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AEW Dynamite: Blood & Guts Results – June 29, 2022

Posted By: Jonny Knapp on Jun 29, 2022

AEW Dynamite: Blood & Guts Results – June 29, 2022

It’s Wednesday, you know what that means! It’s time for another episode of AEW Dynamite and my god is this a big one. There are other things advertised but this show is headlined with the second ever Blood & Guts match in AEW history as the Jericho Appreciation Society take on the Blackpool Combat Club, Eddie Kingston, Santana & Ortiz. Excalibur, Taz & Tony Schiavone are on commentary so let’s get straight to the wrestling!

Orange Cassidy w/ Best Friends (Chuck Taylor & Trent Beretta) defeated Ethan Page w/ Dan Lambert via Pinfall (11:00)

Orange Cassidy comes out to Jane as has been rumoured with Best Friends on his side. Page comes out with Lambert who talks on his way down and tells the referee to eject Best Friends for not having a manager's licence. Bryce Remsburg obliges before the match begins in the ring. We get a slow start as the crowd chant for Orange but Ethan throws him to the mat when his hands are in his pockets. Orange pops up and takes Page down with a dropkick before he fails to lift him for a Body Slam. He instead hits an arm drag to send Ethan outside and follows him with the Tope Suicida before a Crossbody from the top earns him a two count. Page tries for the Egos edge but Orange slips out only to get dropped with a big shoulder tackle. Ethan puts Orange’s hands in his pockets then attacks him with strikes and a delayed Vertical Suplex. Cassidy tries to come back with his speed but runs into Page’s boot and sends Cassidy outside where Lambert lays in the weak kicks to mock Cassidy and send us to break. Orange rolls back in and Ethan stomps him down in the corner and then lays in a big strike before celebrating it whilst Cassidy slumps to the mat. Page maintains control and has Orange reeling following his big match on Sunday, he gets a two count from a Backbreaker.

We return to the match and Cassidy tries to use his speed again but he can’t hit the Sunset Flip and eats a Roundhouse Kick and a Brainbuster from Ethan for two. Page goes for the Egos Edge again and orange counters by putting his hands in his pockets but then eats an Elbow strike before Orange hits a Hurricanrana and then gets Ethan down in the corner. Cassidy heads up top and Lambert stops him which allows Page to pick him up and hit a Powerslam for yet another two count. Ethan lays in some punches and then goes for a Body Slam but Orange Counters with the Stundog Millionaire and a Tilt-A-Whirl DDT for a 2.9 count. Lambert gets on the apron and Orange deals with him with weak strikes before stealing a swig of Orange Juice and hitting Page with two Orange Punches and a Body Slam that he had been trying all match to get the win. He also mists Lambert with the Orange Juice to signal a return to Indie Orange Cassidy somewhat?

Best Friends return for the hug after the match as Jane plays out to the Detroit audience. You’ve got to give the people what they want!

Christian Cage Interview

Tony Schiavone introduces Christian who emerges onto the stage to a chorus of boos which only intensify when he tries to talk. Christian says he was asked by upper management to apologize for his remarks last week, specifically those made about Jungle Boy’s father. Christian elaborates that he’s sorry that his whole family aren’t dead and had to witness his loss. Christian says actually, he wants his mother alive then tells Detroit the only thing going for them is being close to Canada. Christian then says he requested a match but not for him and out comes a new looking Luchasaurus. Christian accompanies him to the ring.

Luchasaurus w/ Christian Cage defeated Serpentico via Submission (0:54)

Luchasaurus starts with a Headbutt and a huge Samoan Drop. He then plants Serpentico with a Face Buster and taps him out via a Snare Trap/Nerve Hold hybrid.

Christian sets Luchasaurus on Serpentico again and he’s dragged out the ring and slammed onto the floor.

Wardlow & Scorpio Sky Interview

No physicality and Scorpio starts by saying he’s no security guard and Scorpio reminds Wardlow he beat him. Wardlow says he’s done talking and tells Sky to bring all of American Top Team and after he’s done with them, he’s taking the TNT title home. Sky challenges Wardlow to a street fight for the TNT title next week.

FTR (Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler) & Danhausen defeated The Acclaimed & Gunn Club (Max Caster, Austin & Colten Gunn) via Pinfall (9:45)

Max Caster comes out and raps about Danhausen and Gunn Club look mad except Billy of course.

Danhausen follows and introduces his partners. FTR! This was given away when you saw what Gunn Club were wearing but it’s great nonetheless.

Austin and Cash start off the match and Austin starts off strong as the crowd chant Ass Boys loudly. Cash returns with a big Back Body Drop then an Atomic Drop and an Arm Drag before bringing Dax in. Dax lays in the chops in the corners and brings Austin out with a Suplex for one. Dax tags to Cash who brings Danhausen in for a triple team and he gets a one count but Danhausen is then dragged to the enemy corner and beaten down after Austin tags to Colten. Danhausen makes his comeback with a Hurricanrana then takes out Austin and Max with Hip Tosses but Colten cuts him off and begins to lay in the strikes to send us to break. Acclaimed and The Gunns spend the break beating down poor Danhausen and making tags.

We return to the action and Danhausen finally hits a release Northern Lights Suplex on Caster but the Gunns cut him off and Colten hits him with a Dropkick for two. He escapes Austin’s clutches and makes the tag to Dax and he and Cash come in before hitting three stereo German Suplexes on the Gunn Club. Cash takes Colten out whilst Dax hits another three onto Austin before both men get mixed up on a Neckbreaker. Dax tags out to Danhausen and he comes in to hit Austin with a Pump Kick. Austin is about to get hit with the Very Nice Very Kneevil but Billy distracts the referee whilst Bowens gets into the ring and shows he can walk! He tries to attack Danhausen with his crutch but clocks Austin instead and Danhausen picks up the pieces with a pin.

Gunns & The Acclaimed argue after the match and Billy pushes his own son!

Jay Lethal & Gang Video Package

Jay, Sonjay and Satnam challenge Samoa Joe for his ROH TV title again.

Jade Cargill defeated Leila Grey via Pinfall (1:55) to retain the TBS Championship

Jade heads to the ring, Leila is waiting for her in there. Jade starts the match by overpowering her opponent, laying in some knees and then hitting a big slam. She goes for the Crossover but Leila gets her boot up. Grey tries a Crossbody but Jade catches her with the Fall Away Slam. Jade is caught celebrating and Grey almost rolls her up and then gets flurry of offence before Jade hits the Pump Kick and Jaded to get the win.

After the match, Stokely tries to talk but Jade cuts him off and says he’s tired of everyone moaning and asks Stokely to give her real competition. Stokely explains that they put out an open challenge and they only one to answer it was Leila and then he calls Kris and Athena lazy so they run out and take down Jade and Kiera Hogan until Leila Grey helps Jade out and joins The Baddies by the look of it.

Young Bucks Interview

The Bucks say they have the titles but all their friends aren’t here and even Brandon isn’t even filming. They start to hint that they have another friend but then say Yoshi-Hashi and Goto want a title shot and they will get one if they beat the Bucks on Rampage.

Blackpool Combat Club (Jon Moxley, Wheeler Yuta & Claudio Castagnoli), Eddie Kingston, Santana & Ortiz defeated The Jericho Appreciation Society (Chris Jericho, Jake Hager, Daniel Garcia, Matt Menard, Angelo Parker & Sammy Guevara) (27:51) in Blood & Guts (Full Match Time: 46:31)

Jim Ross is the first entrant to Blood & Guts! Oh no, he’s just coming out for commentary, replacing Tony Schiavone. The cage is finally lowered down over the two rings. Then we get a video package that covers the hatred going into this match.

They explain the rules and it’s 3-minute intervals between entrants this time. Finally, Justin Roberts introduces the match to the crowd and the JAS head out first who emerge in the most insane gear I’ve seen. All red, fedoras and string vests. We head to a break before the Blackpool Combat Club, Eddie, Santana & Ortiz make their entrance. The latter trio coming out together to start off and Eddie comes with a Kendo stick and Santana a barbed wire bad. I don’t see it but presumably Ortiz has the mad ball. Claudio and Yuta head out with Regal and then finally the Interim champ arrives through the crowd. Regal also joins commentary.

Finally, with all that out of the way, we’re underway with Sammy Guevara vs Claudio Castagnoli. Both men leap at each other and Claudio takes over using the corners of one ring to hit Sammy with leaping Uppercuts over and over. Sammy tries to fight back with a chop but then is dropped with one uppercut. Claudio fires in another in the corner and a chop before Sammy tries to run away via the other ring and then climbing the cage. Claudio drags him off and Sammy springboards away to run the clock down till he gets his first partner into the ring. It doesn’t last as Claudio grabs him but then Sammy counters a Pop-Up Uppercut with a beautiful cutter and then celebrates by kissing Tay through the cage but when he returns, Claudio puts him into the Swing but Daniel Garcia now enters and cuts Castagnoli off to send us to break. The JAS take over the match as they double team Claudio in the corner and hit him with a double suplex. Claudio manages to counter the next attempt at it though and suplexes Garcia and Sammy at the same time. Claudio goes for Garcia but Sammy jumps him from behind and Garcia chokes him in the ropes. Sammy then uses his discarded suspenders to do the same.

We return to the match and Sammy and Daniel only have a few seconds left and Wheeler Yuta flies in with an Elbow Strike on Sammy from the top and then German Suplex after German Suplex on Garcia without letting go before he does the same to Sammy and the final one with Claudio assisting with an Uppercut. Claudio beells Garcia across the ring then into the cage wall whilst Yuta stomps down Sammy but then in comes Jake Hager who catches Yuta with a Spinebuster. They deal with Yuta and Garcia before Hager and Castagnoli go at it. Hager has the early advantage until Claudio hits a huge uppercut to drop Jake. Garcia comes in to help and the numbers advantage comes into play once more. Yuta starts to fight back, taking out Hager with a Dropkick as Claudio beats down Sammy. The JAS soon are standing tall until Jon Moxley enters with a chair that meets Hager’s face before Garcia and Guevara are dealt with by the champ, Mox focuses on Garcia whilst Claudio hits a facebuster on Hager onto the chair and then Yuta puts Guevara into the chair too. Mox carves into Garcia with a fork and Claudio attacks Sammy in front of Tay Conti. Garcia is the first to bleed before the Blackpool Combat Club hit him with the Heart Attack and then Claudio tosses Sammy into a Mox Cutter before Yuta splashes him. Mox then moves onto Hager, and then we get three-way Hammer & Anvil elbows. Angelo Parker enters but his team are down so he tries to run away. He does a great job at evading for a while but Castagnoli catches him and then the BCC wipe him out just like the rest of his team. You wouldn’t know the JAS had the advantage right now. The JAS all wake up and suddenly 4 on 3 means something and Hager takes the chair to Claudio’s ankle and then his back. The timer runs out and in comes Ortiz who takes out Parker then Guevara and Hager all on his own to send us to our next break.

Moxley pulls out a bag filled with Broken Glass and then hits a Piledriver onto Parker into said Glass. He’s also bleeding at the hands of Moxley and then Moxley takes the glass over to Jake Hager and cuts him open too. Mox finally is dealt with when Hager, Guevara and Garcia all join together. We return to the action and in comes Matt Menard with a chair. He hits everyone with it to take the match over. Ortiz gets a Double DDT in the one ring and Sammy attacks Mox in another and Jon is now bleeding from his wound from Sunday. Menard attacks him further and then Yuta rakes Sammy’s eyes so Angelo rakes his. Then Santana comes in with a table and a barbed wire bat. He fires in chops to Matt Menard, taking out him and Garcia before dropping with a bad leg. Parker throws Yuta into the cage. Moxley puts a load of skewers into Matt Menard’s head then gets low blowed. Menard returns the favour with a barbed wite bat and then Yuta and Garcia exchange strikes in the middle. Jericho finally comes in with Floyd and he hits Claudio but Ortiz ducks and then catches Jericho with a DDT before attacking him with a chair. Sammy saves Chris with a Cutter. Everyone takes it in turns hitting some huge moves on one of the rings with Claudio standing tall until Jericho hits him with the Codebreaker to be the last man standing. Then in comes Eddie Kingston with the Kendo stick.

The match officially begins, Eddie fights his way through the JAS with the Kendo stick to get to Jericho then gets to him and beats him down. Hager cuts him off as he goes to pour rubbing alcohol all over him before it just turns into anarchy all over both rings and it’s impossible to follow and cover. Yuta and Mox hit a Doomsday device on Garcia before Hager is put through a table by Eddie & Ortiz. Eddie bites Garcia up against the cage before Mox brings out another pair of bags, both filled with tacks and pours them on one ring. Matt Menard is soon sent into them whilst Claudio & Eddie expose the wood on the other ring and then we go to break with Angelo Parker hanging on the outside of the cage. Moxley ends up with a Bulldog choke on Menard but Jericho counters with the rubbing Alcohol to Moxley’s wound and then a Judas Effect to send him into the tacks. He then picks a handful up and rubs them in Mox’s face. We return to the match with Jericho dragging him over the tacks then putting him in the Walls of Jericho. Eddie breaks it up with a handful of tacks thrown into the face of Jericho. Finally, Eddie and Chris brawl one on one and Eddie takes control. He grabs the barbed wire bat but Jericho fires a Fire Extinguisher into his face. Tay Conti attacks the ref to unlock the cage for Jericho and Ruby runs out to take her out but meanwhile, Jericho climbs up top and Eddie follows him.

They both end up on top and they brawl. Eddie bites into Jericho then hits him with the Backfist. Sammy follows the two of them up to the top and saves Jericho They all lay atop the cage before Sammy attacks Eddie, he goes to drag him to the edge but Sammy hits a low blow and then Sammy is sent from the top of the cage through the Timekeeper’s table to send us to one final break. Sammy is motionless and Kingston laughs before he begins to crawl after Jericho. They brawl on their knees atop the cage before reaching their feet and exchanging more strikes and Eddie wins out before Jericho crawls away and Eddie follows again. We return and Chris fights back, locking Kingston into the Walls but Claudio climbs up the cage and he hits a Running Boot on Jericho. Matt Menard then climbs the cage to even the numbers whilst Claudio swing Jericho 25 feet in the air. This is insane. Menard finally makes the save and then tries for a Piledriver but Jericho gets locked in the Stretch Plum but also Castagnoli counters to put Matt Menard in the Sharpshooter and Matt taps first. They get the win but Eddie is upset that he didn’t get to make Jericho tap.

The Blackpool Combat Club and friends celebrate atop the cage without Santana who we hope isn’t injured and did Eddie and Claudio just end their feud? They celebrate together atop the cage. Bryce even joins them to raise their arms in celebration.

That Blood & Guts match was fantastic. I definitely preferred the second to the first. I’m also glad they sent someone in their twenties off the cage this year instead of someone in their 50’s but I digress. What did you think of the show? Let us know in the comments and let me know on Twitter @Knapphausen. I’ll see you all Friday for Rampage. So long & goodnight!

Tags: #aew #aew dynamite #dynamite #results #blood and guts #blackpool combat club #jericho appreciation society #eddie kingston #santana #ortiz #jade cargill #christian cage #luchasaurus #ethan page #orange cassidy

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