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Kevin Nash and Sean Oliver reunited for the first ever Kliq This! podcast, which was dedicated to the memory of Scott Hall.
During the show, Nash recalled the story of when Scott Hall told him he was going to WCW.
“[Scott Hall] tells me he’s leaving and I think we’re — I want to think that we’re in West Virginia because he gives me like, ‘I’m gone’. He tells the number and I’m like, ‘Wow. 180 days?’ But I’m on top and I was still on top when Bret wouldn’t take the powerbomb at that In Your House in Louisville. I said — I walked in the locker room. We’re here in the shower again, and I just looked at him and I said, ‘F*ck. I’m joining you.'”
On how Hangman Page's title run reminds him of his own WWF Championship reign.
“I always like to watch how people handle, when they make somebody champion for the first time and that Hangman [Adam Page] became a champion for AEW. I see where they’re going to have Bryan Danielson fight him … They went like f*cking a draw and I said, ‘Ooh. Royal Rumble. That f*cking match I had with Bret 29 run-ins’. It’s like, my first f*cking title defense is a f*cking draw. Like, wow. Way to put the f*cking bank behind me.”