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AEW Rampage Results – July 1, 2022

Posted By: Jonny Knapp on Jul 01, 2022

AEW Rampage Results – July 1, 2022

It’s Friday, you know what that means! I hope you’ve all recovered from that brutal Blood & Guts match on Wednesday because tonight we have the fastest hour in all of pro wrestling as AEW Rampage comes from Detroit, Michigan. We have a Royal Rampage Battle Royale tonight alongside a remnant from Forbidden Door less than a week ago when the Young Bucks face off with Yoshi-Hashi and Hiroki Goto. So, with Excalibur, JR and Tony Schiavone on commentary, let’s get straight to the wrestling!

Royal Rampage Battle Royale: Brody King defeated Darby Allin, The Butcher, The Blade, Hangman Adam Page, Swerve Strickland, Ricky Starks, Keith Lee, Powerhouse Hobbs, Orange Cassidy, Konosuke Takeshita, Dustin Rhodes, Dante Martin, Frankie Kazarian, Matt Hardy, Rush, Penta Oscuro, Max Caster, John Silver & Tony Nese (22:46)

Quick rules check. 20-man battle royale, two rings (red & blue), 10 men in each, one minute between entrances and the winner from each ring then face off for a winner. That winner gets a shot a Jon Moxley’s interim title. All clear? Good.

Entrant one is Tony Nese in the blue ring and Entrant two is Powerhouse Hobbs in the red ring, they enter on YouTube. As the show begins, Hangman joins Hobbs and Darby joins Tony Nese. The bell rings and Darby is on top in his ring and Hangman and Hobbs battle back and forth in theirs before Hobbs uses his strength and then Nese takes over on Darby. Ricky Starks is the next entrant and he joins the red ring with Hobbs and Hangman leaving the cowboy in trouble. Hangman shows his fighting spirit but two on one is not good maths for him and Team Taz soon take over. Darby then eliminates Tony onto Mark then follows with a Tope through the ropes for good measure before the Butcher enters to join his ring. Darby tries to get an advantage with another Tope and Butcher rag dolls him into the barricade after catching him. Hangman fights off Team Taz’s attempt to eliminate him and then John Silver joins that ring to even things up. Silver and Hangman work together and then hug in the middle before teasing eliminating each other. Max Caster then comes out to join Butcher & Darby but raps on his way to the ring as usual. He comes out with Bowens and Billy Gunn but no Austin or Colten. Butcher and Max fight Darby before Rush joins the other ring with Silver, Hangman, Hobbs and Starks and comes right in with punches to the faces of all four men. The Blade is next and joins Butcher to fight Darby and Caster. Meanwhile Rush is dealing with Starks easily and as soon as Blade joins the action, he knees Darby right in the face and he and Butcher take over. Penta joins the first ring with no eliminations to date and Rush runs out of the ring to attack him on the ramp and Penta hits a Slingblade then returns Rush to the ring but he then eats a Dropkick from Rush before Hobbs eliminates Silver. Swerve comes out to join ring 2 and he comes in hot, taking everyone in there down except Darby who’s still down before Swerve eliminates Max Caster. Keith Lee is next and he’s heading to the red ring with Hangman, Team Taz, Rush and Penta. Swerve and Keith have a moment across the rings and Team Taz attacks Lee as we head to break.

Matt Hardy is next and joins the blue ring alongside Darby, Butcher, Blade and Swerve during the break and then he fights off both Butcher and Blade as he comes in. Next up is Dustin Rhodes as we return from break and he joins the red ring. He Powerslams Ricky but then Hobbs trucks him whilst Rush and Penta continue to battle. They spill to the apron and continue their fight and Rush eliminates Penta with a low blow but then Penta pulls him down with him via his hair. Andrade takes Penta out with a chair and then Kaz enters the blue ring and sets on Darby before Butcher & Blade eliminate Matt Hardy and Dante Martin enters the red ring. He almost eliminates Starks but Hobbs saves him and they tee off on Dante together. The next entrant for the blue ring is Konosuke Takeshita and he comes in and manages to beat Swerve with Speed and Darby with Power and then German Suplexes them both at the same time. Kaz almost eliminates Butcher before the Blade sends him out instead. The final entrant for the red ring is Brody King who heads out and takes down Dustin to start. He then turns on Dante Martin before the final entrant is Orange Cassidy and Jane plays out once again. He’s in the blue ring and makes his way there slowly. Brody King finally eliminates Dante Martin in the red ring and Cassidy hits a Double Hurricanrana on Butcher & Blade before going one on one with Takeshita and they have a fantastic exchange with Takeshita hitting a Brainbuster to end it. Hobbs and Starks eliminate Dustin Rhodes before Butcher & The Blade remove Takeshita in the other ring. Swerve dumps out Cassidy. Lee eliminates Hobbs, Starks then eliminates Lee. Butcher & Blade remove Swerve. Hangman deals with Starks then Brody eliminates him to win in the red ring. Meanwhile in blue, Darby eliminates both men but then Brody is on him and hits him with a Gutwrench Powerbomb. The crowd cheer him on but King hits a Cannonball Senton in the corner and then takes him to the top rope and following him up. Darby fights him off down to the apron and tries to eliminate Brody but King pulls Darby to the apron with a Sleeper then drops him off the edge to win. Brody King vs Jon Moxley on Wednesday? Yes please!

Hook Interview

Alex Marvez asks Hook what’s next and he just continues to eat chips before he grabs Marvez and says something deep and meaningful. "Most people don't think, anything essential is invisible to the eyes". Philosophical shit from the cold hearted devil.

The Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Jackson) defeated Bishamon (Hiroki Goto & Yoshi-Hashi) via Pinfall (9:39)

Next up, its tag team action and if the Bucks lose, only then will they grant Goto and Yoshi-Hashi a title match. We’re reminded that Goto and Yoshi-Hashi won at Forbidden Door before Goto starts off with Nick and they go back and forth Nick tries to take over but Goto hits a Shoulder tackle and brings in Yoshi-Hashi to hit some double team moves on both Bucks. When he’s left alone though, Nick manages to tag out to Matt and Matt comes in with the Locomotion Nothern Lights Suplexes, ending with a fourth hitting both. Nick hits a big dive onto Bishamon to send us to break. The AEW Tag Team Champions hit double teams and isolate Yoshi-Hashi throughout the break. Matt fires up to stop a Yoshi-Hashi comeback and then takes out Goto before returning to take down the legal opponent before Nick gets involved doing the same. Before we head to the blackout.

We return to the action and Goto is legal and fires up with some big moves on Matt Jackson in the corner, ending in a Bulldog for two. Matt fights back with some big right hands then Nick gets the blind tag before the Bucks hit more double team offence and Yoshi-Hashi has to break up the pin. Bishamon ends up hitting the Headhunter on Nick but he kicks out at 2.9. Goto drops him with a Lariat but Matt catches Goto with a Superkick before Yoshi-Hashi attacks Matt and then Nick takes him down to cause all men to be on the mat. Goto and Nick are up first and Goto hits a huge Ushi Goroshi but can’t make a cover and tags out instead. Yoshi-Hashi comes in and he and Goto hit a double team for yet another two count. The Bucks come back though and take over with Superkicks before the BTE trigger drops Yoshi-Hashi and Nick takes out Goto in the other ring with a cross body before double springboarding back to hit the Melter Driver on Yoshi-Hashi for the pin.

Jonathan Gresham Promo

Gresham reminds us of what happened last week on Rampage and then announces it’ll be Gresham and Moriarty vs Toa Liona and Kaun of Tully Blanchard Enterprises before he moves on to explain that he’s the best technical wrestler in the world.

Mark Henry Main Event Interview

Mark interviews Nyla and Toni. Nyla is fantastic on here, really showing off her Twitter form before Toni retorts by saying she’s going back after the title once she deals with Nyla. Looks like we’ve had enough talk, it’s time for the main event!

Toni Storm defeated Nyla Rose w/ Marina Shafir via Pinfall (9:47)

This match starts off with a strong lock up and Nyla’s strength wins out before Toni dodges a punt kick and fights back before Nyla takes her down to the mat and lays in some strikes. Toni tries to come back with some shots of her own and has Nyla in trouble in the corner but Nyla comes out and flattens her before attacking the arm of Storm then hitting a Snap Suplex. Toni fights back once again but then Nyla distracts the ref so Marina can low bridge her to the floor and kicking her as hard as possible to send us to break. Nyla joins Toni outside and tosses her hard into ring steps and suplexes her on the floor before distracting the ref to let Marina do more damage. Toni eventually ducks a forearm from Nyla who hits the ring post instead and Toni tries to take over but Nyla shuts her down. They head back in the ring and Nyla stays on top with a Spinebuster for two. Nyla locks on a crossface and holds her there for a while with her weight on top. The crowd chant for Toni and she makes the ropes valiantly.

We return to the match and Nyla splashes Toni in the corner and then calls for the Cannonball Senton but misses and that lets Toni hit the hip attack. Marina distracts Toni so Nyla can Guillotine her on the top rope but Toni low bridges her and then hits Nyla and Marina with a double DDT on the floor. They head back in the ring and Toni goes up top and hits a Crossbody for two. Toni tries her DDT off the bottom rope but Nyla trucks her and gets her own two count. Nyla tries a beast bomb; Toni fights out and Nyla just squashes her for two. Both women end up in a strike exchange in the middle of the ring and then Nyla rips off the top turnbuckle pad countering a roll up and hits a Superkick. She hangs Toni over the top rope but Toni ducks the Knee drop. Toni guillotines Nyla on the top rope then comes back in to hit a German Suplex for two. Toni hits a DDT then a Pendulum DDT in the middle of the ring to get the win.

After the match, Marina attacks Toni, Thunder Rosa makes the save, she and Toni clear the ring and then they shake hands whilst standing tall.

That was Rampage. Let us know what you thought of the show and the Royal Rampage in the comments below or let me know personally on twitter @Knapphausen. Have a great weekend. Adios.

Tags: #aew #aew rampage #rampage #results #royal rampage #brody king #darby allin #hangman adam page #swerve strickland #hook #young bucks #hiroki goto #yoshihashi #jonathan gresham #marina shafir #nyla rose #toni storm #thunder rosa

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