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It’s Wednesday, and I have absolutely no idea what that means anymore. Sunday was a monumental day in AEW history in all kinds of ways but most of them would seem to be negative right now following the carnage after All Out went off the air. So, on this show, we get to hear from not only the devil himself, a returning Maxwell Jacob Afterthought, I mean Friedman, we will also supposedly hear from Tony Khan regarding the World Championship and the Trios World Championships. Also, some wrestling. We all know why we’re here so wasting no more time, with Excalibur, Taz & Tony Schiavone on commentary, let’s get straight to the drama.
Tony seems to get boos before saying that the World Championship & the Trios titles are vacant. Best Friends & Orange Cassidy vs Death Triangle will crown the new trios' champs and then we get a 6-man tournament for the AEW World Championship which begins tonight and will end at Grand Slam. Holy Shit.
#AEW President & CEO @TonyKhan is here to address both the #AEW World Championship & #AEW World Trios Championship. Watch #AEWDynamite LIVE on TBS right now! pic.twitter.com/jZbNwOQgZL
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) September 8, 2022
We get a video package of MJF’s “shocking” return on Sunday before the Tony Khan announcement and MJF gets wild cheers from Buffalo as he comes out in a Bills jersey. He tells us the Devil is back and asks who is excited to see him. He sweetens up the crowd and then refers to the stuff he said and the crowd chanted that he was right. He says he was only joking back then and then he begins to talk about the vacated title. He says that he isn’t in the tournament because his chip guarantees that he has a title shot whenever he wants. He then compares himself to Moses before saying that he’s better than Moses. Babyface MJF has arrived.
Did @The_MJF's proclamations enrage 3 time #AEW World Champion @JonMoxley? It’s #AEWDynamite LIVE on TBS! pic.twitter.com/5RexnsDkYv
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) September 8, 2022
Wild Thing interrupts him as he leaves and out comes Jon Moxley. He calls MJF full of crap and challenges Max to show his true colours and Babyface MJF has left as he rips off the jersey and insults Buffalo. MJF then says he only wants the title for the bidding war of 2024 before suggesting he’ll go join Cody in WWE. Moxley tells MJF this is not the time or place and he needs to leave now or Moxley will make him. Both men ready themselves for a fight before MJF runs away.
"Maybe I'll take that title to a REAL wrestling company." @The_MJF starting to show his true colors again and @JonMoxley is not impressed. It’s #AEWDynamite LIVE on TBS! pic.twitter.com/kAflSk7Pux
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) September 8, 2022
Mox tells him his music sucks as he leaves before telling the crowd he’s pissed off and embarrassed. He says that the title is the only material thing that matters to him and it represents passion for wrestling. Moxley cuts a promo for the ages here where he sets the world to rights. Moxley is fired up and emotional as he delivers every single word and he says that he lost on Sunday and that’s his fault. Moxley says that he was supposed to be on vacation but he needs to be in the tournament of champions. He ends the promo by telling us that it’s time to be a legend.
"This is time to be a legend." @JonMoxley with powerful words here on #AEWDynamite LIVE on TBS! pic.twitter.com/jItAKZulgK
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) September 8, 2022
PAC and Orange Cassidy start the match but PAC isn’t interested so tags out to Penta. Orange & Penta do their usual slow start gimmicks as the glove comes off Penta’s hand. Orange takes off his glasses before the wrestling begins and Penta lands a kick to Cassidy but Cassidy returns fire with a DDT. PAC tags in before everyone hits the ring to brawl. Best Friends take over with a Rocket Launch over the top rope to send us to break. All six men brawl towards the ramp until Chuck Taylor lands a dive onto everyone and then they head back to the ring. Penta remains isolated until he escapes the grasp of Trent to tag out to PAC who takes over.
Now @sexychuckiet goes flying! #AEWDynamite is LIVE on TBS! pic.twitter.com/8TC0uvxLvR
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) September 8, 2022
When we return it's still PAC all over Trent but Beretta does try to fight back and manages a Stomp out of the corner to get space. He tags out to Orange Cassidy who takes out both Lucha Brothers but eats a Back Elbow from PAC and the bastard takes over. Danhausen jumps on the apron to distract and Alex Abrahantes stops him so Danhausen takes him out and PAC takes out Danhausen. Orange manages to get back into the match because of this eventually landing a huge DDT for two. Cassidy calls for the Orange Punch but PAC stops it only to get caught with the Stundog Millionaire. Cassidy tags out to Chuck who runs wild on Death Triangle until Penta pulls out a Back Stabber then nearly pin Chuck with a double team move. Best Friends turn it around and hit the Sole Food/ Half and Half on Fenix before hugging. Once again everyone comes in with big moves one at a time until Death Triangle almost win with a Superkick/ Code Red combo. Best Friends fight back and PAC breaks up the Pin from Trent on Penta after the Crunchie. All six men are in the ring and run into Thrust Kicks and then all eat Canadian Destroyers before Lucha Bros take out Orange and Trent and PAC hits Chuck with the Black Arrow to win.
#AndNEW!!! Your #AEW World Trios Champions - #DeathTriangle @BASTARDPAC @ReyFenixMx @PENTAELZEROM! Watch #AEWDynamite LIVE on TBS! pic.twitter.com/qUASwYhE88
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) September 8, 2022
Tony Schiavone asks Dark Order about the trios belts but they’re interrupted by Jose, Andrade & RUSH who want to recruit 10.
Andrade El Idolo makes it clear he doesn't want to speak with #DarkOrder, he wants to speak with 10.
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) September 8, 2022
Tune in NOW to #AEWDynamite LIVE on TBS! pic.twitter.com/sltQdCWHMC
We get a replay of what happened on Sunday at All Out before a backstage video of Jamie being less than happy with Britt before this match.
There's trouble on Team DMD after an emotional conclusion to the 4-way AEW Interim Women's World Championship this week at #AEWAllOut!
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) September 8, 2022
Tune in NOW to #AEWDynamite LIVE on TBS pic.twitter.com/FOGuaGW2VL
The match begins with a strong lock up and a nice back and forth on the mat for both women. They separate and go again with another stalemate looking likely until Toni hits a Shoulder Tackle. She offers a handshake but Penelope lands a stiff elbow but the champ puts her in her place and has her in the corner for the hip attack. Penelope dodges and Toni hits her with a Dropkick to the outside but Penelope throws her into the ring steps to send us to break. Penelope mostly stays on top throughout the break as the interim champ looks to be in trouble.
#ToniStorm knocks down @ThePenelopeFord but then gets driven into the steps! Watch #AEWDynamite LIVE on TBS! pic.twitter.com/7FFKahj0aT
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) September 8, 2022
When we return, Ford is still in control and nearly pins Toni off of a Suplex. Storm dodges a move in the corner before starting to fight back with some elbow strikes of her own and then an Uppercut in the corner. She follows that with the Hip Attack before Toni pulls out a DDT whilst countering a Northern Lights Suplex to get the win.
A great counter by #AEW Interim Women's World Champion #ToniStorm to get the victory tonight on #AEWDynamite LIVE on @TBSNetwork! pic.twitter.com/w7gq7NFclW
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) September 8, 2022
This is glorious. Grand Slam, let’s go.
Jericho Appreciation Society's Matt Menard & Angelo Parker makes it clear @ActionBronson doesn't belong in the professional wrestling world vowing to give him a taste in Queens, NY!
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) September 8, 2022
Tune in NOW to #AEWDynamite LIVE on TBS pic.twitter.com/JYHjwgZtXs
Swerve apologises for not letting Max rap after he interrupts their entrance. He gets massive asshole chants before calling The Acclaimed being champs a joke. Billy Gunn cuts Swerve off and tells him that it’s not his house anymore, it’s daddy ass’ house. Anthony Bowens then announces the rematch at Arthur Ashe.
🗣#TheAcclaimed (@PlatinumMax & @bowens_official) with @RealBillyGunn, HAVE ARRIVED but so has #AEW World Tag Team Champion #SwerveInOurGlory @swerveconfident! Watch #AEWDynamite LIVE on TBS! pic.twitter.com/HcQ7wRwgaM
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) September 8, 2022
Chris is with Sammy, Tay and Anna and they discuss his gigantic win over Danielson Sunday. He says he’s found the Fountain of Youth and that’s why he won on Sunday and he’s now the best Wrestler & the best Sports Entertainer and he’ll become an 8-time champion at Grand Slam. Jericho says that it’s his locker room and nobody will take it away from him. Sammy then says that he’ll beat Darby on Sunday and Jericho says Garcia will beat Yuta without their help.
A celebratory Jericho Appreciation Society update us on their massive week coming up in the wake of #AEWAllOut! And apparently, they don't like turtles.
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) September 8, 2022
Tune in NOW to #AEWDynamite LIVE on TBS! pic.twitter.com/qSo4lNsZGD
Wardlow heads out to face Tony Nese but they almost miss his music cue and do play his old entrance song so Wardlow is far from impressed. The crowd chant his name as the bell rings and then Wardlow rings Tony Nese’s bell with a Headbutt and a wind-up Lariat. He drops his straps and the Powerbomb Symphony begins. Three movements this time before he gets the easy win.
Wardlow then attacks Smart Mark Sterling to send the crowd home happy but Josh Woods saves him. Wardlow grabs a mic and tells us exactly what he thinks about people talking shit about his momentum.
TNT Champion @RealWardlow retains the title and has a few words to say! Watch #AEWDynamite LIVE on TBS! pic.twitter.com/yqtLZaXDLV
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) September 8, 2022
Darby says he’s leaving Sting in the back and wants Sammy one v one on Friday.
"One time I would've considered you a friend, but, now I don't think anybody respects you." It's Sammy Guevara vs Darby Allin for this FRIDAY's #AEWRampage Wildcard in the #GrandSlam Tournament of Champions to crown a NEW #AEW World Champion! #AEWDynamite is LIVE on TBS! pic.twitter.com/M0FKZkN5pf
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) September 8, 2022
Regal joins commentary and this impromptu match has so much riding on it. This is the third time we have seen this match with a draw and a hangman win being our results to date. The bell rings and we get a slow and steady start with lots of jockeying for position and hand fighting. Neither man takes a strong advantage over the other and we get a break in the corner. Danielson slaps the chest of the cowboy and annoys him before backing off, playing mind games with the anxious millennial. Danielson takes over the next exchange but Hangman fires back with a chop. A Brief strike exchange leads to Danielson taking over in one corner but Page does turn it around too. Bryan takes over with his kicks to the sternum before heading up top. Hangman takes him down with an elbow before sending Bryan off the apron via Springboard Lariat. Hangman tries to follow up but Danielson dodges the dive and sends Adam into the ring post to send us to break. He follows up by using the ring steps in the same way before returning to the ring. Regal on commentary lets us know that the tactic that Danielson is using is targeting Hangman’s right arm to remove the Buckshot and that becomes evident as we head through the break. He employs the barricades in this task before heading back to the ring.
.@bryandanielson drives #Hangman right into the post! Who will advance in this #AEW Grand Slam Tournament of Champions match tonight?! Watch #AEWDynamite LIVE on @TBSNetwork right now! pic.twitter.com/CnhAQmExvp
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) September 8, 2022
We return and it’s still Danielson well and truly on top as he stomps at the elbow of Hangman and brings him up for chops. Page tries to continue fighting back but his arm makes it hard until he nails a Fall Away Slam on Danielson. He follows Danielson to the outside with a dive and then heads back into the ring and keeps the pressure on Danielson. He nails him with a Death Valley Driver for a great two count before trying for a Dead Eye. Danielson counters and ends up hitting Hangman with his Dropkicks in the corner and Hangman's reversal is reversed into a huge kick from Bryan for two. Bryan lays in the kicks again and then heads up to the top rope but Hangman cuts him off before hitting a huge Avalanche Slam for two. Hangman sets up for the Buckshot but Bryan rolls out as we head to yet another break! This time it’s Hangman who spends the break on the offence and beats down Danielson outside the ring.
#Hangman @theadampage almost puts the #AmericanDragon right through the mat! Tune in to #AEWDynamite LIVE on TBS! pic.twitter.com/oziBA7ynzw
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) September 8, 2022
When we return, both men are exhausted in the middle of the ring and exchange brutal palm strikes back and forth before they transition into a wider offence which ends in a massive Hangman Page Liger Bomb for two. The crowd sound their appreciation as Hangman takes Danielson to the top rope but Danielson escapes and puts Hangman in the Tree of Woe and lands kicks to Hangman. He ends with a Baseball Dropkick and then takes Hangman up top for Hammer & Anvil Elbows and an Avalanche Back Suplex but Page lands on his feet. Bryan blocks the rolling elbow strike but not the Comebacker Lariat which gets a two count. Bryan transitions to a LeBell Lock but Hangman escapes and Bryan comes back with a Juji Gatame and heads back to the LeBell lock. Page escapes again and lands some big knees to Bryan. Hangman tries a strike exchange but his right arm is too weak and Danielson seems to be taking over but Hangman catches the Busaiku Knee with the Dead Eye for 2.9. Hangman heads up top but misses the Moonsault Press and gets hit with a Busaiku Knee which Hangman rolls out of the ring immediately after. Danielson tries to follow with a dive but Page catches him, and hits a Powerbomb on the apron before setting up for the Buckshot Lariat. Danielson sees it coming and counters with an O’Connor Roll with a bridge to pin Hangman and advance to a rematch with Jericho.
The #AmericanDragon @bryandanielson has advanced in the #AEW Grand Slam Tournament of Champions, and NEXT WEEK he will face @IAmJericho once again, this time at #AEWDynamite LIVE on TBS! pic.twitter.com/rY85TT5oGN
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) September 8, 2022
Jungle Boy spits fire at Christian and Luchasaurus.
"Maybe what really happened to me at #AEWAllOut is that a giant anchor was released from around my ankles." - "Jungle Boy" Jack Perry
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) September 8, 2022
Tune in NOW to #AEWDynamite LIVE on TBS pic.twitter.com/1QMDKDrxW8
Stokely comes out with his gang and calls himself the king of ladder matches before they beat up a guy who says there’s no time for them to talk.
.@StokelyHathaway is here to address the aftermath of the Casino Ladder Match at #AEWAllOut, and things turn violent! Watch #AEWDynamite LIVE on @TBSNetwork! pic.twitter.com/0NPD4vHeGM
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) September 8, 2022
This is the Rampage main event.
This FRIDAY at #AEWRampage, it's 1/2 of #FTR's Dax Harwood against Champion Claudio Castagnoli for the @ringofhonor World Championship on TNT!
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) September 8, 2022
Tune in NOW to #AEWDynamite LIVE on TBS! pic.twitter.com/s8H20Tjs32
Westside Gunn heads out to rap Daniel Garcia. Wheeler Yuta just comes out alone as Regal stays on commentary from Danielson’s match and he’s joined by Caprice Coleman. Bobby Cruise makes the announcements for Yuta and our judges are Jerry Lynn, BJ Whitmer and Matt Sydal.
.@WESTSIDEGUNN is here at #AEWDynamite to kick off this #ROH Pure Championship Match, and Buffalo's own @GarciaWrestling makes his way to the ring! Tune in to @TBSNetwork right now! pic.twitter.com/G00qIkqDau
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) September 8, 2022
The bell rings and we begin with the grappling that’s expected in a pure rules match. Garcia is the first to drop his opponent to the mat but Yuta soon fights back with one of his own. The two men lock up and tussle around the mat with nobody having an advantage until they both spill outside and both return with a stalemate to send us to break. Garcia uses a rope break but then manages to get on top of Yuta with stomps. The two men exchange chops and Garcia ends up on top.
#ROH Pure Champion @WheelerYuta taking control right now! It's #AEWDynamite LIVE on @TBSNetwork! pic.twitter.com/YwqQRYhJp2
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) September 8, 2022
We return from the break and Yuta fires back with an Enzuigiri and a Flying Elbow Strike for two. We head back to exchanging chops before Yuta gets a two from a Snap Suplex. Garcia responds with a Slap and a Back Suplex and then another before a huge lariat can only keep Yuta down for two. Garcia tries for the Dragon Tamer but Yuta counters with a roll up then back-to-back German Suplexes. He hits a third too but Garcia fights out of the waist lock and nails Yuta with three German Suplexes of his own. Yuta then escapes the same way that Garcia did for two German Suplexes. Then Garcia comes back with two! They then keep exchanging waist control before Garcia pulls out an Avalanche Release German Suplex to send us to break. Yuta lands on his head as the referee counts for the double down but both men get up at 8. Garcia exposes a Turnbuckle and uses it to attack the head of Garcia but Daniel counters and does the same to Wheeler.
Both men digging deep in this #ROH Pure Championship match! Tune in to #AEWDynamite LIVE on @TBSNetwork! pic.twitter.com/ltSZ8LgNnI
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) September 8, 2022
We return to the action after Garcia nails Yuta with a huge Superplex and the referee is back to counting again. This time the men get up at 7 and exchange strikes on their knees. Garcia manages to come out on top and the referee begins to count Yuta out but he makes it to his feet at 8 and then Garcia rushes in to lock in the Dragon Tamer. We see Jericho supporting from the back but Yuta makes the ropes for his first rope break. Yuta then uses his one closed fist punch but Garcia locks in the Dragon Tamer again and Yuta escapes into a Cross Face and then the Seatbelt for two. Yuta tries to put the Sharpshooter on himself but Garcia gets the Dragon Tamer on and makes Yuta tap out to win in his home town.
#AndNEW!!! Your new #ROH Pure Champion is Buffalo's own @GarciaWrestling! What a night it's been on #AEWDynamite LIVE on @TBSNetwork! pic.twitter.com/QNyysIecZh
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) September 8, 2022
Bryan Danielson comes down to the ring and puts the belt on Garcia before shaking his hand before Jericho comes out looking like he just saw his boyfriend cheat on him.
Code of Honor observed by both @WheelerYuta and new #ROH Pure Champion @GarciaWrestling, with @bryandanielson coming in to congratulate him here on #AEWDynamite on @TBSNetwork. Meanwhile, @IAmJericho is less than impressed! pic.twitter.com/fD7kRGOorJ
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) September 8, 2022
Well, that certainly was an eventful episode now wasn’t it. Probably only a 7/10 but there’s plenty to look forward to on the horizon. Let us know what you thought of the show in the comments below and let me know on Twitter @Knapphausen and I’ll be back here on Friday for Rampage. Adios.