lock on the Chicken Wing on Callihan. Callihan hits a Piledriver on Kazarian. Francis gets in the ring and breaks up Callihan’s pin on Kazarian. Francis pins Kazarian instead for the win!
Winner and #20 in the Call Your Shot Gauntlet Match at Bound for Glory: AJ Francis
Gia Miller is in the back with Jonathan Gresham. Gresham says that the bad days have outweighed the good days lately, but he’s remembered who the (bleep) he is. Tonight, he’ll be facing Josh Alexander. Gresham’s comeback starts tonight.
A video package for Mike Santana airs. He talks about growing up in New York City and living his life on the streets. He’s seen and lived through tough moments. The most important thing is what he learned from the struggles. He wants to see if Moose remembers what he’s learned.
The Launch Party by Elegance is set up at ringside (facing the entrance). Ash by Elegance comes out with The Personal Concierge. It is a night for transformation where they present their masterpiece. Heather Reckless has been put through a rigorous makeover. They introduce Heather by Elegance. She comes out in a black dress with jewelry, lots of makeup, and her hair done. The crowd chants “Basic White Girl.”
The Personal Concierge shows Heather herself in a mirror and she is so happy with the transformation. Champagne is poured to celebrate…until Xia Brookside comes out. Brookside calls the Launch Party fake. She talks about how Ash humiliated Brinley Reece last week. Brookside says that karma can be scary and tells the Elegances and The Personal Concierge to watch their backs. Reece is in the ring and slides under the bottom rope, kick pushing the Elegances towards the Launch Party table. They avoid knocking it over, though. Brookside joins Reece at the table and they dunk the Elegances into the punch bowls.
Josh Alexander with The Northern Armory vs. Jonathan Gresham
Jonathan Gresham offers a handshake to start things off, but Josh Alexander kicks it away. They circle and Gresham ducks under Alexander. They switch off taking each other’s back until Alexander gains control and brings Gresham down for a head scissors. Gresham gets out quickly, though.
Alexander grabs an arm and cranks it. Alexander works over the arm for a bit, countering Gresham’s escape attempts. Gresham eventually gets out and uses his quickness to toss Alexander around the ring and to the outside. Gresham goes for a dive, but Alexander catches him. Alexander drives Gresham into the ringpost and then the ring apron.
Back in the ring, Alexander takes full control, working over Gresham’s back with calculated forearms. Gresham strikes back, but Alexander cuts him off with a backbreaker and a two count. Alexander grabs at Gresham’s nose, which makes Gresham come alive and hit some hard strikes. They go back and forth with strike exchanges until Alexander hits a big one that knocks Gresham to the mat. Alexander stretches Gresham’s back. Gresham keeps trying to reverse the stretch, so Alexander picks him up and slams him.
Gresham keeps trying to fight back, including kipping up off of a forearm strike and then hitting a flurry of strikes of his own. Alexander blocks a German Suplex, but can’t avoid Gresham tossing him out of the ring. Gresham then hits four dives through the ropes. On the fifth attempt, Alexander moves out of the way. Gresham reads it, though, and hits a moonsault instead.
The Northern Armory try to get involved, but Gresham fights them off and gets back in the ring. The referee begins his count with Alexander still outside. Alexander gets in before 10 and Gresham goes on the attack. He locks on the Octopus. Travis Williams gets on the apron, distracting the referee and Gresham. Alexander tries to capitalize, but Gresham feels the attack coming. He takes out Alexander and dives on Williams.
Gresham tries to springboard back into the ring, but gets caught up in the ropes. Alexander isn’t able to take advantage of it, though, as Gresham rolls him up for a two count. As they get back on their feet, Alexander tries to get Gresham into the C4 Spike. Gresham wiggles and strikes out of it. Alexander gets in a strike that Gresham is able to shake off.
Gresham goes for an Enzuigiri. Alexander ducks it and locks on the Ankle Lock. Gresham fights out of it. Alexander’s head gear comes off. As the referee is disposing of it, Alexander uses a foreign object to hit Gresham for the win!
Winner: Josh Alexander
After the match, The Northern Armory begin beating up Jonathan Gresham until Steve Maclin (with a chair) comes out to make the save. The Northern Armory use their numbers advantage to take control of Maclin, though. Alexander hits Maclin with the chair. The Northern Armory zipties Maclin against the ropes. Security comes out, but The Northern Armory won’t let them in the ring.
Still in the ropes, Maclin smiles at Alexander who is holding the chair. Alexander is about to swing the chair at Maclin, but Sami Callihan, Cody Deaner, and Ace Steel come out to put a stop to the attack.
Another video package for Mike Santana airs. He talks about the Bronx and having to be in constant survival mode. He talks about how he should be either in jail or dead because of the things he’s been through. Despite all that, he’s stayed true to the people and places he came from. Moose hasn’t, but he’ll have to go face to face with his fears on Saturday.
NXT's Wendy Choo with Rosemary vs. Jody Threat
Tom Hannifan says that Dani Luna is dealing with a personal issue and, therefore, cannot be in Nashville to accompany Jody Threat to the ring.
Jody Threat and Wendy Choo circle and Choo takes Threat’s back. Threat tosses her off. Choo crawls at Threat’s leg and grabs it. Threat gets out of it and grabs a headlock. Threat hits the ropes and hits a tackle. Choo sits up.
Threat is able to take advantage in the corner with several strikes, followed by a throw. Choo slides out of the ring. Threat hits a kick through the ropes. Threat fights off Choo and Rosemary on the outside, but Choo takes the advantage.
Back in the ring, Choo beats down Threat and covers for a two count. Threat tries to fight back, but Choo is unrelenting. Threat goes for a running attack, but is lifted over the ropes to the apron. Threat fights Choo off and climbs to the top rope. Choo pulls her off the top and takes control again. Threat gets put into the Tree of Woe. Choo hits a running dropkick for a two count.
Choo drags Threat to the center of the ring and locks on a chinlock. Threat tosses Choo off of her and hits a running attack, taking Choo off of her feet. Both women are down. They go nose to nose and exchange strikes as they stand. Threat lays in some hard shots and then kicks Choo in the head. With Choo draped over the middle rope, Threat hits a double knee strike. She follows it up with a clothesline for a two count.
Threat goes for a German Suplex, but Choo blocks it. Choo goes for a backslide, but Threat kicks out. Threat goes to the top rope and flips onto Choo. Threat goes for Pop Shove it, but Rosemary distracts her by throwing Choo’s pillow into the ring. As the referee disposes of the pillow, Rosemary hits Threat and Choo gets the win!
Winner: Wendy Choo
The System is in the back. Tonight’s eight man tag match is just the start. At Bound for Glory, they will retain the Tag Team Titles, JDC will win the Call Your Shot Gauntlet Match, and Moose will take out Mike Santana.
Tom Hannifan and Matthew Rehwoldt talk about the Bound for Glory card. Ash and Heather by Elegance vs. Xia Brookside and Brinley Reece has been added to the Countdown to Bound for Glory. PWInsider.com will have live coverage of the event!
ABC & The Hardys vs. The System with Alisha Edwards
Chris Bey and Moose start things off. Bey uses his quickness to go behind, but Moose gets out of it. Bey tries to strike at Moose, but Moose shakes it off and strikes at Bey. Bey uses his quickness again, though, to go after Moose. Ace Austin comes in and they double team Moose. JDC comes in, but is disposed of quickly. Brian Myers and Eddie Edwards come in, bringing in The Hardys. The Hardys and ABC clear the ring and then hit dives, one at a time, until The System are all down on the outside.
Back from commercial, Jeff Hardy and JDC are exchanging strikes. JDC drives Jeff into the corner and Moose tags in. Moose distracts the referee and Alisha Edwards attacks Jeff. Moose then lifts Jeff into the bottom rope neck first. Edwards tags in and Jeff is able to reverse a suplex. Jeff almost gets to his corner, but Myers tags in and stops Jeff.
Myers slows things down and slaps a headlock on Jeff. Jeff strikes out of it and tags in Matt. Matt comes in hot and drops Myers multiple times. He drives Myers’ head into the turnbuckles several times. He does the same to Edwards. Matt hits the Side Effect on Myers for a two count. Bey tags in.
Bey and Matt double team Myers for a two count. Bey goes to run the ropes, but Alisha pulls down the ropes and Bey falls out of the ring. The System stomps on him and throws him back in the ring. Edwards tags in and takes full control of Bey. JDC tags in and hits an elbow drop for a two count. He then works over Bey’s arm a bit, followed by a clothesline, a chop, and a hard Irish Whip into the corner for a two count.
Moose tags in. He chops Bey and tags in Myers. Myers gets in a chop and Edwards tags in. He chops Bey, as well, and gets a two count. JDC tags in and hits a Hammerlock Suplex for a two count. He transitions the pin into an STF. Myers tags in and hits a suplex for a two count. He grabs a front facelock on Bey.
Bey tries to get to his corner, but Myers stops him and knocks Austin and The Hardys off of the apron. Myers turns around and Bey hits a cutter. Bey finally gets to his corner and tags in Austin. JDC tags in. Austin comes in hot and drops JDC. Edwards comes in and is stopped by Austin. Moose tries to take out Austin, but Austin disposes of him, as well. Austin drops JDC and goes for the pin. Moose breaks it up and throws Austin to the outside.
Matt Hardy comes in and hits a Twist of Fate on Moose. Myers hits the Roster Cut on Matt. Jeff comes in and hits Whisper in the Wind on Edwards and Myers. JDC goes for a Falcon Arrow on Jeff, but Jeff counters with a Twist of Fate. Jeff dives onto Moose. ABC hits the Art of Finesse and The Fold for the win!
Winners: ABC and The Hardys
As ABC and The Hardys celebrate in the ring, The System attacks them from behind. The beatdown continues until Mike Santana comes out with a chain. He takes out Edwards and Myers on the outside and then goes into the ring for Moose. Santana slowly walks towards Moose. Alisha hits Santana with a Kendo Stick. That distraction allows Moose to lay out Santana.
The System gets back in the ring. Moose chokes Santana with his chain. Myers and Edwards drive Bey down on top of chairs. They beat up Matt and Jeff. Myers jumps off of the top rope with a chair onto Jeff Hardy. The System celebrates in the ring with ABC, The Hardys, and Mike Santana down.
Double Contract Signing - Nic Nemeth vs. Joe Hendry/Jordynne Grace vs. Masha Slamovich
Santino Marella is in the ring with the Contract Signing Table set up. The contenders come out first, followed by the champions. All four competitors sit at the table.
Santino opens the floor to anyone who wants to say something. Masha Slamovich grabs a microphone. She says that this is a full circle moment for her - three years ago, she signed her first TNA contract in Nashville. Tonight, she’s going to sign the contract that makes her the next TNA Knockouts World Champion.
Jordynne Grace says that she’s proud of Masha, but they both know how this is going to play out. Nothing has changed over the years. She’s sorry that she’s going to have to beat Masha again in order for her to understand that.
Joe Hendry says that a lot of people think he’s an overnight sensation, but it’s actually a journey that has been going for over a decade. He saw Nic Nemeth as a champion before - a time when Hendry played a lawyer on TV. Back then, no one knew his name. But now - not only do they know his name, they say it and they believe in Joe Hendry. At Bound for Glory, there will be a new face and World Champion of TNA with everyone chanting “We Believe.”
Nic Nemeth respects Joe Hendry, but he needs Hendry to focus on just him (Nemeth). He wants Hendry to ignore all the outside voices so that he can focus on facing the best. Nemeth doesn’t plan on losing.
Santino is happy and surprised that this was a respectful, smooth contract signing. Cue Frankie Kazarian…
“The real star of the show is here.” How did he become the Special Guest Referee at Bound for Glory? Well, first - he completed a referee course at the Earl Hebner Academy. Then, he got his referee license and went over Santino’s head to Anthem. He has tenure and can do what he wants. He says that Anthem agreed that the only person capable of being the referee at Bound for Glory is Kazarian. He says that the two “broads” should be thankful that he’s not stealing their thunder, too.
That makes everyone in the ring stand up. Kazarian calls Santino a “stooge” and makes him hold his sunglasses. He says that Santino’s toy badge doesn’t mean anything at Bound for Glory. Kazarian tells Nemeth and Hendry that he’ll be calling everything down the middle because he’s an honest man. He says that the “right man” will walk out of Bound for Glory as the TNA World Champion.
Hendry and Nemeth both grab Kazarian and drive his head down on the table. Grace holds Kazarian and Hendry tells Santino to hit him. Santino walks over to Kazarian. Kazarian spits in Santino’s face. Santino takes out The Cobra and strikes Kazarian with it. Nemeth suggests that he, Hendry, Slamovich, and Grace should all lift Kazarian up and slam him through the table. They all agree and do it.
The champions grab their titles and stare down their contenders as the episode fades to black.