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Toni Storm was recently a guest on Talk is Jericho, where she spoke about being grateful for her time in WWE.
“I obviously don’t want to bury the place at all. I don’t want to say anything bad. To be honest, I’m really grateful for the whole thing to be honest. I hate all that ended badly as all doom and gloom or whatever. But I still had the best time, and I got to learn a lot from a lot of people. And I’m really grateful for all of it. I don’t want anyone to think that I hate WWE.”
On her creative direction on SmackDown:
“There seemed to be a plan. They put me in a debut match that seemed to go well, and it seemed like something was gonna happen and then nothing really did. And then there were bits and pieces here and there like, ‘Oh, you’re in love with Rick Boogs and the love triangle with Dolph Ziggler. Then it never really went anywhere, and just bits and pieces here and there. I was working with Charlotte and stuff seemed to be picking up from there, but then a lot of contributing factors just led to me saying, ‘You know what, I can’t do this anymore and I need to change my life because, to be honest, I’m so depressed here.’ It’s so hard to explain that to people and it’s not like it was one big moment where it was like ‘I’m quitting.’ It was just so many things, and every week, I couldn’t help but think that maybe this isn’t the place for me. From the way things were going, the way it felt, I was like ‘this just isn’t good for me, I don’t see myself coming out of this.’ I’m not enjoying it, I’m not having fun, and to be honest, I’m kind of dreading going to work each time."
On her conversation with Vince McMahon the day she left WWE:
“Vince seemed quite high on me on my last day. He was taking time to talk to me and stuff seemed like it was starting to get moving, but I just didn’t trust it. Something didn’t sit right. He was giving me some guidance on what he thinks I should do, this, that, and the other. I’m really grateful for the opportunity, but ‘no thanks.'”