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It’s Wednesday, you know what that means. Winter is coming, although if you live somewhere like the UK, Winter has already been here at least a week! But much like Taz, I digress, it’s time for one of the big Dynamites of the year and the card is worthy of such an honour. After their fantastic battle on the microphone last week, Ricky Starks & MJF will continue their war in the ring with both the AEW World Championship and the Dynamite diamond ring on the line. We also have match four in the best of seven series between Death Triangle and The Elite. Those two are enough but there’s plenty more to look forward to as well so let’s waste no further time and get straight to the action. Excalibur, Taz & Tony Schiavone are the commentary team to start the show.
The Elite make their entrance first and Wayward Son continues to get the pop it deserves. Don Callis’ shoes blind me briefly on the entrance and when I regain my sight, Death Triangle follow them to the ring. The match begins with Nick and Penta and Don makes his way up the ramp to join commentary. Nick stops Penta doing his taunt before the two men engage in a back and forth with Nick taking control with an arm drag into a dropkick. Matt tags in and so does Fenix and the Bucks take control of him before Kenny tags in and PAC manages to do the same but runs into a triple team move as the Elite dominate the early exchanges. PAC gets hit with a huge backbreaker from Omega before he and Matt dive onto the Lucha Brothers and Nick does the same to PAC on the other side of the ring but comes up holding his ankle. Nick tags out to Matt and then he does the same to Kenny as they must do all the work from here on out. The two of them maintain control, isolating PAC in their corner as Nick gets checked by the doctor. Matt tags in and Fenix & Penta help PAC to reverse the momentum and Penta hits Kenny with a slingblade before Fenix hits him with a dive. Kenny comes up holding his shoulder and PAC gets a two from a standing moonsault and we go to break with news that Nick is being taken to the back. Death Triangle isolate the last member of The Elite standing in their corner, all taking turns to attack him as Kenny struggles his way back to the apron and then tries to make the tag.
#DeathTriangle up on the offense now, with a 3 on 2 advantage!@BASTARDPAC @PENTAELZEROM @ReyFenixMx!
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) December 15, 2022
Watch #AEWDynamite: #WinterIsComing LIVE on TBS! pic.twitter.com/bDLrSDR7EJ
When we come back to the action, Fenix is all over Matt and cuts off his comeback with an enzuigiri but Matt pulls out the Locomotion northern lights suplexes onto Fenix and then Penta too. Matt tries for the tag, PAC tags in to stop him but can’t and Kenny finally gets the tag. He comes in with a crossbody and then hits a Polish hammer and the you can’t escape for two. Penta gets a snapdragon suplex and so does Fenix with an enzuigiri for PAC in-between. PAC then gets his snapdragon suplex so he doesn’t feel left out, Penta cuts off a V trigger and then when Omega tries for the terminator dive, PAC trips him and then the two go back and forth in the ring with Kenny winning out finally with a brainbuster. Penta takes Matt out on the apron with a brutal package piledriver so Kenny can’t tag out and then the Lucha brothers attack Kenny together with strikes. Fenix hits the Spanish fly; Penta hits the made in Japan and Fenix follows with a frog splash, but Kenny kicks out at two somehow. PAC tags in and misses the Black arrow as Kenny rolls out the way. Nick finally limps his way down to the ring and calls for the tag from Kenny. Omega has no other option but to take it and Nick runs wild with strikes on Death Triangle before pulling out a lariat and then a cutter. Fenix blocks the superkick and Penta pulls out the hammer to hit Nick’s ankle with it. Fenix locks Nick in a submission on the ankle and forces him to tap out. 3-1 to the Lucha brothers.
Not the 🔨 behind the referee's back on Nick Jackson's knee!#DeathTriangle are now up 3-1 vs. #TheELITE in this #BestOf7Series!@ReyFenixMx @PENTAELZEROM @youngbucks
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) December 15, 2022
Watch #AEWDynamite: #WinterIsComing LIVE on TBS! pic.twitter.com/xyNs7RSKQn
Kenny grabs a mic after the match and tells Death Triangle that he’s got a message for Death Triangle and proposes that they make the hammer legal next match as well as all other weapons because The Elite are sick of getting screwed. Match 5 will be no DQ.
.@KennyOmegaManX sets the scene for Match 5 vs. #DeathTriangle in the #BestOf7Series for the #AEW World Trios Championship!@youngbucks @BASTARDPAC @PENTAELZEROM @ReyFenixMx
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) December 15, 2022
Watch #AEWDynamite: #WinterIsComing LIVE on TBS! pic.twitter.com/AL7CINWcQk
Alex Marvez asks MJF about tonight. Max mocks Ricky for making a star making performance last week and reminds us that he’s always been a star and hits a home run every time. He continues to mock Starks and says that none of what he cried about last week matters and all that matters is who the champion is. He then piles the pressure onto Ricky with reminders of what’s on the line tonight before questioning whether Ricky can take it.
"Tonight we are going to find out what happens when pressure is applied to the pebble. Will he turn into the diamond everyone claims him to be? Or will he simply turn into dust?" @The_MJF @starkmanjones
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) December 15, 2022
Tune in to #AEWDynamite: #WinterIsComing LIVE on TBS! pic.twitter.com/lCrfy7sFOG
The Acclaimed kick off the second quarter of the show and the crowd reaction shows that’s the right idea but then as Max is rapping, The Acclaimed & Billy get attacked by Jay Lethal, Sonjay Dutt, Satnam Singh and Jeff Jarrett. Max gets a guitar to the head. The crowd lets Jeff Jarrett know that he’s not wanted around these parts as he says nothing of note and ends it with “slapnuts”. Bored of him already. Someone in the comments defend him.
#AEW World Tag Team Champions #TheAcclaimed (@PlatinumMax @bowens_official @RealBillyGunn) have just been ambushed by @hellosatnam, @RealJeffJarrett, @TheLethalJay and @sonjaydutterson!#AEWDynamite: #WinterIsComing is LIVE on TBS! pic.twitter.com/wSaLrDWE5v
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) December 15, 2022
We see Jericho losing to Claudio on Saturday before Schiavone asks Jericho about tapping out to the giant swing and Jericho promises to take his frustrations out on some jobber tonight. Garcia is then asked by Tony about losing to Yuta, but Jericho speaks for him, and he tells him to shadow his elder, Sammy Guevara. Sammy then says he’s fighting Moxley on Rampage and Jake says he likes this hat. Me too Jake, Me too.
The #JerichoAppreciationSociety has a lot to say about their recent losses to the #BlackpoolCombatClub @sammyguevara @GarciaWrestling @RealJakeHager @IAmJericho @TheAngeloParker
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) December 15, 2022
It’s #AEWDynamite: #WinterIsComing LIVE on TBS! pic.twitter.com/XLaZd9eSN6
Brian Cage comes out as we see him winning the trios titles for ROH on Sunday as well as getting eliminated from the battle royale by Jungle Boy the other week. When Jungle Boy comes out, we see him get eliminated from the same battle royale and attacked by Big Bill. The match begins and Cage rushes at Jack, but Perry anticipates what Cage has in mind. That is until he runs into Cage and falls down. Perry comes back and uses a hurricanrana and an enzuigiri before hitting another rana from the top rope and following with a dropkick. Cage counters out of the corner and then after cutting off another Jack Perry flourish, Cage hits a huge suplex on Perry to take full control. Cage does bicep curls with Jungle Boy to show off before we go to break with Brian fully in control. Cage continues to dominate with big move after big move throughout picture in picture, but we all know how resilient Jack is by now and he takes all the damage and continues to fight.
.@briancagegmsi showing everyone why he is #TheMachine!#AEWDynamite: #WinterIsComing is LIVE on TBS! pic.twitter.com/5VZ6723gwq
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) December 15, 2022
We return and Jack begins to show more signs of life with strikes that stagger Cage. He hits Cage with two shoulder tackles and a comebacker lariat but Brian stays standing until Perry counters a Powerbomb into a DDT to put the big man on the mat. Cage reverses in the corner and hits a release German suplex and a full nelson driver for two. Brian goes for the drillclaw but Perry counters with a roll up for two before hitting a thrust kick, but Perry runs into a huge lariat. Cage looks to close the match out but Jungle Boy counters with a Canadian destroyer for two and transitions to the snare trap. Cage taps but the ref is distracted with Prince Nana on the apron. Cage misses a discus lariat on Jack and hits Nana instead and Perry rolls the machine up for three, securing the win.
What a route to victory for Jungle Boy Jack Perry @boy_myth_legend!#AEWDynamite: #WinterIsComing is LIVE on TBS! pic.twitter.com/9KIxsCKlLa
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) December 15, 2022
Jack grabs a mic after the match and reminds us that he beat Luchasaurus and Brian Cage, but he wants Big Bill now. Stokely comes out to answer instead and tells Jack that his face pisses him off and then threatens him. Jack goes to attack Stokely but Moriarty cuts him off followed by Big Bill. They attack Jungle Boy and leave him laying via the ring steps. When all hope is gone, Hook makes the save, marching down to the ring and making the firm run away. Hook helps Jack up and they stand together with their tremendous hair, plural.
A shocking turn of events as #FTW Champion @730Hook comes in for the save, after #BigBill @TheCazXL drives @boy_myth_legend into the mat!#AEWDynamite: #WinterIsComing is LIVE on TBS! pic.twitter.com/0HmxIyYeIW
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) December 15, 2022
Jon Moxley tells us how Wheeler and Claudio won at Final Battle, and he choked out Takeshita on Rampage, just like Moxley said they would. Claudio says that 2023 will be the BCC’s year and they’re putting everyone on notice because they know they’re better. Yuta says that BCC means fighting like you’re already dead and that’s exactly what he knows how to do and plans to do. Moxley concludes by telling Sammy what’s going to happen to him on Rampage and telling Hangman that he knows where to find him and suggests he bring the dark order.
The #BlackpoolCombatClub is putting everyone on notice in 2023@JonMoxley @ClaudioCSRO @WheelerYuta
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) December 15, 2022
Watch #AEWDynamite: #WinterIsComing LIVE on TBS! pic.twitter.com/YhVCrXTX4Z
Swerve says that he gave Keith everything and Keith threw it all in his face, so he’ll meet him in San Antonio next week and says he has no friends or family in wrestling, only affiliates.
"I have no friends... I have no family in this industry... I have affiliates. See you soon." @swerveconfident @RealKeithLee#AEWDynamite: #WinterIsComing is LIVE on TBS! pic.twitter.com/xzBRzXn4pH
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) December 15, 2022
They’re baaaaaack!!! Best entrance in wrestling still as the House of Black make their entrance with their victims, I mean opponents, in the ring. The sacrifices are The Factory tonight. Nicky boy squares up with Julia and gets misted for his troubles before the house swarm the factory before the bell. The action spills outside where Brody and Buddy lay waste to four men. QT is left in the ring with Malakai, who sits in the corner waiting. The bell finally rings, and QT is the only one left. He’s surrounded by the House and Malakai delivers the heel kick to pin QT with ease.
A message sent loud and clear from the #HouseOfBlack as @malakaiblxck decapitates @QTMarshall!
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) December 15, 2022
Watch #AEWDynamite: #WinterIsComing LIVE on TBS! pic.twitter.com/aTf1QWVjWW
Shida tells Jamie she’s not a history maker and Jamie promises to show Hikaru how hard she hits.
"@jmehytr you are a great wrestler, but you are not the one who is a history maker" @shidahikaru
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) December 15, 2022
Watch #AEWDynamite: #WinterIsComing LIVE on TBS! pic.twitter.com/VIBNCLq5gp
Renee interviews Britt who says that Shida is only famous for breaking her nose and losing the title to her before Skye Blue turns up to challenge her to a fight on Rampage.
.@Skyebyee is challenging Dr. @RealBrittBaker, D.M.D. on #AEWRampage THIS FRIDAY!
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) December 15, 2022
It’s #AEWDynamite: #WinterIsComing LIVE on TBS! pic.twitter.com/vWyrNycq8q
Jericho gets his entrance and Texas sings Judas with Action Andretti already waiting in the ring. The crowd tell Jericho that he tapped out and he flips them off before the match begins and Jericho starts with two slaps. Andretti replies with one of his own, but Jericho beats him into the corner and begins to take control. Andretti fights back in the corner with chops but Chris cuts him off with a kick and then attacks in the corner with lariats. He follows up with chops and then a cross chop before hitting more chops after Andretti hits a leapfrog. Action comes back with a tijeras follows with a tornado senton but Chris kicks out at one and hits a Death Valley driver on Andretti as the crowd chant “let's go jobber”. Jericho hits a codebreaker and Andretti kicks out at two to send us to break in shock. The crowd go absolutely bananas for the kick out as chants of Jobber echo through the arena. Jericho goes back on the attack, taking Andretti to the outside and tossing him callously into the ring steps. He takes him back into the ring where he dominates throughout the rest of the break.
.@IAmJericho looking to make an example of @ActionAndretti!
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) December 15, 2022
Watch #AEWDynamite: #WinterIsComing LIVE on TBS! pic.twitter.com/07quXNufHa
We return to the match that’s still going on somehow, the crowd continue to chant for the jobber as Jericho remains on the attack. Andretti fights back with a boot in the corner and lays in some chops but Jericho pokes him in the eye and drops the jobber with an elbow. Andretti comes back with a shoulder tackle and a lariat before hitting a backbreaker into a neckbreaker. Jericho is in trouble but still gets his knees up when Andretti goes for the split legged moonsault. Action lands an enzuigiri and sends Chris to the outside with a lariat before he hits him with an Arabian moonsault. He takes Jericho back in the ring where Jericho catches Andretti with the Walls of Jericho but Action fights out into a roll up for two. Andretti tries a DDT; Jericho tries to stop it and can’t but then gets hit by a standing moonsault press and Action Andretti pins Chris Jericho. I’ll say that again, Action Andretti pins Chris Jericho. Morocco has nothing on this.
Did we just witness the BIGGEST. UPSET. in the HISTORY of professional wrestling?!?! @ActionAndretti just BEAT @IAmJericho in his #AEWDynamite debut!!!!
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) December 15, 2022
Watch #AEWDynamite: #WinterIsComing LIVE on TBS! pic.twitter.com/3Yd3R61CFT
Ricky cuts an impassioned promo about fighting for his first world title in Texas. I couldn’t do this justice, so you’ll have to watch. Let's go Ricky!
.@starkmanjones is prepared to take on @The_MJF TONIGHT!
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) December 15, 2022
Tune in to #AEWDynamite: #WinterIsComing LIVE on TBS! pic.twitter.com/sH8VsjurIZ
Dax puts over how hard Saturday was before turning to the ass boys and tells them that they aren’t taking the shine away from FTR. Cash says they can’t kill their legacy and promises to kick their ass because now they have their attention.
"You want our attention? You got it." @CashWheelerFTR @DaxFTR @coltengunn @theaustingunn
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) December 15, 2022
It’s #AEWDynamite: #WinterIsComing LIVE on TBS! pic.twitter.com/NyaGC8WKOP
Chris Jericho, you still got it. He literally throws a tantrum with a chair in his hands and screaming I’m the Ocho.
.@IAmJericho is LIVID.
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) December 15, 2022
It’s #AEWDynamite: #WinterIsComing LIVE on TBS! pic.twitter.com/tYIftJh8xg
Tay comes out with Sammy, and they play tonsil tennis on the apron before Ruby follows Tay to the ring. Melo hits Ruby with a pump kick on her entrance and tries to follow but Ruby fights back on the apron before the bell has rung. Ruby uses the apron and the barricades before Tay uses the barricades and the ring steps to retaliate. Finally, the match begins with Ruby in trouble until she hits three suplexes in succession to put her in control of the match. Soho follows up with strikes and Tay hits a back elbow, but Ruby catches her with the no future kick. Tay falls outside and Ruby follows her up the apron where Tay hits the DD-Tay after grabbing her nose to get control. We head to break and Ruby crawls back into the ring where Melo continues to dominate her throughout the commercials.
.@TayMelo grabbing the nose of @realrubysoho to drive her into the ramp with the DDT!
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) December 15, 2022
It’s #AEWDynamite: #WinterIsComing LIVE on TBS! pic.twitter.com/cG7IxyFEuA
When we come back to the action, Ruby fights back with strikes and drops Tay with a huge forearm before they head to the corner and Ruby nails her with two running kicks and then smashes Tay’s face into the corner with her knees before a back heel trip gets a two count on Melo. Ruby heads to the top rope but Tay rolls out of the way and hits a big pump kick for two. Ruby fights back and it leads to a strike exchange between the two of them, but Melo pulls out a seoi nage and follows with a piledriver, but Ruby still kicks out at two. Melo goes for the Tay-KO but Ruby blocks it and hits a knee strike and follows that with destination unknown for the victory.
.@realrubysoho gets her revenge with a huge victory over @TayMelo!
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) December 15, 2022
It’s #AEWDynamite: #WinterIsComing LIVE on TBS! pic.twitter.com/zUxKPcF3Gg
Anna Jay A.S decides to come attack Ruby after the match, and she drops Ruby on her nose.
.@annajay___ with the completely unnecessary blindsided attack on @realrubysoho after the match!
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) December 15, 2022
It’s #AEWDynamite: #WinterIsComing LIVE on TBS! pic.twitter.com/4sDO1zamfL
Alex Marvez asks Hangman what’s going on and Hangman says he’ll be at Rampage despite still not being medically cleared. Hangman tells a story about how he couldn’t remember his son's name after Moxley knocked him out and promises to take Moxley to hell with him this time.
#HangmanPage shares a status update and a message for @JonMoxley#AEWDynamite: #WinterIsComing is LIVE on TBS! pic.twitter.com/2qBqo1Crub
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) December 15, 2022
Dustin Rhodes challenges Butcher, Blade, Kip and Trent Seven to an eight-man tag at Rampage.
#BestFriends @orangecassidy @trentylocks @SexyChuckieT, @DanhausenAD & @dustinrhodes are challenging @TheKipSabian, @trentseven, @andycomplains & @BladeofBuffalo to an 8-Man Tag Match THIS FRIDAY on #AEWRampage!#AEWDynamite: #WinterIsComing is LIVE on TBS! pic.twitter.com/eHLlL7wTcB
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) December 15, 2022
Entrances are made, announcements follow and the bell rings, we’re underway. Both men apprehensive to make the first move or the first mistake so they talk smack to each other before Max opens with a kick to the gut and then drops Starks with a shoulder tackle. Ricky gets angry so Max does it again, mocking Ricky between moves. Starks finally comes back and sends Max outside with a shoulder tackle and MJF pretends to walk out through the crowd before returning to the match. Max returns to the ring and Ricky hits two shoulder tackles and a back body drop before a sunset flip earns him a two count. Ricky tries three more roll ups, getting a millisecond closer every time but Max always kicks out in time. Ricky stays on top until Max pokes Ricky in the eyes to regain the advantage, attacking Starks in the corner and then beginning to work over the previously injured ribs of Ricky. Max eventually hangs Ricky over the top rope by his ribs to send us to break and Ricky falls to the floor. Starks makes it back to the ring at 8 but Max hits a gut buster then follows up with stomps in the corner. Max spends the break focusing in on the ribs some more at his own pace. The crowd are split 60-40 in Starks favour but that doesn’t deter Max as he attacks Starks, with Ricky getting cut off at every attempt he makes to turn the tables. Max eventually locks in an abdominal stretch and bites Ricky as he does so.
A frustrated #AEW World Champ @The_MJF retreats into the crowd.
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) December 15, 2022
Watch #AEWDynamite: #WinterIsComing LIVE on TBS! pic.twitter.com/9gk4e26co5
Ricky is still trapped in the hold as we return to the match and MJF is really locking it in tight. Ricky fights through the agony and fights out with a hip toss eventually before a desperation lariat gets him a breather. Both men go down and both men get up to answer the refs count at ocho. Starks hits a jawbreaker before hitting a back elbow in the corner and a leaping lariat to the champ. Starks hits a brutal looking DDT and tries for the roshambo but MJF stops him, so Ricky hits a Liger bomb for two instead. Ricky tries to splash Max in the corner, but MJF moves so Ricky runs into the turnbuckle and MJF kicks the arm to begin to set up the salt of the earth. Both men exchange roll ups before MJF pulls out a powerbomb onto his knee for two. The crowd sound their appreciation as both men recuperate but it’s Max who is up first and on top with strikes. He begins to slap Ricky, but it just wakes Starks up and we get a brawl in the ring. Both men exchange and Starks retaliates to another eye poke with a spear but can’t capitalise as we get a double down. Ricky makes the cover at 9 but Max counters with the salt of the earth at two, locking Ricky in his trap and biting at the hand. After an age, Starks makes the rope with the only limb he has left free. MJF goes back to the arm, but Starks rolls him through for two. Both men exchange headlock takedowns and then Ricky gets a jack knife pin twice for two, Max bridges out looking for a powerbomb, Ricky hits the thrust kick and then after another back and forth, MJF pulls out a low blow after hiding behind the ref to retain his ring and his belt. An excellent match despite the ending.
#AndSTILL! #AEW World Champion @The_MJF walks away with both the title and the Dynamite Diamond Ring, after an incredibly physical battle against @starkmanjones!
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) December 15, 2022
Watch #AEWDynamite: #WinterIsComing LIVE on TBS! pic.twitter.com/v7ib6bXqhy
Max is leaving when all of a sudden, Bryan Danielson returns and chases Max into the crowd before standing with Starks to close the show.
#TheAmericanDragon @bryandanielson making it crystal clear that things are FAR from over between him and @The_MJF!
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) December 15, 2022
What an incredible night of action it's been tonight on #AEWDynamite: #WinterIsComing on TBS! pic.twitter.com/UtYWyjuaaR
Winter is here then. That was a great show, enjoyable start to finish and nothing overtly bad other than Jeff Jarrett. 8.5/10 in my opinion, but my opinion doesn’t matter! Give us your opinion in the comments below or you can let me know personally on Twitter @Knapphausen. See you Friday for Rampage. Adios.