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AEW Rampage Results – July 9 2022

Posted By: Jonny Knapp on Jul 08, 2022

AEW Rampage Results – July 9 2022

It’s Friday, you know what that means! It’s time for the fastest hour in all of professional wrestling, AEW Rampage. This week, we have 4 matches including Eddie Kingston vs Konosuke Takeshita and Orange Cassidy vs Tony Nese. On commentary are Excalibur, JR and Tony Schiavone so let’s not waste any time and get straight to the wrestling!

Eddie Kingston defeated Konosuke Takeshita via Pinfall (12:01)

We begin with a match that we saw the start of on Wednesday (if you watch on Fite TV at least) and the entrances are made on YouTube leaving us to start the show with the bell ringing and both men locking up and showing each other their equally adept at mat wrestling. The crowd chant for Eddie as they lock up again and Eddie wins this time by taking Takeshita down. Konosuke responds by reversing the hold Kingston has him in though and the two of them struggle in the middle of the ring. Takeshita lays in an elbow to Eddie's stomach so Eddie comes back with a Kitchen Sink and a Suplex before the two men exchange chops. Eddie wins the exchange with a thumb to the eye and fires in his machine gun chops in the corner. Takeshita returns fire with elbows but Eddie takes back control with a headbutt. Kingston lays in a chop but Takeshita then takes him down with a Crossbody and follows it with a big Lariat and a Blue Thunder Bomb for two. We see a replay and then it’s off to break as Takeshita goes for a German Suplex. Eddie fights out and hits a Saito Suplex but Takeshita returns with a German Suplex. Eddie hits an Enzuigiri and then Takeshita replies with the Knee Strike. It causes a double down which ends with Eddie having to grab the ropes at two to stop Takeshita’s pin.

We return and both men exchange strikes on the apron. Eddie tries for an Exploder but Konosuke fights out and hits a German Suplex and holds on to try another only for Eddie to hit the Exploder on the floor and we get both men down on the outside. They beat the count at 9 and then both struggle slowly to their feet before meeting in the middle with Clotheslines and Eddie turns Konosuke inside out with a big Lariat but Takeshita kicks out at one. Eddie goes for a Liger Bomb but Takeshita still kicks out at two. The crowd chant this is awesome as Konosuke blocks the Uraken and then hits Eddie with two big elbows and a Sheer Drop Brainbuster for 2.9. Both men exchange strikes once again in the middle, fighting to their feet from their knees and Takeshita seems to be winning as Eddie begins to fade but then he comes to life with chops and a Half and Half Suplex. Takeshita comes right back with the lariat and then tries the Uraken again. Takeshita ducks it and then misses his knee strike before Eddie hits the backfist and Takeshita the knee strike and Eddie hits one last Uraken before falling on top of his worthy opponent to get the hard-earned victory. This was a fight! Great way to start Rampage.

Athena & Kris Statlander Promo

Athena & Kris call out Jade Cargill for not taking them on and demand a shot at the TBS Championship.

Hook Video Package

Hook is cool.

Gates of Agony (Toa Liona & Kaun) w/ Tully Blanchard defeated Jonathan Gresham & Lee Moriarty via Pinfall (6:27)

Bobby Cruise does the ring announcements, Caprice Coleman joins commentary and out come Toa Liona & Kaun with Tully Blanchard. They’re followed by Lee Moriarty & the ROH World champion, Jonathan Gresham. Gates of Agony jump their opponents and isolate Moriarty to start. Kaun is in there first but Toa Liona comes in with a huge Shoulder Tackle. He follows up with a big strike and then chokes Moriarty on the middle rope. Kaun tags in and hits a big slam onto Moriarty to earn himself a two count but then Moriarty starts to fight back. He tags out to Toa but Gresham got distracted by Tully so Lee can’t tag out. Toa grabs him instead and hits a big Samoan Drop for two as we go to break. Toa and Kaun continue to isolate Moriarty again throughout the break, making tags between each other as they beat down Lee. We head to the blackout as Lee starts to show signs of life once again.

When we return to the action, Lee is still stuck with Liona but he manages to get away and fires in a dropkick to the newly legal Kaun and then low bridges Liona but when Lee crawls over, Gresham refuses to make the tag and walks out on Moriarty. Lee stays alive against both men as Gresham and Tully hug on the ramp. Liona hits a huge Discuss Lariat; Kaun follows with a Gut Buster and Toa gets the win. Schiavone leaves commentary to find out what happened.

Eddie Kingston Promo

We’re told Eddie has requested a camera crew and he starts off saying he respects Takeshita but then turns to Chris Jericho and promises to get revenge for Ruby and make Jericho bleed. He begs for barbed wire and tells Jericho that every last drop of blood is repentance for his sins.

Mercedes Martinez & Serena Deeb defeated Kayla Sparks & Christina Marie via Submission (2:25)

Serena and Mercedes come out separately as Bobby Cruise & Caprice Coleman stick around. Their opponents await in the ring and Serena starts off with Christina and unsurprisingly it’s the professor who takes over with mat wrestling and strikes. Mercedes tags herself in at the first opportunity and then Mercedes and Serena continue to obliterate poor Christina. Serena eventually departs but blind tags herself in to lock in the Serenity Lock and get the win.

After the match, Serena and Mercedes argue and then Serena lays out Mercedes and puts her in the Serenity Lock before picking up the title.

Tully Blanchard & Jonathan Gresham Interview

Tony Schiavone asks Tully and Jonathan what’s going on and Gresham says he’s been sat at home for months and Tully called him and Gresham liked his plan so joined him. Schiavone tells them that Moriarty has his ROH title shot on Rampage next week and Tully says there might not be enough of him for that to take place.

Mark Henry Main Event Interview

Mark talks to Orange and Mark Sterling talks about his Swerve petition. Danhausen comes in to talk for Orange and then Tony Nese says Orange not signing the petition and taking this match is the biggest mistake of his life. Well, it looks like we’ve had enough talk. It’s time for the Main Event!

Matt Sydal & Lee Moriarty Promo

Matt shouts at Jonathan Gresham about screwing over Lee. Lee finishes by saying that he’s taking Gresham’s title.

Orange Cassidy w/ Danhausen defeated Tony Nese w/ Mark Sterling via Pinfall (15:01)

Okay, NOW it’s time for the main event! Tony Nese heads out, nobody cares. Orange Cassidy comes out to Jane with Danhausen. He doesn’t care. The bell rings and we get a slow start. Cassidy goes for the pockets and Nese tries to stop him and he eventually succeeds by getting Cassidy down. Orange gets flattened with a Shoulder Tackle but puts his hands in his pockets on the mat and then avoids two leg drops. He rolls out then back in the ring and hits the Dropkick to send Nese to the outside. He sets up for a Tope but takes too long and Nese wipes him out with a Lariat. Tony tries to stay on top but Cassidy outwrestles him, proving too elusive until Nese catches him up top with an Elbow and then gets a two from the Gut Buster. He throws Cassidy outside and distracts the ref so Sterling can lay in a kick until he’s chased off by Danhausen and then we head to break. Nese heads out to retrieve Orange and beats him down in the ring throughout the commercials. Orange attempts to fight back but Nese manages to stop him every time.

We return to the action and Tony Nese has Cassidy in the Body Scissors but Orange wriggles out only to then eat an elbow strike and be tossed into the corner. Cassidy springs back to life but Nese counters his Tilt-a-Whirl DDT with a Northern Suplex and a bridge for a two count. Nese beats Cassidy down in the corner again and takes him up top for a Superplex but Cassidy tries to fight it off. The two men brawl up there and Cassidy gets the upper hand before Mark Sterling jumps on the apron. Danhausen stops him and tries to curse him only for Nese to take him out. Back in the ring, Cassidy hits a Crossbody on Nese then goes for the Tilt-a-Whirl DDT and Tony blocks it again but this time Cassidy turns it into Stundog Millionaire and follows up with a Michinoku Driver for two. Both men are slow to their feet and then Cassidy tries for the Orange Punch. Nese ducks it and hits a German Suplex with a bridge for two and then a Solebutt earns him a 2.9. He tries to get Cassidy up for another move but Orange finally hits the DDT and then does it again before hitting one off the top rope for his own 2.9 count. Sterling is on the apron and Cassidy lays in the soft kicks which Sterling sells, looking for a lawsuit. Nese takes advantage and hits a huge Piledriver and somehow Cassidy kicks out. Orange dodges the knee in the corner from Nese and Sterling gets in the ring. Danhausen stops him and then gets rid of him with a low blow before cursing Tony who turns around into the Orange Punch to give Cassidy the win. Another really good match to close the show and that makes it two on this show by my count.

And that was Rampage. Let us know what you thought of the show in the comments below or let me know on Twitter @Knapphausen and have a great weekend. Adios.

Tags: #aew #aew rampage #rampage #results #eddie kingston #orange cassidy #konosuke takeshita #jonathan gresham #lee moriarty #tully blanchard #roh #ring of honor #mercedes martinez #serena deeb #danhausen

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