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AEW Dynamite: Holiday Bash Full Results & Recap (December 21, 2022)

Posted By: Jonny Knapp on Dec 21, 2022

AEW Dynamite: Holiday Bash Full Results & Recap (December 21, 2022)

It’s Wednesday, you know what that means! It’s time for the final AEW Dynamite before Christmas (wishing a merry one to those of you who celebrate), and the penultimate episode for 2022. We have a great card as we close out the year as we have match 5 of the best of seven between The Elite and Death Triangle where the latter team can finish it off with a victory here. We also have Jamie Hayter defending her world title against the woman who held that title for the longest in Hikaru Shida. That and much more in store tonight, let’s get straight to the action. Commentary begins with Excalibur, Taz & Tony Schiavone.

Ricky Starks Promo

Ricky Starks opens the show after a reminder of what happened last week, and Starks comes out looking like the star he is. He grabs the mic and takes off his shades and immediately addresses his loss last week before saying he says he lost like a man and Max won like a coward before suggesting MJF has no balls. Ricky says that next time, it won’t end that way and asks AEW to line them up so he can knock them down and get back to the title picture. He goes to close out the promo but all of a sudden, we hear Judas playing and as Jericho makes his way to the stage with Sammy Guevara and Daniel Garcia in tow, we see how Jericho lost last week to Action Andretti.

Chris stands atop the ramp and lets the crowd finish singing his song before addressing Ricky who’s still in the ring. Chris says that he’s been watching Ricky for a long time, and he came very close to winning the title last week and calls Starks a million-dollar talent but he’s not ready to be a world champion yet. Jericho says that he doesn’t want Ricky to be a flash in the pan and after discussing it with Sammy and Dani, they want to invite Ricky into the JAS. The crowd chant that Sammy sucks for no reason and it’s amazing. Ricky replies with incredible sarcasm and tells Chris that he likes that Jericho stays relevant and how he dresses like single father on his fifth divorce, but he declines the offer to join Jericho’s little boy band. Ricky reminds Jericho his stock has dropped after losing last week and the J in JAS should stand for Jobbers. Ricky calls Dani and Sammy JASholes and the crowd jump all over it before Ricky asks what Chris has done for him and then tells Sammy he couldn’t care less about him. Ricky challenges Chris to a match on January 4th and Jericho sets Hager on Ricky from behind.

Daniel Garcia and Sammy join him and so does Jericho and goes to use the bat on Ricky, but Action Andretti makes the save and sends the JAS packing and leaving Jericho laying in the ring for an Andretti split legged moonsault.

The Elite (Matt Jackson, Nick Jackson & Kenny Omega) w/ Don Callis, Michael Nakazawa & Brandon Cutler defeated Death Triangle (Penta El Zero Miedo, Rey Fenix & PAC) w/ Alex Abrahantes via Pinfall (13:29) in Match 5 of 7 (No Disqualification) for the AEW World Trios Championship – Score 3-2 to Death Triangle

The Elite head out with their crew and Don Callis is seen whispering in Rick Knox’s ear before the match. Very interesting. Death Triangle head out to join them with Alex Abrahantes in their corner. The bell rings, and the cluster-eff begins with Death Triangle nailing triple thrust kicks and triple tope con hilos as Don Callis heads up to the commentary booth. The Elite find a way to get back into it and then Nakazawa joins in before Cutler and Abrahantes battle. Culter wins with cold spray but then Penta takes him out and we get move after move, until Penta hits Kenny with a trash can and Death Triangle begin to dominate as the crowd beg for tables. Nick Jackson manages to deal with both Fenix and PAC on his own but Penta nails him with a slingblade on the floor to send us to break. Death Triangle oblige the crowd by retrieving the tables and setting them up whilst Penta dismantles a fake tree from the stage and rebuilds it in the ring, putting it in the corner as Death Triangle really beat on the Elite. Eventually Kenny gets thrown into it followed by Nick.

We return to the match and Penta fixes the tree before Matt is thrown into the tree too and Nick fights back with a crossbody onto all three opponents before hitting PAC in the corner and taking out Penta and Fenix before missing PAC with a superkick and kicking a chair with his bad ankle. PAC tries to Pillmanise the ankle of Nick, but Kenny saves him with a trash can and then Matt dives onto both Penta and Fenix. Kenny hits the you can’t escape, finishing the moonsault with a trash can but it’s only for two. Kenny pulls out a barbed wire broom from under the ring as the crowd chant for the Cleaner. Fenix is brutalised with it and then puts it on the mat, hitting the Kotaru Crusher into it. Matt and Fenix fight on the floor and Nick puts PAC on a table. Matt puts Penta on the other and The Bucks hit the top rope. Matt hits the elbow and Nick the moonsault as Kenny hits the tiger driver on Fenix but he kicks out! Kenny removes the tree from the ring and the crowd lets them know that this is awesome. The Elite set up for the BTE trigger but Abrahantes stops Kenny and Fenix ducks out of the BTE Trigger. The Bucks hit knees and go down and Fenix tries to take Kenny out with a Cutter, instead Kenny hits a V trigger and tried for the One-Winged Angel but Fenix counters with a hurricanrana that Kenny kicks out of at 2.999. Alex Abrahantes jumps on the apron to give Fenix the hammer which he clocks Kenny with, and Kenny kicks out again! PAC goes to put Kenny in the brutaliser and choking him with tinsel before Nick is caught in a heel hook and then Matt fights off Penta and saves both teammates. Fenix and Penta both have hammers now and look to take out Kenny and PAC grabs a hammer too to join them. Matt & Nick save Kenny before Kenny hits a Snapdragon on Fenix and The Bucks hit Fenix with a Meltzer Driver onto a chair to win. This might have been the best match yet.

After the match, Death Triangle attack The Elite and beat them down until they’re bleeding and barely moving.

MJF Promo

Max cuts a promo on Bryan Danielson after running away from him. He calls him every name he can think of as he tries to catch his breath but that just adds to it.

Action Andretti Interview

Tony Schiavone interviews Action Andretti who talks up his victory over Jericho and says that it’s already changed his life. Andretti is interrupted by Daddy Magic and Cool Hand Ange before Jericho hits Andretti with a fireball from behind after the tag team tell him he’s on fire.

Bryan Danielson Interview

Bryan is introduced by Renee Paquette who asks him about MJF’s attack on Regal and where the Blackpool Combat Club stands now. Danielson says Regal has done some bad things but the BCC aren’t likely to forgive him. Bryan says he learned to wrestle in this town, and he wrestled his first match here before saying that despite his training, Regal was the one that turned him into the wrestler and person he is today. Danielson said the thought of losing Regal made him cry and Danielson puts over how much he loved having Regal in AEW, but Regal taught him that there are consequences to your actions and Danielson applies that to MJF and tells him that he needs to get his ass out there right now.

Danielson instead gets All Ego Ethan Page and Stokely Hathaway and Page says that if anyone’s getting a shot at MJF, it’s him. Stokely tells Bryan to go home and be a family man and Danielson says he can’t concentrate because of the glare from Stokely’s head and the crowd chanting for them to shut up. Stokely calls Danielson a raggedy bitch and Ethan says that he will turn Danielson into a vegetable. Danielson offers Ethan a match right now and it looks like it’s about to happen, but Ethan then changes his mind and says they can do it next week. MJF is seen watching on backstage.

Jon Moxley Promo

We have a weirdly named trios battle royale next week and it’s announced for Rampage. Moxley says he’ll enter and that means Hangman will know where he is again. Mox offers Hangman a match and then tells him that they don’t need to have one as Mox knocked him out last time. Moxley pleads with Hangman not to become a play wrestler before turning to his opponent tonight, Darius Martin, promising to teach him a hard lesson.

Samoa Joe Promo

Samoa Joe, the one true king of television, wishes us a happy holiday. He extends that to Wardlow and promises that he won’t have a happy new year after Joe beats him next week.

Hook defeated Exodus Prime via Submission (1:04)

Hook heads out to the ring with his FTW title and his opponent, Exodus Prime, awaits in the ring. Hook drops him to the mat and then backs him into the corner and lands some heavy-handed strikes before hitting a seoi nage, a huge throw from a high cradle and then a lariat before the redrum is applied following cross face strikes and Exodus taps out.

After the match, we see The Firm attacking Jack Perry backstage, throwing him into the trash dumpster, Hook walks off to save him? Maybe?

Jon Moxley w/ Claudio Castagnoli defeated Darius Martin w/ Dante Martin via Pinfall (8:49)

Jon Moxley’s music hits before Hook is even backstage and he heads out during a commercial break. Claudio is in his corner with the ROH tile around his waist. We return and Darius joins him with Dante in his corner. The bell rings and Mox backs Darius into the corner before the second lock up results in a snapmare for Martin and a kick to the back from Mox. Darius tries to come back with a shoulder tackle, but Moxley just eats it but Darius trips him and soon comes back with a dropkick which makes Moxley head to the outside. They lock up again and Moxley takes Darius outside from it, tossing him into the barricades and taking Darius into the crowd, suplexing him into the concrete before squaring up with Dante. Darius comes back with a strike, but Moxley shuts him down and throws Darius to the ring. He turns to Dante and Darius flies in with a Tope to take Moxley down. Back in the ring, Darius heads up top and Moxley drops him to the floor with a big elbow strike.

The referee almost counts Darius out, but he makes it at 8 and Moxley sends Darius to the mat before locking in a submission move. Moxley takes Martin to the corner where he lays in strikes and then takes Darius to the top rope and brings him down with a superplex. Moxley lays in the BCC hammer and Anvil elbows but Darius fights back. Both men exchange strikes and Martin shows a lot of heart to stand up to Mox but a kick to the knee drops Darius. Darius fights back with his own kick of the knee and then hits Moxley with a springboard kick and then begins to fire up with quick strikes and he pulls out a flatliner for a two count. Darius goes for a crossbody, but Moxley rolls through with it and hits the BCC stomps and more elbows. Moxley looks for a Bulldog choke but Darius fights out, unfortunately for him it’s right into a Death Rider which gives Moxley the win.

Hayter vs Shida Video Package

Another special from Road to, I can’t wait for this match.

Book Of Hobbs

Another chapter and you can’t possibly bring Powerhouse back as anything but one hell of a babyface. Monstar is the right name.

The Gunns (Colten Gunn & Austin Gunn) defeated FTR (Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler) via Pinfall (9:10)

The Gunns head to the ring and they’re quickly followed by FTR who limp out, still showing the effects of the ROH Final Battle match and the subsequent attack from tonight’s opponents. Dax begins the match against Colten and it’s the Gunns who land the first strike, right to Dax’s back. Dax fights back with a chop and then Austin and Cash hit the ring. They don’t fight but Cash then tags in and goes up against Colten with strikes to the back and atomic drops. Colten runs into a back elbow and Austin comes in and eats an Atomic and Manhattan drop for his trouble. Cash attacks Colten some more before throwing him into Austin in the corner and Dax comes in so FTR can remove the Gunns from the ring with clotheslines. FTR continue to battle their opponents on the outside, giving the Gunns plenty of punishment. The Gunns manage to turn the tables and begin to isolate Cash once they’re back in the ring.

We return to the match and Austin has Cash in a chokehold as he battles to make the tag, Austin ends up getting thrown into a turnbuckle but Austin tags out and Colten stops the tag but then misses a splash in the corner to allow Cash to tag out, Colten does too and Dax attacks both Gunns with strikes, levelling Colten with a lariat before going for the Sharpshooter on Austin. Colten stops Harwood and takes him to the outside where the Gunns try an assisted piledriver. Cash breaks that up with an elbow suicida but Austin throws Cash into the ring steps. He mockingly sets up for the Sweet Chin Music but locks in a sharpshooter instead. Cash breaks that up but then misses a dive to hit Colten and hits the barricade instead. Dax fights with Austin and looks for a Piledriver which makes his legs give out. Cash tries an O’Connor roll before Austin reverses it and grabs his brother's hand to hold on for the victory.

Sonjay Mocks The Acclaimed


Rick Ross Mediates Keith Lee & Swerve Strickland

Tony Schiavone introduces Rick Ross who is in the ring with him. Keith Lee comes out first and Rick says that they’ll make history tonight. Rick introduces Swerve to boos before telling Keith he’s a big mother fucker. Swerve finally comes out but there’s no music but he tells Keith he’s doing things his own way and on his own time from now on. Swerve brings up Keith’s health and tells Keith to keep eyes in the back of his head.

Parker Boudreaux heads out to attack Keith Lee but ends up getting removed from the ring. Swerve calls Keith out to the ramp to meet him but he gets jumped by another guy who we don’t know. Even Excalibur doesn’t know, and he knew The Butcher and The Blade! Parker lays out Keith with a chair and then they continue the attack with the ring steps. Rick Ross says Mogul Affiliates are official before Swerve breaks a cinder block on Keith’s chest with a Swerve stomp.

$300,000 Three Kings Christmas Casino Trios Royale Preview

A bunch of teams involved say stuff about the match and I only included this so I could write down the unnecessarily long name

Jamie Hayter w/ Dr Britt Baker D.M.D & Rebel defeated Hikaru Shida via Pinfall (16:16) to retain the AEW Women’s World Championship

Main event time for the ladies and it’s well deserved after a banner year for the Women’s division in my opinion. Shida heads out on her own and Jamie is joined by Britt & Rebel. Justin Roberts makes his announcements and we’re underway. Both women fire in heavy strikes early on with neither willing to back down an inch. They go back and forth until Shida finally drops Hayter with a knee strike. Hikaru attacks the champ in the corner before hitting her with a body slam. Shida lays in some heavy strikes from on top and then suplexes her into the bottom turnbuckle. Shida takes Jamie and lays her over the apron before sending us to break with the big running knee strike. Back in the ring, Hayter turns the tables and hits multiple suplexes into the turnbuckle, interjected with strikes between. Shida is taken outside where she's thrown into the ring steps and then the barricades. Jamie breaks the count and throws the challenger into the barricades once more before sitting down to stomp Shida.

We return to the match and Shida is returned to the ring where she fires in strikes with all she has, Hayter takes them and fires back with her own before throwing her into the corner. Hayter lands a snap suplex and turns her hips into a pin, but Shida kicks out at two and then both ladies hit simultaneous clotheslines for a double down. They get up and begin to exchange some more heavy strikes, Shida wins out and nails a dropkick before hitting Jamie with multiple punches in the corner. Shida hits a Missile dropkick from the top rope and Hayter rolls out to the apron where Shida tries to suplex her back in. Hayter reverses with a snapmare to the apron before trying to hit a German Suplex onto the floor. Hikaru fights out and ends up taking Jamie to the floor with a brutal brainbuster. Hayter almost gets counted out but makes it at 9 as the crowd ask these warriors to fight forever. Hayter engages in strikes, but Shida nails an enzuigiri. Hayter fires back with a pump kick and Shida hits a knee strike for two. Shida hits a meteora from the top rope and then a Falcon Arrow, but Jamie kicks out at two! Shida heads back to the top rope and brings Jamie with her.

We return where Jamie knocks Shida off the top rope but misses a Moonsault. Shida hits another knee strike and Jamie shows more guts than she ever has before to kick out. Shida calls for the Katana, but Jamie falls to the mat to stop it, Shida decides instead to try something else, but Hayter hits a Neckbreaker and a sliding lariat for two. Shida tries to come back but gets caught with the Haytbreaker for two and Jamie tries for the Hayterade but Shida hits a knee, a question mark kick and an Axe Kick to escape. She tries for the Katana, but Jamie ducks and tries for the Hayterade again. Shida once again counters and drops Hayter which calls Rebel and Britt to jump on the apron. Britt has Shida’s kendo stick and Shida drags her into the ring to hit a Venus kick and nail her with the kendo stick. Shida turns back to Hayter but gets caught by the champion, before Hayter hits a Powerbomb though, Shida rolls through with a hurricanrana and Hayter rolls even further to almost get the pin, but Hayter instead pulls Shida up for a Powerbomb and Shida kicks out at two. The crowd go absolutely wild before Hayter hits a huge Lariat and Shida kicks out again! The Hayterade though is one move too many for the challenger and Jamie Hayter picks up the win. What a match. Absolutely incredible.

Britt & Rebel attack Hikaru Shida after the match and then Toni Storm makes the save but Jamie lays her out with a belt shot. They set Toni up for another belt shot but Saraya makes the save and runs them off after taking both Britt and Rebel out.

That was a very good Christmas present, and I would like to thank Tony Khan for it as I didn’t get him anything in return. A wonderful 9/10 for me, but what did you think? Let us know in the comments, let me know on Twitter @Knapphausen and I’ll see you all on Christmas Eve-Eve for Rampage. So long, and goodnight.

Tags: #aew #aew dynamite #dynamite #results #hikaru shida #jamie hayter #the elite #death triangle #mjf #bryan danielson #ftr #the gunns #hook #jon moxley #darius martin #action andretti #ricky starks #rick ross #swerve strickland #keith lee

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