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AEW Rampage Results (August 16, 2024)

Posted By: Ben Jordan Kerin on Aug 17, 2024

AEW Rampage Results (August 16, 2024)


Taped in Norfolk, Virginia.

Excalibur, Tony Schivone & Matt Menard were on commentary.

Orange Cassidy, Tomohiro Ishii & Mark Briscoe defeated The Outrunners & The Butcher (w/ Erica Leigh) (8:35)

Kyle O’Reilly joined the commentary team and let us know that the word of the day was “cohesiveness.” O’Reilly also let us know that Cassidy was the brains of the Conglomeration and Ishii was “the hot one.”

Ishii chopped away at Turbo Floyd in the corner. Briscoe got the tag and worked over Floyd with forearms. The Butcher pulled Briscoe out to the floor and suplexed him on the edge of the ring barricade to take control.

After a split screen break, Briscoe reversed a suplex attempt by Floyd and got the hot tag to Ishii (makes sense; he’s the hot one). Ishii dropped Floyd with a brainbuster. Ishii dumped both the Outrunners to the floor and ran through the Butcher with a shoulder block. Orange Cassidy got the tag and hit both Outrunners with a plancha.

Briscoe set up a chair in the ring to use a a springboard, but Butcher cut hom off. Butcher went for a powerbomb, but Cassidy took a seat in the chair and this distracted Butcher enough for Brisco to escape. Cassidy took out Butcher with the Orange Punch and Briscoe hit his springboard plancha. Briscoe then finished off one of the Outrunners with the Jay Driller to get the pinfall.

Nyla Rose then came out for her match.

Nyla Rose defeated Erika Leigh (1:18)

This was Leigh’s in-ring debut, and she got crushed with the Beast Bomb.

– Saraya and Harley Cameron cut an in-ring promo and it was easily the greatest thing Cameron has ever done. And probably the best thing Saraya has done in AEW. Cameron would hilariously interject as Saraya ran down the last year of her career, starting with winning the Women’s title last year at All In and ending with her on “Dinner and a Movie,” “available on the TBS app.” Toni Storm came out to challenge Saraya, offering a title shot for Wednesday at Dynamite in Cardiff. Saraya promised to kick Storm’s a**, but Strom said she’d need a bigger foot.

– The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn shouted things about The Young Bucks and FTR, and put FTR on notice for their matchup tomorrow night.

Nick Wayne (w/ Killswitch & Mother Wayne) defeated Kip Sabian (7:07 aired)

Sabian hit an Arabian press on the floor. Mother Wayne distracted Sabian, which allowed Nick Wayne to go after Sabian’s surgically repaired shoulder, snapping it against the ringpost.

After the split screen break, Sabian hit a series of German suplxes, but Wayne came back with the Wayne’s World and a double underhook DDT. Sabian maneuvered a second Wayne’s World attempt into a torture rack, but Mother Wayne distracted the referee, and Killswitch leveled Sabian with a headbutt. Nick then hit a second Wayne World for the pinfall.

In the back, Christian Cage approved. Most of this match took place during the split-screen break.

During the match they announced the following for Collision Saturday: Dustin Rhodes & Sammy Guevara v. Mike Bennett & Matt Taven for the ROH Tag team titles

Scorpio Sky tried to get into Private Party’s… private party. Even though he wasn’t initially on the list, Zay and Quen let him in anyway. Abadon could be seen drinking in the corner; well, Halloween is two months away.

Kyle Fletcher & Rush (w/ Don Callis) defeated KM & Rhett Titus (1:37)

Fletcher dropped the much larger KM with a Michinoku Driver. Fletcher then delivered a spinning uranage to Titus. Fletcher followed up with a half and hal suplex. Rush got the tag and stomped Titus in the corner. Rush finished off Titus with the running dropkick in the corner.

In the back after the match, Rush demanded that Don Callis get him something big. Fletcher apologized to Callis for losing last week to MJF, but Callis just wanted Fletcher to look ahead to the next thing.

Top Flight (w/ Leila Grey & Action Andretti) defeated The MxM Collection (13:39)

Top Flight are now taking their name literally and dressing like a commercial flight crew. Lio Rush joined the commentary team.

Top Flight wrestling in trousers is not a good look for them. Dante took down Mansoor with a series of deep armdrags. Madden got the tag and overpowered Darius. Monsoon gave Darius a reverse atomic drop, and Madden followed up with a hip attack. Mansoor round up in the Top Flight corner, where they double teamed Manoor. Both members of MxM got dumped on the floor, and Leila Hirsh cleared Top Flight for stereo topes.

After a split-screen break, Mansoor hit a spinebuster for a near fall. Leila Grey tried to distract Monsoor, which allowed Darius to hit a superkick. Dante got the tag and hit a springboard crossbody for two. Dante got Mansoor with an airplane spin, but Madden broke that up. Madden tried to chokeslam both Darius and Dante, but the kicked him and both members of Top Flight gave Madden an airplane spin.

Dante caught Mansoor with a spinning DDT for a near fall. Madden caught Darius with a spinning Black Hole Slam, and Madden chokeslammed Dante into a German suplex from Mansoor for two. Mansoor and Madden tried for an elevated double underhook DDT, but Dante escaped. Dante hit Madden with a superkick and Darius put him down with a flatliner. Darius hit Mansoor with a brainbuster, and Dante followed up with a crossover splash, and Dante got the pinfall.

Source: f4wonline.com
Tags: #aew #rampage #results

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