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WWE Monday Night RAW Live Results (June 13, 2022)

Posted By: Caylon Knox on Jun 13, 2022

WWE Monday Night RAW Live Results (June 13, 2022)

The following is the live results of tonight's episode of Monday Night RAW, courtesy of our friend Mike Hogan of Rajah.com:

Cold Open: Miz TV, featuring Paul Heyman

We open with Jimmy Smith and Corey Graves welcoming us to Wichita's INTRUST Bank Arena. He starts to introduce his special guest--but Paul Heyman introduces himself as the "legendary" advocate and special counsel. The crowd rips off a "you-suck" chant to the Miz, and he disputes this, citing the fact that unlike them, he's not from Kansas. The Miz pivots to the topic tonight--the upcoming Money in the Bank ladder match. The Miz, who won the match twice--and successfully cashed it in twice, no less--goes on to give tips to anyone listening about his strategy of how to cash in the title shot proper. "If the Money in the Bank winner plays his cards right, he will be able to--he or she will be able to--catapult their career into Superstardom like I did," before ripping off a tirade about his accolades and slipping in a cheap plug for Miz & Mrs. He then makes the observation that the winner of the men's MitB will want to cash in against Roman Reigns, and Heyman adds that they'll fail, too, citing their percentage rate of success on a cash-in goes down to zero against Roman.

Heyman states they've got more important business--this Friday, Roman defends against Riddle. Heyman states he's attempted to counsel WWE's officials and decision makers against this. Riddle comes out to new music and on the mic. "Hey Bros! I could be hearing voices like my best bro Randy, but I could've sworn I heard you say my name! So I figured I'd come out here and hear this news firsthand!" He enters the ring. "Straight from the horses ass!" The Miz chastises Riddle for interrupting him both last week and this week, then demands reverence and respect. Heyman tells Riddle that interrupting himself and an episode of Miz TV, well, "young man I will give you credit--you've got some set of balls on you!" Riddle turns to the Miz and asks how his balls are, getting a chuckle from the crowd. Riddle points out that neither of them, nor Roman, know him or what he's capable of "but you will this Friday bro!"

Riddle goes on to hype up this Friday's clash, claiming he'll be the one to dethrone the Tribal Chief to a cheap pop. Heyman gets on the mic, telling Riddle that his momentum will be stopped Friday by Roman "because I will admit--and you've heard me say this on commentary, sir, I do respect you. But Riddle? you can't beat Roman Reigns. As a matter of fact, I don't even think you can beat your opponent tonight--not after you hear what I have to tell you! Because on behalf of your Tribal Chief Roman Reigns, I arranged for a stipulation with WWE Management--if, if if if if--if you beat Roman Reigns on Friday Live SmackDown, sir, you will be the new Undisputed Universal WWE Heavyweight Champion. And when you lose to Roman Reigns--and sir, you will lose to Roman Reigns--as long as Roman Reigns is the Undisputed Champion, you will never get another opportunity at the undisputed title ever again. This is what we call do or die on the island of relevancy which brings me, by the way, to the fact that I would like to introduce you to the Usos." And out come the Usos! Heyman exits the ring as the Usos make their way out. The Street Profits are out and Montez Ford is set to take on Jimmy Uso, next on Raw!

Singles Match: Montez Ford w/ Angelo Dawkins & Riddle vs Jimmy Uso w/ Jey Uso & Paul Heyman

Following our first break of the night, we return just as the bell rings. Jimmy Uso takes the early lead, keeping the pace slow and steady while using strong Irish Whips to keep the agile Ford grounded. About two minutes in, Ford fires up a stretch of offense that sees Jimmy bound in a left shoulder lock, briefly, as Ford yells "we the ones, Uce" to taunt Jey. Future Hall of Famer Angelo Dawkins yells support throughout the match to Ford as Jey does the same for Jimmy. Commentary focuses on speculation as to what team will take the titles off the Usos. A brief back-and-forth sees a great spot in which Ford springboards over the ropes and into a stiff strike to the jaw that sends him back to the apron; Jimmy is quick to follow it up with an Apron DDT, sending us into our second break of the night.

Ford starts his comeback sequence after the break, battering Uso with strikes and kicks. Both men exchange Superkicks in a quick sequence that sees Ford attempt a cover after following his up with a step-up high kick. Ford avoids a Whip attack and nearly picks up the win with a Spinebuster, but Jimmy hangs in there. Ford sells an injured back in the latter half of the match. Jimmy gets a final spurt of offense in, topped off with a beautiful pop-up Samoan Drop that nearly picked up the win. Ford perseveres Jimmy's offense--including a skull-bashing near-finale to the ring post-- and looks to pick up the win with his trademarked sky-scraper Frog Splash after Jimmy fails to fire off an Uso Splash (thanks to a Ford Hurricanrana). How this Superstar doesn't crack his ribs every single time he hits this move, I've no clue. Sadly, however, Jimmy gets his knees up! Uso rolls up Ford after a very rough, wicked landing, picking up the win.

Your Winner, Jimmy Uso!

Seth Rollins Speaks; AJ Styles Answers

We're shown Rollins' ambush of Rhodes last week, in addition to praise Rhodes received for his premium live event match despite being severely injured. Rollins cuts a typical heel promo until AJ Styles attacks him, telling him to shut up and that "that's for Cody."

24/7 Championship Match: Dana Brooke(c) vs Becky Lynch

Yep, it's come to this and Lynch's entrance shows the same sloth and regret with the choices in life that we're feeling as we watch this one. We're reminded that Lynch lost her title shot last week thanks to Asuka. Lynch attacks Brooke prior to the bell, stomping away at Dana as the in-house crowd loudly cheers for Lynch. Lynch beats Brooke to the outside area and gets on a mic. She tells Brooke to keep the stupid belt; Lynch is focused on the Money in the Bank ladder match. She states the last time she was in a MitB ladder match, she was "robbed and cheated" but this is her year. Asuka makes her way out as Lynch lays back into Brooke. Lynch streaks up the ramp and the two Superstars battle at ringside. Asuka rams Lynch's face into the apron repeatedly. Lynch attacks Asuka as she enters the ring but Asuka counters with a psych out rebound lariat! Asuka and Lynch exchange blows, with Asuka firing off a key lock combo and a German suplex that sends Big Time Becs fleeing up the ramp. Alexa Bliss comes out as Lynch stands at the top of the ramp. Bliss passes her by, Lily in hand, and ignores Lynch as she yells randomly at her.

Money in the Bank Tag Team Double-Qualifier Match: Alexa Bliss & Liv Morgan vs Nikki A.S.H. & Doudrop

We're informed that the winning team will be added to the women's Money in the Bank match. We head to break. When we return, the rest of our Superstars have their entrance. Nikki's ring gear is no longer Blue and gold; instead it's black and gold, and Doudrop's new singlet reminds one of Nia Jax. Dou looks for a cover early on after a standing senton but Bliss kicks out at two. Bliss absorbs the bulk of the offense for her team as Nikki and Dou use quick tags to keep Bliss isolated. The crowd start to cheer behind the Goddess and she counters a bulldog with a hot tag to Morgan! Morgan and Doudrop come in, with Morgan rapid-firing kicks to Dou's hips, abdomen and face. Morgan with a springboard corkscrew facebuster! Dou is rocked and Morgan climbs the turnbuckles. Morgan, noticeably, is wearing mostly pink ring gear with black highlights; definitely different. Bliss makes the tag in and hits a neckbreaker, followed by a cover for two. Bliss takes a headbutt from Doudrop, who then knocks Morgan off the apron, and finds herself a victim of tandem offense from Nikki and Dou--essentially a double-assisted sidewalk slam. Morgan makes the save but is drug outside by Doudrop, who uses a scoop slam to lay out Liv. Liv dodges a standing senton attempt only to eat a baseball dropkick from Nikki. Nikki turns her attention to the ring in time to eat a spike DDT from Bliss. Bliss covers and the two blondes are in!

Your Winners and Added to the Money in the Bank Match, Alexa Bliss & Liv Morgan!

Women's Money in the Bank Match Update

Raw's Bliss & Morgan join (insert weekly brand here)'s Lacey Evans in the WMitB.

Singles Match: Kevin Owens vs Ezekiel

Kevin Owens is out first and, after a break, Elias' younger brother, Ezekiel, makes his entrance. Despite significant evidence--including photographic evidence and the fact that Elias and Ezekiel are in a faction in my 2K22 game--to the contrary, Owens is still drinking the Kool-Aid and thinks Elias is Ezekiel. We get a bunch of hype for credit cards and crap from the affable and under-utilized Byron Saxton prior to the match. The bell rings and Owens immediately squashes Ezekiel for a few moments--opening with a Superkick, following it up with a corner cannonball, and chases it down with a top-rope senton for a damn-close two! Ezekiel shows some life as they brawl to the outside, whipping KO into the ring post. Zeke rolls in and out of the ring to break the ref's count and takes it back to Owens on the outside. They head inside and Owens uses the ropes to temporarily stun Zeke. Zeke catches a charging KO with a big spinebuster! Zeke stomps KO then ascends the turnbuckles; KO starts to roll away so Zeke hops down and follows him out to the apron. Owens attempts a Stunner on the apron; Zeke counters with a suplex attempt but KO slaps the brakes on! KO finds himself in a Fireman's carry at ringside and driven into the steel steps by Zeke! We head to break! We return and are informed that Owens took control throughout the break. Owens batters Ezekiel inside the ring and outside, then heads outside--having lost control completely--and fails to enter before the ref counts to ten! KO's been counted out!

Your Winner by Count-Out, Ezekiel!

Ezekiel Speaks to Zeke's Freaks

Ezekiel is "so zeked up" about the Money in the Bank. He announces that he's gotten a hold of his older brother Elias who's packed up his guitar and will be on Raw next week! He states Elias has "a little bit of age to him" but that he looks good and Elias is eager to remind the entire world that WWE stands for "Walk with Elias!" Owens screams about Ezekiel being a liar as commentary hype this for next week!

MVP & "the Nigerian Giant" Omos Address Cedric Alexander

MVP, rocking a yellow-printed Punisher skull--the original one, not the new, stupid one--make their way out and address Cedric, stating he doesn't know how to keep out of their business. MVP's tired of his nonsense and is here to put an end to it now.

Singles Match: MVP w/ Omos vs Cedric Alexander

MVP shoves Cedric in his face and yells to Omos not to worry about this match, but instead maintain his focus on the Money in the Bank. MVP controls this match early and often, allowing Cedric only the briefest bits of offense until his final comeback sequence. Highlights of the relatively-dead match include a bawlin' elbow drop, followed by a second, to give MVP the easiest Squash of a main-roster superstar in ages. Very weird. Afterward, Omos threw Cedric out of the ring.

Your Winner by Squash, MVP!

Money in the Bank Qualifying Match: AJ Styles vs Seth Rollins

Styles is out first after a brief backstage verbal encounter with Rollins. After some words from their sponsors and much ado about nothing, we finally get on to this match. Both veterans battle back and forth, taking the fight outside where both hit high spots and send us off to another break. When we return, Rollins maintains control but significantly slows the pace. Eventually both men slug it out back-and-forth in the middle of the ring, with Styles showing the first signs of life all night. Styles follows his Phenomenal Combo with a sliding elbow strike. Rollins takes control back a few moments later with a low-angle Superkick to a kneeling Styles that near decapitates the Phenomenal One. Rollins pauses to lead the crowd in a chorus of singing, well, the chorus to his entrance. He attempts a Stomp but Styles counters it into a Calf Crusher, maintaining the lock for several long seconds until Rollins can force a break. Both vets go back and forth; Styles misses on a Phenomenal Forearm but counters a Pedigree attempt into an Ushigaroshi! Beautiful, beautiful fireman's carry neckbreaker. They go back and forth one last time, with Rollins connecting on the Stomp to pick up the win and advance to the Money in the Bank.

Your Winner and ADVANCING to Money in the Bank, Seth Rollins!

Singles Match: Riddle vs Ciampa

We return from a break and get this match under way. Ciampa comes out the gate strong as the Miz joins commentary. Ciampa with an Air Raid crash, then stomps Riddle in the corner. Riddle rises and strikes Ciampa; Ciampa slaps him back harder. Both men unleash on each other, with Ciampa taking the lead thanks to a stomp on the barefoot-bro. Ciampa with a DDT and a cover for a one. Ciampa uses a beautiful inverted DDT--the Scorpion Death-drop--to pick up a close two. Riddle unleashes his striking and over-head kick combo on Ciampa, sending the Blackhearted one into the corner. Riddle executes his multiple facewash strikes and uses a snap powerslam to pay homage to Orton. Riddle continues the tribute with a Spike DDT--all as the Miz complains about Riddle not "getting his own moves"--but Ciampa breaks the rhythm with a wicked big-toe lock/breaker! Ciampa with an exploder knee to a knelt Riddle to pick up another close two! Ciampa looks for a Fairy Tale Ending but Riddle hits his riptide knee, followed by a Floating Bro, and capped off with an RKO to pick up the win.

Your Winner, Riddle!

Raw Women's Champion Bianca Belair Addresses "Soulless" Rhea Ripley

Belair cuts a promo in the ring stating that she used to know Rhea Ripley but this current iteration is "soulless" and not the one she knew. She then states that it doesn't matter because she's walking out of Money in the Bank with her title. The Judgment Day cut in via teletron and stand in order of height--Priest on the left, Finn on the right. They state the cause of their Judgment Day movement and tell us that Edge's own actions contradicted his statement; he told them to do as he said, not as he did, hence why they took him out. Ripley sports some knew braces, and tells Belair that the "great-EST thing you'll be is your downfall" as Ripley knows her game plan. Ripley guarantees her own victory and the Judgment Day theme plays us out.

Singles Match: Chad Gable w/ Otis vs Mustafa Ali

Ali and Gable lockup, opening us off with an impressive technical display as both men counter each other, culminating with Gable taking Ali down to the canvas and yelling out, "a-thank-yew!" Both men pop up and pick up the pace, with Ali taking the lead in speed with a leg takedown and a modified 'rana. Ali charges Gable, who sidesteps and sends Ali's face right into the turnbuckle. The ref takes a moment to check on Ali and determines he's good to go. Gable looks for a quick cover but only gets one. Gable slaps on a surfboard stretch and yells "shoosh" at the crowd. Ali counters into a pin attempt to force the break. Gable looks for a rear butterfly suplex bridging pin but only gets two. Gable ascends the turnbuckles and misses on a Moonsault. Ali runs off the ropes and drops Gable with a trio of block strikes. Ali counters a whip with an elbow into a charging Gable's face before using a Tornado DDT to drop Gable! Ali gets ready to climb the ropes but Otis reaches in the ropes for Gable. Ali kicks Otis, opening himself to a German suplex pin from Gable!

Your Winner, Chad Gable!

Singles Match: Rey Mysterio vs Veer Mahaan

Rey fist-bumps Dominik before coming out solo ahead of this squash match. We head to break prior to the bell. Veer takes the lead for the early moments of this match, easily manhandling Rey. Mysterio gets about twenty seconds of comeback offense in before Veer counters a whip with a strong Irish one of his own. Veer gets cocky and spears the corner but Rey dodges; Veer spears the nearby post and falls out but lands on his feet. Veer angrily attacks Dominik Mysterio at ringside then enters the ring and catches Rey mid-cross body. Veer with a wicked side-buster to Rey across his knee before slapping on a cervical clutch. Rey taps immediately.

Your Winner by Submission, Veer Mahaan!

Main Event Pose Down: United States Champion Theory vs "the All Mighty" Bobby Lashley
Main Event "Inaugural Theory Invitational Pose-Down": United States Champion Theory vs "the All Mighty" Bobby Lashley

Hey, we got eight matches with roughly fifty-five minutes of wrestling tonight. The least we can do is pretend we like this "main event" right? Sure. After a break we return. WWE Official Adam Pearce instructs both Superstars that they'll be doing three poses. Theory kicks up a fit and Pearce threatens to disqualify him if he didn't fall in line. Theory is then told to pose on the podium as Pearce calls out the three poses. Theory gets the call for the double-bicep pose first, followed by the side-chest flex. The final pose is the "most muscular" pose--the iconic Hulk Hogan pose (and many other, to be frank). Despite his initial trepidation, Theory yells that he's got this and can do this all day. Lashley does the three poses next, with a noticeably louder digital crowd (aka piped-in crowd). Pearce starts to ask the crowd who they feel won when Theory yells for the crowd to shut up. He demands the crowd chant for him, so the in-house crowd very, very weakly starts to chant for Lashley. Theory does a great job working the nearly-dead crowd to chant for Lashley when Pearce asks for their final verdict. Great job as a heel with a crowd that doesn't want to cooperate. Afterwards Theory tells Lashley he's got one more pose for him, the blinds Lashley by squirting water from his bottle into Lashley's face. Theory poses for a selfie as Lashley struggles up the ramp, apparently unsure how to handle water thrown in his face. We fade to black.

Source: Mike Hogan of Rajah.com
Tags: #wwe #raw #wweraw #results

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