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AEW Dynamite: Fyter Fest Night Three Full Recap – July 20, 2022

Posted By: Jonny Knapp on Jul 20, 2022

AEW Dynamite: Fyter Fest Night Three Full Recap – July 20, 2022

It’s Wednesday, you know what that means! It’s time for AEW Dynamite and Fyter Fest Week two, night three! Not only that, it’s Shark Week apparently so there’s also a slim chance of Shark Boy turning up tonight. Fingers crossed but if not, we have a Barbed wire everywhere match involving Eddie Kingston and Chris Jericho, I mean, The Painmaker with the latter’s Appreciation Society suspended above the ring in a Shark Cage. If that’s not enough, the champions of the Blackpool Combat Club, namely (Interim) AEW World Champion Jon Moxley and ROH Pure Champion Wheeler Yuta against Best Friends. So, there’s a lot to get to and I’m done wasting time on the intro. With Excalibur, Taz and Tony Schiavone on commentary, let’s get straight to the wrestling!

Brody King defeated Darby Allin via Pinfall (12:35)

Starting with a Grudge match, when the bell rings, Darby sends Brody to the outside immediately and tries a Tope Suicida but Brody catches him with a strike and takes over. King takes over with chops and countering everything Darby throws at him with ease. Darby eventually gets free up top and bounces off of Brody when he tries a Crossbody. Brody spins Darby around by his shorts and throws him into the ropes where Darby falls to the outside. King follows and tosses Allin into the barricade as he takes full control. He drops Darby with another chop on the outside before rolling Darby back in the ring. Allin fights back with forearms but Brody knocks him down with one of his own then continues to brutalise Darby in the corner before tossing him to the floor to send us to break. Brody spends the break unsurprisingly beating Darby down both inside the ring and outside. He uses strikes and kicks, slams and sentons and Darby is in all kinds of trouble.

When we return, Brody is still in control and takes Darby back into the ring but Darby rolls out to the other side and then uses his belt to lure King in and tie his feet together before he hits his Cannonball Tope. Brody gets free and rolls back in and Darby hits a Coffin Splash and the second gets caught by King with a Sleeper. He puts Darby in a Tree of Woe but Darby evades the Cannonball Senton in the corner and then hits Code Red for two. He maintains wrist control and tries a submission and then a sleeper but Brody fights to his feet and escapes with the Cannonball in the corner. The ref starts counting for a double down and King is back to his feet first but Darby tries a Stunner and gets caught in the Rear Naked Choke on the apron like in the Royal Rampage. Brody drops him when he passes out and the ref begins to count out Darby but he beats the count at 9. Brody greets him with a Gonzo bomb and that’s all she wrote.

Brody locks in another sleeper after the bell to draw out Sting and he gets his wish. Sting walks down to the ring and takes over with a Scorpion Death Drop but the lights go out. When they come back on, Malakai is in the ring and Brody locks on a choke whilst Malakai mists the Icon.

They look to be in control until they’re interrupted by Miro’s music. He wanders down the ramp but stops short of the ring for a stare down as we go to break.

Cole Karter Interview

Tony says we have an FTW title match tonight and the FTW champion interrupts to put Cole Karter in his place.

Blackpool Combat Club (Jon Moxley & Wheeler Yuta) defeated Best Friends (Chuck Taylor & Trent Baretta) via Pinfall (11:53)

William Regal and Orange Cassidy both join commentary and the Englishman delights us with some wonderful introductions. When the match begins it’s Moxley and Trent starting us off. They lock up and Mox takes Trent down only for Trent to fight back and Moxley to take him down once again. Trent fights out with back elbows and then exchanges chops with Moxley which Mox win with a Dragon Screw. Mox tags out and then so does Trent and Wheeler and Chuck lock up. Chuck’s size backs Yuta down into the corner to begin with but Wheeler comes back after the clean break only to get backed down again. Chuck takes over with a Shoulder Tackle and Moxley gives him a pep talk in the corner. Chuck comes back and still has the better of Wheeler, Yuta responds with a slap and Trent tags in and takes Yuta down and fights him, Yuta fights back and hits Trent with an Enzuigiri but Trent responds with a Backdrop Suplex. Trent lays in the elbows and drops Wheeler by the ropes. Chuck has to come in to stop Trent getting disqualified and Wheeler takes him out from behind and Trent returns fire. Yuta ends up outside and Chuck finally snaps, chucking Wheeler into the barricade twice until a fired up Moxley chases them off. He chucks a chair into the ring steps as we go to break. Throughout the break, Best Friends beat down poor Yuta and have him completely isolated but Wheeler digs deep to resist all their double team offence to kick out.

We return to the action as Wheeler fights back with some strikes and then plants Chuck with a German to get the space to tag out to Mox. Trent comes in too but Moxley fires up, beating Trent down with Hammer and Anvil elbows. Chuck intervenes and gets chucked over the timekeeper's table. Moxley returns to the ring and gets a two count and then brings Yuta into the match. They end up hitting Moxley with the Awful Waffle and he rolls out but even after both of them Piledrive Yuta, he still kicks out. He hits Trent with a German Suplex and then Trent hits him with the Crunchie but Jon breaks the pin up with a Regal Knee. Chuck and Mox take each other down and then Trent blocks the tag by taking out Mox on the apron. Trent brings in Chuck but Yuta locks on a Front Choke and Mox takes out Trent on the outside. Chuck goes for an Awful Waffle again but Yuta escapes with the Seatbelt pin to get the win. That was breathless. Great match. Orange Cassidy tells us Chuck taught him that pin.

Claudio Castagnoli vs Jonathan Gresham Video Package

This match will bang.

Swerve in our Glory Championship Celebration

Tony Schiavone introduces the new Tag champs and they head to the ring. Swerve lays out to let the fans give them the acclaim they deserve and then we see Kevin Gates in the crowd. Keith says he needs to thank all of us for helping them win the titles. He then offers a toast that the title reign be limitless but Mark Sterling and Tony Nese interrupt them to say they got lucky.

They go back to their petition stuff and ask Kevin Gates to sign his petition. He refuses and Sterling says his music sucks. Kevin Gates knocks out Nese and then Swerve throws cake in Sterling’s face.

The Dark Order & The Butcher & The Blade Interview

Silver & Reynolds offer gifts to Butcher & Blade and they beat them up to thank them until Hangman Adam Page makes the save.

Christian Cage & Luchasaurus defeated The Varsity Blonds (Griff Garrison & Brian Pillman Jr) via Pinfall (2:08)

Pillman starts off with Christian and Cage tags out and Luchasaurus meets Brian with a headbutt. He lets Pillman bring Griff in and Garrison evades Luchasaurus to hit three rolling elbows. Pillman jumps in the ring to hit a Thrust Kick but Luchasaurus takes it and hits both of them with a Double Clothesline. Luchasaurus hits both men with Chokeslams and Cage tags in to make the pin.

After the match, Christian gets on the shoulders of Luchasaurus to celebrate but then Baltimora hits the audio system and out walks Jungle Boy with a chair. He walks slowly to the ring and Luchasaurus meets him but lets him through and Christian runs away with Jungle Boy in hot pursuit.

Gunn Club Interview

Lexy Nair asks Gunn Club why they declined a match with The Acclaimed and they say they carried them and they're sick of being in their raps. Max is instead challenged to a rap battle by Austin Gunn to decide the match stipulation. That’s on Rampage.

Ricky Starks defeated Cole Karter via Pinfall (6:09) to retain the FTW Championship

JR joins commentary and we get the impromptu FTW title match. The bell rings and Ricky takes control early on with strikes. He backs Karter into the corner and whips him across the ring a few times and then drops his challenger with an elbow. Cole Karter fights back with some elbows then hits a dropkick. He beats Ricky down then sends him to the outside with a clothesline to send us to break. During the break, Starks recovers then heads back into the ring where he takes over once again and retains that dominance throughout the break. Karter shows signs of life but Ricky shuts him down.

Back from the break, Karter lands clotheslines, a big kick and a rising knee for two as he gets his best series of offence in this match. He hoists Ricky up; Starks fights out but he still ends up in a pop-up cutter. Karter tries for a 450 but Ricky avoids it then finishes off with a Spear to retain.

Starks grabs a mic and says he has more in the tank and offers out another open challenge. Danhausen answers the challenge of Richard. Starks backs down and then says next week, he’ll face him on Dynamite.

Kris Statlander, Willow Nightingale & Athena Interview

Schiavone says that Kris is out of the match tonight because Leila is too and Stokely Hathaway says she has to be the one to drop out her side. Athena says that Kris can go for the world title so Athena can go for the TBS and Willow says they’ll beat the Baddies tonight.

FTR Interview

Tony Schiavone introduces FTR and they head to the ring with all of their belts. He asks them about their two out of three falls match on Saturday against the Briscoes at Ring of Honor Death before Dishonor. Cash hypes up the match and their opponents but tells the Briscoes they’re not taking any of their titles away. Dax follows up with a story about a little girl who had a hole in her heart and it closed up 3 years later and that little girl was Dax’s daughter who fought hard to get to that point and he has to fight just as hard as she did.

Jay Lethal Interview

Lexy Nair talks about Jay vs Joe, also on Saturday, but then mentions Christopher Daniels and Sonjay Dutt tells her not to talk about him. Daniels then interrupts to say he wants a match on Rampage this Friday.

Jade Cargill & Kiera Hogan w/ Stokely Hathaway & Jermaine Dupri defeated Willow Nightingale & Athena via Pinfall (8:25)

Jade makes her entrance with someone called Jermaine Dupri and Stokely says he got Kris banned from ringside. Jade says this is where she lives so she’ll show everyone that she’s that bitch. Willow and Athena join them in the ring and the match begins with Jade & Athena but Jade sidesteps her and tags out to Kiera Hogan. Athena immediately takes over with Arm Drags and a big strike to shut Kiera down before Willow tags in. Willow and Kiera go back and forth and Hogan misses a Dropkick to allow Nightingale to take over with a low Crossbody. Athena tags in and Willow slams her onto Kiera before getting a two count. Athena hits Jade on the apron then throws Kiera outside where Willow hits a Cannonball Senton onto both of them! Athena dives onto the pile to send us to break. Athena and Willow continue to control the match until Jade finally tags into the match and beats down Athena with her Crossover Splashes in the Corner before a Pump Handle Slam earns Jade a two count. Jade brings Kiera in who lays in a kick for a one count then hits a big DDT and a Sliding Boot in the corner and gets a two count.

We return to the match and Athena hits a Death Valley Driver and brings Willow in. Willow lays into Kiera with strikes and chops before Jade breaks up the pin after a big Spinebuster. Jade sends Willow to the outside and Jade and Athena exchange strikes in the ring. Jade takes over with a boot but Athena gets her boot up on the crossover Splash only for Jade to catch her Crossbody and hits a Fallaway Slam. Athena pops back up as Jade does too and then hits a Meteora. Jade rolls outside and Athena follows, hitting Kiera with a Powerbomb on the apron. Jade takes out Athena when Stokely distracts her but then Jade tags in and takes down Willow before hitting the Jaded to get the win.

ThunderStorm Interview

Schiavone announces Fight for the Fallen and Yamashita’s match with Thunder Rosa next week. Thunder Rosa cuts a promo and then they're interrupted by Britt and Jamie who say that they’ll be on Rampage.

“The Painmaker” Chris Jericho defeated Eddie Kingston via Pinfall (13:13) in a No Disqualification Barbed Wire Everywhere Deathmatch with The Jericho Appreciation Society suspended in a Shark Cage

Justin Roberts makes the announcements with a barbed wire microphone and we start off by seeing the JAS getting hoisted above the ring and Ruby Soho is in control of that. The Painmaker then makes his entrance with Floyd the baseball bat wearing a barbed wire jacket. Eddie follows with a maniacal look on his face. He grabs the mic from Justin Roberts and hits Jericho with it before telling us Jericho is gonna Bleed on Shark Week. Jericho is bleeding everywhere but escapes from the ring and Eddie chokes him with his shirt. Jericho fights back with a Barbed Wire wrapped ring bell and then tries to send him into the Barbed Wire table. Eddie resists then sends Jericho into it. They head back between the ropes and Jericho is tossed into the barbed wire covering them. Kingston grinds Jericho’s head into that barbed wire then hits him on the back with a chair that’s also, you guessed it, wrapped in barbed wire. Jericho fights back in the corner and then sends Eddie into a Barbed Wire table with a Hurricanrana from the top rope to send us to break. Eddie pries himself free of the barbed wire so Jericho puts him back into it with a Backdrop Suplex. Jericho then doesn’t let him escape and puts him in the Walls of Jericho whilst he’s stuck. Eddie fights out of it and kicks Jericho into the ropes to get free. Eddie needs help to get free and the ref provides it.

We return to the match and Jericho and Eddie exchange right hands and then Kingston sends Jericho into the ropes once again before crotching him on the ropes. Eddie sets up a table and attacks Jericho on the apron. Jericho fights back but to no avail as Eddie suplexes him through the table. Tay Conti runs out and attacks Ruby Soho to free the JAS. Anna Jay makes the save but then teams up with her to take Ruby out with the ring post. Then the Shark Cage is lowered and unlocked. The JAS swarm the ring and ravage Kingston but Ortiz & the Blackpool Combat Club make the save. Back in the ring, Eddie sends Jericho through the Barbed Wire Table with an Exploder but Jericho kicks out at two. Eddie grabs the chair and Jericho hits a Codebreaker for two. The Painmaker grabs the Chair and attacks Eddie with it before trying a Lionsault and Eddie throws the chair into him to avoid it. He hits the Uraken but Jericho kicks out and then Jericho locks in the Stretch Plum with Barbed Wire. Sammy Guevara appears from nowhere and saves him with the Superkick and Sammy then assists Jericho in hitting Eddie with a Judas Effect to get the win.

After the match, Eddie springs back to life and sends Jericho into a Barbed Wire Spider Web on the floor but it’s too little too late. Eddie losing makes no sense to me but there we have it.

A good Dynamite that left a sour taste in my mouth, and not in a good Sour Patch Kids way either. What did you make of tonight’s episode though? Let us know in the comments, let me know on Twitter @Knapphausen and see you back here on Friday for Rampage. Adios.

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