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WWE NXT Results (11/8/2022)

Posted By: Guy Incognito on Nov 08, 2022

WWE NXT Results (11/8/2022)

Here are your WWE NXT results for November 8th, 2022: courtesy of our friend Mike Hogan at Rajah.com!

WWE NXT Live Results (Nov. 8, 2022) - Capitol Wrestling Center, Winter Park, FL

Welcome to NXT!

Vic Joseph and Hall of Famer Booker T welcome us to NXT as the Schism stand on the ramp, their music playing, each member wearing a yellow mask.

Singles Match: Cameron Grimes vs Joe Gary w/ the Schism

Joe Gacy, Ava Raines (the Rock's daughter), Rip Fowler and Jagger Reid (the Grizzled Young Veterans) stand strong in the ring as Grimes makes his way out and commentary hype the Schism's strength in numbers. We get our bell for our first match at 8:04pm!Grimes and Gacy start off moderately paced, exchanging control lightly throughout the opening minutes. Gacy's sporting new ringwear--tights and boots and lots of skin. Lots. Gacy and Grimes take us into the first break with nothing significant to report. For this to be their "final match," it's, well, vanilla. WE head to our first break at 8:06pm. We return at 8:10pm after a false promise of a "picture-in-picture" break that was not shown here. Grimes continues to weather through Gacy's slow, methodical assault. Grimes looks to start a rally around 8:12pm, taking down Gacy with a Poisonrana (first spot worth mentioning this match). The Schism attempt to interfere at various times, with Grimes successfully hanging onto the lead. Grimes wipes out the Schism with a tope and looks to set up the finish when, as the ref was distracted, Ava Raines shoved Grimes off the turnbuckle. Gacy capitalizes on it, hitting his finisher and picking up the win at 8:14pm.
Your Winner, Joe Gacy! (10 minutes, 2/5*)

Backstage: Axiom and Nathan Frazer

Frazer is shown coming out of NXT Medical. Axiom strikes up a conversation, sad that his pal Nathan's on the shelf after their brutal ladder match a few weeks back. Axiom cheers up Frazer, excited for his return when he's healed, when JD McDonagh walks up and starts talking shit. Axiom pisses off JD, reminding McDonagh that all he does is fail whenever he gets a title shot. They exchange heated words; they'll face off later tonight!

Inside the Barbershop: Trick Williams and Carmelo Hayes

This comes up after our break, starting at 8:17pm! This recorded segment shows Hayes and Williams in a barbershop, bragging about themselves etc, until one of the barbers brings up Wes Lee--the man who won Hayes' North American Championship just weeks ago! Lee is directly addressed by Hayes, who states that Wes Lee is good and he respects him but Wes Lee can't beat him one-on-one. He announces that next week, they'll sign a contract for their match at the Deadl1ne event coming up in a few weeks.

Cryptic Scrypts Promo

Just as Joseph and Booker T are hyping up the contract signing, the lights briefly cut out and a voice (distorted) is heard with words on screen stating: "My name is written on the walls (of NXT), my voice sounds through the halls and soon I'll be in NXT to watch the whole thing fall. Imagine what will happen has happen because it was always meant to be. Sincerely, Scrypts." I missed something about pain in there. Oops.

Singles Match: Sol Ruca vs Elektra Lopez

Ruca is out first, followed by Lopez in her return to the NXT ring! Lopez comes out to new music, more EDM than anything else, and we get our bell at 8:26pm. Lopez starts off in control and maintains it, allowing Ruca only the briefest bit of offense. Lopez's style has tweaked slightly, too, with Lopez adopting more of a powerhouse style. Lopez uses powerful strikes to down her opponent, then resorts to working holds in an effort to wear down Sol Ruca. The crowd politely stays behind both superstars. Ruca chains together a few moves, culminating with a slingshot shoulder that sets up a cartwheel attack in the corner. Ruca looks to head up top but Lopez easily throws her off the top, takes her down with a bomb driver, and picks up the easy win at 8:29pm. After the match, Indi Hartwell attacks Lopez and the two briefly spar for a few seconds before we cut to the back.
Your Winner, Elektra Lopez! (3 minutes, 1/5*)

Backstage: Chase U Pep Rally

Thea Hail is shown backstage, fired up and eager to kick Dempsey's butt if Andre Chase won't. Duke Hudson points out the "teachable moment" Chase showed him last week when he sent Duke to the back (for interfering during Chase's match). Duke hypes up Chase, stating he only wants to come out tonight to be in his corner--he knows Chase has this! They all get hot and bothered and we head to break at 8:31pm!

Singles Match: Andrew Chase vs Charlie Dempsey

We return from break with Chase U's entrance and get our bell at 8:39pm after clips from last week, showing the conflict building between Andre Chase and Willy Wonka Charlie Dempsey. Chase takes control right out the bell, taking Dempsey outside and back in while using necklaces and head holds to control Dempsey. The crowd's on fire for Chase U with a new variety of chants. Dempsey manages to attempt a wrist submission but Chase escapes nearly instantaneously. Chase with a lariat that drops Dempsey, then follows it up with an Atomic Drop and a Side Russian Leg Sweep! Chase and his old-school playbook! Chase starts Orton Stomps as the crowd helps him spell out "C-H-A-S-E U!" Chase with a Urinage attempt but Dempsey blocks it. Chase looks for a Full Nelson but Dempsey counters with a takedown and looks for an ankle lock. Duke Hudson struggles, wanting to push the rope closer to Chase (as he did last week) but Chase warns him off. Hail whips the towel, trying to rally Chase, as Chase struggles just inches from the ropes. Dempsey refuses too break the hold and as Chase can't reach the ropes, Duke Hudson takes the towel from Thea Hail and literally throws in the towel! The ref calls for the bell at 8:42pm as Chase questions Hudson (as it was definitely not called for).
Your Winner via Throwing in the Towel, Charlie Dempsey! (3 minutes, 1.5/5*)

Backstage Interview: Indi Hartwell "Gets It"

Hartwell is asked backstage about her recent actions, to which Indi responds that she's finally figured out how NXT works and she "gets it." She's going to steep to the same lows as Lopez if that's what it means to win.

Happy Hour at Fallon Henley's Family Bar

Kiana James and her hot assistant, "Jean," walk into Fallon's bar. Briggs and Jensen try to be coy and hit on James & Jean. James asks Henley about an offer, but Fallon refuses to sell her family bar. (Yep, that's the story line in NXT these days). James tries to convince Henley to sell and Jensen and Briggs dispute if she should sell or not. James states she's not offering just a "quick buck" but doesn't disclose how much cash she's offering. Fallon mentions fond memories of her family at the bar but James jokes that she'll build an apartment complex for Henley's parents to live in forever. Henley again turns James down, and James & Jean leave disgusted. Stay tuned for As the World Burns...

Singles Match: "NXT Security" Hank Walker vs Channing "Stacks" Lorenzo w/ Tony D'Angelo

Walker is in the ring as D'Angelo & Stacks make their way out. The ref calls for our bell at 8:51! Walker and Stacks start off exchanging short bursts of control, all while Booker T raves on about how merchandise is "king" in the wrestling business before touting his "King Booker" action figure sales. Stacks connects with a strike under the jaw about a minute in, rocking Walker, but it only serves to upset the former security guard. Walker with a huge right followed by a Lou These Press! Walker counters a charge into a pop-up slam before ripping off his shirt so he can run flab-to-ab against Stacks! Walker with a press slam out of the corner! Walker pulls Lorenzo up but Stacks slaps him. Walker snaps and takes Lorenzo into the corner, yelling at him--and setting himself up for a jab to the eye from Lorenzo while the ref was out of position! Lorenzo hits his unnamed signature move and picks up the win at 8:54pm!
Your Winner, Channing "Stacks" Lorenzo! (3.5 minutes, 0.5/5*)

The Grayson Waller Effect, feat. NXT Champion Bron Breakker & Von Wagner

We return from break with Grayson Waller welcoming us to his show. He takes jabs at R-Truth, who was injured in a match against him last week after a bad spot, by stating he beat Truth's ass and put him on the shelf. He welcomes out Von Wagner, with Robert Stone, and Bron Breakker as both men square off next week for the NXT Championship. Bron comes out wearing one of his dad's leather jackets! (Rick Steiner, the "dog-faced gremlin," if you're new to NXT!) During their entrances, a ticker feed shows various comments from whatever social media Waller's live-streaming on. He reads comments that denigrate Von for getting a shot against Bron, whereas "ten times as many people" think Grayson Waller or Carmelo Hayes deserve it. Wagner addresses it, stating "wow, breaking news! More people don't like Von Wagner." Von's accent is...unique. So simple, a caveman could do it I suppose. Robert Stone hops on the mic and states the NXT Universe never gave Wagner a chance; Wagner reminds us he's not here to be popular or a fan favorite, he doesn't care if the fans piss and moan on social media as he's only there for the title. "And Bron, I lefty ou laying last week, and my buddy ol' pal, nothings gonna change next week!" Von's been working on his mic skills, eh!
Breakker hints at some Steiner Math and some fans yell for him to "do the math!" He doesn't, however, and is instead interrupted by Waller who boasts about wanting to see anyone beat Bron Breakker. He states if Von Wagner can't, maybe someone "more handsome" can. Breakker is asked about some of the comments shown on screen that talk badly of him. He states it doesn't bother him. He's spent a year being the up and comer, but he's learned from guys "like Ciampa and Gargano that if you want something in this business, you've gotta go out and take it!" He points out the NXT Championship's storied history, with former champs ranging from Seth Rollins and Shinsuke Nakamura to Kevin Owens. He name drops Apollo Crews to the nearly-dead NXT Universe as the conversation goes kinda awkward. Wagner demands Bron "look at me when I'm talking to you" and threatens to "ray doll your ass all around this ring." He takes a note out of the New Day's promo last week, stating he didn't have a family legacy like Bron to get the title. He doesn't need the family name to rip the title off Breakker's shoulder next week, and Bron tells him to do it right now if he can. Mr. Stone tells Von to wait until next week, only to have Breakker grab Stone and slam his face into Waller's desk! We end our segment at 9:07pm!

Singles Match: Axiom vs JD McDonagh

JD is out first when we return from break, with Axiom out next. Booker T gives Axiom high praise, stating he may become the best masked Superstar. We get our bell at 8:18pm, with JD taking Axiom down with a side headlock. Both men engage in a series of counters, with JD ending it quickly with a thigh head lock. Axiom struggles in the hold, briefly, then begins to work over JD with his own set of working holds. Axiom and JD continue to struggle for a solid control s we head to break at 9:21pm. We return right about 9:25pm and the "comic book hero brought to life" Axiom starts a comeback. Axiom hits a beautiful spot, diving backwards out Moonsault-style to the outside to wipe out JD! Great pop from eh crowd but Axiom's gripping his knee. Both men are down and the ref begins to count them out. Axiom barely gets in at 9, with JD following in at ten. Axiom continues to tend and sell the knee for the remainder of the match, with JD starting to chop at Axiom's left knee with punt kicks and a chop block! The ref checks on Axiom, but the masked superstar refuses to capitulate! Axiom dodges another chopblock attempt and pops over JD, cinching on a rear naked chokehold! JD makes it to the rope to break the hold. The crowd start to cheer for Axiom. McDonagh looks for a single-leg crab; Axiom fights it off, briefly, but JD locks it in! JD attempts to block Axiom from reaching the ropes, but Axiom manages to inch over and touch the rope!
JD breaks the hold and pounds the mat, frustrated. McDonagh looks for what Booker T calls the "kill shot" when he attempts a Moonsault on a prone Axiom. Axiom adjusts to catch McDonagh with a waist-locked choke/sleeper! McDonagh starts to fade but attempts a powerbomb out of desperation. Axiom reverse the move into a Hurricanrana and covers McDonagh, twice, scoring near falls both times. Axiom heads to the corner, still favoring his knee, as the NXT Universe rips off a loud "this is awesome" chant. McDonagh recovers and looks for a move but Axiom again counters it into the waist lock submission! McDonagh uses both hands to block the hold from being cinched in and manages to reverse the hold, escaping and applying a horrible, horrible, horrible looking knee hold that pushes Axiom's knee and leg completely flat against its own bent side. Hard to describe but good god, if he's not double-jointed, he's hurt. The ref checks on Axiom as he rolls in pain. Axiom yells not to stop the match. NXT Medical staff check on him and he again refuses to stop. Axiom attempts to rise but his leg gives out on him and the ref calls for the bell at 9:32pm. Hopefully this is a work, especially after R-Truth's leg injury last week.
Your Winner by Referee Stoppage, JD McDonagh! (14 minutes, 2.5/5*)


After the Match: JD McDonagh Warns the Roster

JD gets on the mic and states he showed Axiom mercy, only tearing partially Axiom's joint instead of completely destroying the joint. He points out that Ilja Dragunov is still out of action after their last match, and begs for anyone in the locker room to step up to his level. He then name-drops Apollo Crews, putting Crews on notice.

5-Minute Challenge Match: Damon Kemp vs Brutus Creed w/ Julius Creed

We return from break and are informed Shawn Micheal will issue a statement next week regarding the final NXT premium live event of the year, the upcoming DEADL1NE. The Creed Brothers are already out and Kemp starts his entrance. Brutus Creed attacks him, taking it to the ring, and the ref calls for the bell--and the five-minute timer--at 9:40pm. Brutus beats Kemp around the ring, inside and out, whipping Kemp into anything and everything. The steep steps, the ringside barricade, the commentary table... The crowd are hot behind Brutus as he grabs Kemp's foot, dragging him back out of the ring and dropping Damon on his face. Brutus then slams Damon's face into the commentary table once, twice! Brutus sends Kemp into the ring and follows, and Kemp uses the brief pause in offense to take down Brutus! Kemp begins to chain together some strikes and moves, sending Brutus into the corner and hopping out the ring to take a breather. Kemp retrieves a steel chair and the ref warns him. Kemp swings the chair but Brutus punches the chair away! Brutus begins o pummel Kemp, doing his "Brutus Smash" (King Kong smashing fists) on Kemp! Brutus gets the chair and the ref warns him off. Brutus is motivated by the crowd, who loudly chant "Do it" over and over! Brutus gives in and whacks Kemp in the back, twice! The ref calls for the bell at 9:42pm and the crowd loudly chant "one more time!" After giving it some thought, Brutus retrieves the chair and gives the crowd what they want! Another stiff shot to the back of Kemp as Ivy Nile and Julius Creed root on their Miner brother! And after that, Sanga & Veer are shown staring down the Diamond Mine from the balcony.
Your Winner by Disqualification, Damon Kemp! (2 minutes, 1/5*)

NXT Women's Tag Team Championship Main Event Match: Kayden Carter & Katana Chance(c) vs Nikkita Lyons & Zoey Stark

Nikkita Lyons and Zoey Stark are out first after another T-BAR/Dominic Dijakovic promo (in which slightest glimpses of his face give him an air of Batista, complete with beard). We head to break ahead of our main event at 9:45pm! Our champs are out to a great welcome from the NXT Universe and we get our main event bell at 9:53pm! Stark & Lyons, who nearly won the titles two weeks or so ago, start off strong against Katana Chance. They spend the opening moments isolating her to their half of the ring. Chance shows off some core strength with a modified scissors takedown on Stark. Stark recovers and uses a takedown of her own but screws the pooch when she does so in the KC2 corner! Kayden Carter and Katana Chance start a series of quick tags of their own as they attempt to contain Zoey Stark. They fail, however, with Nikkita Lyons coming in after Stark drops Carter with a speedy clothesline. Lyons with a martial arts strike combination at Carter, half of which Carter deflects or avoids. Lyons takes Carter down to the canvas with an arm hold and whips her into the corner. Chance enters the ring as does Stark, and the challengers stereo scoop slam the champs! KC2 rally, sending Stark outside in a nasty spot before hitting a series of double-team strikes to Lyons, battling her to the outside and taking her & Stark down a we head to break at 9:56pm!
We return from break at 9:59pm with Stark attempting a stretch muffler submission on Katana Chance! Chance escapes and brings in Carter on a hot tag. Carter and Chance use quick tags to beat the challengers to the commentary table-side of the ring, then follow it up with a springboard corkscrew and a diving lariat that leave the challengers down! Hot "NXT" chant from the appreciative crowd! KC2 hit a version of the 3D, slightly inverted, on Stark for a close two. Chance runs against the ropes and looks for a wheelbarrow facebuster, but Stark reverses it into a backdrop! Stark makes the hot tag to Lyons, and Lyons streaks across the mat to clothesline Carter off the apron! Lyons catches Chance in a cross-body attempt and rolls through, up to a gut-wrench spinning suplex toss! Stark tags in and hits her Half & Half suplex! Stark with a roundhouse shin kick to the back of ht neck for a cover! Lyons hits the ring to stop Carter from making the save but Chance gets the shoulder up!
Outside the ring, Carter drop-kicks Lyons. Stark doesn't realize this and sets up a rear dive off the top. Chance rolls out of the way. Stark rolls to her feet. Chance looks for a Tornado DDT but its blocked; Chance pivots and this a springboard cutter for a close two! Lyons and Carter enter the ring, with both women coming to blows. Both women drop each other with kicks and all four women re down! Our best match of the night finally wakes up the NXT Universe proper. Stark looks for a big right but Chance ducks under, and Lyons nearly etas the blow! Stark apologizes; Lyons throws Stark out of the way, taking a hit from the champs and saving her partner! KC2 have the numbers advantage, though, and hit a DDT int he corner to set up their double-team finisher! KC2 pick up the win at 10:04pm after their finisher connects, with Lyons unable to make the save!
Your Winner AND STILL NXT Women's Tag Team Champions, Katana Chance & Kayden Carter! (11 minutes, 2.5/5*)

After the Match: The Heel Turn No One Saw Coming...

The champs and challengers stand toe-to-toe after the match and, in a sign of mutual respect, shake hands. Then Zoey Stark snatches a title from KC2 and uses it to beat up Nikkita Lyons as the cowardly champs run to safety. We end our program on this note.

Next Week on NXT

Carmelo Hayes and Wes Lee sign a contract for the North American Championship match. Bron Breakker vs Von Wagner for the NXT Championship. WWE Hall of Famer Shawn Michaels issues a statement about NXT Deadl1ne. Alba Fyre challenges Mandy Rose for her NXT Women's Championship in a Last Woman Standing match.

Source: rajah.com
Tags: #wwe #nxt

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