The beloved basketball show, Inside the NBA, featuring Ernie Johnson, Kenny Smith, and NBA legends Charles Barkley and Shaquille O'Neal, received a special surprise from AEW. The crew was presented with custom AEW Championship belts, along with mini-championship belts designed to be worn as sneaker accessories.
This gesture highlights the ongoing connection between AEW and Shaq, who wrestled for AEW in 2020 alongside Jade Cargill against Cody Rhodes and Red Velvet.
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) May 29, 2024
AEW World Tag Team Champions @youngbucks gifted AEW Championship sneaker belts
AEW gave Undefeated AEW Wrestler/NBA Legend @SHAQ, @TheJetOnTNT, Charles Barkley, @Money23Green + @TurnerSportsEJ, their own @AEW World Title belts!#AEWDynamite: TONIGHT on TBS
⚡ Chris Jericho Weighs In on Becky Lynch Potentially Leaving WWE for AEWDuring an interview with, Chris Jericho commented on the possibility of Becky Lynch leaving WWE for AEW now that her contract is exp [...]
— May 29, 2024 10:02AM
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