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It’s Friday, you know what that means! It’s time for another episode of AEW Rampage and despite the b-show feeling of this show lately, it still continues to be the fastest hour in all of professional wrestling! We have a fun card tonight including Claudio Castagnoli defending the ROH World Championship against Dustin Rhodes and Wardlow defending the TNT title in his hometown! Not only that, we have our last Trios tournament quarter final match! So let us waste no more time, with JR, Excalibur, Chris Jericho & Tony Schiavone on commentary, let’s get straight to the wrestling!
AEW put things in a weird order this week as what I assumed would be the main event opens the show with all 6 competitors in position and the bell sounding. 10 begins as the legal man, as does Brody King and the two men size each other up before they lock up and Brody shows he has the strength advantage, something 10 isn’t used to being without! They back up to a corner where Brody swings and misses and 10 grabs him in a headlock. Brody throws him off and match each other with shoulder tackles twice before 10 turns to strikes and Brody throws him off and he lands awkwardly on his knee. 10 falls to his corner and John Silver tags in and Brody brings Buddy Matthews in. Buddy and John go back and forth with neither man having an advantage and both men showing a series of reversals before they meet at a stalemate. Buddy gets a quick strike in and John is stunned enough to allow Buddy to tag Malakai Black in. The two men go to work on Silver but John fights them both off to tag in Alex Reynolds. He comes in and goes on an equally impressive back and forth with Malakai as the last two men had and Alex narrowly avoids a vicious Back Heel Kick. Alex falls to the mat and Malakai sits with him before all 6 men are in the ring and brawling. The House of Black members take over to send us to break with Malakai dominating Reynolds. Alex flips the script as soon as break begins with an uppercut but Brody comes in to help out and the House of Black resume control.
#DarkOrder’s Alex Reynolds and #HouseOfBlack’s Malakai Black face off here on #AEWRampage! Watch TNT right now! pic.twitter.com/bMWifwwBcc
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) August 27, 2022
When we return it’s Malakai who becomes legal and he continues to beat on Reynolds. He tags out to Matthews who comes in and knocks both 10 and Silver from the apron. Reynolds fights back and manages to crawl to his corner after staggering Buddy with a big elbow and 10 has recovered so he tags in. 10, despite his visibly injured knee, comes in like tornado and takes down all three members of the House of Black on his own to begin with before slamming Matthews and Black into the mat. He locks the Full Nelson onto Malakai but he fights his way towards his corner to allow Buddy to hit 10 with a huge Meteora after breaking the submission with an Enzuigiri. Silver & Reynolds come in to remove Matthews and then they go to work on King too but he’s too big so fights back and wipes out Silver & Reynolds before 10 removes him too. Black attacks 10 with kicks and begins to focus on the knee more and even when 10 is able to grab the Full Nelson again, Black attacks the knee to escape. 10’s knee collapses and Malakai immediately manages to take advantage with a Body Scissors and a Knee Bar. Brody and Buddy stop Silver and Reynolds from saving and things look bleak for Dark Order. All of a sudden, Miro’s music hits and the House of Black get distracted. Buddy & Brody charge at him on the ramp and Reynolds rolls up Malakai in the ring to get the win!
The Redeemer MIRO is here and #DarkOrder’s Alex Reynolds takes advantage of the distraction to get the win here on #AEWRampage tonight! Watch TNT right now! pic.twitter.com/CZZz6V0NcD
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) August 27, 2022
After the match, Miro stands staring at Malakai but Brody recovers and attacks Miro from behind before tossing him into the ring steps. He rolls Miro into the ring and the three members of the House of Black surround him. Malakai hits him with the Back Heel Kick and then they all stomp him down until Darby & Sting make the save.
#HouseOfBlack have descended upon MIRO, but Sting and Darby Allin have stopped them in their tracks! #AEWRampage is on TNT! pic.twitter.com/SP4P6RcOcV
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) August 27, 2022
Lexy Nair mentions what the JAS said last week and Hook said he heard it and has had time to think about it and he really doesn’t care. He walks off and is replaced by an irate Matt Menard & Angelo Parker who ask where Hook went. Lexy says he’s right over there and Matt says he’s running scared before saying they want a taste of the title. Angelo says Hook’s attitude is because of the AEW Galaxy hyping him up.
Lexy Nair speaks to #FTW Champion #HOOK, but #JerichoAppreciationSociety’s Daddy Magic and Angelo Parker have some words of their own tonight. Tune in to #AEWRampage right now! pic.twitter.com/iH23HIVh9x
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) August 27, 2022
Ryan Nemeth comes out with a mic and cuts off Justin Roberts from introducing him to say the best part about being from Cleveland was leaving. He continues to wind up the crowd until the real hometown hero interrupts him and heads out with the TNT title around his waist.
It’s the #HollywoodHunk Ryan Nemeth here at #AEWRampage on TNT! pic.twitter.com/EaYlu8d5a5
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) August 27, 2022
Before the match can begin though, Jay Lethal, Satnam Singh, Sonjay Dutt and Chris Sabin make their way out to the ramp. Nemeth gets back on the mic to tell Wardlow not to worry about them because right now it’s all about him and his title shot. He puts Wardlow down and puts himself over so as soon as the bell rings, Wardlow meets him with a Headbutt and then a huge wind-up strike. Wardlow lowers the straps and strikes up the band. Powerbomb number one of the symphony hits and number two is followed rapidly by three and four. That’s all she wrote as Wardlow puts his foot on Nemeth to pin him.
And the powerbomb gets the victory for the TNT Champion Wardlow tonight on #AEWRampage on TNT! pic.twitter.com/PEwyMmUPwq
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) August 27, 2022
Lexy says both Private Party and La Faccion Ingobernable lost last week and asks how they’re handling it. Andrade says Private Party lost and Private Party say that so did Andrade & Rush. Andrade says that only Dragon Lee lost, not he and Rush. Andrade then ominously tells Private Party that everything has consequences.
Andrade Family Office and Private Party discuss their recent losses and what this spells for the near future… Tune in to #AEWRampage on TNT right now! pic.twitter.com/iHcOtKUGN6
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) August 27, 2022
Random match that I didn’t even know was on the card tonight as the number two ranked Powerhouse Hobbs comes out to face his already in the ring opponent, Ashton Day. Jericho says Day will win and Hobbs drops him immediately before picking him up and doing it again. He poses like Ricky Stark, who he had screamed at Ashton to go and get, and then finishes the match with a Spinebuster for 3. Dominant
A dominant victory for #PowerhouseHobbs tonight on #AEWRampage, sending a message directly to his former teammate and friend Ricky Starks, ahead of their match at #AEWAllOut LIVE on PPV on Sunday September 4! Watch TNT right now! pic.twitter.com/Nn5kuWvOu5
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) August 27, 2022
After the match, the big screen shows The Factory holding a bloody Ricky Starks and QT promises Hobbs that Starks won’t make it to all out. Ogogo is about to lay in a punch but QT stops him and does it himself, using his watch as a makeshift knuckle duster.
#TheFactory keeping their word to Powerhouse Hobbs & doing the dirty work with a cheap shot to Ricky Starks!
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) August 27, 2022
Tune in NOW to #AEWRampage on TNT! pic.twitter.com/O2Wy853h0c
Lexy Nair asks Jade about what’s going on with Athena, she begins to respond but Leila Gray interrupts her so Jade cuts her off and tells Kiera Hogan to take out the trash. She then tells Lexy to go too before telling Athena that she can have her match at All Out. Athena immediately attacks her and they have to be separated by security.
TBS Champion Jade Cargill challenges Athena to a match at #AEWAllOut, but an enraged Athena seemingly cannot wait until the PPV to get her hands on the Champ! Watch #AEWRampage on TNT right now! pic.twitter.com/VA4aVwERmV
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) August 27, 2022
Before the match begins, we get a recap of all the drama in the build-up between Tay and Ruby and it’s the ladies who begin the match. Tay immediately aims a kick at Ruby’s wrist which she broke and then lays in some big knee strikes. Melo drops Soho to the mat and stomps the wrist some more. Ruby fights back with a knee to the stomach and then attacks Tay in the corner with shoulder tackles but when she goes for a kick, Tay avoids and hits Ruby with one of her own. Soho fires back with a huge elbow strike and Tay tags out. Guevara and Ortiz hit the ring and the former Inner Circle teammates attack each other. They go back and forth, exchanging brief moments of dominance till Ortiz takes control with a few Body Slams and even gets a two count from a double team with Ruby. Ortiz claws at the back of Guevara but Tay grabs him and Sammy is able to hit a knee strike to send us to break. Sammy attacks Ortiz in his corner throughout the break with both Angelo and Tay involving themselves when they can. This continues all the way to the blackout.
Great team offense by Soho and Ortiz in this mixed tag team match on #AEWRampage! Tune in to TNT right now! pic.twitter.com/10cP7dgIQJ
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) August 27, 2022
When we come back to the match, Ortiz manages to fight back and drops Sammy with a huge blow before tagging out to Ruby who drops Tay immediately and pounds on her with right hands. They get back to their feet before Ruby switches to kicks and has Tay reeling before compounding that with a big back drop and then a running kick for two. Ruby takes Tay up to the top rope and Sammy takes Ortiz out on the apron before grabbing Ruby’s ankle. Soho hits Tay with a headbutt then turns to Sammy with a Poisonrana. Tay recovers to hit a diving crossbody. Ruby manages to get back on top but Sammy jumps in the ring to stand between her and Tay. Ruby goes to hit him; she misses and Tay hits her instead but Ortiz hits Sammy with a DDT only to get up into a Melo pump kick. She tries to follow up with a DDT but Ortiz blocks it and then catches her follow up pump kick before passing her foot to Ruby who nails her with a Knee Strike and the No Future Kick. Ruby goes for the Pin but Sammy lifts her off of Tay to break it up. Ruby tags in Ortiz who swarms Sammy in the corner and Angelo Parker jumps on the apron to distract him. Meanwhile, Anna Jay-A.S runs down and throws Ruby into the ring steps behind the ref’s back and Ortiz gets distracted by that which allows Sammy to hit the Springboard cutter for the win.
Anna Jay.A.S out of nowhere and Sammy Guevara steals the win for the team here on #AEWRampage on TNT! pic.twitter.com/yMAG5H72m1
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) August 27, 2022
After the match, Jericho names Anna, Angelo, Tay and Sammy the Sports Entertainers of the week.
We begin with a recap of what went down Wednesday on the show before we get to the backstage footage. CM Punk says he can’t put any weight on the foot and is asked if he felt it pop which he says no. He says he didn’t feel anything other than it give out which is what he felt when he first injured it too. That’s it? No answers to what is happening at All Out? That’s disappointing.
Exclusive backstage footage of CM Punk filmed after his Undisputed #AEW World Championship Match against Jon Moxley at #AEWDynamite; tune in to #AEWRampage right now! pic.twitter.com/WbORiM7Juo
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) August 27, 2022
Mark reminds Dustin what he told Claudio last week and he says there’s a lot of history between the two of them and tells Claudio he can beat him. Claudio says he wants to have the best fight and Dustin might be confident but so’s everyone until they enter the ring with Claudio. Looks like there’s been enough talk, it’s time for the main event.
It’s TIME for the MAIN EVENT! Ring Of Honor World Champion Claudio Castagnoli puts the title on the line against #TheNatural Dustin Rhodes on #AEWRampage right now; tune in to TNT! pic.twitter.com/9cJ3IOgZmg
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) August 27, 2022
Bobby Cruise makes the announcements and Caprice Coleman joins commentary for the ROH feel that Rampage is known for. Dustin brings Arn and Brock down to the ring with him and Claudio comes out with Wheeler Yuta who heads to ringside and William Regal who heads to commentary. Jericho refuses to be on commentary with him and leaves. The bell rings after the handshake and Dustin tries to make a fast start to surprise the champion but Claudio is ready for him and soon the two begin grappling for dominance. They begin to go back and forth on the ropes and Dustin manages to pull out an early roll up for two before getting a one count from an arm drag. Castagnoli manages to get on top of Dustin using his wrestling to maintain control and get Dustin off balance before sending him out of the ring with a shoulder tackle. Dustin hits his head on the bottom rope on the way out and Arn comes over to give Dustin a pep talk. When Rhodes returns to the apron, he manages to get control over Castagnoli with a shoulder tackle but when he tries a Sunset Flip, Claudio is able to sit down into a pinning predicament of his own for two. Claudio pulls out a quick Uppercut and then attacks Dustin in the corner but Rhodes fights back with a Manhattan Drop and a boot to the Jaw for one. Dustin tries for a Crossbody off the ropes but Claudio ducks it and Dustin falls to the floor to send us to the break. Arn heads over for another pep talk but it’s not enough this time as Claudio resumes control once Rhodes is back between the ropes. Claudio begins to work on the shoulders of Dustin more and more and the damage seems to be building up. He maintains control throughout the remainder of the picture in picture.
Dustin Rhodes showing us why he is #TheNatural! Tune in to #AEWRampage on TNT right now! pic.twitter.com/tYJ7DqTVwM
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) August 27, 2022
When we come back to the match, Claudio has Dustin locked in a Crossface and has held it for about a minute but Dustin fights to his feet finally and escapes by slamming Claudio down. Castagnoli recovers first though and begins to lay in elbow strikes and forearms. Dustin comes back with some short arm Lariats then sends Claudio to the outside and follows him to the floor with the Cannonball Senton off the apron. They head back in the ring and Dustin drops Claudio again for a two count with a diving lariat. He follows with a Hurricanrana and then pulls out a Code Red for a close two count. Claudio drops Dustin onto the top rope then fires in a Lariat for a two count of his own. He calls for the Giant Swing and pulls it out for another two before transitioning to a Crossface. Dustin escapes by rolling Claudio up and then pulls out a Powerslam and tries for a Piledriver but doesn’t connect with it properly so it only gets him another two. Arn calls on Dustin to finish it but Claudio fights back and then the two collide and it looks like Dustin used an accidental low blow. Arn tells Dustin to finish it but Castagnoli fights through the pain and pulls out a pop-up uppercut to retain his title, much to Arn’s dismay.
#AndStill!!! The Ring of Honor World Champion Claudio Castagnoli retains the title after an absolute battle against Dustin Rhodes in the main event of #AEWRampage tonight on TNT! pic.twitter.com/ZETXJRKtjX
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) August 27, 2022
And that was Rampage. Another solid if uninspiring show. 6.5/10 for me. Let us know what you thought in the comments, let me know what you thought on Twitter @Knapphausen and have yourselves a fantastic weekend. So long & goodnight.