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Tony Schiavone took some fan questions On AdFreeShows.com and was asked what Chris Jericho is now in charge of in All Elite Wrestling. Here is what Schiavone said:
"He's going to be, he's just kind of a leader of the locker room. That's basically all that I know about it. When we have locker room meetings, he kind of runs things. There's a number of athletes that he's kind of in charge of their creative, and other than that, he's just a guy that has a lot of clout, and because he has a lot of clout, when he says something, the wrestlers take it to heart. I don't know if he really has an official title like we do, but I just know that that's kind of what he's doing. Call It the team captain for lack of a better word."
Visit WrestlingNewsSource.Com⚡ Shawn Spears Reveals Which Wrestling Championship He's Always Seen Himself Winning
Shawn Spears was recently a guest on The Sessions, where he revealed what stage he feels like in his career. "I'm winding down, I don't h [...]
— Guy Incognito Nov 03, 2022 01:22PM