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AEW Dynamite Results – July 6, 2022

Posted By: Jonny Knapp on Jul 06, 2022

AEW Dynamite Results – July 6, 2022

It’s Wednesday, you know what that means! It’s time for another AEW Dynamite episode, this time from the home of Mr Brodie Lee, Rochester, New York. We’re a week removed from Blood & Guts but we still have so much in store tonight including matches for the interim AEW World Championship and the TNT Championship, the latter in a street fight. So, with that in mind, and Excalibur, Taz & Tony Schiavone on commentary, let’s get straight to the wrestling!

Wardlow defeated Scorpio Sky w/ Dan Lambert, Ethan Page & Five Members of American Top Team via Pinfall (8:27) in a Street Fight to become NEW TNT Champion

We’re starting off with one of those mentioned title fights as Wardlow starts Dynamite followed by Scorpio Sky and a whole gang of American Top Team. He has Lambert, Ethan and 5 nameless others and they come all the way down to the ring. The bell sounds and Sky fires in some leg licks and gets Wardlow in the corner with body shots but Wardlow muscles out and drops the champ with a big Shoulder Tackle. Scorpio Sky retaliates with a low blow but Wardlow recovers with a big German Suplex and then he beells sky across the ring twice. Scorpio rolls out of the ring and Wardlow goes to retrieve him. Lambert touches Wardlow to distract him and the goons ringside join in to allow Sky to take Wardlow and throw him into the ring steps before the goons all beat Wardlow down as we go to break. Wardlow heads back inside but the damage is done and Sky takes over from here. Wardlow comes back, using his power out of the corner to knock Sky down and then attack him in the corner as the crowd asks for tables. Sky pokes the eyes and kicks the knee of Wardlow to regain control but and Wardlow ends up charging into the ring post as he tries to retaliate.

We return to the action and both men end up on the top turnbuckle, Wardlow wins from up there and hits an absolutely huge Senton. Wardlow sets Sky up for the Powerbomb symphony and Dan Lambert sends the goons in. Wardlow deals with all of them one at a time and throws them all out then tosses the last one into the pile. Meanwhile, Sky recovers, grabs the belt and hits Wardlow in the face but Wardlow still kicks out at 2! Sky tries for the TKO but Wardlow then tosses Sky into Lambert on the apron then nails him with a Spinebuster. The Powerbomb symphony finally begins as Wardlow hits the first and then the second and third in quick succession before pinning Sky with ease to become the new TNT champion.

Jon Moxley Promo

Moxley says that people lose money betting against him and they thing Brody King has a chance tonight but our interim champion says everyone needs to remember the monster that Moxley is, not Brody King. He says that Blood & Guts was like golfing for him and he’s ready for Brody.

Mark Sterling Backstage Promo

Sterling wants to get Swerve removed from the roster, he asks Keith Lee to sign a petition and Keith says Swerve is his partner and they’re still winning, unlike them.

Christian Cage & Luchasaurus Promo

Christian heads out and he’s followed by Douche-asaurus, I mean Luchasaurus. They enter the ring and Cage says everyone wants answers and thinks they deserve them. Before he can continue, he’s interrupted by Matt Hardy of all people. Matt tells Christian he’s the Michael Jordan of being an asshole. Matt says Jungle Boy was his friend and didn’t deserve what Christian did. Christian says Matt doesn’t know Jungle Boy like he or Luchasaurus did and Matt is making his brother seem like the sober one. The whole crowd start asshole chants and Matt says Christian is using Luchasaurus like Matt used Private Party and Butcher & Blade. But Matt says he regrets that and maybe his last month has been karma but he’s here to stop Christian using Luchasaurus. Christian says Matt is here to make himself the big star and will use anyone to get his name out there and Matt is only out here to be near Christian.

Christian says Matt is the embarrassment to the Hardy Family and then Hardy and Christian fight but Luchasaurus takes over with a headbutt and throws Matt into the ring steps, kicks him into the ring post and puts him through the Timekeeper’s table.

Blood & Guts Video Package

This is mostly stuff from the Road to Dynamite on YouTube but it's all good stuff leading into...

Claudio Castagnoli & Jake Hager Interview

No physicality between the two men but Hager says he’s an undefeated MMA fighter and former world champion and deserves respect but Claudio says anyone asking for respect hasn’t earned it. He says he beat Zack Sabre Jr in his debut and then he won Blood & Guts so next week against Hager he goes 3-0.

Swerve in Our Glory (Swerve Strickland & Keith Lee) defeated The Butcher & The Blade w/ The Bunny via Pinfall (9:40)

Next up we head to tag team action and this match was set up across Dark Elevation & Rampage last week as commentary inform us. The bell rings and Keith Lee and The Blade start us off and Blade slaps Lee so Keith responds with a headbutt. Blade tags out and Butcher is the weaker and smaller man for once and Lee beells him off the top rope. Butcher rolls out mad as hell and grabs a chair but Blade stops him. Both teams make tags and Blade and Swerve go at it, making a botchy start to their tussle but they manage to get it back with Swerve tripping blade then bringing in Lee to shoulder tackle Blade. They tag again and Lee delivers the two-handed chop on his way out. Swerve ends up with Blade on the outside and heads out to kick him but Bunny gets in the way then Butcher deals with Keith Lee on the apron and charges at Strickland. Swerve manages to low bridge Butcher but Blade sweeps his legs out to send us to break. Butcher & Blade spend the break isolating Swerve in and around their corner and making frequent tags.

We return to the match and Butcher and Swerve are on the top rope where Swerve wins out by biting Bucher then elbowing him down and hitting a diving uppercut. Keith Lee tags in and hits Butcher and Blade with splashes before tossing the latter into the former. He knocks Blade into his corner and makes the tag but Butcher fights back. Swerve hits him with a Flatline and we get a Double Team from Swerve in our Glory but then Blade pushes Swerve into Keith’s move before Blade hits Lee with a Cutter and then Butcher & Blade manage to isolate Swerve but Keith makes the save. This turns into a four-man brawl before Keith and Swerve hit the Stomp/Spirit Bomb finish on Blade to get the win.

Powerhouse Hobbs says that Lee & Swerve are pissing them off, he comes out from the back and he’s followed by Ricky Starks who says they could have ended their careers but they’ve played real nice but they’re not doing it anymore. Ricky gets super worked up screaming about who the best tag team is and out comes the Young Bucks who thank Ricky for the introduction before reminding everyone who created this company.

They then remind both teams they lost at Double or Nothing before offering a three-way tag team title match. The crowd chant FTR and Nick shuts them down. That match next week.

House of Black Promo

Malakai speaks about Jon Moxley and chats his spooky bullshit but it’s entertaining as always.

Eddie Kingston Interview

Eddie heads out and we’re reminded about the finish of Blood & Guts. Tony Schiavone asks Eddie about Jericho. Kingston congratulates Wardlow, then his Blood & Guts team including Claudio. Eddie says Jericho made him a liar by not bleeding and he’s going to get him. Jericho appears on the big screen and he’s in the back where he gets Tay Conti to break Ruby Soho’s arm in a car door.

Dark Order Promo

It’s Rochester so out come what’s left of the Dark Order and Negative One. They head to the ring and the crowd chant for Brodie. John Silver starts by saying Rochester is Dark Order country. Evil Uno takes over and says they have important news and he thanks everyone for showing up and supporting Dark Order but the six of them are here to stay because Dark Order is forever and this is a new era.

He passes the mic to negative one to begin the new era and QT interrupts him before he can talk. He offers a fight to the 10-year-old but then Hangman’s music hits. Out comes the Cowboy who beats down QT with Evil Uno. Uno is sent into the ring where Silver, Reynolds and 10 take QT down. Finally Negative one gets a chance to talk. He says he could pin QT right now but he’ll wait till he’s 19. WATCH THIS HAPPEN IN 2031!

Rush w/ Jose the Assistant & Andrade El Idolo defeated Penta Oscuro w/Alex Abrahantes & Rey Fenix via (11:10)

JR joins commentary for the second hour of Dynamite and then Penta comes out with Alex for the next match. He’s followed by Rush as well as Andrade & Jose. We start the match with a big-time strike exchange between the two men before they struggle for position. Penta gets a roll up and a superkick to send Rush outside. Penta follows and they go back and forth on the outside before Penta hits an Arm Drag then goes for a Tope Suicida but Rush interjects with a forearm. Rush uses the corners to splash Penta before a Dropkick earns him a weak two count. Rush tries to pull off Penta’s mask but Penta fights back with two Slingblades. Rush rolls out and Penta follows him with a Tope Con Hilo. Alex Abrahantes brawls with Jose and brawl up the ramp with Fenix and Andrade in tow as we go to break. Rush hits a dropkick back in the ring for a two count and then takes over, swarming Penta in the corner and using submissions throughout the break.

We return to the match and Penta fires in a chop which starts another strike exchange. Rush hits a German Suplex, Penta hits a Backstabber and then Rush hits a Powerslam for two as the men go back and forth. Penta hits a better Backstabber this time and only gets a two count before yet another strike exchange ensues. Rush hits a huge Headbutt and then Penta fires back with his own before Rush hits rising Knee for a double down. They both rise in opposite corners and Penta avoids a splash before they exchange position and chops. Rush wins out and then heads up top for a huge Missile Dropkick for 2.9. He heads up top once again and hits a Senton for another 2.9. Rush fires in an Elbow before Penta hits a rolling cutter and a Superkick before hitting the Fear Factor but Andrade puts Rush’s foot on the rope. As the ref tries to work out what happened, Rush low blows Penta and takes his mask off before rolling him up for the win.

Jay Lethal & Gang Promo

Death before Dishonor means Joe vs Jay so this group are celebrating.

Mark Sterling Again

Orange Cassidy is approached who says that he signs nothing without his Lawyer. Danhausen appears and we get Nese vs Orange on Rampage.

The Acclaimed & The Gunn Club (Max Caster, Anthony Bowens, Austin & Colten Gunn) w/ Billy Gunn defeated it Ruffin’ It (Bear Country (Bear Bronson & Bear Boulder) & Leon Ruffin) & Fuego Del Sol via Pinfall (2:30)

Austin Gunn doesn’t let Max rap which is a shame. The Gunns brutalise poor Fuego before Anthony Bowens tags himself in to do the same. He then attacks his partners on the apron. Fuego hits a DDT and tags out to Bear Bronson and Anthony to Austin. Bronson deals with both Gunns and then Powerbombs Austin for two. Max breaks it up then Bowens tags in and takes down Bronson. Caster makes the tag for the mic drop but Austin then enters to make the pin.

The Gunns & The Acclaimed brawl before Billy breaks it up and then Billy turns on the Acclaimed.

Miro Promo

I love Miro. I love this character. I love this promo. Miro vs Malakai will be beautiful wrestling.

ThunderStorm (Thunder Rosa & Toni Storm) defeated Nyla Rose & Marina Shafir via Pinfall (9:07)

Nyla and Marina head out with umbrellas to counter the Thunderstorm. Ha. Toni and Rosa follow them to the ring. The bell rings and Nyla and Marina jump Thunderstorm to begin the match and Toni starts with Marina. Toni drops Marina with a drop toe hold then tags out to Thunder Rosa. They make quick tags back and forth as they beat down Marina in the corner. They even hit double teams and knock Nyla off the apron as they show good tag team chemistry in their first match. Toni gets a two count from a Back Suplex on Marina then lets Rosa have her turn. Rosa remains on top as they both show off their mat wrestling skills before it’s Toni time again. Then we get more quick tags with Marina isolated in their corner. Finally, Shafir fights her way back into it and Nyla helps using an Umbrella behind the ref’s back and tagging in to take over as we go to break. Throughout the break, it’s Nyla and Marina on top and exchanging tags whilst they isolate Toni but they can’t keep her down for a three count.

We return to the match and Toni escapes to tag in Rosa who takes down Nyla then takes out Marina before firing in strikes and then getting Nyla down and delivering a running dropkick but doesn’t hit it right so does it again. A third one is one too many so Nyla hits an Ura Nage and tags out to Marina. Marina hits a big throw on Rosa but Toni breaks up the pin before ThunderStorm take over. Toni hits the hip attack then assists the Fire Thunder Driver with stomps to get them the win.

Jade Cargill Interview

Schiavone interviews Jade who cuts him off and asks Stokely what last week was about. Stokely explains his actions before Jade informs him if Leila doesn’t perform as an “interim baddie” then he’s out.

Daniel Garcia Interview

Schiavone is a busy man but Garcia cuts a great promo on Wheeler Yuta before challenging him at Death before Dishonor.

FTR Promo

Seven Star FTR challenge the Briscoes for a rematch at Death before Dishonor.

Jon Moxley defeated Brody King via Referee Stoppage (13:17) to retain the Interim AEW World Championship

Main event time! William Regal joins commentary as Brody makes his entrance. Jon Moxley gets the heroes entrance he deserves as he follows to the ring. The bell rings and we get both men taking their time before locking up. Brody is clearly stronger and drops Mox to his knees with one strike. Moxley squares up to him once again and tries a strike exchange but Brody wins that easily. Moxley rolls outside so King follows him and throws him around outside using the barricades but Mox sidesteps him and lets him run into the ring steps to take over. Mox uses the barricades too but then Brody hits a big Back Body Drop on the ramp then throws him over the timekeeper’s table and lays in some chops. They head back to the ring and Mox fights back with a DDT and then attacks the leg with a Dragon Screw before putting King in a figure four. Brody fights out but Mox takes him down with a single leg and then attacks the same leg some more. King tries to transition to a choke, Moxley sees it coming and retaliates with more damage to the knee. We get another strike exchange and King sends us to break with a Bossman Slam for two. Brody and Mox head outside where Brody takes over even more with a Body Slam. They head back into the ring and King just continues to smother the champion as the crowd urge Moxley on but they’re soon shut up by a brutal palm strike to Moxley’s sternum and then another and another.

We return to the action and Brody hoists Mox up and Mox lays in elbows and Brody eats them until Mox escapes and then he dodges the Cannonball from King in the corner to get the break he needs. Moxley takes King to the top rope and lays in some chops before a back rake and a bite lead to a big Superplex from Moxley. The champ transitions to the Bulldog choke but Brody stands up and Moxley counters with a release Dragon Suplex for two. Moxley lays in the stomps with wrist control before we get another strike exchange and Brody sends Moxley inside out with a Lariat and gets a two with a big Piledriver. Brody goes for a Rear Naked Choke and heads up to the top rope to really choke Moxley out. He follows with the Cannonball but Moxley kicks out of the pin at two. Mox escapes and nearly rolls King up before a Paradigm Shift comes out of nowhere. Moxley can’t get the pin quickly so goes for the Hammer & Anvil elbows. Brody just wears them so Moxley chokes him out instead. Brody escapes it at fires before Moxley grabs it back and transitions to the Bulldog Choke and forces Brody King to pass out. Mox retains.

After the show, Fite forgot to cut the feed so those of us watching on there got to see what I detailed in the tweet below as well as the YouTube entrances for Takeshita and Kingston and the first two minutes of their match so that was fun.

What did you make of tonights AEW Dynamite, particularly the TNT title change? Let us know in the comments, let me know on twitter @Knapphausen and see you all on Friday for AEW Rampage. Adios. 

Tags: #aew #aew dynamite #dynamite #results #jon moxley #brody king #thunder rosa #toni storm #wardlow #scorpio sky #christian cage #keith lee #swerve strickland #dark order #rush #penta oscuro

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