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Samoa Joe was recently interviewed by WrestleZone, where he spoke about his match against Darby Allin on the first AEW Dynamite in Seattle, WA.
“I mean, I think the analysis is spot on. He comes out before the bell and attacking me with skateboards and he’s got his little distraction sitting at ringside. It was a ridiculous farce of a match. I think everybody in their heart really knows that. Nobody was looking at that match and saying this was a fair contest set up between these two people but I understand these things. You know, when I accumulate power, it seems like the power structures that be, they start to find unusual ways to throw these obstacles in path. This is nothing different. Even going into this match you know… any day of the week ending in Y, you put Darby Allin in a ring with me in a straight up fight, he catches a fade. It’s bad. He’d be in the hospital, you know? But you give him his toys and his weapons, he's a bit more of a formidable opponent. It’s no surprise that all of the sudden this No Holds Barred stipulation pops up out of nowhere. They’re trying to put him on a level playing field but it’s okay, we’re ready for it.”