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AEW Dynamite Full Results & Recap (January 18, 2022)

Posted By: Jonny Knapp on Jan 18, 2023

AEW Dynamite Full Results & Recap (January 18, 2022)

It’s Wednesday, and you know what that means. It’s AEW Dynamite. Plenty of matches to look forward to but instead of previewing the show, I’d like to take this moment to pay my respects to the late Jay Briscoe. Last night and today has been a dark day that wrestling hasn’t seen since Brodie Lee passed away and the outpouring of love has been just as strong today. If you’re religious, please pray for his family, especially his daughters who were also injured in the accident, his wife and son who must be going through hell right now and his brother who had to celebrate his birthday today with this news. If you aren’t religious, just keep them in your thoughts. Let’s try and get to the wrestling for a couple of hours escapism. Commentary begins with Excalibur, Taz and Tony Schiavone.

Orange Cassidy defeated Jay Lethal via Pinfall (9:07) to retain the AEW All Atlantic Championship

Orange Cassidy comes out to start the show, nonchalantly as ever and he’s on his own. Jay Lethal heads to the ring and despite looking behind himself as he makes his entrance, we have no Jeff Jarrett, Sonjay Dutt or Satnam Singh either! We’re informed that if they interfere then Sonjay gets fired so that explains it. Lethal waves them down through the crowd instead but I guess they’re just here to distract from ringside.

Orange finally goes to put his hands in his pockets and then tries an early orange punch before countering a figure four with a roll up for two. Lethal blocks an arm drag but then gets put into a backslide for two. Orange is sent outside, and Sonjay stops Satnam and Jeff from touching him, so he doesn’t get fired. Danhausen the usher turns up to check tickets and throws out Jeff, Sonjay and Satnam so Best Friends can replace them. Cassidy hits a dive onto Lethal and then gets caught on a DDT back in the ring as Danhausen comes to ringside to support Orange. Jay throws Orange into the ring steps, apron and ring post to fully take control of the match. Jay heads to the ring and continues to dominate the champion, eventually heading to the top rope following a body slam but Orange repositions. Jay changes ring post and Cassidy rolls again, keeping Lethal guessing and getting the foot up when Lethal does eventually get to hit it. He counters a figure four and then drives Lethal’s head into the turnbuckle and then hits a cross body before hitting the stundog millionaire and then a DDT for two. Orange heads to the top rope this time but Jay hits the lethal combination. He tries for a lethal injection and Orange avoids it then tries for an Orange Punch but Jay counters and hits a Lethal Injection. Orange rolls out then the ringside circus continues. Lethal tries to grab the guitar from Jarrett behind the ref's back and Danhausen intercepts. Jay chases him and that lets Orange catch him with a roll up. Jay kicks out at two but can’t manage that once Orange hits the orange punch. Cassidy retains.

After the match, the circus continues with Sonjay having to stop Satnam and Jeff from attacking and then gets slow kicked by Orange before leaving.

Main Event Video Package

Darby vs Kushida is the main event, and this is a new style with all the new lasers behind them and Excalibur narrating. Very cool.

Top Flight (Dante Martin & Darius Martin) defeated The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson) w/ Brandon Cutler via Pinfall (12:11)

Straight into match two without a commercial to speak of. Top Flight hit the ring followed by the Young Bucks and Brandon Cutler. The match begins with Nick and Dante exchanging wrist control and showing off their athleticism. Dante backs Nick off with a roundhouse kick and Matt tags in to chop Dante. Martin comes back and he and Darius exchange quick tags in their corner whilst isolating Matt in their corner. Nick tags in and the Bucks take over two on two as their teamwork proves to be better than Top Flight’s as we head to break with The Bucks back in control. That control continues throughout our first commercial, cutting off all the Top Flight offensive comebacks with better teamwork.

We return to the match and Nick stops Dante from tagging out by removing Darius from the apron. The Young bucks really take it to Dante before hitting him with Risky Business for two. Matt tags in but Dante fights back with a huge pop up tijeras and Darius finally makes the hot tag, firing in shots to Matt Jackson then nailing him with a lariat. Nick gets a kick off the apron and Matt eats a Spanish Fly before he heads back to Nick with a Tope. Matt takes a cross body for two back in the ring before he finally manages to tag Nick into the match. Nick nails Darius with a superkick. Dante tags in and fights with Nick before Matt makes a blind tag and the Bucks set up for a Meltzer driver. Darius takes Nick off the apron and Dante manages to hit Matt with a superkick and Darius follows with a flatliner. Dante tags out and takes out Nick with a dive before they hit a Powerbomb Nosedive combo on Matt, but Nick still breaks it up at two! Wow! Nick fights off both men then nails Darius with a destroyer to finish but he kicks out at two! Matt tags in as the crowd chant this is awesome, and I have to agree. Matt kisses an armband with Jay Briscoe's name on before he and Nick hit a doomsday device that Dante breaks up at two. Dante begins to fire up but then dives into a double superkick. The Bucks isolate Darius in the ring, but he ducks the BTE trigger and rolls up Matt for the huge victory.

The Acclaimed?

We’re told before the break we’re going to hear from The Acclaimed but instead we get some ass boys in The Gunns. The crowd chants ass boys and stops them from talking for a while but Austin eventually gets to it and says that The Acclaimed embarrassed them last week before claiming the Gunn’s are the reason for The Acclaimed’s success.

The tag champs come out and Austin cuts Max off, but Max makes them turn off his mic and restarts the music.Eventually a brawl ensues that Billy breaks up before cutting a promo on his sons but includes Max and Anthony too before saying they’ll be sitting down together next week to sort the animosity.

Hangman Adam Page Interview

Renee asks Hangman how he’s feeling and Page says that he feels like Moxley took Hangman's word from him, but Hangman got it back by beating him last week. Renee says that Mox said that Hangman makes him better and he despises and cherishes him for it. Hangman says he would do it again if Jon wants before saying that now, he plans to rebuild some fences that he’s been meaning to for a while before asking how Moxley is doing and having an awkward moment where it looks like he might be asking for a rematch officially but doesn’t.

Ricky Starks defeated Jake Hager w/ Chris Jericho, Matt Menard & Angelo Parker via Pinfall (6:24)

Jake Hager makes his entrance to Judas and then Jericho joins commentary before Ricky heads to the ring to fight Hager and his hat. The bell rings and Hager locks up with Starks, overpowering him before mocking Ricky’s pose. Hager hits a shoulder tackle but fights back in the corner with a kick and then a chop before stealing the hat and walking the ropes. Hager counters but Ricky counters that before heading outside with Jake and dodging the ring post but running into Hager’s boot instead. Jake throws Ricky into the barricades and retains his hat before we head to break with Menard and Parker attacking behind the ref’s back. Jake dominates throughout the commercial and instructs Cool Hand and Daddy Magic to set up a table outside the ring.

We return as Ricky tries to fight back but Hager goes for the powerbomb. Starks escapes and sends Hager outside before taking out both Angelo and Matt before getting Hager with a kick and a springboard crossbody. Hager gets countered on a Hager Bomb before Ricky nails the DDT for two. Starks fires up before hitting Hager with the spear after avoiding both Menard and Parker’s distraction.

Ricky escapes from the ring and through the crowd as the JAS all swarm the ring from nowhere.

Adam Cole Video Package

Straight from this week’s Road To video on YouTube, this is an excellent video of Adam returning last week.

Jericho Appreciation Society Interview

Schiavone interviews the JAS and says that next week we get Action Andretti & Ricky Starks vs Chris Jericho and Sammy Guevara or Daniel Garcia depending on whether Garcia can beat Andretti on Rampage. Sammy then gives him some leather pants.

Bryan Danielson defeated Bandido via Pinfall (17:54)

Bryan Danielson heads to the ring and he’s followed by Bandido. Both men get excellent ovations and the bell rings. The men shake hands and lock up with Danielson getting an advantage but Bandido fighting out of wrist control skilfully. The crowd chant for Bandido as Danielson heads to the mat and begins to outwrestle the luchador, transitioning into a pinning position for two. Bandido returns the favour and locks in a Romero special that Danielson escapes from somehow and then he locks the same move onto Bandido to show him how it's done. Bandido fights it off so Danielson stamps on the knees instead. Bandido comes back with a really interesting pin which Danielson fights out of then gets a two from a sunset flip. Bandido tries to get a cloverleaf and Danielson stops him as both men show their incredible technique and the crowd show their appreciation. Bandido hits a stalling hip toss after another back and forth before Bandido locks in El Nudo lagunero. Danielson escapes outside but Bandido follows with a tope suicida and tope con hilo to send us to break. Back in the ring, Danielson counters with a brutal kick. Danielson continues to dominate through the break, setting the pace of the match and softening up his opponent.

When we come back to the match, Bandido gets a roll up for two and then a pop-up mat return before both men go down. They recover to exchange chops, Danielson wins out and lands his kicks in the corner, but Bandido hits a thrust kick and a twister before he hoists Danielson up for the delayed vertical suplex for two. Bandido tries a frog splash, but Danielson gets the knees up and locks in a LeBell lock. Bandido crawls for the rope and makes it after a long struggle. Bryan turns to the familiar round kicks to the chest, but Bandido blocks the head kick and manages to pull out a GTS. Bandido tries a twenty-one-plex, but Bryan counters then nearly wins with a magistral before Bandido gets a two of his own with the same move. Bandido lands some body shots in the corner but Bryan counters with a bandera and a sliding dropkick to the outside before hitting a knee strike from the apron. Bandido cuts Danielson off on the top rope before the two men brawl and Bandido lands a moonsault suplex and finally nails the twenty-one-plex for two. Bandido looks for a Jay Driller, but Bryan fights out to exchange heavy elbows and then kicks. Danielson manages to lock in an armbar, but Bandido lifts him up to escape. They continue to exchange before Danielson gets the win with the busaiku knee. What an incredible match.

MJF appears on the big screen and says he hears all the criticism of him recently and he takes it personally. Max promises that Danielson will see the real MJF soon.

Toni, Saraya & Shida Video Package

Saraya berates Shida for last week and Toni says that they lost last week because the home-grown talent or something. Whatever, I love this direction. Let’s go.

Brian Cage Interview

Brian Cage is announced as Brian Danielson’s next opponent and Renee asks him how he feels but MJF turns up to offer Cage money to break Danielson’s arm before MJF slaps Brian. Brian goes to retaliate but Prince Nana stops him to get the money.

Toni Storm w/ Saraya defeated Willow Nightingale via Pinfall (7:15)

Toni heads out with Saraya and I want to boo her. Especially when Willow’s music hits. The bell gets this match underway, and a handshake precedes the first lock up which Toni comes out on top of with a sidelock takedown. Nightingale fights back with a shoulder tackle and then counters an arm drag with a roll up for two. She hits Toni with a low cross body for two but when Willow seems to be having too much fun with a cartwheel, Storm gets angry and slaps Willow before sending us to break with sweet cheeks music to the outside. Shida comes out too and Toni throws Willow into the barricade and swarms her when Willow makes it back into the ring at 9. Saraya confronts Shida and makes her drop the kendo stick whilst keeping an eye on her as Toni dominates the match.

We come back from commercial as Willow fights out of a full nelson with a back elbow and a splash in the corner. She does it again, hits a lariat and drops Storm with a pump kick before getting two from a big spinebuster. Willow climbs up top and nails a shotgun dropkick, but Toni avoids the cannonball in the corner to hit the hip attack in the corner followed by a DDT for two. Willow almost pulls out the win with a surprise roll up before hitting Toni with a pounce and then she hits the cannonball that Toni somehow kicks out of. Saraya jumps on the apron before Toni uses the distraction to roll Willow up and grab the tights to win.

Saraya and Toni attack Toni after the bell until Ruby Soho makes the save and Shida just watches.

Ethan Page promo

We get Ethan vs Jack Perry on Rampage and Page and Stokely cut a promo on him here. Nothing of note said but I’m starting to really enjoy Ethan Page.

Konosuke Takeshita Interview

Renee asks Take about wrestling Bryan Danielson and he puts over how great Danielson is before calling MJF an asshole in Japanese. Take is the best.

Darby Allin w/ Sting defeated Kushida w/ Kevin Knight & The DKC via Pinfall (13:39) to retain the TNT Championship

Main Event time! Kushida makes his debut in AEW and brings out a couple of NJPW young boys with him. He’s followed by Darby Allin and Sting. Justin Roberts makes the announcements and we’re soon underway. Darby remains in the corner with his coat on before quickly changing both of those facts and locking up with Kushida. Both men begin with some excellent mat wrestling and MMA style grappling, going back and forth to get us underway. This continues for a while with both men trying for early submissions before breaking apart and Kushida grabbing an ankle lock. Darby escapes and both men head to the outside with Kushida hitting the barricade before they head back into the ring and Kushida kicks the arm of Allin before he begins to target it on the mat. Darby absorbs the damage and comes back with a code red for two. Kushida rolls outside and Darby tries to hit him from the top but only hits the Young Boys who are identified as Kevin Knight and The DKC. Kushida comes back and sends us to break with a flying cross arm breaker. Throughout the break, we see Kushida target the arm back in the ring and it looks brutal.

Finally, we return to Dynamite and Kushida seems the favourite to become the new TNT Champion. Allin senses this and fights back into a strike exchange but Kushida kicks the arm, Darby fires back with elbows but then Kushida pulls out a cross body and overhead kick to drop Allin. Allin looks in trouble but counters a move with a scorpion death drop to cause a double down. Darby slaps his challenger once both men make their feet, but Kushida pulls out a handspring kick and then lands a running knee strike from the apron to the injured arm of Allin. Darby looks in trouble again but somehow comes back with a stunner on the apron. Darby grabs a chair as the referee counts both men out. Darby fires in some elbows and sits Kushida on the chair before heading to the top for a shotgun dropkick that Kushida intercepts with a cross arm breaker on the floor. Kushida hoists Darby to the top rope before hitting a Spanish Fly but holds onto the arm before locking in the hoverboard lock. Darby manages to escape it and counters with last supper to get the win.

Dynamite was great, the Bucks vs Top Flight was excellent, Danielson vs Bandido was elite. A show that was always going to be tinged with sadness though and whether it’s that or this just wasn’t as good a show as last week, I thought we got an 8/10 show this week. But what did you think? Let us know in the comments, let me know on twitter @Knapphausen and make sure you tell your friends and family you love them.

Rest in peace Jamin Pugh.


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