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WWE Raw Results - (September 9th, 2024)

Posted By: Ben Jordan Kerin on Sep 10, 2024

WWE Raw Results - (September 9th, 2024)

We kick off the "Season Premiere" of RAW with superstars like Drew MacIntyre, Bron Breakker, Jade Cargill & Bianca Belair, Alba Fyre & Isla Dawn entering the arena discussing the program ahead. Wade Barrett and Joe Tessitori welcome us to RAW and pump us up for our upcoming first match.

A video package highlighting parts of the feud between The Wyatt Sicks and American Made.

Match 1 - 8 Person Tag Team Street Fight: Wyatt Sicks -vs- American Made

Out first we have American Made with the American flag. The crowd fills the arena with "You Suck!" chants to the American Made theme. The lights go out and The Wyatt Sicks come out. - It'll be Julius and Brutus Creed, Ivy Nile and Chad Gable battling Nikki Cross, Dexter Lumis, Eric Rowan, and Joe Gacy will be going at it. Nikki Cross jumps Ivy Nile and everyone gets in the ring. All contenders are outside the ring. Nikki Cross slams Nile on the outside while Gacy battles Brutus, Gable takes on Lumis, Rowan has Julius. Nikki gets Ivy into a garbage can and hits her with kendo sticks and delivers a basement dropkick on Nile. On the apron, Gacy hits a slam on Brutus. In the ring, Lumis smokes Gable and tries for a pinfall. Gacy and Brutus fight in the ring and Cross clears the announce table but Nile counters and slams Cross down on the table. Nile throws Cross across the announce table, Gable hits Lumis with a kendo stick and in the ring Gacy is punching on Brutus but Gable comes in and hits Gacy with the kendo stick. Gable then attacks Rowan with the stick but it doesn't phase Rowan. The Creed Brothers double team Rowan who double suplexes them on the outside. Rowan grabs a table as Unlce Howdy watches from the entry way. Rowan sets up a table outside the ring and grabs Gable. Rowan sets up Gable but Julius Creed makes the save and Nile sprays Rowan with a fire extinguisher. Brutus and Gable both double team and slams Rowan through the table and American Made throws chairs and garbage cans on him. Lumis is in the ring with Gable who takes off Lumis's head with a kendo stick. Brutus and Gable double team Lumis who fights back and takes down Gable. Everyone is outside the ring again and Julius Creed throws Gacy in the ring and the Creed Brothers double team Gacy who comes back with a double clothesline and gets the Creed Brothers out. Lumis gets Gable laid out on a table and in the ring Gacy is being double teamed, still, by The Creed Brothers. Gacy takes a chair shot from Julius and now the three men of American Made triple team Gacy who is trapped in a trash can with kendo sticks. Cross surprises Nile with a kendo stick outside and slams her into the announce table and they both go over the announce table. Back in the ring, Gacy is still stuck in the can and Gable drop kicks him and American Made continues to triple team Gacy. Julius gets out another table and sets it up. They try to suplex him on the table but Rowan breaks free from his burial and attacks the Creed Brothers. Rowan takes apart the barricade and takes out all of American Made minus Ivy Nile. Rowan has Brutus in the ring and clothes line him and squishes him in the corner. Julius comes in with a chair and Rowan kicks him down. Rowan tries for a pin on Brutus but Gable makes the save. It's a three on one against Rowan but he's able to slowly get out of it but is tripped into a chair by Gable. Rowan rolls out and Gable German Suplexes him onto the barricade and Brutus rolls off the top turnbuckle onto Rowan. Gacy and Lumis come out and take out the Creed and bring them back into the ring. Double chokeslam to the Creed Brothers and Gacy throws Lumis onto Julius Creed. Gacy gets Brutus laid on a table and Lumis leg drops off the top rope through the table on Brutus. Gable throws Gacy in the ring and and hits an angle slam off the top rope through the table. Gable gets a two count and slaps on an ankle lock on Gacy and Nile gets in there and starts hitting Gacy with a kendo stick. Cross makes the save and German Suplexes Gable. Cross takes out Nile on the outside and Gable stares down Uncle Howdy on the outside. Rowan comes and takes out Gable and chokeslams him onto the steel steps. Uncle Howdy comes in and hits a Sister Abigail on Gable and Lumis comes off the top to get the win.7

Winners: Wyatt Sicks

After the match we are taken to last week when Liv and Dom injured Rhea Ripley and The Judgement Day losing to Uso and Priest. We are also told at Bad Blood Liv Morgan defends her title against Rhea Ripley.

Back at ringside, Finn Balor comes out solo, flashing his tag title on the way to the ring. Balor gets on the mic and says it didn't have to be this way addressing Damian Priest. He says they didn't screw Priest but Priest screwed the Judgement Day. He says Priest tried his hardest to hold him down... his friend, his brother. He has Priest's back and made sure that Priest was champion and he should have been champion but every time he got close to winning a champ he was screwed by Priest. He calls Priest out to talk to him face to face and Priest comes out and beelines to the ring. Priest says Balor broke up the Judgement Day and when Balor is done talking he's going to drop his ass. Balor says Priest treated him like a sidekick when he isn't a sidekick. He challenges Priest to a one on one match at Bad Blood. Priest accepts and says he's now gonna kick Balor's ass. Balor says Priest is forgetting about the Judgement Day playbook... Carlito, Dom and McDonagh swarm the ring and they all start beating down Priest. Rhea Ripley's music hits and she hobbles down with her crutch. Morgan comes down and Rhea takes her out with the crutch and then attacks Dom with the crutch. Morgan takes down Ripley and throws her in the ring. Ripley and Priest are getting beaten down in the ring by The Judgement Day. Priest covers Ripley as Morgan goes to town on her with a crutch. Priest is then held down and beaten with the crutch. Jey Uso comes down to make the save and The Judgement Day scurry away.

We get highlights of Braun Strowman qualifying for the IC tournament. Backstage, Jackie Redmond talks to Braun Strowman. Strowman says although he is wounded a wounded monster is worse than one who isn't. Bron Breakker comes in and says he's a Dawg and the reason Strowman is still standing is because Breakker hasn't battled him.

Match 2 - Women's Tag Title Match: Jade Cargill & Bianca Belair(c) -vs- The Unholy Union (Alba Fyre & Isla Dawn)

The challengers come out first followed by the champs. Belair tries to flip her braid from one side to another and smokes the ref with her hair as she and Cargill pose. Belair and Fyre start the match and Belair takes down Fyre from the start. Belair flips and jumps around the ring evading Fyre. Powerslam to Fyre and Cargill is tagged in. Both ladies take down Fyre and Dawn and then clothesline Fyre to the outside. Fyre gets in the ring and tags Dawn who starts punching Cargill. Cargill slams Dawn and the Fyre showcasing her strength. She runs into both women in the corner but misses seeing a tag and Cargill gets double teamed by the Unholy Union. Cargill is beaten down by Fyre and then Dawn is tagged in right as Belair is tagged in. Belair takes down Dawn and then takes care of Fyre. Dawn is hit with a big shoulder in the corner and Belair hits 10 punches and double cross body's Unholy Union. Belair hits a moonsault on Dawn and gets a two count. Belair sets up Dawn for the KOD but Dawn tags out and Fyre and Belair go at it. Dawn tags in the Unholy Union hits a double team powerbomb for a two count. Dawn tags out and they double team Belair but Cargill saves the double team and attempts hitting Dawn with Jaded but it superkicked by Fyre. Bel-Air rolls up Fyre for a two count. Fyre tags out and Dawn and Fyre double team her with a gory special facebuster for a two count. Dawn tags out and both women stomp on Belair. Dawn is taken out before getting into the ring. Cargill is tagged in and Jade and Biance double team for the win.

Winners - and STILL WWE Women's Champions: Bianca Belair and Jade Cargill

Jackie Redmond is backstage with LWO. Dragon Lee says he's ready for his match and he has back-up tonight so The Judgement Day won't be an issue. The Judgement Day comes up and tries to intimidate LWO. Rey challenges Balor to a match tonight.

Bret Hart is shown walking backstage and we get our first commercial break.

Back from commercial, Wade Barrett and Joe Tessitore are in the ring and introduce Bret Hart. The Hitman makes his way to the ring, greeting fans as the arena erupts for Bret. Tessitore says they have a special big announcement about something that's happening in Canada - Survivor Series tickets go on sale which takes place in Vancouver, BC. Bret gets on the mic and says he took so much pride being a Canadian champion. He talks about Canadian champions not ducking from challenges. Gunther comes out because he's not a Canadian champion and probably has a bone to pick with Bret Hart for his statement. The Ring General gets in the ring and stands across the Hitman to a bunch of a you suck chants. Gunther gets riddled with boos as he tries to say Hart is one of his childhood heros. He says this is like a passing of the torch moment as Hart is looking at the best there is and the best there ever will be. Gunther calls Wade Barrett, Stu, oops...and says Bret Hart is a hero to the younger generation. Gunther says Hart is his second favourite as Bill Goldberg is his favourite. Sami Zayn's music hits and he comes down in a Calgary Flames hockey jersey. Zayn stands with Hart and gets a mic and tells Gunther that he has a lot of nerve talking to Bret Hart the way he just did. Zayn says Hart is a Canadian hero and a hero to an entire generation of talent. But most importantly, he's Sami Zayn's hero. Zayn calls Gunther a coward for declining his challenge. He asks Gunther to prove that he's the best and challenges Gunther again. Gunther says that with all due respect, Hart isn't in his league and neither is Sami. He says his answer remains no and leaves the ring. Hart says that isn't champion behaviour but gutless, yellow coward behaviour. Gunther takes issue with the statement and Zayn and Gunther start fighting. Zayn beats down Gunther against the barricade and officials break it up. Gunther retreats as Zayn and Hart stand in the ring and shake hands.

Backstage Pete Dunne and Bron Breakker talk backstage. Bron almost calls him Butch and Dunne isn't happy. Dunne says he's gonna smash Bron and then Bron can call him double champ. Breakker says when it's all said and done, Dunne will be shrugging in the ring not knowing what happened. Bron wishes him luck and walks off and Sheamus comes in and kicks Dunne and goes to beat him up but officials make it back there in time for the save.

Match 3: Dominik Mysterio w/The Judgement Day -vs- Dragon Lee w/LWO

The Liv Morgan, JD McDonagh, Finn Balor and Carlito come out with Dominik. Out next we have Dragon Lee accompanied by Rey Mysterio, Cruz Del Toro and Joaquin Wilde. The bell rings and the men lock up. Lee and Dom fight it out in the corner and Dom chops Lee who come back taking down Dom. Lee rolls Dom down and comes off the top rope who counters and drop kicks him for a two count. Dom throws Lee out of the ring and poses on the turnbuckle and we go to commercial.

Back from commercial, and Dom is kicking Lee against the rope. Dom flexes in the ring and Lee gets to his feet and they trade punches as Lee makes a come back. He gets Dom in the ring and flies over the ropes with a kicking combo and drop kick goes for the two count. Lee comes at Dom who slams down Lee. Lee with a roll up for a two count and then Lee slams Dom with a deadlift powerbomb for another two count. In the corner Lee hits a double stomp for a two count as McDonagh uses the rope on Dom's leg. LWO attacks The Judgement Day. Back in the ring, Liv takes out Lee's leg, Dom hits a 619 an a frog splash for the win.

Winner: Dominik Mysterio

Damage CTRL confronts Jade Cargill and Bianca Belair and tells them not to get comfortable with the titles.

Jackie Redmond is outside the Saddledome as we get a small tribute to Johnny Gaudreau and is brother Matthew Gaudreau.

Match 4 - Six Woman Tag Match: Pure Fusion Collective (Sonya Deville, Zoey Stark and Shayna Baszler) -vs- Zelina Vega, Lyra Valkyria, and Natalya

PFC is out first, followed by Vega, Valkyria whose entrance is interrupted by Deville. She asks Vega and Valkyria when they'll stop... she says is it because they have a mystery partner? She calls out the mystery partner and says shoot your shot. Calgary's own, Natalya comes out dressed as a Cowgirl. Vega and Stark start the match. Vega takes down Stark with a standing headscissors but is quickly outsmarted and sent outside. Stark comes at her from the top rope on Vega as we go to commercial.

Back from commercial, Vega is being assaulted by Stark. Stark suplexes Vega, and hits another snap suplex on Vega and throws her outside. Baszler is tagged in and she puts Vega on her shoulder who counters and throws Baszler into the apron. Vega tags out to Natalya who takes out all of PFC. Stark gets a bunch of punches from Nattie who hits a basement dropkick on Stark. The ladies lock up and Stark elbows Nattie, Nattie come back with a sharpshooter attempt. Vega and Valkyria take out the rest of PFC. Back in the ring, Stark tries for the cover but Vega, Valkyria and Nattie slap sharpshooters on PFC for the win.

Winners: Natalya, Zelina Vega and Lyra Valkyria

Backstage we see Drew MacIntyre walking towards the entrance to the ring. He walks by Alpha Academy and Otis is holding a Calgary Flames wrestling title.

Backstage, Natalya is backstage with Zelina Vega and Lyra Valkyria and Bret Hart walks up to them and they chat.

Drew MacIntyre's music hits and The Scottish Warrior slowly makes his way to the ring. Drew gets the mic and asks everyone to chant CM Punk even louder and he joins is. He says it doesn't upset him when everyone chants CM Punk as it's in memory of him. He brings up beating up Punk last week - MacIntyre says Punk has screwed him out of the title three times, and because he won one strap match Punk thinks he's done with MacIntyre? He doesn't think so and calls Punk an arrogant prick. MacIntyre takes credit for making Punk even bigger and for ending his career. MacIntyre says he's all that matters so let's talk about something else. He talks about his first film releasing that's also starring Dave Batista. MacIntyre says he has bad news and it has to deal with Wade Barrett. He tells Barrett that he's one of MacIntyre's last friends. He asks Barrett why he tried to stop MacIntyre last week. He says he's not angry but he's disappointed and then makes his way to the announce table and says if Barrett does it again, he won't be disappointed - he'll be angry and he'll do something about it. Barrett takes off his headset and Pearce comes down and asks MacIntyre why he's now fighting with his friends. Pearce asks MacIntyre to join him in the ring. MacIntyre says Pearce is a suit and not his friend so to get to the point. Peace says he's spoken to Punk and Punk isn't done nor is he done with MacIntyre. Drew says he doesn't believe Pearce but he will humour Pearce and says if it's true Pearce is signing his death certificate. Pearce says this ends at Bad Blood and schedules a match between MacIntyre and Punk in a Hell in a Cell match and he drops his mic and leaves the ring.

Karrion Kross is backstage with The Miz. He's telling Miz that Miz is in a funk. Xavier Woods comes in and tells Miz not to buy into it. Woods and Miz talk about is match against Bronson Reed. Miz asks Woods to leave him alone. Kofi comes in and tells Xavier that they have a tag title match that Kofi got set up.

Match 5: Rey Mysterio -vs- Finn Balor

Judgement Day has been barred from being at ringside so both men come out solo. The bell rings and the men lock up and Balor gets a knee strike off the bat. Balor chases Rey around the ring and gets some punches and strikes on Rey. Balor attacks Rey in the corner and gets him down and uses the ropes as leverage to stomp on Rey's chest. Rey comes back with some right hands but Balor shoulder blocks him in the corner and hits Rey with some punches. Balor mounts Rey in the corner and Rey gets out and hits a headscissor and sends Balor out to the floor - Rey comes flying at Balor with a cross body and we go to break.

We come back from break with Balor holding Rey in a headlock. Rey powers out and gets on his feet and starts elbowing Balor and gets out of the hold. Rey sends Balor to the floor out of the ring and slides under the bottom rope and splashes on to Balor on the outside. Balor is tossed back in the ring, and Rey goes to the top rope and takes down Balor. Springboard cross body on Balor followed by a 619 and then another 619 but Balor catches him. Balor slingshots Rey in between the rope and then slaps Rey into a half Boston crab in the ropes on Rey. The ref counts for Balor to break the submission but Balor doesn't and gets disqualified.

Winner by Disqualification: Rey Mysterio

After the match, Balor hits a running drop kick that slams Mysterio into the ring post on the apron. Balor continues to assault Rey on the outside as officials check on Rey.

Backstage, Jackie Redmond is talking with Ilja Dragunov. Dragunov says he understands what a great opportunity he has and he will get the grand prize and he has unfinished business with Bron Breakker. Breakker comes by and says there is nothing unfinished as he's beaten Dragunov. Jey Uso comes by and stares them down and his music hits and he makes his way out for his match.

The Judgement Day is backstage and they each call out their challengers. Liv calls out Rey, JD and Finn call out The New Day and they call out the Terror Twins.

Match 6 - Fatal Four Way No 1 Contender's Match for the IC Title: Jey Uso -vs- Ilja Dragunov -vs- Pete Dunne -vs- Braun Strowman

Uso yeets his way out, and Dragunov is out next, then we have Pete Dunne making his way to the ring and lastly, the monster of all monsters, Braun Strowman comes out so we can determine who takes on Bron Breakker. The bell rings and the men go at. Dragunov and Strowman battle and Uso and Dunne battle it out until it's Dunne and Strowman against each other. Dunne tries to get at Strowmans legs and ribs. Strowman throws Dunne out of the ring and goes after him, Uso comes over the top rope and takes out Strowman. In the ring, Dragunov starts at Dunne and gets him in the corner and kicks him in the face. Uso comes in and takes out Dragunov and Dunne throws Uso out of the ring. Strowman comes in and gets Dunne up for a chokeslam but Dunne attacks Strowmans fingers. Strowman picks up Dunne and throws him out of the ring onto Uso and Dragunov and we go to break.

Back from the break, in the ring, all three men are on top of Strowman but he breaks out and sends the men to the ground. Dragunov and Dunne try to get Strowman down who throws them off. Dragunov and Strowman are laid out outside and in the ring Uso and Dunne face off. Uso hits a big uppercut on Dunne and kicks him down. Uso goes for a right hand but Dunne evades it and Strowman attacks Dunne and Dragunov jumps onto Strowman. Outside the ring, Uso superkicks Strowman and the three men run at Strowman and slam him against the steel steps. Dunne slams Uso against the ring post and sends Dragunov into the ring. Dunne throws Dragunov in the air with a release northern for a two count. Dragunov comes back with chops and kicks and gets Dunne in the corner. Dragunov up to the top rope and jumps off the top into a superkick by Uso. Uso covers for a near fall. The crowd starts yeeting as all the men are laid out and we go to commercial.

Back to the action, Uso and Dragunov are trading chops. Uso attempts a kick but Dragunov ducks and takes him down with a clothesline for a two count. Dunne runs in and breaks the count and challenges Dragunov on the apron. Dunne twists Dragunov fingers and gets on the top turnbuckle but Strowman pushes him off. In the ring, Strowman takes out Uso and Dragunov. Dragunov is taken down by Strowman and Uso is sent outside the ring. Strowman goes outside and runs right through all three guys one by one. Dunne gets thrown into the barricade and then clears off the announce table. Bronson Reed comes out of nowhere and jumps off the barricade and splashes right through Strowman on the announce desk. Back in the ring, Uso and Dragunov catch their breath on opposite ends of the ring. Uso and Dragunov trade punches and Dragunov gets a series of chops. Into the ropes, Uso comes at Dragunov with a spear and Dunne comes in and throws Uso out and covers Dragunov for a two count. Dunne jumps onto Dragunov's fingers and then kicks him down on the mat. Dunne continues with stomps to the head and then mounts Dragunov with punches. Dunne sets up for the bitter end, Dragunov counters and powerbombs Dunne and goes for the pin but Uso breaks it and hits a splash on Dunne for the win!

Winner and No 1 Contender for the IC Title: Jey Uso

After the match the Saddledome yeets like it's their job as Uso celebrates. Bron Breakker enters the ring and both men stare each other down as Breakker raises his IC title and the show goes off the air.

Source: rajah.com
Tags: #wwe #raw #results

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