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From the Wells Fargo Arena in Des Moines, Iowa! Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, and Matt Menard are on commentary and here comes the “Timeless” one.
Windsor attacks early but Storm is back with some hip thrusts to the face. Another hip attack sends Windsor from the apron and to the floor. Big elbow by Windsor on the floor and then a facebuster on the ring apron, followed by a back suplex. Windsor now wraps Storm’s knees around the ring post a bunch, causing Storm to retreat to the arms of Mariah May. Windsor now sends Luther into both May and Storm, as she continues her attack on the outside. Back in the ring, Windsor locks Storm in the kravat and delivers a bunch of knees to the face. Storm finally catches a leg from Windsor and throws him outside the ring, following with a hanging Backstabber. Running hip attack in the corner by Storm! Fisherman’s Suplex gets a two count. Both women trade big headbutts and elbows. Teardrop suplex by Windsor gets a two count. Shining Wizard by Windsor for two. Storm charges and Windsor pops her up, but Storm adjusts her base and drills her with Storm Zero for the win!
Winner: Toni Storm
Rating: **3/4. Man, Windsor shows a lot here in this one. Storm gave her a ton of offense and made Windsor look like a viable threat. Good stuff.
Harley Cameron says none of these women should be declaring themselves for the Owen Hart Cup, since Saraya was the champion at All In last year.. she should be the only one able to do so.
Kaun boots Martson in the face and Toa delivers some hard chops. Clothesline. Cage with a big back body drop. Powerbomb. Kaun gets the tag now but Tupo gets superkicks and facebustered. Triple team powerbomb like toss and this one is over.
Winner: Cage of Agony
A recap of this week’s edition of Dynamite is shown.
Octopus hold by Rocky but Shota hip tosses him and works over the knee. Military press by Shota and a low dropkick to the face. Both guys trade blows now and Rocky sends Shota to the outside and follows up with a suicide dive. Shota’s head literally BOUNCED off the announce table and that was brutal. Referee checks him but he wants to continue, and Rocky covers for two. Arm ringer by Rocky and a missile dropkick off the middle rope. Back from commercial break and it’s the Forever Clotheslines by Rocky, until Shota jumps out of the corner with a dropkick. Rocky tries to retreat to the outside and Shota goes up and over the top rope with a DDT to the apron! Diving dropkick by Shota to the ribs of Rocky. Exploder suplex for two. Shota looks for a running Sliced Bread but Rocky counters with a rebound kick. European uppercut by Rocky and a Tornado DDT. Running Sliced Bread by Rocky gets a very long two count. Rocky tries a Sliced Bread off the ropes but Shota flips out, hits the ropes, and connects with a big spinning neckbreaker for two. Running European uppercut to the back of the head and a Snap Paradigm Shift by Shota! One, two, three!
Winner: Shota Umino
Rating: ***. Definitely a bit of an upset here, but a heck of a win by Shota! Shota has grown since his Young Lion days and this is yet another part of the journey.
Handshake… uh oh. Grillo tries to chop Singh but, he gets goozled and choked into a bear hug. Finito.
Winner: Satnam Singh
Rating: NR
Flying mare by Pac. Lethal cartwheels out of an arm drag but Pac kips up and superkicks him. Cartwheel plancha to the outside by Pac. Singh trips up Pac and pulls him out to the floor, so Bryce Remsberg throws out Singh and Sonjay. Lethal with some ground and pound on the floor as he bounces Pac’s head off the guardrail. Lethal fakes a suicide dive and instead decides to Fargo Strut. Lethal rolls outside and throws Pac into the steps once more. Lethal in control as we go to a commercial. Lethal shifts focus and attacks the knee, dropping about a half a dozen elbows to the inside of the knee and thigh of Pac. Lethal wants a Figure Four but Pac kicks his way out of it and cradles Lethal for two. Pac flips out of a back suplex as Lethal tries the Lethal Injection, Pac follows with a dropkick to Lethal as he was upside down! Pac lays in some heavy forearms and a kicking combination, punctuated by a running single leg dropkick. Pac heads up top for a missile dropkick and connects. Two count. Pac looks for a German suplex but Lethal trips the legs, looking for the Figure Four, instead settling for a shin breaker. Figure Four is locked in! Pac has to roll to the ropes but the damage to the knee has been done. Lethal delivers some groun and pound before going up top for the elbow, but Pac catches him with a back body drop off the top. Pac is now in position for Black Arrow, but Sonjay Dutt is on the apron, causing the distraction. Running boot to the face of Sonjay by Pac, but Lethal is here with a German suplex. Ace Crusher by Lethal! Lethal tries the Lethal Injection but Pac hits the far side ropes and turns Lethal inside-out with a lariat! Pac locks in the Brutalizer and Lethal is forced to tap!
Winner: Pac
Rating: ***. This was a nice collision main event, but man, I wanted another ten minutes and so much more from these two. Pac is building momentum leading to the Owen Hart Cup, but I’d love to see Jay Lethal get a win one of these days.
Final Thoughts: Some solid wrestling here tonight, especially for a taped Rampage show. Nice win for Shota, strong main event, and more “Timeless” Toni Storm. No complaints here. 7.25/10.
With thanks to WrestlingHeadlines.com for the results.