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AEW Dynamite Full Recap (October 18, 2022)

Posted By: Jonny Knapp on Oct 18, 2022

AEW Dynamite Full Recap (October 18, 2022)

It’s Tuesday? If you don’t know what that means, we have a special Tuesday night Dynamite due to TBS showing the MLB ALDS tomorrow night instead. So, making this cloud have a silver, or should I say golden, lining, AEW have booked this card with four title matches including the intriguing AEW World Championship match between Moxley & Hangman with the spectre of MJF and his chip looming over proceedings. With all that in mind, and commentary consisting of Excalibur, Taz & Tony Schiavone, let’s get straight to the wrestling!

Death Triangle (PAC, Penta El Zero Miedo & Rey Fenix) w/ Alex Abrahantes defeated Best Friends (Trent Beretta, Chuck Taylor & Orange Cassidy) via Pinfall (11:45) to retain the AEW World Trios Championships

Trios to start the show and we begin with Jane as Orange Cassidy leads out Trent Beretta & Chuck Taylor with his newly won All Atlantic Championship in a backpack. Never change Orange. The Trios champions, Death Triangle, along with Alex Abrahantes, follow them to the ring, PAC starts off by going for a non-legal Orange Cassidy so the legal man Trent almost rolls him up then outwrestles the bastard who tags out to Penta. He and Fenix, who he tags, come in as Trent tags out to Chuck but the Lucha Brothers outwrestle them and Fenix hits the Senton Atomico for two. Trent stops them hitting the double Fear Factor on Chuck and then Chuck is able to pop Fenix up for the Spinebuster from Trent. The Best Friends try for the Ant Hill but PAC and Penta break it up and hit dives onto their opponents after clearing the ring. PAC brings Orange Cassidy who tagged in for the Ant Hill, and beats him down in the centre of the ring with elbows. PAC brings in Penta who brings in Fenix and they attack Cassidy and isolate him to send us to break. This is the pattern for the majority of the break, PAC taking most of the action for his team and isolating Cassidy. Trent and Chuck try to save him but Death Triangle deal with him and we end up with a Tower of Doom.

When we return to the action, PAC and Orange remain legal, PAC lays in multiple kicks to Cassidy but Orange pulls out a StunDog Millionaire, then all hell breaks loose as everyone nails the next guy with huge moves until Trent wins out with a DDT. He then sends PAC from the ring and Penta & Fenix superkick him. Orange gets blocked on a double Hurricanrana, PAC comes back in to dropkick him then Death Triangle hit him with a cazadora into a lung blower and stomps from Fenix. PAC follows with a German Suplex and bridges for a two but Best Friends break the pin out. The tag teams fight on the outside and Penta goes into the ring post. PAC goes up top but can’t hit the Black Arrow because Best Friends come in and take him out with Soul Food & Half & Half. Penta gets Piledriven twice before Orange hits the Ant Hill but PAC breaks the pin up. He then drags Penta to his corner and tags in before grabbing the hammer again. Fenix stops him and Cassidy rolls him up for two. PAC nails him with a German Suplex before Orange hits The Orange Punch for two. Penta gets blocked on a destroyer and they hit the assisted Crunchie before Fenix breaks the pin up then hits a double Cutter. He makes Penta tag him so he’s legal before hitting Trent with the Black Fire Driver for the win.

Jon Moxley vs Hangman Adam Page Video Package

Let’s go. This is from Road to as always and is well worth watching.

Britt Baker Interview

Britt, Jamie and Rebel are interviewed backstage by Tony Schiavone who asks them about the Toni Storm vs Hikaru Shida match later. They say that they’re disgusted that Britt or Jamie aren’t the champion but they say they will be soon.

Toni Storm defeated Hikaru Shida via Pinfall (8:42) to retain the AEW Women’s World Championship

This might be the earliest women’s match ever on AEW Dynamite. No death slot tonight! The bell rings and the women shake hands before they lock up and Shida wins the first exchange. Toni tries for a headlock and then takes Shida to the mat but she fights to her feet and Toni drops her with a shoulder tackle. Shida comes back with a nice dropkick then gets caught by Toni on the apron and sent to the floor with a hip attack as we are sent to break. Storm takes Hikaru back into the ring and begins to pepper her with shots and attacking in the corner as the interim champion takes control of this match. She tosses Shida across the ring by her hair a couple of times and then begins to attack the back of her opponent. Shida fights to her feet but can’t escape the clutches of Toni until she makes the ropes. Toni hits a Suplex for two and then we get a strike exchange.

We return in the middle of said strike exchange as Shida takes over then hits a hurricanrana and a jumping knee strike. Shida hits right hands in the corner and hits a missile dropkick from the top rope for two. Storm comes back and we get yet another strike exchange which Shida wins after taking a headbutt from Toni and hitting an enzuigiri. They both go down Shida is up first and heads up top, Toni cuts her off and tries for the Avalanche Storm Zero but Shida headbutts her off and hits a Meteora and then a Falcon Arrow for two. Toni ducks another enzuigiri and then hits Shida with a German and a Hip Attack. Shida blocks a DDT and hits a Falcon Arrow for two. Toni cuts off Shida’s Katana before Shida almost wins with a roll up. Shida tries a Knee Strike, Toni turns it into a German Suplex for two and then Toni hits a DDT and the Storm Zero to get the win and retain her title.

After the match, Jamie and Rebel emerge from the crowd to attack Toni and Britt makes her grand entrance in a Steelers shirt. She’s soon followed out by Saraya who runs straight at Britt to take her out before they brawl. Saraya sends Britt into the crowd and then Riho makes the final save to take out Rebel and low bridge Jamie before taking the latter out with a cross body.

WarJoe Promo

Wardlow and Samoa Joe call out The Embassy and The Kingdom.

FTR Interview

Renee Paquette introduces FTR and they’re asked about being number one contenders. FTR say they always wanted to be the best tag team and they’re on the way there so they challenge The Acclaimed to get that final step. Swerve & Keith Lee interrupt them, Swerve says that they deserve to be number one contenders. Keith tells him to stop and says they deserve the title shot regardless. FTR challenge them next week to fight them for that title shot.

Darby Allin & Jay Lethal Interview

Alex Marvez is with Darby, Jay and Sonjay Dutt so Jay can ask Darby for a rematch and Darby accepts. Sonjay interrupts to say they know Darby’s weakness. They brawl and Darby is taken out two on one and trapped beneath a shutter. Jay locks in a Figure Four until he’s stopped by security.

William Regal Interview

Regal and Schiavone are in the ring and before Regal can talk, MJF’s music hits and out comes Maxwell with his favourite thing, a microphone. Schiavone leaves the ring and MJF says he’s here to talk, not fight. MJF says he’s going to tell a story and Regal is going to listen. Max says when he was 19 and training to wrestle, he got WWE extra work. He and the extras were spoken to that day by Regal who said that they’d be having try out matches. He was the second match and then he lists off the people who were watching and when it was MJF’s turn, he got in the ring and he was fighting for his life because this is his life. Regal saw his match and pulled him away and made MJF sell himself to Regal in 3 minutes and he did. Regal then promised to get MJF a job and it never happened and that made Max make himself a superstar. We learn that Regal didn’t get MJF the job because he was too young and the crowd let Regal know that was a mistake. Regal said he’d still get Max the job when he was old enough and he told Max to go work hard on his craft and send him a match every month but on month three he sent back a promo to Max which he reads out. It’s not very pleasant and he tells MJF to stop sending him his stuff until he gets better. MJF says that email made him want to quit and kill himself and he takes a moment to compose himself before saying if he did that, Regal and all the naysayers would win. MJF then says that in 2022 and the tables have turned because Regal is an old man who’s snuck into AEW to stick to Danielson & Moxley meanwhile he’s the top of the business. MJF says he reads that email whenever he needs a laugh because Regal is nothing but a joke to him and Max is about to become the World Champion. Wow. This is explosive stuff.

Regal finally gets a chance to respond. He says that he wasn’t trying to cast Max aside, but he saw someone who was going to be a star and wanted to light a fire under him, Regal says MJF has had it easy after listing what he had to go through to get where he is. He tells MJF off for attacking Schiavone before saying that he knew Max always had it in him but he’s let Regal down by taking shortcuts. He lists all the ways MJF cheats and tells him to do things the right way before turning his back on Max and tells him to show the world he’s a villain right now. Max puts on the ring but can’t bring himself to do it and William leaves after telling Max he still has a lot to prove. MJF follows him out of the ring. Breath taking work from both men.

Chris Jericho vs Dalton Castle Video Package

This is also from Road To. I love Dalton Castle.

The Acclaimed Interview

Renee asks about everyone wanting a piece of the acclaimed. They say that they put their titles on the line on Friday for the rights to scissoring against Tony Nese & Josh Woods.

Bryan Danielson & Wheeler Yuta Interview

Renee Paquette sits down with Yuta & Danielson. She asks Bryan about losing last weeks ROH title match and he says that it’s never nice to lose and then Renee asks about Daniel Garcia. Bryan talks up Garcia whilst Yuta sits there listening and smirking to himself. Yuta asks Bryan how he’s surprised that Garcia used him and Yuta & Claudio saw it coming. He asks Bryan if the BCC means anything to him and questions whether he should have met his hero.

Chris Jericho w/ Jake Hager defeated Dalton Castle w/ Brandon, Brent, Boy 3 & Boy 4 via Pinfall (12:30) to retain the ROH World Championship

Dalton Castle’s entrance might be the best thing in wrestling, Bobby Cruise announces him whilst Ian Riccaboni joins commentary. Jericho follows him to the ring with Jake Hager and the hat he likes. The bell rings and Jericho’s handshake is met with a middle finger. The match begins with Dalton taking over with two shoulder tackles and a hip toss but Jericho sends him to the outside where The Boys fan him and help him get going. When Castle heads back inside he hits two suplexes on Jericho before hitting multiple gut wrenches and a throw for two. Dalton Castle sends The Boys at Hager one after another to send us to break. Jericho gets back in the match with a big boot in the corner after Castle dominates the early stages of the break. He hits a back drop and then utilises the turnbuckle before hitting multiple lariats in the corner. Jericho heads up top with Dalton for a Superplex but Castle fights him off until he jumps right into a Jericho dropkick.

We return to the action and Jericho enjoys the crowd booing him, he follows Castle into the corner with Chops that castle manages to reverse to hit ones of his own. Jericho sends Dalton outside but then gets caught up in the turnbuckles so Dalton hits a rising knee. Hager tries to get involved and the Boys swarm him, back in the ring, Castle and Jericho collide for a double down and The Boys steal Hager's hat which enrages him and he takes out all four boys. Dalton kicks him but Jericho manages to grab him and go for the walls, Dalton reverses it into a submission called Julie Newmark apparently but Jericho fights out and locks in The Walls of Jericho. Castle makes the bottom rope and Jericho argues with Aubrey which lets Dalton get a two from a Lariat. The two men exchange strikes on their knees. Castle takes over, Jericho hits a cross chop and Castle blocks a lionsault with a German Suplex for another two. Jericho tries for a Codebreaker and Dalton counters with a Bangarang for 2.99. Castle peppers Jericho with strikes but Chris pulls out a Judas Effect to pick up the win. This was fantastic.

The JAS come out to celebrate on the ramp and Jericho grabs a mic to say that he’s here to deal desecrate Ring of Honor, including the commentators. Angelo and Matt grab Ian Riccaboni so Chris can hit him with the ROH belt. Jerry Lynn comes out to stop him and ends up getting piledriven on the title.

Christian Cage Promo

Christian says he didn’t brainwash Luchasaurus and they are both through with Jungle Boy.

Cargill & Baddies Investigation

Renee is backstage and we find out that Nyla will be at Rampage and so will Jade who tells Tony Khan to get her title back or she’ll hijack the show.

Jon Moxley defeated Hangman Adam Page via Doctor Stoppage (11:53) to retain the AEW World Championship

Main Event time! Regal is back to join commentary and both men make their entrances. We see MJF looking on with his chip. Hangman storms through the crowd as Moxley makes his entrance and attacks the champion as the crowd ring out with boos. Page suplexes Moxley on the concrete before climbing above him to hit a Moonsault and send us to break before the match has even begun! Jesus Christ! Moxley manages to recover and fires in some shots to Hangman as they make their way back to the ring. Moxley has already been busted open and Hangman fires in some punches before rolling Moxley into the ring. Hangman goes to join him to begin the match but Moxley sends him back to the floor then follows him with a Tope Suicida. Moxley and Hangman get in the ring, the bell sounds and then Moxley sends Hangman to the outside where the cowboy sends the champion into the ring steps.

We return and Hangman takes Moxley to the top of the steps and lays in some punches before they go back between the ropes. Hangman lands a snap suplex then lays in some kicks to the spine of the champ. Moxley encourages him to carry on so he does, Moxley counters a powerbomb into a figure four. Hangman escapes and lays in some strikes before chopping him in the corners. Moxley reverses it to lay in multiple chops but Hangman throws him hard into the turnbuckle and follows up with a fall away slam and a kip up into a Jon Moxley cutter. Moxley follows up with a Superplex and then uses the BCC stomps and tries for a juji gatame, Page doesn’t let him get it at first and scrambles for the ropes as Moxley locks it in. Max has disappeared from the sky box as Hangman pulls out a Deadeye on the apron to send us to break. Hangman beats Moxley on the outside before trying for a pin back in the ring. It’s only a two so Hangman locks in a single leg crab and we focus on all the blood that Moxley is losing. Moxley counters into a stepover choke and Hangman makes the ropes. Page continues to attack Moxley and takes him to the top rope where they exchange strikes.

When we return, Hangman hits an avalanche fall away slam but is slow to the pin so Moxley kicks out at two. Hangman flips out of a German Suplex and hits a lariat so Moxley comes back with a King Kong Lariat. The doctor gets in the ring as Hangman seems to be in trouble and Paul Turner calls the match off due to injury. (Please be a work).

William Regal leaves commentary and heads down to congratulate Jon Moxley after the match and the commentary team seem to be killing time by running down the upcoming matches and then they send us to Moxley in the ring and Moxley says that he hopes Hangman will be okay but this is a dangerous sport. Moxley then refers to MJF and calls him out to the ring, MJF’s music hits and out comes Max, the chip and the ref. MJF seems to be readying himself for the fight before changing his mind, handing the chip to Regal and grabbing a mic. MJF then says he’s not cutting corners this time and wants Moxley at 100% so there’s no questions. Max calls his shot for Full Gear and promises he’s going to earn it for the first time in his life. Moxley then tells MJF he’ll earn the heel of his boot in his mouth and plethora of other threats that sound violent. November can’t come soon enough.

Well, all my thoughts right now are that Hangman Adam Page is okay. The King Kong Lariat looked fairly innocuous which makes me worry that it’s something serious but I really hope that he’s okay. The show was great up until that moment and would have been cruising to an easy 8 or 9 out of 10 but just like when Matt Hardy got Injured at All Out in 2020, the mood was soured by something going wrong. Keep tuned to WNS where we’ll have any update we get on Adam’s condition. Good night.

"Hangman" Adam Page Injured On AEW Dynamite, Main Event Stopped Ten Minutes Early

During tonight's main event between Jon Moxley and "Hangman" Adam Page, the main event ended about ten minutes prematurely due to what appea [...]

— Guy Incognito Oct 18, 2022 09:54PM


Tags: #aew #aew dynamite #dynamite #results #hangman adam page #mjf #jon moxley #chris jericho #dalton castle #toni storm #hikaru shida #saraya #britt baker #riho #death triangle #best friends

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