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WWE NXT Results (October 15, 2024)

Posted By: Ben Jordan Kerin on Oct 16, 2024

WWE NXT Results (October 15, 2024)

The show kicks off with a recap of last weeks NXT show.

The cameras cut to the ring and Tony D'Angelo with The Family, is sitting in the ring with a glass of wine looking to celebrate becoming the new North American Champion. D'Angelo makes a toast to Oba Femi. He says he used Femi's pride against him as he made Femi believe that D'Angelo was broken. D'Angelo says he knows this is far from over but raises his glass to make the toast. Femi's music hits and he makes his way to the ring. Femi says D'Angelo got him and congratulates him. He says it happened once but it won't happen again and at Halloween Havoc he will win his title back and be the ruler of NXT. Femi says the D'Angelo family won't be by Tony's side for the match. Femi leaves the ring and spins the wheel and it lands on Table, Ladders and Scares. The North American Title will be defended at Halloween Havoc.

Backstage, Byron Saxton is interviewing Oro Mensah and they discuss the rules for the Gentleman's Duel. You can't strike opponent when they have all 4 points of contact on the ground. Can't throw opponent over the ropes to the outside. Three count, not five to break when in the ropes. No fighting outside the ring and violations result in a DQ. Lexis King comes by and says things will be different this time.

Match 1: Stephanie Vaquer -vs- Wren Sinclair

Vaquer is in the ring - Wren Sinclair comes out with The No Quarter Catch Crew. The bell rings and the women lock up. Sinclair gets Vaquer in an armbar and gets her on the mat. Vaquer gets Sinclair in a headlock and does a bridging pin for a one count. They grapple on the mat and Vaquer hits Sinclair in a pinning submission moe for a two count. Sinclair gets Vaquer in a headlock and spins around Vaquer in the lock. Sinclair with an armbar on Vaquer and Vaquer flips around and gets out of the hold. Vaquer kicks Sinclair sending her to the corner. Cora Jade and Roxanne Perez are backstage watching the match. In the ring, Sinclair tries a sunset flip pin but fails. Vaquer slams Sinclair's head to the mat and covers for two. Vaquer and Sinclair trade punches and knocks down Vaquer with a shoulder checl and splash. Sinclairs floats over Vaquer and hits a double underhook suplex. Vaquer is being beaten in the corner and Vaquer takes Sinclair down and double knees her in the corner. Vaquer hits her finisher and gets the win.

Winner: Stephanie Vaquer

After the match, Cora Jade and Roxanne Perez come down and attack Vaquer, which prompts Giulia to come out and make the save. Vaquer and Guilia clear the ring and challenge Perez and Jade to a match at Halloween Havoc.

Backstage Trick Williams and Kelani Jordan are talking backstage. They discuss Williams' challenger being determined tonight. Jordan says for her title she'll let Ava pick her challenger. Fatal Influence is eavesdropping and say they need to go talk to Ava.

Match 2 - Gentleman's Duel: Lexis King -vs- Oro Mensah

King is out first followed by Mensah. The bell rings and Mensah gets King on the mat first and they trade headlocks and headscissor submission holds. They get back on their feet and grapple and trade arm bars. Mensah gets King down with a kick and King rolls up Mensah for a two count. King keeps all four on the mat so Mensah can't attack him as per the rules. Mensah rolls up King again for a two count. Mensah climbs King and hits a monkey flip. King gets a high cross body on Mensah and covers for two. Mensah slaps King and King almost knocks Mensah off the top rope and he would have gotten a DQ but he stops Mensah from going over. Back in the ring they come off the rope and Mensah hits a cross body and covers for two and we go to commercial.

Back in the ring, King hits a senton on Mensah for a two count. King kicks Mensah in the gut but is back body dropped. Mensah comes back with chops and hits a headscissor take down and slams King for a near fall. King hits a driver on Mensah for a two count. King and Mensah trade punches and chops for some time until Mensah comes at King with a spinning heel kick and knocks King down. King hits Mensah and gets on the top rope and Mensah hits another kick on King knocking him down. Mensah hits a springboard drop kick for a near fall. King superkicks Mensah and then runs into a clothesline by Mensah. Mensah goes to kick King but King moves out of the way. Mensah and King go back and forth rolling each other up for near falls. King hits a bridging pin for the win.

Winner: Lexis King

After the match, King raises Mensah's hand as a sign of respect.

Backstage Cedric Alexander and Je'Von Evans are chatting about his match against Orton. Fraxiom comes by and congratulates him on his showing against Orton. Wes Lee pops by and talks down to Evans and tells him Evans isn't ready to be champ. They get into eachother's faces.

Jakara Jackson and Lash Legend sit down and call out Damage CTRL. They say they'll eliminate Damage CTRL from the tag tile picture and then come for the gold.

NXT profile video package is shown and Nikkita Lyons is the subject of this profile.

Match 3: Lola Vice -vs- Nikkita Lyons

Lola Vice comes dancing out and Nikkita Lyons is out next. The bell rings and both women start with kicks which they both block. Lyons throws Vice down but Vice comes back with kicks sending Lyons to the mat. Lyons gets Vice down and the women grapple and Vice kicks Lyons a couple times in the ropes. Lyons powers out and slams Vice twice and then sends her into the corner. Lyons hits a back body drop on Vice and runs at her but runs into the ring post instead. Vice gets on Lyons back and hits a sleeper hold on Lyons. Lyons breaks the hold by slamming Vice in to the turnbuckles and then falling onto Vice. Lyons covers for two. Vice and Lyons mount each other and take turns punching each other. The women trade punches and Lyons hits a clothesline. Vice hits a bunch of punching and kicking combos. Vice slams Lyons' head into the turnbuckles with her butt. Jaida Parker comes out and attacks Vice while the ref is tied up with Lyons. Lyons hits her Lion's Roar for the win.

Winner: Nikkita Lyons

Ava Raine is backstage with Giulia and Stephanie Vaquer. She gives them their match against Perez and Jade at Halloween Havoc. Fatal Influence come by and say they meant a title match. Ava says next week two of the can take on Giulia and Vaquer.

Je'Von Evans and Cedric Alexander are show backstage warming up.

Match 4: Riley Osborne /w Thea Hail -vs- Ridge Holland

As Holland makes his way to the ring Osborne flies at him outside the ring. He throws Holland back in the ring and the bell rings and he hits a couple drop kicks on Holland. Holland is attacked in the corner and Holland is taken down and Osborne covers for a two count. Osborne tries to get Holland in a hold but Holland powers out and slams Osborne. Holland slams Osborne in the corner and takes him down with a clothesline. Holland beats on Osborne on the apron and outside the ring. Holland places Osborne on the annouce table but Osborne jumps off the announce table and hits a tornado DDT. In the ring, Osborne is on the top rope and Holland climbs the ropes and they trade punches on top of the turnbuckle. Holland hits a superplex off the top rope and powerbombs Osborne. Holland knees Osborne and hits the Redeemer DDT for the win.

Winner: Ridge Holland

After the match, Holland beats up Osborne and sends him outside the ring. Thea Hail screams at Holland to stop, but Holland picks up Osborne and throws him on the announce table. Holland goes to hit the Redeemer on the announce table and Andre Chase comes running down and takes care of Ridge Holland. Officials come down and split the pair up.

Byron Saxton catches up with Tatum Paxley as she plays with her dolls. Saxton bring up a dark match where Paxley attacked Wendy Choo. Jaida Parker comes by and talks about her attacking Lola Vice. Paxley gets in Parker's face for cutting off her interview. As Parker leaves we see Wendy Choo hiding in the back watching Paxley.

We see a split screen showing Ashante "Thee" Adonis staring in a handheld mirror and Shawn Spears and Brooks Jensen backstage prepping for their matches against each other.

Match 5: Ashante "Thee" Adonis -vs- Brooks Jensen w/Shawn Spears

The bell rings and the men lock up. Jensen gets Adonis in the corner and chokes him out. Adonis comes back with punches and kicks on Jensen and the men collide off the ropes. Adonis hits a clothesline and covers for two. Jensen drops Adonis on the ropes and mounts him and delivers punches to Adonis. Jensen hammers Adonis with elbows and Adonis rakes Jensen's eyes and starts punching Jensen in the corner. Jensen gets a quick punch on Adonis and Jensen gets Adonis down for a two count and then slaps Adonis in a stretch hold. Adonis punches Jensen in the gut but Jensen punches Adonis back onto the mat. Adonis gets Jensen over the rope and sends him outside the ring and kicks him through the ropes. Back in the ring, Jensen strikes Adonis in the throat and Adonis hits a drop kick on Jensen. Karmen Petrovic comes out and drops the rose petals she picked up earlier. Adonis is distracted and Jensen tries to capitalize but Adonis catches him before he can attack. Adonis gets on the top rope but is distracted allowing Jensen to hit a DDT off the top rope for the win.

Winner: Brooks Jensen

Je'Von Evans, Wes Lee and Ethan Page are all shown in different parts of the arena walking and getting ready for their match, next.

Lexis King comes up to No Quarter Catch Crew and asks if they saw his match and gives his regards to Wren Sinclair for losing her match. The D'Angelo Family is seen in the parking lot discussing the match against Oba Femi. Luca asks for a match against Femi next week.

We find out next week Damage CTRL will take on Jakara Jackson and Lash Legend on NXT.

Match 6 - NXT Championship Number One Contender Triple Threat Match: Je'Von Evans -vs- Wes Lee -vs- Ethan Page

Evans comes out first followed by Lee, and then Page. The bell rings, Evans takes down Lee with a kick and Page and Evans go head to head. Lee comes back in and Evans gets Page in a roll up but gets a two count. Lee is thrown out of the ring and hits a headscissor take down on Page and drop kick. Lee gets back in and takes down Evans. Page slamms Evans into Lee who gets sent outside. Page flattens Evans with a kick and covers for a two count. Page hits a backbreaker on Evans and tries for a Ego's Edge but Evans counters and Lee breaks up the pin and covers Evans for a near fall. Lee punches and kicks Evans and gets on Evans and unloads a bunch of punches. Evans fights back with chops and punches as Page watches on. Evans and Lee double team and send Page out of the ring. Evans punches out Lee and Lee kicks Page outside the ring. Page slams Lee into the apron and back body drops Lee onto the announce table. Evans flies out of the ring onto Page into the announce table as well and we cut to commercial.

Back from commercial Evans tries to splash both Page and Lee in the corner but they move out of the way and everyone is laid out. Lee and Evans get to their feet first and trade punches in the middle of the ring. Both men clothesline each other and Page now gets to his feet and kicks Lee and Evans as they're laid out. Page slams Evans onto Lee and then slams Lee onto Evans. Lee is thrown into the ring post and Page gets on Evans and punches him relentlessly. Page powerlams Evans but Lee breaks the pin. Lee now punches Page and Evans tries to join but Lee punches him too. Evans gets a punch on Page and Lee then DDT's Evans and hits a standing shooting star on Page for a two count. Lee and Evans gets to their feet and punch each other. Page join in and they take turns punching each other and all three men kick each other and all hit the mat. Page gets on the top turnbuckle and Lee climbs up with him. Page knocks Lee down and Evans comes out of nowhere and hits a top rope Spanish Fly on Page and takes down Lee as well. Evans covers Lee for a near falls. Evans gets Page up on his feet but is pushed into Lee and Page connects with a kick and tries for an Ego's Edge. Evans hits a top rope cutter on Lee for a near falls. Evans gets on the top turnbuckle and Page knocks him on the top and sets up for another Ego's Edge but Lee gets in there and Lee gets powerbombed. Page is kicked outside and Evans gets on the top turnbuckle, splashes Lee and goes to cover him and Page runs in and rolls up Evans for the win.

Winner and Number One Contender: Ethan Page

After the match, Page calls out Trick Williams to spin the wheel to see what their match will be at Halloween Havoc. It lands on "Devil's Playground Match" and the Page smokes Williams with one of the ground lights and the show goes off the air.

Source: rajah.com
Tags: #wwe #nxt #results

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