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It’s Friday, you know what that means! We have an episode of AEW Rampage to get into! I believe this will be the last taped show for a while and we’re getting a title match in the form of a three-way tag title match as well as what could be a low key “banger” as the kids say when John Silver faces off with Rush! With all that and more to fit into the next hour, let’s get straight to the wrestling. Commentary tonight begins with JR, Excalibur and Tony Schiavone.
The entrances for the challengers take place on YouTube before Justin Roberts introduces them as the show begins. The champions get their entrances on TV as they come out with Daddy Ass and Max raps about Private Party’s relationship with Matt Hardy and The Butchers band breaking up (RIP ETID).
Your #AEW World Tag Team Champions, #TheAcclaimed!@PlatinumMax @Bowens_Official @RealBillyGunn
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) October 1, 2022
Watch #AEWRampage on @tntdrama right now! pic.twitter.com/uJSIS7a6sw
The match begins with the crowd in fine voice, cheering on the champions as we see Matt Hardy watching from backstage. Anthony Bowens starts the match with Isiah Kassidy and after a brief bit of mat wrestling, they exchange pins until Kassidy pulls out a Hurricanrana and earns Bowens’ respect. They shake hands but Bowens rushes Kassidy into his corner and Max Caster tags in to take over. He takes Kassidy down and scissors with Billy before a The Acclaimed nail a Sunset Flip & Neckbreaker combo as Bowens gets the blind tag but then The Butcher & The Blade get fed up and rush the ring. They beat down the champs then force Kassidy to tag out to The Blade. Private Party try to fight them with a Silly String but it’s countered and then the two big men deal with Bowens and isolate him to send us to our first break of the evening. Butcher & Blade exchange tags and keep Bowens in their third of the ring, antagonising Caster whilst they do so.
Devastating offense by the #AEW World Tag Team Champions as @Bowens_Official takes it to @Marq_Quen! Watch #AEWRampage on @tntdrama right now! pic.twitter.com/R0V6tBtQxB
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) October 1, 2022
When we return, it’s Blade in the ring with Bowens in a bad condition, Anthony tries to fight back but runs into a Powerslam for two instead. Butcher tags in to hit an assisted leg drop for another two. Blade tags in again and Bowens tries to fight back again, this time being successful as a big thrust kick drops Blade but Butcher takes Max down to stop the tag and after a Back Body Drop, Marq Quen tags himself in and runs wild with dives in the ring on Butcher & Blade, dropping both men before Kassidy comes in to help him out and they begin running wild on the two men they were arguing with on Wednesday. They hit a Neckbreaker/Senton combo for two but it’s broken up by Caster who then removes Marq Quen but walks into a huge lariat from Butcher who then hoists up Kassidy and tosses him into a Gutbuster from Blade. Blade hits a Doctor Bomb and Bowens breaks the pin up this time. Kassidy manages to put Butcher & Blade on the outside and dives into them. As he does, Bowens makes the blind tag and then Caster dives onto the pile. Max puts Blade back into the ring and Bowens hits The Arrival before Caster nails the Mic Drop for three. The Acclaimed retain.
Mic Drop and #TheAcclaimed are STILL your #AEW World Tag Team Champions here on #AEWRampage! Tune in to @tntdrama right now!@Bowens_Official @PlatinumMax pic.twitter.com/gjRpMrR1Kg
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) October 1, 2022
Lexy Nair is backstage to interview Stokely, The Gunns and W Morrissey but they’re all having an obnoxiously loud conversation. Well, Morrissey isn’t, he’s just stood there putting on wrist tape in silence. Lexy asks Austin and Colten about FTR and they try to put them down but just put over the fact they're triple champs and number one contenders.
Everyone wants a shot at the AEW World Tag Team Champions #AEWRampage pic.twitter.com/S8iymQwVEq
— AEW on TV (@AEWonTV) October 1, 2022
Lexy now is asking Jade Cargill about last week and she begins to run down the women’s division until Nyla Rose turns up with Vickie Guerrero and Marina Shafir to challenge her again.
.@Jade_Cargill moves on her own time 😤 #AEWRampage pic.twitter.com/5h3IVu5sfv
— AEW on TV (@AEWonTV) October 1, 2022
Fuego gets no entrance but Lee does with his friends. The bell rings and Lee takes an early headlock and holds on tight as he shows off his mat wrestling to begin the match. He beats Fuego into the ropes before Del Sol fires back with a kick. Lee lands a Dropkick of his own before stomping Fuego down. He hits a running knee in the corner and an arm-capture back suplex out of it before nailing Fuego with a face buster before he locks in the Border City Stretch and makes Fuego tap quickly. Shame this didn’t get more time as the exchanges we did see were promising.
Border City Stretch locked in and @theleemoriarty continues to crank the submission after the bell! The Firm sending a message to the world with a dominant victory tonight on #AEWRampage on @tntdrama! pic.twitter.com/dsRR07Sd93
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) October 1, 2022
Lee threatens to not let go after the bell but he does, only so Morrissey can spike him with a massive chokeslam instead.
All eyes on The Firm!@TheCaZXL PLANTS @FuegoDelSol here on #AEWRampage on @tntdrama! pic.twitter.com/BIuh3RMe9r
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) October 1, 2022
Lexy asks Hangman, accompanied by 10 & Evil Uno, about his match with Jon Moxley coming up. He says he’s looking forward to it and has been for a long time before Uno says everyone will be in his corner. All of a sudden, once again, Andrade rocks up with Jose and they try to sign 10 again. They show a video where Hangman was vaguely responsible for 10 getting eliminated from the battle royale last week. Andrade challenges him to fight him on the anniversary of Brodie Lee’s last match next week and he has to take the mask off if he loses. 10 agrees if Andrade leaves AEW if 10 wins. Stokely then shows up with Ethan Page to tell Andrade about Private Party & Matt Hardy. AEW Backstage sure is messy.
So much happened here #AEWRampage pic.twitter.com/ixYPAPyx55
— Jonny Elite (@Knapphausen) October 1, 2022
Ladies time. Willow comes out first, happy as always. Jamie comes out with Britt & Rebel but is firmly a crowd favourite in Philadelphia. Jamie tries to make a quick start but Willow dodges and jumps onto Jamie to beat her down instead. They make it to their feet and battle back and forth with shoulder tackles as Willow shows that she’s stronger than Jamie. She hits a bodyslam and a senton before a low cross body earns her a two count. She tries a Northern Lights Suplex with a bridge for the same result before laying in heavy chops in the corners. Jamie manages to nail her with a high kick to gain some control before hitting a huge knee strike in the corner to send us to break. Jamie hits a snap suplex and works Willow over on the mat, shutting down all of Nightingale’s comebacks throughout the break and staying on top until the blackout break.
.@willowwrestles with the early control! It’s #AEWRampage on @tntdrama right now! pic.twitter.com/jGFcIb3WjW
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) October 1, 2022
When we come back to the action, Willow seems to have some momentum but Jamie smashes her with a huge backbreaker for a two count. Willow is a little out of it but not enough to not be able to misdirect Hayter and hit her with a pounce. Willow goes to get Jamie and puts her back in the ring but Britt distracts her long enough for Jamie to recover and attack Nightingale as she does get back in the ring. That’s not enough to keep her down though as Willow manages to hit a Death Valley Driver for the closest two count we’ve seen so far. Willow decides to head up top for a Moonsault but the ref is focussed on checking if Jamie is okay so Britt manages to grab the boot and stop Willow. It works as Jamie picks her up off the ropes and hit a wicked German Suplex followed by a short arm Lariat to pick up a victory. Great match! Belt Hayter now!
An incredible victory for @jmehytr after a hard-fought war with @willowwrestles here on #AEWRampage on @tntdrama! pic.twitter.com/GvIAswuK5I
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) October 1, 2022
I said it at Grand Slam, these two can take any tag titles they wanted to.
"Together the power and the mayhem and the chaos is limitless." The formidable duo WarJoe (@realwardlow/@samoajoe) speaks!
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) October 1, 2022
Tune in NOW to #AEWRampage on TNT! pic.twitter.com/U1jOOac6dO
Yeah, I don’t know why either. The Hollywood Hunk is in the ring running down all things Philadelphia when of course, the penny drops. Hook’s music hits and out comes the FTW champion, Hook, who lays Nemeth out as his music continues to play. As he leaves, Trust Busters come out with an envelope for Hook.
#FTW Champion @730Hook wasn't about to let @ryrynemnem's comments go unchecked here in Philly! Watch #AEWRampage on @tntdrama right now! pic.twitter.com/HpPflhv0Dt
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) October 1, 2022
I don’t know why we’re seeing this either but Tony Schiavone lets us know Swerve is angry at Billy Gunn. Cool. We know.
This is a nice video package and both men look like stars. I can’t pick who I want to win but the crowd won’t have that issue because, as Hangman is reminded, the match takes place in Jon’s hometown of Cincinnati.
We can't wait #AEWRampage pic.twitter.com/VPI1WrDu3N
— AEW on TV (@AEWonTV) October 1, 2022
Mark interviews Jon with Alex and Rush with Andrade & Jose. He asks Jon about Andrade and his group trying to steal 10 and they say it’s weird but won’t work and 10 says he’s going to beat Rush’s ass. Andrade responds by saying that La Faccion Ingobernable are better than the Dark Order and they don’t deserve a talent like 10. Jose reminds Silver that Andrade eliminated him from the Battle Royale and Rush says that Silver talks too much and he’s here to fight, not talk, because there’s been enough of that and it’s time for the main event.
It's TIME for the MAIN EVENT! #DarkOrder’s @silvernumber1 takes on @rushtoroblanco right now on #AEWRampage on @tntdrama! pic.twitter.com/KJTRZqu30x
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) October 1, 2022
Trent cuts a comedy promo but the match will be anything but next Friday when he gets an All-Atlantic Championship shot against PAC.
Trent coming after PAC and his All-Atlantic title to avenge Orange.
— House of the American Dragon 🐉 (@DrainBamager) October 1, 2022
This gonna be GOOD. pic.twitter.com/xjQw6LgKWH
Rush comes out first with Andrade & Jose still with him so Silver brings Reynolds with him to even the odds. The bell rings and the match starts with the two men listening to the crowd chant for Silver before they lock up. Rush takes over with a shoulder tackle but Silver fires back with a flying uppercut that sends Rush to the outside before faking Rush out with a dive, much like Rush does himself. Rush gets back into the ring and drops Silver with a big right hand and then lays in some chops in the corner. He follows that with splashes and a low dropkick to a seated Silver. They both head outside where Rush uses the Barricades to beat Silver down and then back in the ring, he continues to beat Silver down before sending us to break when he fakes out the Bulls Horns. John tries to fight back but then Andrade gets involved to change the momentum behind the referee’s back. Rush attacks John by the Timekeeper’s table, using it as a weapon and then the barricade behind it but Silver still has some fight left. It does him no good as Rush sends him back into the ring where he retains the control of the match. Silver looks out of it but he moves out of the way of the senton from Rush to give himself a chance to recover.
.@rushtoroblanco with no hesitation in mocking @silvernumber1 here on #AEWRampage on @tntdrama! pic.twitter.com/VF9Zd7Q7qK
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) October 1, 2022
When we return, both men hit splashes before Silver nails two German Suplexes and then a Powerbomb for two. They exchanges strikes in the middle of the ring and then Rush gets a two from a Northern Lights Suplex with a bridge. Rush mocks Silver with kicks and Silver fires up for another heavy strike exchange. Rush takes several from Silver before dropping him with one but John fires in several quick kicks and a Brainbuster to get a really close two count. Jose jumps on the apron and Reynolds deals with him but Andrade does the same and distracts Silver which lets Rush smash him from behind with an Elbow before he follows it with the Bulls Horns to pick up the victory. This match underdelivered for me. Could have been better but also, not a bad match by any stretch of the imagination.
Bulls Horns by @rushtoroblanco to get the victory here on #AEWRampage on @tntdrama! pic.twitter.com/2nI2oI8DzY
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) October 1, 2022
After the match, Alex gets in to help Silver and Andrade beats him down and Silver too until Uno & 10 run out to make the save. Butcher & Blade run out to help their employer but then Hangman comes down too and manages to clear the ring. All apart from Jose who gets a Buckshot Lariat for his troubles. Rush vs Hangman on Wednesday too. Cool.
#Hangman @theadampage takes out @JoseAssistant, and now has his eyes set on @rushtoroblanco! And it is official - they will go one-on-one LIVE this Wednesday at the #AEWDynamite Anniversary show on @TBSNetwork! pic.twitter.com/27sL12CKPo
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) October 1, 2022
That was Rampage. Solid if unspectacular. Enjoyable if not unmissable. Rampage if not Dynamite. Back to normal. 6.5/10 for me but what did you guys make of the show? Let us know in the comments, let me know on Twitter @Knapphausen, and have yourselves a wonderful weekend. So long & goodnight.