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AEW Dynamite Results – June 22, 2022

Posted By: Jonny Knapp on Jun 22, 2022

AEW Dynamite Results – June 22, 2022

It’s Wednesday, you know what that means! It’s time for AEW Dynamite and tonight we have Forbidden Door on Sunday firmly in our sights. We will see Will Ospreay & Hiroshi Tanahashi in action to put that point across further as well as the last qualifier for the 4-way match to crown the inaugural AEW All-Atlantic Champion when Penta takes on Malakai Black. Let’s get straight to the action, with JR, Excalibur & Tony Schiavone on commentary, it’s time for some Wrestling!

Bryan Danielson Addresses AEW

Tony Schiavone is in the ring, out comes Bryan Danielson and after Tony talks about Sunday, Danielson says this week is a great week to be a wrestling fan with Forbidden Door followed by Blood & Guts. Danielson says he had hoped to be at those events after Jericho paid Zack Sabre Jr to challenge him. Danielson was excited to crush ZSJ’s trachea and to go to Blood & Guts. Danielson then copies Punk with the good news and bad news line and says he’s not cleared to compete after Anarchy in the Arena. Danielson says with regards to his actual health, we don’t have to worry about him and he’ll be back but that’s not the good news.

He says he’s a judgemental prick just like Eddie Kingston says which means he has high standards and if he promises something will be amazing then it will be. He says he’s found a replacement at Forbidden Door & Blood & Guts and we’ll be astounded by his work in AEW. He then says he came out of the bad guy tunnel, so he won’t tell us but he’s not telling ZSJ either. Let the speculation commence.

Speaking of Zack, his music hits and he heads out to the ramp to stare and shout at Danielson.

Jon Moxley Promo

Mox says sometimes it’s business and sometimes its personal, at Blood & Guts it will be personal. He calls out the JAS and next week we find out if the JAS can survive and then lists the survival achievements of his team. He says he hates Jericho and we’ll find out how much they can suffer and endure. Before that though, he has the most important match of his life Sunday and his 3 year journey ends on Sunday but tonight is business and Sunday is personal.

CHAOS (Roppongi Vice (Rocky Romero & Trent Berretta) & Orange Cassidy) defeated United Empire (Aussie Open (Kyle Fletcher & Mark Davis) & Will Ospreay) via Pinfall (11:36)

Both teams make their entrances and the crowd ask Ospreay to start and he says he doesn’t need to so Fletcher starts with Rocky Romero and ends up getting beaten down. Trent tags in and Mark Davis does the same and Davis replies to some chops with a big boot. Trent comes back with a big German Suplex and tags in Orange Cassidy who gets a big pop. Cassidy puts his hands in his pockets early on and reminds us how great he is before tagging out to Rocky with his foot. Chaos all tag in and hit a triple team before taking out Will with a back Body Drop but they try Tope Suicidas and United Empire catch them and hit stereo Powerbombs on the apron to send us to break. Ospreay tags into the match and hits Trent with plenty of kicks and a Spinning Backbreaker for two. He tags out to Fletcher who continues the attack on Trent with a Boston Crab. Fletcher then brings in Davis who continues the attack with big strikes before Aussie Open tag once more.

Trent comes back with a huge DDT as we return and tags out to Orange who lays in his lazy kicks before a Double Hurricanrana takes down Aussie Open before a Rope Walk Arm Drag deals with one and a DDT the other and Orange stares down Ospreay before the hands go in the pockets. Roppongi Vice take Ospreay out as he climbs in to attack Orange and then all dive onto United Empire to take over. Cassidy almost pins Ospreay with an Elbow Drop then sets up for the Orange Punch. Ospreay counters with a chop and the two go back and forth until Cassidy pulls a Stundog Millionaire out of nowhere. Both men tag as Rocky now fights Davis and takes over until Davis chops him to the floor and tags out to Fletcher. They hit double team moves on Rocky by the kicks out at two and then Aussie Open tag again but Rocky escapes and hits a Sliced Bread. Everyone enters the ring and its anarchy for a while till Roppongi Vice hit the double knee and set up for the finish. Aussie open take over though and hit a Piledriver on Trent which Cassidy breaks up at two. Trent makes the tag to Orange who hits Fletcher with the Orange Punch and gets the win.

After the match, Cobb and O-Khan arrive and make it 5 on 3 but FTR even the numbers and United Empire retreat.

Jay Lethal’s Gang Promo

Sonjay is excited for pencils and wins and says they’re going to India. Lethal says he wants to be the ROH TV champ and threatens Samoa Joe to come back or vacate the title.

Christian Cage Interview

Tony Schiavone is back in the ring and introduces Christian. He takes his time making it to the ring and Schiavone asks Cage to explain himself. He argues with the crowd to shut up for a while before answering and Christian says he was getting revenge for the Casino Battle Royale last year and he hated the fact the crowd cheered for Jungle Boy beating him. He said that he wanted to do a background check on Jungle Boy because the fans like him so much but the same fans tell him to STFU. Christian says he checked social media and then shouts at wrestling twitter. Christian threatens Tony after interrupting him and Christian said he’d hitch his wagon to Jungle Boy to earn the money until the well ran dry and says he’s only back in wrestling to make money. Christian then challenges the locker room to have a match that they name PPV’s after and they can make as much as he does. Christian then says that Jungle Boy ran dry so now Christian has to take control which pisses him off.

We are reminded that Christian told JB’s mother that she raised a piece of shit last week and he said he was giving her a chance to apologise for Jungle Boy and she probably fancied Christian and Jungle Boy looked at Christian like a dad. Christian says he’s not his dad because his dad is dead and he’d be ashamed of him. All of a sudden, Jungle Boy’s music hits but it’s Luchasaurus who chokes Christian in the corner. Christian begs him to let go and tells him he’s like a son to him and says they need to talk. He seems to be buying it and then as Luchasaurus leaves, Christian smiles and they head to the back together.

Cutler Cam

We see Bobby getting injured before the Bucks and Kyle appear in the back and the Bucks brag about being champs again. The Young Bucks assure us they’ll be at Forbidden Door and then ask Kyle how he is. Kyle O’Reilly says he’s not okay but The Bucks will be re-joining Bullet Club to take on Sting, Darby and others.

Malakai Black defeated Penta Oscuro w/ Alex Abrahantes via Pinfall (9:59) to qualify for the 4-way AEW All-Atlantic Championship Match vs PAC vs Miro vs Tomohiro Ishii at Forbidden Door

Malakai enters and is followed by Penta. The bell rings and Malakai tries to answer Penta’s Cero Miedo with a Heel Kick but eats a Superkick from Penta instead. Malakai takes over briefly but Penta hits a Tope to come back into it but back in the ring, Malakai attacks the back of Penta only for Penta to hit a Backstabber of his own for two. Malakai counters the Arm Snapper with a roll up for two but Penta then hits the Slingblade. They head outside and Black takes over using the Ring Apron and barricades to send us to break. Malakai takes the match back into the ring and attacks Penta before locking him in an Abdominal Stretch. Penta escapes with an Arm Drag but Black hits one of his kicks and then another. Penta hits a springboard Slingblade to cause a double down.

We return and Malakai tries to attack but Penta comes back and hits two clotheslines and then hits a Cazadora into a Springboard Crossbody. The two men end up on the apron, Penta hits a chop and goes for the Fear Factor. Black fights out and kicks Malakai into the ring post but Penta hits an Enzuigiri and goes for Fear Factor again but Malakai rolls into the ring to escape but Penta hits a rolling Cutter. Penta tries to take Malakai up top but Black escapes and hits a Rising Knee Strike and then dives onto Penta on the outside. Black hits Double Foot Stomps from the top rope for two and then Penta catches Malakai with a Enzuigiri and an Avalanche Feat Factor but can’t make it to the cover. When he does get there, Black gets his foot on the rope to escape so Penta tries for the Made in Japan only for his back to give out which lets Malakai hit his Spinning Heel Kick and get the win.

PAC sprints to the ring to make sure Malakai doesn’t attack Penta before Miro appears on the screen and tells all his opponents that he’ll see them on Sunday.

Wardlow Promo

Wardlow says he gets what he wants and he wants the TNT title. Scorpio Sky, look out.

Hangman Adam Page defeated Silas Young via Pinfall (8:42)

Adam Cole joins commentary. Silas Young makes his AEW debut in his home town and we’re reminded that Hangman had a rivalry with Silas in ROH. Hangman follows and stares down Adam Cole before hitting the ring. The bell rings and the two men lock up with Hangman getting the better of the first exchange but letting Silas stand up. Hangman takes over on the second exchange with a boot to the jaw. Hangman lays in chops in the corner but Young returns some back until Hangman takes him down with one big overhand chop. Silas pokes Hangman in the eye and then the match ends up outside with Hangman hitting a big lariat and an Orihara Moonsault to send us to break. Hangman goes for the Buckshot but Silas escapes the ring to avoid it and then takes Hangman down with a trip. He takes over in the ring and beats up on Hangman Adam Page for a while until Hangman rolls him up for two but Silas hits a Suplex to get back on top again. Young hits a huge Neckbreaker for two.

We return with both men up top and Hangman turns it into a Superplex. We get a double down and then a Strike Exchange and Silas tries a backslide but instead gets a Fall Away Slam from Hangman. Young fights back once more but Page hits his Springboard Lariat and then a Tope when Silas falls to the outside. Hangman hits a Clothesline from the top rope for two and Silas comes back with one of his own before he tries an Arabian Moonsault and Hangman catches him with a German Suplex before the Buckshot Lariat earns him the win.

Adam Cole leaves commentary and grabs a mic for Story Time with Adam Cole but Jay White’s music interrupts him. Jay says he owes Cole an explanation and Jay says as he’s the catalyst of pro wrestling, he’s responsible for Forbidden Door and Cole can’t challenge Jay because he lost to Hangman twice. Jay approaches the ring and says he’s going to announce who his opponent will be at Forbidden Door but it won’t be Hangman who slaps Jay White.

They brawl, Cole runs down to help and it’s two on one until the coin drops and Kazuchika Okada makes the save. Okada beats down Cole and Switchblade and then they run away, leaving Okada and Page standing.

Jade & The Baddies Interview

Tony says Red Velvet is injured and then Stokely announces a Baddie search.

Athena & Kris Statlander Interview

Kris & Athena mock the Baddie search and then say it’s sad Red’s injured but they’ll beat any baddie they want. They say Willow Nightingale is on their side and Athena tells Jade to cut the shit

Toni Storm defeated Marina Shafir w/ Nyla Rose via Pinfall (7:24)

Allocated women’s slot on AEW as we get Marina vs Toni Storm. Marina is with Nyla Rose after tagging with her once on AEW Dark Elevation this week. Marina starts off with a good kick to back Toni off and then shoots for a single leg takedown but Toni counters. Shafir wins out on the mat exchange but Toni escapes via the ropes. Marina takes Toni down with a Hip Throw, an Ogoshi in Judo, but Toni escapes once again and hits a Dropkick to get back in the match but Marina trips her and then lands a high kick to drop Toni and regain control. Toni is sent to the floor and Nyla hits a Senton behind the referee’s back to send us to break. Marina takes Toni back in the ring and spends the break beating her down and stretching her out.

We return as Marina has Storm in a Straight Jacket hold but Toni fights up to her feet and lands a headbutt but Marina drops her again and sends her outside. Marina follows her around on the outside, throwing her around until Toni fights back with a DDT. They head back into the ring and Toni tries for Storm Zero but turns it into a German Suplex and then uses the hip attack in the corner. Nyla gets involved again by stopping Toni from pulling Marina up but when she does, Toni rolls her up to get the win.

Nyla attacks Toni after the bell, Marina joins in and Thunder Rosa makes the save until Toni takes Nyla out with Thunder Rosa’s belt and then Toni and Rosa stare down.

Sting & Darby Promo

Darby says that Sunday is about to get crazy as their team includes Shingo Takagi and Hiromu Takahashi. Wait. Young Bucks, Hikuleo & El Phantasmo vs Sting, Darby, Shingo & Hiromu?! WOW!

Rey Fenix vs Andrade Video Package

Andrade hit a low blow in the battle royale and Fenix wants revenge on Friday.

Jon Moxley & Hiroshi Tanahashi defeated Chris Jericho & Lance Archer via Pinfall (12:03)

Main event time, and what a main event! William Regal joins commentary and the men make their entrances one by one. We start with a 4-man brawl and Mox and Jericho fight to the outside whilst Tanahashi and Archer become legal and the bell rings. Moxley beats Jericho using the Barricade and Tana takes Archer down with a low dropkick. Archer hits a Chokeslam to take over and tags out to Jericho who lays in strikes, backing Tana into the corner. Archer dodges a splash in the corner and Tana takes over, bringing in Jon Moxley who immediately lays in Hammer and Anvil elbows to Jericho. Mox takes him to the outside and Moxley rams Jericho into the apron and Timekeeper’s Table. Mox tries to head back inside the ring but Sammy interferes and Jericho takes over. He tags out to Archer and then Pounces him to send us to break. Archer & Jericho spend the early part of the break making tags back and forth to make sure they keep Moxley down and when he’s outside the ring, Sammy and Tay lay in cheap shots.

We return and Moxley fires in some chops to Jericho but Jericho drops him and then Mox gets his knees up on the Lionsault attempt. Tanahashi finally tags back in and drops Jericho with a flying Elbow Strike and then a Springboard Crossbody. Tanahashi follows up with a Senton for two and then tries for a Slingblade but Jericho counters with a roll up for two then gets another two count which Moxley breaks up before Mox takes out Archer with a Tope Suicida. Tanahashi and Jericho exchange elbow strikes before Jericho misses the Judas Effect and Tana takes him down and climbs up top. Tanahashi hits the High Fly Flow but Jericho rolls through with the Walls of Jericho. Moxley eventually makes the save with a Cutter but Archer takes him out and Tana hits the Slingblade on Archer. Mox and Archer both tag in and after a great back and forth, Moxley pulls out the Paradigm Shift and Tanahashi hits a High Fly Flow onto Archer to get the win.

After the match, Moxley and Tanahashi square up in the middle of the ring and discuss Sunday but all of a sudden, a wild Eddie Kingston appears to attack Jericho and Wheeler Yuta helps deal with Sammy Guevara. All of a sudden though, Minoru Suzuki appears and so does Shota Umino. Meanwhile Tana and Mox have stayed in the ring in a death stare. The JAS join the carnage and Santana & Ortiz complete the mess. They brawl around Moxley and Tanahashi who continue to talk and stare and Sunday can’t come soon enough.

That Dynamite was crazy, so much happening and Forbidden Door can't come soon enough for me. But what did you think, let us know in the comments below, let me know on Twitter @Knapphausen and see you all her Friday for the last Rampage before Forbidden Door! Speaking of Forbidden Door, check out the full card below! Adios. 

Updated Forbidden Door Card Following AEW Dynamite Tonight

Well, the coin drop finally happened and that wasn't the only surprise of the night. Here's the updated card for the AEW & NJPW supersho [...]

— Jonny Knapp Jun 22, 2022 10:52PM

Tags: #aew #aew dynamite #dynamite #results #jon moxley #hiroshi tanahashi #chris jericho #lance archer #toni storm #hangman adam page #malakai black #penta #christian cage #roppongi vice #orange cassidy #will ospreay #bryan danielson

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