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Liv Morgan Wins WWE Women's World Championship at WWE King And Queen Of The Ring

Posted By: WrestlingNewsSource.com on May 25, 2024

Liv Morgan Wins WWE Women's World Championship at WWE King And Queen Of The Ring

WWE Women's World Championship
Becky Lynch (C) vs. Liv Morgan

The "WWE Then. Now. Forever. Together." opening signature airs again and then we see a live shot of Jeddah as Michael Cole talks about The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as the camera settles inside the Jeddah Super Dome. We then see the cold open video package and arrival shots for various Superstars, so the WWE executives backstage know who's getting cheered and booed today.

Inside the Jeddah Super Dome, we hear the familiar sounds of Becky Lynch's theme song and out comes the reigning WWE Women's World Champion for her latest title defense. She settles in the ring to a huge pop and her music dies down. The entrance tune for her opponent Liv Morgan hits as she makes her way out to continue her "Liv Morgan Revenge Tour."

Corey Graves complains about the heat inside the Jeddah Super Dome as the ring announcer handles the final formal pre-match ring introductions for this title contest, which is our second championship bout of the day so far. The bell sounds and we're officially off-and-running with our opening contest here on the PLE portion of today's big event. The crowd is a hot one, as you'd expect.

Lynch is favored early on with loud "Becky" chants, which Liv acknowledges. The two get into a big shoving match before the referee steps between them. They circle the ring, and Morgan grabs a waistlock. Lynch does a standing switch and takes her down. Morgan fights up and does a standing switch, but Lynch quickly turns it on her. Morgan pulls her into the ropes to get Lynch off. Morgan stuns her with a few right hands.

Lynch reverses a whip and big boots her down. Lynch hits the ropes, but Morgan follows her in. Lynch stops the momentum by hitting a shoulder tackle. Morgan quickly rolls out of the ring to regroup. Lynch follows her out and punches her before bouncing her off the apron. Lynch bounces her off the apron and the barricade. Morgan quickly blocks another shot and bounces Lynch’s face off the apron before rolling her into the ring.

Lynch attacks her as she comes into the ring and hangs her on the second rope. Lynch goes to the second rope for a diving leg drop, but Morgan pulls her off and picks up a two-count. Morgan has Lynch in the corner and stomps away at her. Morgan charges, but Lynch sidesteps her and kicks her in the face. Lynch goes for a second kick, but Morgan blocks it and clotheslines her down. Morgan gets Lynch tied in the ropes and stretches her. Morgan releases before being disqualified.

Morgan hits a basement dropkick to the spine for a two-count. Morgan kicks at her and slaps her in the face. Morgan sends her into the ropes, but Lynch holds on and boots her back. Lynch elbows her back and goes to the second rope, but Morgan rips her down again. Lynch hits the turnbuckle face-first before hitting the mat. Morgan covers 1… 2… Lynch kicks out. Morgan applies an overhead wristlock and cinches it in. Lynch fights up and arm drags Morgan off.

Lynch reverses a whip into the corner. Morgan rolls her into the turnbuckles and covers for a two-count. The kick-out sends Morgan into the turnbuckles hard. The two wipe each other out with clotheslines that connect at the same time. Lynch climbs to the top-rope but when she jumps, no one is home. Liv hits a drop kick for a two-count.

A loud "This is Awesome" chant breaks out. Liv goes for Ob-Liv-ion, but Lynch counters and goes for the cover, only to get a count of two. Lynch goes for the Man-Handle Slam, but Liv rolls through for a pin attempt. Lynch immediately counters, but Liv decks her. She goes for the pin but Lynch kicks out at two. Liv is starting to look discouraged.

The two trade shots back-and-forth in the center of the ring. Lynch takes Liv down into the Dis-Arm-Her arm bar. Liv counters into Rings of Saturn for a submission attempt of her own. Lynch counters back into the Dis-Arm-Her and this time she's got it in tight. She cranks back on it. The crowd starts booing and we see Dominik Mysterio wandering around at ringside.

Lynch is distracted and Liv hits a Codebreaker for a close pin attempt. Liv is selling her arm as she gets back up. She drags Lynch over to the corner and heads to the top. Lynch climbs up after her and connects with a super-plex. Dom-Dom slides a steel chair into the ring near Lynch. He gets on the apron and distracts the ref. Liv runs over and DDT's Lynch into the chair and throws the chair out to the floor. She covers Lynch and the referee counts to three. We have a new champion.

Winner and NEW WWE Women's World Champion: Liv Morgan

Thanks to RAJAH.com, our live coverage partner.

Source: rajah.com
Tags: #wwe #king of the ring #queen of the ring #king and queen of the ring #saudi arabia #liv morgan

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