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AEW Dynamite Full Recap (September 28, 2022)

Posted By: Jonny Knapp on Sep 28, 2022

AEW Dynamite Full Recap (September 28, 2022)

It’s Wednesday, you know what that means! AEW Dynamite is live tonight in Philadelphia, PA with another great looking card of wrestling. We’re going to get an Interim AEW Women’s World Championship match between Toni Storm & Serena Deeb, as well as an AEW World Championship Eliminator as Juice Robinson from New Japan restores his rivalry with the champ Jon Moxley! There’s much more to look forward to as well but let’s waste no more time with formalities, with Excalibur, Taz & Tony Schiavone on commentary, let’s get straight to the wrestling!

Jericho Appreciation Society Championship Celebration

Jericho and his appreciation society begin our show in purple velvet suits and make their way down to the ring to Judas where Luigi Primo is spinning pizza with the ring all dressed up for the occasion. Angelo Parker speaks first with his AEW Galaxy, appreciate us line before calling Philly a city of losers. Matt Menard takes over to explain he invited Luigi Primo who says he made New York Pizza. Anna Jay then speaks to tell the crowd they’re not getting pizza but they chant we want pizza over her so she threatens to choke them out. She eventually takes her turn introducing Chris before he takes the mic. He asks the crowd if they want pizza and then tells them that they can’t have any but they can have the most important ROH champion ever, him. He says that he’s the most honourable ROH champion and the most viewed because before him, nobody knew about ROH. He says it’s time for Ring of Jericho, starting tonight against Bandido in our main event.

Jericho puts him over whilst saying he’ll win before introducing Daniel Garcia. He approaches Garcia with a present to make up for their recent disagreement and it’s a purple bucket hat. Garcia takes it off and throws it on the floor and takes out Luigi Primo. He tells Jericho that he’s had enough before saying he thinks it’s time for him to... Jericho cuts him off and tells him to think about it and warns him that the wrong answer will put him in Jericho’s crosshairs. He asks Garcia if he’s a Sports Entertainer or a Professional Wrestler. The crowd make his mind up for him, telling him he’s a wrestler but before he can speak for himself, Bryan Danielson’s music hits and he comes out with William Regal.

Danielson heads to the ring and picks up the hat and accuses Jericho of trying to tell Garcia what Jericho wants him to do rather than letting pick. Danielson then gives Garcia the option of the Blackpool Combat Club or staying with the JAS but he can do as he feels. Jericho cuts off Bryan to tell him that Garcia belongs to him. Garcia then cuts him off to tell him that’s not the case before saying that they should be entertaining right now, listing a load of things that would be entertaining. Garcia says he wants to tag with Danielson against Jericho and Sammy. Daddy Magic gets mad and tells his son, Daniel Garcia off and that turns into Daddy Magic Matt Menard vs Bryan Danielson, right here, right now.

Bryan Danielson defeated Matt Menard w/ Angelo Parker via Submission (8:40)

William Regal is on commentary and the rest of the team run down the card whilst the ring is readied for the match. The match begins and Matt Menard in his purple trousers takes the fight to Danielson early on in the corner until Bryan turns the tide and takes over with a shoulder tackle and then an arm drag. Danielson tries to follow up in the corner with strikes, Menard fights back but Danielson seems to be too much until he’s knocked to the floor from the top rope and we head to break. Through the break, Menard stays on top by returning Bryan to the ring and keeping the pressure on in the corner or on the mat.

We return to the match and it’s still Matt Menard on top with a couple of good clotheslines for a two count. Menard decides to go for chops and that just winds Danielson up and he replies with chops of his own and then kicks before he lands his running elbow. He follows up with three big dropkicks back to back to back in the corner before just laying in round kicks to the chest. Angelo Parker helps Menard avoid a head kick by pulling him out of the ring. Bryan hits a Tope on Menard but Parker saves him again by pulling him out of the way of a running kick. Menard puts Danielson into the ring post and distracts the ref so that Angelo Parker can hit a DDT on the floor. Menard hits a Powerbomb in the ring for two before Claudio Castagnoli heads out to remove Angelo Parker. Back in the ring, Danielson recovers and hits the Busaiku Knee and locks in a LeBell lock to win the match.

Jon Moxley vs Juice Robinson Video Package

Tony Schiavone narrates a nice little video putting over how great Moxley has been for months before Juice Robinson pops up to explain that he plans on beating him tonight to get an AEW title shot.

MJF Video Package

We see MJF vs Wheeler Yuta’s promo battle last week cut into a pretty package.

MJF Promo

It’s MJF time. A little behind the scenes note, MJF cut a promo on Philly which was playing in the arena before the show to make sure the crowd boo him tonight. Wheeler Yuta steals the segment though, coming down and grabbing a microphone and calling MJF out for putting his hands on Tony Schiavone. Finally, after Yuta goes around the houses and MJF appears in a New York Mets jersey.

He begins to talk about Philly and then Tony Schiavone before telling Wheeler that he’s not a coward and he’s been up and down on the indies with him. He calls Wheeler one of the best wrestlers in the world but he made a mistake by choosing to go against MJF on the mic both last week and now. He continues to run down Philadelphia and Wheeler before Yuta finally interrupts him to threaten him that if he doesn’t get in the ring, he’ll leave him in a pool of blood on Broad Street because bad things happen in Philadelphia. Wheeler gets out the ring to go after MJF but the Gunn Club come out to protect him. MJF says he’ll face Yuta next week but Philadelphia doesn’t deserve to hear his catchphrase so he leaves and makes Austin Gunn say it.

Jay Lethal vs Darby Allin Video Package

Give ROH a TV show so Jay Lethal and Sonjay Dutt don’t cut promos on Dynamite please. The match will be great though and Lethal tells his gang that he wants to do it on his own.

Jon Moxley defeated Juice Robinson via Submission (10:32)

William Regal re-joins commentary and immediately tells us how great Juice Robinson is as the challenger makes his entrance. Moxley follows him down to the ring but Juice jumps him from behind as Moxley gets to ringside. He uses the barricades to try and get an advantage before the match even begins. He throws Mox into the ring and the bell sounds but Juice climbing back in gets clobbered with a Moxley Clothesline to send him back outside. Moxley follows and uses the barricades himself before suplexing Robinson onto the floor and sending him over the timekeeper’s table. Both men return to the ring standing and begin exchanging heavy strikes back and forth. Juice begins to take over with punches but Mox fires in a heavy kick only for Robinson to bite Moxley and then drop him in the corner but Moxley fires back with a huge lariat. The champion looks for a Paradigm Shift but is forced to the floor by Juice instead and we head to break with Moxley down on the floor. Juice sends Moxley over the timekeeper’s table too and Moxley gets busted open before they both find their way back into the ring and Robinson bites at the wound. Moxley is staggered as we see Max and his chip in the sky box, insulting the fans below him. Juice heads outside with Moxley to hit a Suplex on the floor and the break has been entirely his match.

When we return to the match, Robinson fires in headbutts to a seated Moxley outside before Moxley avoids the Cannonball Senton from the apron and Robinson crashes and burns on the chair Mox was on. Moxley returns to the ring and follows with a Tope Suicida. Back in the ring, both men clash in the middle of the ring a few times before Moxley drops Juice with a move for two and then tries an ankle lock. Juice makes the ropes and then gouges the eyes to gain the advantage which he uses for a Powerbomb for two. Juice and Moxley go back and forth again until Robinson nails Jon with Pulp Friction but Moxley still manages to kick out at two. Juice tries to nail Mox with a Helicopter Spin into a Facebuster but Moxley gets out and lands a Regal Knee for two. He immediately stomps Juice’s head into the mat and locks in the Juji Gatame for the submission victory. Great match as always.

Moxley celebrates briefly before Hangman Adam Page comes out to stand toe to toe with the champion. They look ready to brawl before MJF cuts them off and threatens to cash his chip in after their match in a few weeks.

Unfortunately for Max, Wheeler Yuta appears behind MJF and he finally gets his hands on Max whilst security try to stop him.

Jericho vs Bandido Video Package

Similar to the Moxley video package as Tony Schiavone talks up Jericho and Bandido before their main event later.

Saraya First AEW Promo

Saraya gets a big introduction again and makes her way down to the ring. She tells us she’s back and the crowd welcome her back. She says she’s damaged but not broken and promises change in women’s division because she is the revolution. The crowd tell her that this is her house.

Saraya calls out the women’s division and 5 women head out, Toni Storm, Athena, Skye Blue, Madison Rayne and Willow Nightingale. Saraya once again promises a change and then takes the time to introduce the women in the ring, she only gets as far as Toni though as Britt takes umbrage with the fact that Saraya called Toni the best champ. Britt emerges with Jamie Hayter and Rebel, Penelope Ford too for some reason. Britt says that she’s the face of the division and runs down Saraya and her neck. Saraya burns Britt when she discusses names with the doctor but the crowd chant for Jamie Hayter as Britt goes on and on about Toni fighting Serena before finally demanding Serena to be brought out.

Saraya says that this match coming up will be a Lumberjack match and then Saraya heads to commentary.

Toni Storm defeated Serena Deeb via Pinfall (11:10) in a Lumberjack Match to retain the Interim AEW Women’s World Championship

We get a reminder as to why we’re even having this match before Saraya came out. The women who came out for the Saraya segment other than Toni and Serena become the Lumberjacks. Toni and Serena begin their match with neither lady gaining an advantage until Serena turns a Superplex into her own crossbody before sending Toni out to get beaten down by Britt and her friends and we go to break with the other women coming to her rescue. Serena takes Toni back in the ring and dominates throughout the commercials with some excellent mat wrestling.

Before we return, Toni finally begins to fight back and she drops Serena as we return with two dropkicks before landing a diving crossbody from the top rope for two. Serena rolls out so Athena rolls her back in and Toni lands a German Suplex but Serena then counters a Hip Attack into a roll up for twp. Toni then counters a Dragon Screw for two and Serena eventually locks Toni in a nasty looking submission hold and Deeb locks her up. Toni eventually escapes and the hold but Jamie soon pulls her out of the ring. Skye Blue comes to help but is dropped and Willow runs Jamie off but that lets Serena take over again and she manages to lock the champion in a half crab. Toni eventually makes the ropes but the damage looks to have been done until Toni nails a Back Body Drop. Serena catches Toni and rolls through on a Crossbody from the top to lock the half crab in again but Storm escapes and nails the hip attack and nails the Storm Zero after Serena gets a jack-knife for two. Serena looks to be down but she kicks out at 2.9 then lands a Dragonscrew on Storm in the corner. Toni shows fight and manages to pull out an Avalanche Piledriver to retain her title. What a fantastic second half of that match.

The Acclaimed Interview

The Acclaimed say next week is National Scissoring Day. They say they’ll have a match on Friday and then Keith Lee appears to tell Billy off for getting involved in their match last week.

Andrade Family Office Interview

Andrade splits up an argument between Butcher & Blade and Private Party and the latter seem to be in the bad books of El Idolo. Matt Hardy arrives to try and team up with Private Party again.

Ricky Starks defeated Eli Isom via Pinfall (0:53)

Impromptu squash match as Ricky gets his entrance and then lands a quick spear and Roshambo to get the win.

Christian Cage & Luchasaurus vs Jungle Boy Video Package

A reminder of what happened last week.

Chris Jericho defeated Bandido via Submission (18:25) to retain the ROH World Championship

Bobby Cruise is on the ring entrances and Ian Riccaboni joins commentary for the ROH title match. Bandido heads out first and Jericho follows alone (other than Floyd the bat) and the crowd serenade him with Judas as always. Jericho makes a mockery of the handshake so Bandido tries an early advantage but Jericho manages to drop Bandido with an early clothesline. Jericho soon ends up on the outside so Bandido lands a Tope Suicida and Tope Con Giro and we head to break. Back in the ring, Bandido lands a Tornado for a two count. Both men head back outside and brawl there before Jericho sends the luchador into the ring steps. He uses this to take over and dominate, controlling the pace of the match until Bandido manages to land a one-handed press slam.

When we return, Jericho fights back but comes off the top rope into a Bandido kick before the getting Jericho up for a long delayed suplex, holding him for at least 45 seconds before delivering the slam. Both men go down but Bandido is soon up and he climbs to the top rope for a Frog Splash that earns him a two count. Jericho manages to regain control after that as he shows off his resilience, both men ending up on the top rope. Bandido pushes Jericho off but then jumps into a Codebreaker for two. The two men end up on the apron where Bandido escapes a German Suplex and he takes Jericho to the floor and takes us to our final break of the night. The referee begins to count both men out and they beat the twenty count at nine. Bandido seems to be bleeding through his mask as both men exchange strikes from their knees back in the ring. They continue to battle when back on their feet and it’s Jericho who wins the fight before laying in more chops.

When we return, the newest battle is still going on and Jericho drops Bandido to the apron but when he tries a springboard, Bandido comes over with a Sunset Flip to counter for two. Jericho fights back with a Lionsault for two and then lands some knee strikes until Bandido fights back with a huge Crucifix Bomb for two. Bandido goes for a Knee strike but gets caught in the Walls of Jericho instead and Chris looks to have full control as Bandido is in pain but the challenger drags himself to the ropes. Chris hits an outside-in Suplex over the ropes and heads up top but Bandido lands a Gaman Giri to stop him. Both men are now on the top rope where he lands a moonsault press whilst holding Jericho and Jericho somehow kicks out again. The crowd sound their appreciation and Bandido lands the X-Knee and a Twenty-One-Plex and still Jericho kicks out. Jericho pulls Bandido’s mask over his eyes after poking him in them and even then Bandido pulls out a great roll up but Chris escapes again and locks in the Lion Tamer to get the win. What a main event.

After the match, Jericho calls Bobby Cruise into the ring to announce him as winner and raise his hand. He then says that the Ring of Jericho era has begun and promises to beat every great ROH champion there has ever been, every ROH commentator, referee and ring announcer before he low blows Bobby and hits him with the Judas Effect to end the show. Oh, also, he announces Jericho vs Danielson in Canada if you think that’s a big deal.

I really enjoyed that episode of Dynamite. It was solid all the way through and all the matches longer than a minute were really enjoyable contests. That’s a 9/10 show for me, but what did you think? Let us know in the comments, let me know on Twitter @Knapphausen, and see you on Friday for Rampage. Adios.

Tags: #aew #aew dynamite #dynamite #results #chris jericho #bandido #jon moxley #juice robinson #saraya #mjf #toni storm #serena deeb #bryan danielson #daniel garcia

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