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AEW Dynamite Full Recap & Results (November 16, 2022)

Posted By: Jonny Knapp on Nov 16, 2022

AEW Dynamite Full Recap & Results (November 16, 2022)

It’s Wednesday, you know what that means! It’s Full Gear week in AEW and this is the go home episode of Dynamite so who knows what to expect! We have a stacked card including a trios title match and I’m running out of time to write this intro so let’s waste no more time and get straight to the wrestling! On commentary, Excalibur, Taz & Tony Schiavone.

Blackpool Combat Club (Bryan Danielson & Claudio Castagnoli) defeated Jericho Appreciation Society (Chris Jericho & Sammy Guevara) via Submission (17:45)

We’re starting off with the big-name tag match. All four competitors will be facing off for the ROH title currently held by Jericho in a four-way match at Full Gear. His new ROH target, Ian Riccaboni is on Commentary. Regal disappears after emerging from the heel tunnel alongside Bryan Danielson. Maybe we’ll need to remember that at the weekend. The match begins with a brawl between all four men as Claudio and Jericho spill outside making Sammy & Danielson legal by default. The Blackpool Combat Club both seem in control until Guevara attacks the eye of his opponent again and Jericho reverses Castagnoli into the barricades. All four men end up in the ring and the BCC deliver hammer and anvil elbows to the JAS to take control again. Danielson puts Guevara into the Romero special and tags Claudio, holding Sammy up for his teammate to hit as he comes into the match. Guevara changes the momentum by hitting his corkscrew dropkick spot, Claudio fights back with a delayed vertical suplex on Sammy then a non-delayed one on Jericho who rushes in to help. He splashes both then tags in Danielson who begins his attack on Guevara with strikes in the corner. Sammy claws at the eye again and tags out to Jericho. Jericho lays in the strikes to Bryan in the corner then flips off the crowd and his opponent and Bryan takes over after grabbing the fingers. Claudio tags in and begins to bludgeon the ROH champion. Jericho tries to fight back and Danielson tags in again but the JAS double team him with shoulder tackles and pose. Sammy continues the attack in the corner but gets turned around and Danielson hits a running kick to Sammy and another but Sammy counters the third and then distracts the ref so Jericho can hit him with the bat and send us to break. The JAS dominate throughout the break as a result of the weapon shot and Sammy and Chris exchange tags whilst isolating a dazed Bryan Danielson.

When we return from commercials, both Sammy and Chris hit a suplex on Bryan together and Jericho remains in the ring as the legal man. He attacks Danielson in the corner with more strikes, but Danielson fights out of it to nail Jericho with the flying elbow strike. Claudio finally tags in and fights Jericho and Guevara on his own with ease. He brings Sammy in and then throws him out before pounding on Jericho with uppercuts in the corner and finishing with a big lariat in the middle for two. Jericho counters the neutraliser but runs into a flying uppercut for another two count. Jericho pokes the eyes and goes for the walls of Jericho, but Claudio fights out and goes for the swing. Sammy helps Jericho get out of it and Jericho is catapulted to the top rope before coming back and locking Claudio in the walls. Sammy deals with Danielson but only for so long and eventually, Bryan breaks it up with a top rope dropkick. He and Sammy come in and exchange forearms and a rolling elbow drops Guevara before Danielson lays in the kicks to the chest. Sammy ducks the head kick and pokes the eye again before hitting a knee strike and trying for the GTH. Bryan blocks it and goes for the LeBell lock but Sammy scrambles to the ropes. The two men end up on the top rope and Sammy takes over by biting before hitting an avalanche cutter and tagging out to Jericho who hits a lionsault for two. Claudio breaks that up and then removes Sammy with a pop-up uppercut before Jericho and Danielson collide in the middle of the ring for a double down. Claudio tags in, Danielson hits Guevara with a tope and Jericho grabs the bat. Claudio swings Jericho whilst he holds the bat, but Claudio disarms him and forces Jericho to tap with the bat over his shoulder like a badass. What a great match to kick off Dynamite.

Jon Moxley vs MJF Video Package

This is definitely from the Full Gear preview show, and it looks so good already.

Darby Allin Video

Darby & Sting clearly accept the challenge of Jeff Jarrett immediately followed by Jay Lethal, Sonjay Dutt, Satnam Singh and then Jeff Jarrett responding.

Swerve Strickland defeated Anthony Bowens w/ Max Caster & Billy Gunn via Pinfall (9:38)

Max raps Anthony to the ring with daddy ass, hyping up the music video we get... right NOW!

That was Max’s best song in AEW to date. Spitting fire as the kids say. Swerve comes out immediately after and there’s no sign of Keith Lee. Billy Gunn attacks Swerve on the ramp and is sent to the back along with Max, but the distraction lets Bowens attack Swerve and take the early advantage. They get into the ring and the bell sounds; Swerve tries to get back into the match, but Bowens remains on top with good kicks and then gets a two from a move I missed. Swerve fights back from the apron, attacking the arm of Bowens with the ropes and then taking him down with a tijeras and a dropkick. Bowens heads outside so Strickland follows with a tope con hilo and the pump kick before sending Anthony over the barricades, into the crowd, to send us to break. Swerve attacks Bowens both inside and outside the ring, concentrating on the arm that he attacked in the ropes to get back into the contest initially and peppering Bowens with some well-placed kicks.

We return to the match, and it’s Swerve who remains in control, Bowens being forced to the mat, but he makes it to his feet before Swerve gets back with a kick to the back of Bowens. He goes for his uppercut off the top rope, but Bowens sweeps his legs out and then hits a kick of his own and a running back elbow. He follows up with more strikes and a shoulder tackle then landing big elbows in the corner before a back body drop earns him a two count. Anthony tries to remain on the attack, but Strickland recovers enough to land a brainbuster on Bowens and follows up with a big kick. Bowens kicks out at two so Swerve begins to target the arm, trying to separate the shoulder of his opponent and then landing the Swerve stomp from the top rope and Bowens kicks out yet again. He tries for a roll up, but his arm is too weak and that lets Swerve pull out a huge move to grab the victory. Almost like a one-winged angel!

Jade Cargill vs Nyla Rose Video Package

Another Full Gear preview. Nyla is the best.

Samoa Joe Interview

Tony Schiavone brings out Samoa Joe to explain himself for his attack on Wardlow last week. Joe heads to the ring and Tony asks him about it. The crowd chant for Wardlow but Joe ignores them, and Joe intimidates Schiavone with a TNA line. Joe says what he did last week wasn’t shocking because he was just protecting his title and Wardlow didn’t notice that the most dangerous man in the ring was the man he was teaming with. He refuses to be a victim like everyone else, so he’ll be the aggressor instead.

Powerhouse Hobbs comes out to tell Joe that he’s too late because it’s Hobbs who has been kicking Wardlow’s ass for weeks and then Hobbs comes down to brawl with Joe, but they’re interrupted by Wardlow who attacks Joe from behind before we get a hoss brawl until the locker room all come out to split them up. Wardlow stands tall in the end.

Britt Baker Promo

Britt picks apart Saraya for saying she’s not a star four times so far and Britt says she’s grown to be a star in the last three years and now she’s undeniable. Britt endears herself to the fans like a babyface by reminding us that she was a part of AEW in Daily’s Place and says she respects Saraya but tells her that the business has moved on from her. Britt’s best promo ever, if a little confusing unless we are getting a heel turn for Saraya already!

Death Triangle (Penta El Zero Miedo, Rey Fenix & PAC) w/ Alex Abrahantes defeated Top Flight (Dante & Darius Martin) & A.R Fox via Pinfall (11:39) to retain the AEW World Trios Championships

Darius makes his second return from injury which is two times too many for a man his age but hopefully he’ll be around for a while this time. The champions follow him, his brother and A.R Fox to the ring with their great entrance and less great cheerleader, Alex Abrahantes. It’s Darius Martin who starts with Fenix and has a nice back and forth, showing his athleticism alongside the most athletic man in all of Mexico (maybe). It leads to a stalemate and both men to tag their brothers in. Penta and Dante square off very slowly before Dante’s speed mesmerises the veteran luchador as he sends him spilling to the floor. Penta and Dante tag out so PAC and A. R Fox can also go back and forth for another stalemate. That is until PAC is dropped with the enzuigiri and then a splash into a rolling cutter. The bastard rolls outside so Fox hits a moonault off the ring post to him and hits a senton atomico back in the ring that Penta breaks up at two with a brutal kick. All men hit the ring and it’s Top Flight who clear house then hit an assisted cutter with Fox on PAC. Death Triangle all come back with kicks and hit Fox with a triple dropkick and the hit a triple team move that Fox kicks out of to send us to break. Death Triangle isolate Fox and exchange tags throughout the break to maintain the advantage.

We return to the action where PAC is fighting with a newly legal Darius Martin who is running through the bastard, earning a two count off a brainbuster before bringing Dante into the ring where they work together to take out Fenix and PAC with an incredible spot. Top Flight hit dives one after the other followed by A.R Fox who is legal. Fox and Fenix fight but it’s Fox who wins out and nails a 450 splash and PAC makes the save at 2.9. PAC & Penta deal with top flight, Fenix hits a kick and tags out to Penta before they hit the assisted Fear Factor, Fenix dives onto Top Flight and then PAC hits the Black Arrow to pin A.R Fox and retain the titles. For a match you knew the result of, this was fantastic.

PAC grabs a mic and asks if they think the death triangle are stupid and don’t know what’s going on? He says that if certain individuals think they can come back on Saturday and beat Death Triangle then that’s ridiculous. Death Triangle say they run from nobody before the graphic confirms what we all know. The Elite are back on Saturday.

Ricky Starks Promo

Ricky says Lance made sure he wasn’t medically cleared on Friday, but he is this Friday and offers Lance a fight backstage beforehand before promising to beat Archer.

Ethan Page w/ Stokely Hathaway defeated Bandido via Pinfall (9:08) to advance to the AEW World Championship Eliminator Final

Ethan Page cuts a mid promo on his way to the ring and Bandido follows him out. The match begins with a back and forth with holds in the ring before a stalemate ends with Bandido hitting a tijeras and then an uppercut in the corner. Page fights back with a vertical suplex but Bandido fights out and hits one of his own. Stokely Hathaway grabs Bandido’s boot to let Ethan take over with strikes as we go to break. Page dominates throughout the break but spends way too long shouting at the crowd in between moves as he does so. Bandido tries to fight back but Ethan seems to have his number at every turn early in this match.

We return to the match as Bandido gets some momentum, hitting quick offence to send Ethan outside and moonsaulting to him on the floor. Back in the ring he nails the Tornado and Page kicks out at two. Bandido tries for the 21-plex, but Page holds on to the ropes then hits a cutter for two. He takes Bandido to the top rope for the avalanche egos edge but Bandido counters with a hurricanrana and then hits a one-handed press slam onto Page. He heads up top and hits the frog splash, only for Ethan to kick out at 2.9. Bandido heads back to the top rope and Ethan cuts him off before heading up there himself for Bandido to meet him up there. The two men fight for position and Ethan manages to hit a body slam from the top rope before a shoulder tackle takes Bandido down. The Egos edge puts the exclamation point as Ethan Page advances to Full Gear.

Jungle Boy Jack Perry vs Luchasaurus Video Package

Another preview of the preview and it’s another good one. Full Gear is stacked.

Saraya Interview

Renee Paquette appears to ask Saraya about her first match in five years and she talks about how excited she is and how lucky she feels. She responds to Britt talking earlier and calls Britt the best, and she’s here to beat the best. Double Babyface!

Ortiz & Eddie Kingston vs Konosuke Takeshita & Jun Akiyama Video Package

Can’t believe we’re getting this on Friday. Wild times.

Toni Storm defeated Anna Jay A.S via Submission (7:07)

Women’s time in the death slot. God, I want this to change. It’s a bad routine to use every week. Anna comes out first followed by Toni and Anna is more interested in posing early on until Toni takes her down with a headlock and side headlock takeover. She follows with the shoulder tackle and a high boot followed by a monkey flip out of the corner. Toni misses a move in the corner and Anna lands a lung blower and a head kick to send us to break with the JAS member on top. Anna attacks Storm in the corner and then begins to throttle Toni on the mat. She continues to brutalise the champion throughout the commercials.

When we get back to the action, Toni is fighting back in a strike exchange then lands a Thesz press to take over. She hits a big lariat to Anna Jay and a Fishermans suplex with a bridge earns her a two. Toni tries for the Texas cloverleaf and Anna heads to the apron to escape but Toni hits her with a hip attack. Anna manages to get back in control thanks to the ring steps before dropping her on the floor and getting a two count back in the ring. Anna tries a Queenslayer but Toni fights out and hits the shotgun dropkick before the hip attack nails Anna in the corner. The Texas cloverleaf then forces her to tap as Toni picks up the win.

Jamie Hayter heads out to meet Toni in the ring after the match and tell her that she’s going to win at Full Gear. No fighting here, just verbal sparring.

Jon Moxley & MJF Promo

Main event is words tonight. The champion heads out first with Regal at his side. Moxley introduces himself to the crowd as if they don’t know, and he begins to tell us who he is. The best wrestler, the baddest son of a bitch that has travelled far and wide to fight the best and define the AEW World title. He says that his addiction to fighting isn’t to be proud of, it’s a sickness in his head but he loves it. He asks who MJF is like he did last week. He says that after researching his opponent, MJF is a good singer, has one win in the ring in the last month against Moxley’s young boy and then explains he won the chance to face him in the worst ladder match, so we’ll forgive Moxley for not shaking in his boots. Mox says MJF is a kid playing wrestler who’s scared he won’t live up to the hype and at Full Gear, we’ll see Moxley challenge MJF to show he’s got the balls to fight him.

The Firm begin to appear, attacking Moxley and Regal. All of a sudden. MJF’s music hits and he comes out ready to fight, dropping The Firm one by one and sending them running. MJF begins to mimic the pipebomb. He explains that he’s not the same kid as last time and he needs the AEW title more than he needs anything else including food and oxygen and it’s his time. He reminds Moxley that the greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing everyone he didn’t exist. Moxley says we’ll find out at Full Gear whether MJF really has the guts to be the man everyone wants him to be. Full Gear can’t come soon enough!

A go home show in the books and three days to go until Full Gear. Did AEW do enough to make you spend your money? For me, 100%. This was a 7.5/10 show with no standout match to speak of but the continued build to every match featured tonight was very good. What did you think though? Let us know in the comments below, let me know on Twitter @Knapphausen and see you Friday for Rampage. Adios.

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