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AEW Dynamite: Fyter Fest Night One Results – July 13, 2022

Posted By: Jonny Knapp on Jul 13, 2022

AEW Dynamite: Fyter Fest Night One Results – July 13, 2022

It’s Wednesday, you know what that means! It’s AEW Dynamite time and we know we’re in the middle of Summer because Fyter Fest is here! Tonight, is the first of four shows with the Fyter Fest name and we have a huge card in Savannah, Georgia to look forward to. The Young Bucks put their titles on the line against Ricky Starks & Powerhouse Hobbs and Keith Lee & Swerve Strickland at the same time and Wardlow putting his TNT Championship on the line against Orange Cassidy. No time to waste, the commentators to start the show are Excalibur, Taz and Tony Schiavone so let’s get straight to the wrestling!

Wardlow defeated Orange Cassidy w/ Best Friends (Trent Beretta & Chuck Taylor) via Pinfall (11:48) to retain the TNT Championship

Starting off with the TNT championship match and Best Friends accompany Orange Cassidy to the ring and in an inset promo, they tell us they’ll cheat and Orange says he doesn’t care. Wardlow follows him to the ring and suits the belt around his waist as it’s back to the black design Darby sported. The bell rings and Orange starts with the mind games immediately and puts his hands in his pockets. Wardlow pulls them out and tears Orange’s pockets off then pulls his straps down. Cassidy pulls them back up for him and mocks his pose before Cassidy springs into action looking for his DDT. Wardlow blocks it and goes for the Powerbomb but Cassidy escapes and then Wardlow cartwheels out of a Hurricanrana. Best friends start to cheat with a chainsaw and the ref throws them out. Back in the ring, Cassidy tries an Orange Punch which is blocked and then the weak kicks from Cassidy lead Wardlow to charge at the challenger and spill outside. Cassidy tries a Tope Suicida but it’s blocked and then they walk around the ring and Wardlow pulls Danhausen out from under the ring and that finally allows Cassidy to land an Orange Punch. He rolls the champ inside and tries it again but Wardlow snatches him and throws him with a Belly-to-Belly Suplex to send us to break. Wardlow hits another Belly-to-Belly in the ring and Cassidy escapes outside only for Wardlow to follow and Press Slam Cassidy back into the ring! He slams Cassidy down after a Delayed Vertical Suplex as he picks up a methodical pace.

We return to the match and Cassidy manages to make Wardlow miss in the corner and Orange uses the top turnbuckle to stun Wardlow. He follows with a cross body but Wardlow catches him so Cassidy goes for the Chop Block to the knee of Cassidy. Orange goes for Beach Break but Wardlow is too big and Wardlow can’t hit the Powerbomb either. Orange reverses into a DDT and then another but it only gets Cassidy a one count. Orange tries another Orange Punch but Wardlow dodges and hits an F10 on Cassidy but Orange still kicks out at two. Wardlow calls for the Powerbomb Symphony and Cassidy escapes it one last time and hits a Hurricanrana and then a Tope Suicida when the champ rolls outside. Orange finally pushes Wardlow into the ring post but Wardlow still blocks his diving DDT. Wardlow is hit with Stundog Millionaire, an Orange Punch AND Beach Break and Wardlow still kicks out. Orange tries another Orange Punch only for Wardlow to catch him and one Powerbomb is all it takes. Wardlow retains.

Wardlow offers Cassidy a sign of respect after the match and Orange accepts.

PAC vs Shota Umino Highlights

Check this match out on AEW Dark if you haven’t seen it already.

Chris Jericho Promo

The Wizard comes down to the ring in a nice suit to address Eddie Kingston and the Barbed Wire Everywhere match next week. Jericho says that he’s a legend and Eddie’s superior to start with before telling Eddie he has no friends left. He begins to list people who say their Eddie’s friend and explains how all his friends and acquaintances were taken out by him and the JAS. He says Eddie is a mark for Funk, Onita and Sabu and says he won the first ever barbed wire match in Canada at 22.

Jericho says he’s just as sadistic as Kingston but he’s underestimated but next week Eddie has to face the Painmaker who's undefeated in AEW. Jericho says this is the end of the Jericho-Kingston saga and Eddie knows he’ll never be at Jericho’s level. Jericho then promises to wash away his sins in Kingston’s blood and ends by telling Eddie he’s not a Liar, he’s a loser.

Eddie Promo

Eddie has Ortiz & Ruby with him and complains about how long he gets to reply but tells Jericho will get hurt and Eddie will enjoy it.

Jon Moxley defeated Konosuke Takeshita via Submission (13:14)

William Regal joins commentary as Konosuke Takeshita enters the ring and the (interim) World Champion follows. Commentary points in that Takeshita has a gum shield in for this match whilst Moxley slowly makes his way through the crowd. The champ arrives and the bell rings before both men begin with a lock up that doesn’t last long. Mox instead grabs a Hammerlock but Takeshita fights out and both men exchange headlocks and then Shoulder Tackles before turning to chops and Mox who wins out and takes Takeshita down. Konosuke fights out and hits a Leg Lariat and follows up with a chop battle with Mox. They go back and forth and then turn their strikes into elbows before a huge Lariat turns Takeshita inside out. Moxley hits a piledriver and Konosuke kicks out so Moxley puts him in a Crossface and makes him get to the ropes. Moxley pulls him out to the apron for another Piledriver and Takeshita fights out into a strike exchange which the Japanese man ends with a huge German Suplex. Takeshita returns him to the ring but Moxley comes back with a boot to send Takeshita to the floor and send us to break. Moxley follows Takeshita to the outside where the challenger has begun to bleed so Moxley targets the wound before taking Takeshita back inside where he targets it further on the top rope before hitting a Superplex for two. Moxley starts to stomp Konosuke’s head into the canvas for another two count before beating him up and choking him in the ropes.

We return to the action as Moxley drops Takeshita on his head with a German Suplex and then lays in stomps to the gut and face. Konosuke fights back in another strike exchange and then hits a Leaping Takeshita Line and then more elbows to keep the pressure on. He lays in a kick and Mox follows with an elbow and the two men exchange position on the mat before a Sheer-drop Brainbuster has the champ down for two. Takeshita tries a Frog Splash but Mox gets the knees up and then locks Takeshita in a choke and then turns it into a Juji Gatame. Takeshita makes the ropes again and Moxley then slaps him to engage in another strike exchange which Takeshita wins with the Hurricanrana and follows with a big Tope Con Hilo. He hits the frogsplash and Moxley has to kick out at 2.99 to save himself. The two men exchange elbows on their knees and fight to their feet. They meet in the middle with Lariats over and over before Mox tries a choke and Takeshita turns it into a Blue Thunder Bomb but can’t make a good pin. Moxley dodges a Knee Strike to hit a Paradigm Shift and then Hammer and Anvil Elbows. Takeshita fights out of a Second Paradigm Shift and hits a German Suplex with a bridge for another two. Moxley hits the Death Rider and then more hammer and anvil elbows before Takeshita finally has to tap out of the Bulldog Choke. What a fucking match.

House of Black Video Package

A new feud started by Darby Allin trying to be a nice guy. This is just the House of Black even though we were told it was Darby by Excalibur. Oops!

Christian Cage Promo

Christian comes out and he’s soon joined by Charizard, I mean Doucheasaurus, I mean Luchasaurus. Christian says he’s annoyed by the Varsity Blonds who are in the ring. He goes after the father of Bryan Pillman, calling him average at best and says he’d be appalled to know that his son was his last contribution to wrestling. Christian turns to Griff Garrison and asks Luchasaurus if Griff looks like Jungle Boy.

Luchasaurus defeated Griff Garrison w/ Bryan Pillman Jr via Submission (1:24)

Griff tries to fight but Luchasaurus drops him with a German Suplex. Griff rolls out, Luchasaurus follows him and beats him down with the ring post, following Christian’s orders. They head back in the ring and a Chokeslam drops Griff again and then another one after Christian says so before he taps him out with the Tar Pit.

The bell doesn’t stop the action and Luchasaurus deals with Pillman before putting Griff through the timekeeper’s table as Pillman lays on it (at the second time of asking).

JAS Interview

Tony Schiavone asks the JAS about the Shark Cage they’ll be in and they ask lots of questions that Schaivone doesn’t have answers for before Daniel Garcia is left alone to pick a fight with Wheeler Yuta.

Hangman Adam Page Interview

Tony Schiavone asks about Hangman not winning the Royal Rampage and then Silver & Reynolds turn up to offer the House of Black a trio match that Hangman agrees to.

Claudio Castagnoli defeated Jake Hager via Pinfall (11:30)

Jim Ross joins commentary and the first man he’s talking about is his favourite, Jake Hager. He’s followed down to the ring by Claudio Castagnoli and Regal comes out with him and joins commentary once again. The match begins with an Uppercut from Claudio. He tries a Neutraliser but Hager fights out of that and then the Giant Swing before he drops him from the apron with a boot. Claudio takes the fight to Hager and Jake retaliates with a Lariat. He takes Castagnoli back inside and tries for a Hager Bomb and Claudio gets his legs up so Hager tries for an Ankle Lock. Claudio fights out and hits a Tiger Feint Kick before they exchange huge shots in the corner. They go back and forth for a minute before a Dropkick and Bulldog earns Claudio a two count. Claudio drives Jake into the Turnbuckle. Hager hits a big slam and then lays in Bodys Shots in the corner. He Beells Claudio and then hits the Hager Bomb to earn a two count of his own and send us to break. Jake controls the match throughout the break with body shots and countering anything Claudio throws back. That is until Claudio snatches Hager up for a big Brainbuster. Hager fights back though with a big boot for a two count.

We return as Claudio hits his own boot but Hager hits him with a Belly-to-Belly Suplex for two. He hits a short arm clothesline and goes for a second but Claudio ducks and hits a huge Springboard Uppercut. Both men exchange strikes before Claudio takes over with uppercuts and then a low Dropkick. Hager rolls outside and Claudio follows with a running Uppercut. They go back into the ring and Claudio almost wins with a Crossbody from the top rope. Hager kicks out and Claudio calls for the Giant Swing which he hits then turns into a Sharpshooter. Hager crawls to the bottom rope, Claudio pulls him back to middle which prompts Jake to call out the JAS. Matt Menard and Angelo Parker run out to cause a distraction and make Claudio break the hold which allows Hager to hit a big Ura Nage for 2.9. Hager tries for an Ankle Lock but Claudio fights out and then deals with Angelo Parker before the Pop-Up Uppercut and Ricola Bomb ends the night for Jake Hager. That may well be Hager’s best match in AEW.

Hook Interview

Lexy Nair ask Hook if he’s getting a title shot soon and he doesn’t answer.

ThunderStorm Interview

Thunder Rosa says she’ll fight Miyu Yamashita for the title after losing to her in Japan. Then Thunderstorm say they’ll take on anyone and Britt and Jamie turn up to accept with lots of puns.

Serena Deeb defeated Anna Jay via Submission (8:24)

Serena Deeb makes her entrance and is followed by Anna Jay in her hometown. The match begins with a strong lock up and Serena outwrestles Anna and drops her twice in quick succession. Anna fights back with an Arm Drag and a Flatliner. She backs Deeb into the corner but Serena manages to lock Anna up in a submission after dodging Anna’s strike. Anna escapes by rolling Serena up before Anna locks in the Queenslayer. Deeb is in trouble but escapes via the ropes and then heads back inside for a Twisting Neckbreaker for two which sends us to break. Serena follows Anna to the outside and attacks her in front of her family. Anna fights back but Serena pokes her eyes to take over again. They head back into the ring where Serena lays in the punishment.

We return as Serena continues the offence but Anna fights back with Elbow Strikes and then a leg lariat in the corner before a Northern Lights Suplex earns Anna a two count. Anna goes for the Queenslayer again but Serena escapes and then Deeb spins Anna around and looks for a Piledriver but Anna gets out with a Back Body Drop. Serena manages to fight back with a roll up for two then a Submission. Anna escapes with her own roll up for two before Anna drops Serena with a kick. She tries to follow up in the corner but Serena fights back with a Dragon Suplex. Anna manages to snatch one last Queenslayer and has Serena in all kinds of trouble only for Serena to escape into the Serenity Lock and force Anna Jay to tap out.

After the match, Serena won’t let go so Mercedes Martinez makes the save.

Jade Cargill & The Baddies Interview

Tony Schiavone interviews Jade about Athena and Kris and nobody says anything of substance. Stokely makes a Wu Tang reference though.

Jay Lethal Interruption

Excalibur is doing his usual plug of upcoming matches and Jay Lethal interrupts to shout about Samoa Joe once again.

Anna Jay Interview

Tony Schiavone tries to ask Anna how she is but Tay Conti interrupts to tell Anna to make better choices.

Swerve in Our Glory (Keith Lee & Swerve Strickland) defeated The Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Jackson) w/ Brandon Cutler & Team Taz (Ricky Starks & Powerhouse Hobbs) via Pinfall (18:14) in a three-way match to become NEW AEW World Tag Team Championships

Main Event Time! The Bucks bring back Cutler and follow both challenging teams to the ring. Everyone seems to be in new gear tonight and looking resplendent. Keith Lee begins the match with Matt Jackson and it's very easy for Keith to take over and then he shows his athleticism which makes Matt run away to bring Nick in. Swerve tags in for Keith too and Nick and Swerve have a beautiful back and forth exchange which earns a standing ovation when they meet with dual Dropkicks on the outside. Back in the ring, Nick slows things down with an Arm Drag but Starks blind tags in and then Ricky and Matt both rope walk before getting sent to Yam Bag City, Matt tags in and hits the Locomotion Northern Lights Suplexes with the fourth involving Swerve too. Keith blind tags in and Hobbs helps Lee deal with Matt before they turn to fight. Keith Lee deals with Ricky and Nick before he and Swerve isolate Matt in the corner and Keith hits the big double chop. Matt fights out of Keith’s grip and then makes Keith knock Swerve off the top rope and Dropkicks Lee out of the ring. He tries a Superkick but Starks tags in for Matt Jackson and then Hobbs tags in for him before they take down Swerve with the Double Team to send us to break. Hobbs and Starks isolate Swerve and exchange tags. Hobbs gets a two from a Delayed Vertical Suplex. Swerve hits Ricky with a chop to fight back and then that allows the Bucks to tag in and takeover isolating Strickland. They come in with a Double Team Neckbreaker and then keep Swerve away from Keith.

We return and Swerve fights back during a Young Bucks Double Team with a Dropkick and Swerve brings in Keith. Ricky runs in but Lee deals with him and both Bucks on his own before Beelling Ricky into the Bucks. Keith Lee tries for a Tope Suicida but Team Taz drag him out and then Keith catches Nick on his Tope to Powerbomb him onto Matt. Back in the ring, Hobbs tags himself in and Hobbs and Lee go back and forth before both dropping off a double Crossbody. Lee is up first but Hobbs fights out of a Superplex and hits a HUGE Frogsplash that Keith Lee manages to kick out of at 2.9. Nick tags in for Keith Lee and then Hobbs stops him and tags out to Ricky but Nick deals with both of them but only briefly until Ricky hits a Double Team Cutter you have to see for 2.99. Nick tags out to Matt but Swerve comes in to deal with him but both Bucks start a Superkick Party on Swerve in Our Glory and it takes Ricky’s help to drop Lee. Ricky gets taken out too by the Bucks but Hobbs runs in and takes out Rick Knox. Nick Jackson tries to get the belt, Ricky stops him. Swerve takes it off of him and considers using it on his partner but doesn’t. He does however walk into a Matt Jackson low blow and Matt delivers belt shots to Lee, Hobbs and Swerve. Swerve still kicks out though and then a BTE trigger is broken up by Ricky. Swerve in Our Glory hit the Double Team Stomp onto Matt but Team Taz makes the save and then Hobbs Spinebusters literally everyone but Ricky. Ricky nearly rolls up Swerve then goes for the Roshambo but Swerve escapes only to walk into a Spear. Nick Jackson breaks up the pin this time but then Keith stops a Matt Jackson Superkick and takes his shoe off! He puts both Bucks out of the ring with the shoe. Hobbs soon follows them as Lee sends him out too and Ricky is left alone with Keith. He takes him down with a punch but Lee fights back with a Headbutt before Swerve Backflips off of Keith Lee’s chest onto Hobbs and the Bucks. Ricky tries to follow with a Tope Suicida but Keith pounces him and then it’s Keith who makes the Tope Con Hilo. In the ring, Swerve hits Ricky with the Swerve Stomp and pins him. Keith Lee and Swerve Strickland win, Swerve in Our Glory are the AEW Tag Champs!

Well, I never saw that coming. What’s next for Swerve in Our Glory? We’ll have to wait and find out but that match was breathtakingly good, as was most of the matches tonight in my opinion. But whether you agree or disagree, let us know what you thought in the comments or let me know on Twitter @Knapphausen and I’ll see you all back here for Fyter Fest night two on Friday. So long & Goodnight!

Tags: #aew #aew dynamite #dynamite #results #young bucks #keith lee #swerve strickland #ricky starks #powerhouse hobbs #konosuke takeshita #jon moxley #chris jericho #christian cage #wardlow #orange cassidy #claudio castagnoli

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