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AEW Double or Nothing Results - May 29, 2022

Posted By: Jonny Knapp on May 30, 2022

AEW Double or Nothing Results - May 29, 2022

It’s Sunday, you know what that means! It’s time for Double or Nothing, live from Las Vegas. We have 13 matches to get through tonight so let’s really waste no time and get straight to the wrestling. Excalibur, Tony Schiavone & JR are on commentary as always.  

The Buy In 
HOOKhausen (Hook & Danhausen) defeated Tony Nese & Smart Mark Sterling via Pinfall (5:24) 

I lied in the opening, it’s actually Taz on commentary for the Buy in rather than Jim Ross and we’re finally getting underway with his son and Danhausen against Tony Nese & Mark Sterling. Sterling looks ridiculous and, in the ring, we start with Hook against Nese. The crowd are loudly in Hook’s corner and he takes Nese down when he tries to pose. Nese rolls out to Sterling before getting back in and Hook lets Danhausen tag in. Nese laughs at him and takes him down with a Shoulder Tackle but Danhausen manages to get Nese to miss a couple of moves so Danhausen curses him. Danhausen hits his first real move with a High Boot out of the corner but Nese takes him down again and begins to isolate him. He even lets Sterling tag in briefly but when he does it the second time, Danhausen manages to dodge a leg drop and Sterling tags out to Nese who takes out Hook to stop Danhausen doing the same.

Danhausen hits a Snap Suplex out of nowhere and finally makes the tag. Hook storms in and Nese suddenly has no partner to tag to. Hook takes him down with two big throws before Sterling accidentally tags himself in. Hook takes them both on, dealing with both with the El Camino before Sterling is about to be put in the Redrum but Hook brings in Danhausen instead. Danhausen pins Sterling weakly and picks up the win! Now give them the titles. 

Wardlow defeated MJF via Pinfall (7:36) 

The big question is answered early. MJF comes out first and answers it. He leaves it a while but he emerges as the crowd call him an asshole. Wardlow is removed from a holding cell in shackles and walked to the ring in shackles. Still no music but the crowd loudly let Max know that he messed up. They choose a bluer word however. He looks resplendent dressed in all white and finally he is uncuffed and enters the ring with MJF. The bell rings but not before MJF can roll out of the ring and run away at least one last time. Max turns that into two last times as he runs as soon as the bell rings also. Wardlow turns his back and MJF tries to attack from behind to no impact. Wardlow gets him ready for the Powerbomb and Max escapes it again before they exchange getting in and out of the ring. Wardlow catches him and Max fights back but he fails on the Sunset Flip and Wardlow goes for the powerbomb again and MJF bites him. MJF then pokes him in the eye but Wardlow fights back and has the Powerbomb ready to go but MJF does an O’Connor roll for two. Max fakes injury and pulls out the ring as he does so but the ref is right there to confiscate it. Wardlow is also right there and Max cries off before Wardlow finally grabs him after pretending to accept Max’s offer of quadruple pay.

Finally, the Powerbomb Symphony can begin. One. Two. Three, Four. One for each side of the ring so far but 5 follows quickly. He goes for the pin and pulls off at two and hits Powerbomb number 6. They crowd ask for another and Wardlow obliges before he decides on another. And another. And another. Ten in total. Finally, Wardlow gets the pin and it’s all over. He is now a free agent.  

Max is put in a Neck Brace and stretchered out of the arena with the crowd telling him he deserved it. Schiavone hits the ramp to announce that Wardlow is now All Elite. 

The Hardys (Matt & Jeff Hardy) defeated The Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Jackson) via Pinfall  

The Young Bucks get a Viva Las Vegas song saying Superkick Party before their entrance. Their gear is also very Elvis looking. The Hardys follow them and the match begins. We get the two Matts jaw jacking to begin and finally they lock up. Jackson gets the upper hand with a dropkick and then locks Matt up in a Hammerlock. They begin to go back and forth and Hardy begins to fight back. He hits a back elbow in the corner and brings Jeff in but Matt soon does the same for Nick. The two go back and forth before Nick gets the upper hand with a Shoulder tackle and mocks Jeff. Jeff comes right back and sends Nick to the outside. He trips coming back in and both Hardys attack, rolling back the years with some double team moves. The Bucks reset on the outside before Nick heads back in to face Matt Hardy. He leaves to attack Brandon for getting the crowd to chant his name and then cheap shots Matt and tries to take over. The Hardys soon have them back under control though with more double teams. However, they try one too many and Nick hits an Enzuigiri to let the Young Bucks back into it. Matt Jackson begins to isolate Jeff and he keeps making tags with Nick to help that. Jeff finally gets some separation to make a tag but Brandon wipes Matt out on the apron behind the ref' back to stop him making a tag. Nick goes for a Whisper in the wind and it goes wrong which lets Jeff hit one on him and finally tag out to Matt Hardy. Matt comes in and takes Nick down over and over before smashing his head into three turnbuckles. Matt Jackson gets the same treatment and then so does Brandon before Nick gets hit with the Side Effect for two. Matt goes for a Twist of Fate but instead is sent to the outside and the Bucks take over once again. They go back and forth until Jeff gets a Superkick from Nick and falls into the crowd before Nick dives onto them once more from the top rope.  

Nick attacks Matt back in the ring and then takes him out with a huge running Knee. Matt Jackson tags in and The Bucks hit Risky Business but Hardy still can kick out at two. The Bucks suddenly can’t find the right targets as moves miss and Nick even kicks Brandon before Matt starts hitting Side Effects outside the ring. Matt brings Jeff into the match and they try to hit the Poetry in motion, nailing it and then following up with another double team but Jackson fights back and Nick jumps in too. Matt gets taken out on the top rope by a Jeff Jawbreaker but then Jeff misses the Swanton and Matt Jackson hits a Twist of Fate and Nick hits a Swanton for two. No idea how Jeff kicked out there. They pull him up for the BTE Trigger and they miss, Jeff still gets a double superkick to the face and so does Matt. The Bucks have the Hardys on their knees and rapid fire superkicks put them both down. They get up again and ask for more. The Bucks oblige and go for double pins but They Hardys both kick out. Brandon pulls the ring steps across with Matt and turns them on their side before Jeff is led over to them and put atop them. The Bucks go for The Meltzer Driver on them but Matt cuts them off and hits a BT bomb on Nick before Jeff puts Matt on the steps and climbs up top for the Senton Bomb. He hits it and then Matt Hardy hits the Twist of Fate on Nick but Nick kicks out this time at two! Nick reverses a second but eats another one and then Jeff tags in to hit another Swanton Bomb to finally end the match and get the win.  

Jade Cargill defeated Anna Jay via Pinfall (7:25) to retain the TBS Championship 

First title match of the night is the TBS title match. The bell rings and Jade immediately backs Anna into the corner. Anna hits a High Boot before they go back and forth and Jade manages to take over by slamming Anna out of the Queenslayer. Jade hits a Snap Suplex and then climbs up top top hit a Double Sledge. She climbs up top again and but changes game plan and stomps Anna down in the corner. She hits a Splash and then climbs up top. This time Anna Jay cuts her off and joins her up top for a Superplex. Both women stay down and then when they get to their feet, Anna stays in control and hits a Leg Lariat in the corner before trying to take Jade down with flying Lariats. Jade stays stood up and stumbles to the corner but when Anna goes up top, she hits a Flipping Neckbreaker that drops Jade.

Anna sends her into the steps outside before Kiera Hogan and Red Velvet appear and attack Anna but they get a Double DDT. Anna rolls back in and Jade catches her in the Jaded but Anna rolls out and nearly pins her. Smart Mark Sterling now hobbles down to the ring and distracts the ref. He chucks his crutch into the ring for Jade but Anna gets it and nearly pins Jade with a Leg Sweep. John Silver now appears and takes out Sterling with a Brainbuster. Jade hits the Eye of the Storm back in the ring for two and Jade goes for Jaded again only for Anna to somehow turn it into the Queenslayer. Jade muscles out of it but Anna heads back up top and then Jade joins her. Now all of a sudden, Stokely Hathaway makes his AEW debut and comes down to distract Anna Jay so Jade can hit the Avalanche Jaded and pick up the win. Mark Sterling is getting fired.  

Jade & The Baddies start to gang up on Anna but Kris makes the save and then is followed by another debut as Athena shows up! We have a trios match in our future.  

House Of Black (Malakai Black, Brody King & Buddy Matthews) defeated Death Triangle (Penta El Zero Miedo, Rey Fenix & PAC) via Pinfall (15:34) 

This trios match begins with Fenix and Malakai going at it, they exchange holds with neither man getting a definitive advantage. They go back and forth again and we end up with a Stalemate as both men sit cross legged in the middle of the ring. Fenix blinks first and it allows Malakai to tag in to Buddy Matthews but a Fenix kick lets Penta come back in as we get another stalemate, this time between Penta & Matthews. Penta hits a huge superkick and brings in PAC who blindsides Matthews with a dropkick. Matthews tags out to Brody King who uses his size advantage to drop PAC. He follows up with chops in the corner before taking out Fenix. We get a three-on-three brawl to follow and the House of Black isolate PAC but the Geordie manages to keep them at bay until Brody hits him from behind with a Lariat. Fenix comes back in to make the save before all wrestlers take it in turns to hit moves until we’re left with PAC and Buddy. PAC hits a Poisonrana and a Lariat and we get a Double down, Brody comes in to deal with PAC and hits a huge Bossman Slam and follows it with a huge chop. He tags in Malakai and they isolate PAC once again. Brody tags back in and then Buddy Matthews does as The House of Black take over. Brody misses a Cannonball and falls to the outside which allows PAC to finally tag out to Fenix who dominates all of the House alone and then with Penta. They hit stereo Tope Con Hilo to take out Malakai and Brody before they focus on Brody in the ring. They hit a triple team splash but King kicks out at two. Buddy Matthews blocks a Fenix Tope to hit him with a Suplex. PAC takes out Buddy, Malakai takes out PAC, Penta takes out Malakai. This is carnage. Brody King hits a Tope Con Hilo onto all of them and then takes Fenix back in the ring and The House isolate him for the Dante’s Inferno but the pin is broken up somehow by Death Triangle.  

We get a meeting of the minds for the House of Black as Death Triangle suddenly begin to take over and PAC almost pins King with a Brainbuster but Buddy breaks it up. Buddy and Fenix fight on the apron until Penta hits Buddy with a Canadian Destroyer on the apron off of Fenix’s back. They hit Brody with Foot stomps and a DDT on the outside and its Malakai alone in the ring. Death Triangle drop him with multiple kicks and then Malakai comes back with two Heel Kicks on the Lucha Bros. PAC stops him with an Enzuigiri and then sets up for the Black Arrow. Buddy stops him but PAC hits a 450 over him and then takes Buddy out with a German Suplex. Malakai eats another German Suplex but then when the ref is distracted with Alex Abrahantes, PAC hits a low blow and then goes to hit the Black Arrow. The lights go out and Julia Hart appears and mists PAC which lets Malakai pin him. The House always wins. 

Adam Cole defeated Samoa Joe via Pinfall (13:10) to win The Owen Hart Foundation Men’s Tournament 

Next up is the first of two Owen Hart Foundation Tournament finals as Adam Cole faces off with Samoa Joe. We get a slow start as both men try to feel each other out. Joe begins to take over with some huge chops and a headbutt in the corner. He follows with a Splash and an Enzuigiri before just mocking Cole as he strikes him. Joe drops him and then takes the match outside before Cole manages to flip the momentum and then send Joe into the Barricade and ring post to take over. Cole takes the match back into the ring and chokes Joe on the ropes before they both exchange strikes. Cole focuses on the arm of Joe and begins to weaken it further before trying for a Wrist Lock. Joe fights to his feet but Cole drops him with an Arm Breaker. Cole sets up for the Panama Sunrise but Joe just lifts him up and drives Adam’s knees into the mat.

Cole rolls outside and then guillotines Joe’s arm over the ropes. Joe takes Cole down out of the corner with an STO and then lays in some right hands. He hits a Manhattan Drop, a high boot and a Running Senton for two. Joe pulls out a Powerslam for two next when Cole tries to fight back. He pulls him in for a Powerbomb but Cole slips out and hits a Gomon Giri but Joe flattens him with the Lariat for another two. Cole fights back with a huge kick in the corner and then lays in some strikes to Joe and lands a Backstabber for two. He transitions to a Crossface and then Joe makes the ropes with his legs. Joe hits a Powerbomb for two then turns it into the STF. Cole tries for the ropes but Joe stops him until Cole does so with his feet to escape. Bobby Fish appears and it actually lets Joe lock on a Choke. Fish jumps up to make him break it though. Joe eats a big Superkick and another and another and then Cole lowers the Boom and gets the win! They really gave the Shawn Michaels guy, the Owen.

Britt Baker defeated Ruby Soho via Pinfall (14:56) Owen Hart Foundation Women's Tournament 

Britt gets played out by the Fozzy guitarist. Ruby gets the entirety of Rancid. There are levels to this.

The match begins with the two ladies locking horns and Ruby is backed into the corner. Britt breaks and they begin to go back and forth until Britt gets on top with wrist control. Ruby fights back to her feet and gets wrist control herself and holds on whilst Britt lays in some strikes. Ruby maintains hold until Britt finally breaks it via the ropes. Ruby takes over again with some arm drags then lays Britt out. Britt rolls outside and Ruby follows up with a huge Shotgun Dropkick. She knocks the wind out of herself and that lets Britt drive her into a barricade, only for Soho to hit a Suplex on the floor. They head back inside and fight with Ruby on the top rope but Britt wins the battle then pulls her into the ring whilst Ruby gasps for breath. Britt follows with stomps to the ribs and then wraps Ruby’s midsection around the ring post. Britt continues to attack and takes Ruby down with a Russian Leg sweep before Britt stretches Ruby out and lays in elbows to the ribs. Ruby fires back once again but Britt is still on top as she drops Ruby with a ripcord elbow.  

Britt sets up for the Pittsburgh Sunrise and Ruby cuts her off. They battle on the top rope and Ruby hits a Superplex but every move like that hurts her own ribs every time. She can’t get to the pin and Britt is up first. Britt tells Ruby the fans don’t care about her and it fires Ruby up to hit some elbows but Britt always has a reply and they both drop for a double down. They make their feet and Britt counters the No Future and hits a Thrust Kick but Ruby rolls Britt up from the Curb Stomp. Britt hits another Thrust Kick but Ruby comes back with a Saito Suplex and then a Bombs Away Senton from the top for two. Ruby looks desperate now She takes Britt to the top rope but Britt throws her down and Britt finally hits the Curb Stop but Ruby kicks out at 2! Britt pulls out the glove to go for the Lockjaw and she gets it on but Ruby fights out twice, nearly rolling her up the second time. Soho hits the No Future before she locks in the Sharpshooter and forces Britt to make the ropes. Ruby tries to follow up in the corner but misses, she catches Britt’s reply with a boot to the face and then almost wins with a Victory Roll. Britt counters though and pins Ruby with her own roll up.  

Britt helps Ruby up after the match. She heads up to the ramp where Tony Schiavone congratulates her and Adam Cole before introducing Dr Martha Hart who comes out with Tony Khan. She reads a speech about Owen and then presents the title belts and cup to Britt and Adam.  

 Men of the Year (Scorpio Sky & Ethan Page) & Paige VanZant defeated Sammy Guevara, Tay Conti & Frankie Kazarian via Pinfall (12:04) 

 Mixed trios time and this is a first for AEW I believe. Frankie comes out with the BMF belt and Sammy & Tay come out dressed as evil as they can, coming out of the middle tunnel! I love the commitment to the heat. Sammy poses with the BMF title and the match begins with Kazarian and Sky but Sammy tags himself in and then so does Ethan. Ethan begins to let his rage out on Sammy, beating him down then setting him up for the Ego’s Edge. Sammy reverses with the Hurricanrana then hits the Corkscrew Dropkick but Page stays on his feet and then Powerslams Sammy for two. Tay is barking at Kazarian to help Sammy this whole time and Sammy finally tags out to Frankie and Sky comes back in to fight him. Sky hits a beautiful Dropkick but Kaz comes back with his Leg Drop and then tags Sammy back in. Kaz gets mad at Sammy and then argues with Tay whilst Sammy comes in and Sky beats him down in the corner. Tay attacks Sky from behind when the ref’s back is turned to let Sammy back into it and Sammy hits his Springboard Cutter before winding up Paige and Ethan and allowing Tay to help him hit a double team for two. Sammy tags in Frankie who continues the beat down on Sky. Ethan grabs Kaz to get Sky the space he needs and it allows him to hit the Flatliner. Tay attacks Paige to stop her tagging in and Sammy and Tay celebrate. Frankie gets mad that he can’t tag out and nearly gets Sky in the Cross Face Chicken Wing. Sammy tags himself in and struts around as soon as he gets it.  

Sammy and Kaz collide heads and finally its Paige and Tay who are legal. Paige slams Tay to the Mat and hits her with strikes. She hits a couple of Clotheslines then a Back Suplex before a Back Handspring Elbow in the corner. Paige goes for the TKO and Sammy saves Tay so Paige punches him in the gut and then takes him out with a DDT. She stacks Tay and Sammy in the corner before a Michinoku Driver on Tay earns a two count. Tay comes back with an Ogoshi and then hits her pump kicks on Paige in the corner. Tay hits another Pump Kick but Paige kicks out at two. Tay takes Paige out with a Facebuster onto her knee then Sammy comes in to kiss her some more. They take so long that all three of their opponents recover and enter the ring. Frankie abandons them and Sky and Ethan attack Sammy whilst Paige deals with Tay. Frankie takes out Sky then tags himself in which makes Tay scream. Kaz nearly pins Sky but then Sammy attacks him and hits Tay instead. Then Ethan hits Kaz with a kick and Sky hits the TKO to get the win.  

Kyle O’Reilly defeated Darby Allin via Pinfall (10:37) 

Darby tries to start of quick but Kyle soon drops him with a knee to the face before trying for the Juji Gatame early. Darby makes the ropes and Kyle continues on the offence with strikes and then sweeps the legs of Allin away. He brings him back up and attacks the shoulder before hammer locking the arm and getting a two from a Suplex on Darby. Kyle lays in some kicks to the chest of Darby and Allin fires in some shots and a Dropkick before a Code Red earns him his first two count. Darby hits a Scorpion Death Drop and tries for a Coffin Splash but Kyle catches him and then tries to go for the Kimura. Darby fights out and then hits a Stunner to send Kyle outside and tries for his Tope Suicida but for the first time it goes wrong and Darby somehow doesn’t die. Kyle rolls to the other side and Darby goes again but this time Darby gets caught by Kyle in a Sleeper. Kyle sends Darby back in and then Darby catches O’Reilly in the Last Supper but it only gets him a two. Kyle fights him off with strikes and then Darby almost rolls him up. It’s only a two and then Kyle picks him up with a Brainbuster for two before he locks in the Juji Gatame. He can’t get it properly so transitions to an Ankle Lock and Darby turns it into A Scorpion Death Lock and makes Kyle make the ropes.  

They battle again with Kyle on the apron and Darby inside and Darby hits a Dragon Screw then heads up top quickly to hit him with a Coffin Drop onto the apron. Both men spill outside and Darby rolls him back in before his Coffin Drop gets caught with a Juji Gatame. Darby escapes by rolling him up for two before they exchange strikes in the middle and then O’Reilly hits Kawada Kicks. Darby comes back with Palm Strikes and both men drop. Kyle hits a huge overhand strike and breaks Darby’s necklace in his mouth. He hits a PK and Darby kicks out at one. Kyle hits another for two and then a third PK before the Bombs Away Knee Drop earns Kyle the victory.  

Thunder Rosa defeated Serena Deeb via Pinfall (16:58) to retain the AEW Women's World Championship 

Women’s title is on the line and Rosa looks incredible tonight. They start with a Collar and Elbow tie up and battle all over the ring before letting go with no victor. They lock up again and this time Rosa goes behind and takes Deeb down but Serena comes back and both women exchange wrist control. Deeb takes control forcing the champ to the mat but Rosa comes back with a Head Scissors and both women escape to another stalemate. They lock up again and this time it’s Rosa forcing Serena to the mat but not for long. They battle until Rosa comes out with a Pendulum and then nearly pins Serena as the crowd chant this is wrestling. Rosa hits a Shoulder Tackle and then two arm drags before earning another two count. Both women battle for a Backslide and Rosa hits a Dustin Rhodes style Uppercut. Rosa sends Serena to the floor and then goes for the Baseball Slide Dropkick but Serena rolls in then grabs Rosa’s hair to take over. Serena hits a Neckbreaker over the Middle Rope and then Rosa falls outside. Serena retrieves her and hits a Swinging Neckbreaker for two.   

Serena puts Rosa on the top rope and then locks her in a brutal looking submission in from the top rope. Back on the mat, Deeb locks in the Abdominal Stretch and then Rosa fights out into a strike exchange. Rosa wins it and hits a huge Lariat and a Body Slam before she throws Serena face first into the middle turnbuckle. She follows that with a running clothesline and then a couple of dropkicks before a Northern Lights Suplex and bridge earns a two count. Rosa calls for a finish but Deeb fights back and after a great back and forth, Deeb locks in an Octopus Hold. They transition out of it and then Serena hits a flipping cutter from the top rope for two! Serena pulls Rosa up and goes for Deebtox but Rosa hits a Russian Leg Sweep and locks Deeb in a Cross Face but Serena nearly rolls her up to escape. Serena goes for the Stretch Muffler but Rosa rolls out and attacks the Knee of Serena like Deeb did to Shida. Both women down from a double Lariat and then Rosa hits a high boot and stomps from the corner before a Death Valley Driver earns yet another two. Rosa gets taken down with a Chop Block to let Serena lock in a Figure Four and then both women slap the taste out of each other's mouths before they both fall outside. Rosa comes up limping and Serena hits a Dragonscrew and then the Deebtox on Rosa who somehow kicks out at 2.9. Deeb stays on top and locks in the Serenity Lock on the champion but then goes for a Powerbomb before she locks in the Cloverleaf and Rosa has to make the ropes. Serena sets up for another Deebtox and Rosa counters into a pin for two but she tries a Knee Strike in the corner to follow and misses. Deeb heads up top, Rosa follows and Serena fights her up there but Rosa still wins out and hits the Superplex and rolls through with the Fire Thunder Driver for the win. Match of the Night so far.  

Jericho Appreciation Society (Chris Jericho, Jake Hager, Daniel Garcia, Matt Menard & Angelo Parker) defeated Blackpool Combat Club (Jon Moxley & Bryan Danielson), Eddie Kingston, Santana & Ortiz via Referee Stoppage (22:36) in an Anarchy in the Arena Match 

Justin Roberts officially announces shit is about to hit the fan before this match and Jericho comes out with his appreciation Society looking like N-Sync Cosplayers. Their opponents all enter together to Wild Thing from different parts of the Arena. The JAS scatter to meet them and the match begins with brawling. Anarchy in the Arena indeed. Wild thing is still playing as BCC & Pals seem to have control of all of their opponents. Jericho is getting destroyed by Kingston. Moxley deals with Matt Menard then joins Kingston. Santana has Garcia ringside. Danielson is beating Angelo in the crowd. Wild Thing finishes and starts again to a huge pop. Moxley pulls out a fork for Matt Menard before Jericho has Moxley to deal with. Ortiz is dealing with Hager. A table emerges at Ringside and Moxley chokes Jericho out on a mobility scooter. Matt Menard is bleeding like a Stuck Pig with Eddie Kingston attacking him. Moxley takes Jericho towards the ring and they brawl along the way but Santana and Ortiz start to isolate Jake Hager in the ring and try to pin him. Jericho smashes the soundboard to cut off Wild Thing and then Moxley attacks him again. Kingston and Menard head into the concourse. As do Danielson and Angelo. Eddie and Matt brawl in front of a crowd in the concourse. Hager is sent through a table by Santana and Ortiz. Moxley attacks Jericho with the Jib Camera. Eddie covers Matt Menard in mustard. Garcia appears and isolates Ortiz, hitting a Piledriver onto the ring steps. Danielson keeps hitting Parker;s head onto the hard camera. Matt Menard is sent into the Merch stand where they brawl.  

Jericho and Moxley head back towards the ring once again. Jericho, Mox, Parker and Danielson end up in the same place and Parker hits Danielson with the Ring Bell. Garcia appears backstage and takes out Eddie to help Matt. Moxley throws a cooler at Jericho’s head. Garcia and Kingston brawl back in the concourse before Garcia drags Kingston with a rope around his neck. Moxley is bleeding and gets locked in the Walls of Jericho on the timekeeper's table which breaks. Danielson is bleeding. Kingston is too. Mox takes out Jericho with a Tope Suicida and then locks Jericho in a Figure Four. Hager stops him and Danielson and Hager brawl with Danielson winning out. Moxley unscrews the turnbuckle on the top rope as Hager suplexes Danielson on the ramp. Kingston finally has the upper hand on Garcia, chasing him back to ringside. Mox hits Jericho with the Turnbuckle then low blows him with it. Garcia and Kingston fight in an elevator. Moxley whips Jericho with the turnbuckle and Danielson choke Hager with another. Angelo and Santana brawl somewhere in the crowd near a table which Angelo ends up on. Jericho hits Moxley with a chair and then Mox returns the favour. Santana and Ortiz get a ladder and Mox hits a Regal Knee on Jericho at ringside. Mox brings out Barbed Wire Boards. Hager tries to tap out Danielson with the Ankle Lock. Santana and Ortiz climb and put Matt Menard and Angelo Parker through tables. Jericho sprays Mox in the face with a fire extinguisher to avoid the barbed wire. 

 Hager and Jericho meet Danielson and Moxley in the middle of the ring to exchange strikes and lose out in the end. They both lay in the hammer and anvil elbows and then lock in Submissions. LeBell Lock and Bulldog Choke. Eddie Kingston emerges on the ramp with a can of gasoline. He pours the gasoline over Jericho and Danielson and Bryan brawls with Eddie. Mox splits them up and Jericho attacks him with a chair. Hager sends Moxley into the Barbed Wire and then Jericho hits the Judas Effect on Kingston. Jericho and Hager take Danielson out with the Turnbuckle Hook but Danielson kicks out at two. They pick him up again and Danielson fights them both off on his own with kicks. Danielson hits the Busaiku Knee to Hager and the same to Jericho holding a chair and Jericho kicks out at two. We see Moxley still trapped in barbed wire as Danielson kicks a hole in Jericho’s chest and then one to the head then says he’s about to kick his fucking head in. Jericho is about to meet the boot of Bryan but Hager saves with Floyd the bat. Jericho locks in the Walls and Hager chokes Danielson with the ring rope to get the win. This was pure anarchy. Justin Roberts was right.  

Andrade El Idolo Promo 

Andrade says the AFO sucks and Jose says he has a new business partner for him. In comes Rush! Andrade welcomes him to AEW. 

Men of the Year Interview 

Lexy asks them how they feel and they all feel great. They say they’re moving onto bigger and better things. Sky says who’s next and in walks Dante. Guess he’s next. Scorpio agrees to meet him Wednesday in SoCal. 

Jurassic Express (Jungle Boy & Luchasaurus) defeated Swerve Strickland & Keith Lee & Team Taz (Ricky Starks & Powerhouse Hobbs) via Pinfall (17:36) to retain the AEW Tag Team Championships in a Three Way Tag Team Match

Penultimate match and it’s another championship on the line. Taz is back on commentary but this time to join JR rather than instead of him. This one begins with a brawl and Team Taz trying to come out on top but the champions hit Stereo Moonsaults to stop that. Luchasaurus nearly pins Ricky before Swerve tags himself in and attack Ricky himself. Starks escapes and tags in Hobbs who trucks Swerve and then follows up but Keith tags himself in and he and Swerve hit some double teams onto Hobbs. Swerve is legal again and tries to cover Hobbs with a Jack knife pin and Jungle Boy breaks it up. Hobbs is sent into the champ's corner and Jungle Boy tags himself in. He takes Swerve outside with a Tijeras and then two topes Suicidas but the third is caught by Keith Lee who Powerbombs him twice. First on Luchasaurus and then to the floor. Swerve and JB go back in the ring but Hobbs tags himself in for Swerve. Hobbs hoists him up for a slam and then he hits a huge elbow. Ricky tags in and hits a Tilt-a-whirl Backbreaker before posing. Jungle Boy fights back with a high boot before Starks pulls out his ropewalk stroke and Jungle Boy makes him crotch himself. Hobbs tags in and Jungle Boy tries to do the same but has no partner so has to let Swerve tag in. 

Swerve drops Hobbs with Elbow Strikes and then hits the Diving Uppercut before attacking Luchasaurus. Ricky is sent onto the champs before Swerve hits his Moonsault off of Keith's chest to take them all out. Hobbs grabs Swerve back in the ring but Strickland hits the Hurricanrana but Hobbs kicks out at two. Swerve calls Keith in who gets Hobbs up on his Shoulders but Hobbs fights out and then tosses Swerve off the top rope with a throw. Luchasaurus tags himself in from Swerve and runs wild on literally everyone apart from his partner. He eventually lays out Team Taz with a Double Lariat then Hobbs fights out of a Chokeslam but Keith Lee tags himself in. The three big men square off in the middle and Luchasaurus hits the Tail whip but then gets double chokeslammed by Lee & Hobbs. These two then square off. Lee wins and tosses him to the outside with ease and then Keith hits a Tope Con Hilo onto the pile. He returns Luchasaurus to the ring and then seems to waste some time before Luchasaurus comes back. They square off in the middle and exchange haymakers and Hobbs appears on the top rope to take them both down with Neckbreakers. Starks and Jungle Boy tag themselves in and Ricky nearly pins Jungle Boy with his feet on the ropes but Christian stops him and Hobbs attacks Christian so Jungle Boy goes for him and it lets Starks hit a Spear on him for two. Ricky sets up for the Roshambo and hits a Slingshot version and a high stack pin but Luchasaurus breaks it up. We get huge moves from all men but Luchasaurus accidentally kicks Jungle Boy in the head and Swerve and Keith hit the Swerve in their Glory but Hobbs breaks it up at 2.9. Starks takes out Lee with the FTW title behind the ref’s back. Starks heads into the ring and tries to use the title again but Christian drags him out. Swerve and Jungle Boy are legal and go back and forth. Luchasaurus comes in and Jurassic Express hit the Thoracic Express on Swerve to get the win! Wow! Didn't see them retaining! Great match too.  

CM Punk defeated Hangman Adam Page via Pinfall (25:36) to become NEW AEW World Champion  

Main event time. This could go either way. The bell rings and neither man commits to the first move. We get a slow walk to the middle than both men go forehead to forehead. They push each other before Punk backs Hangman to the ropes. Hangman comes back and drives Hangman to the corner and lays in some strikes. They chop each other hard in the middle and Punk takes hangman to the corner to stop that exchange before he lays in a cheap shot on the break. Hangman lays in a huge elbow strike to stagger Punk but he comes back with strikes of his own then stomps him down in the corner. Punk hits a Snapmare and then goes for a pin but Hangman kicks out at one. Hangman fights out of a reverse sleeper and lays in strikes to the challenger then stomps him down in the corner. Hangman lays in more chops but Punk fires back with ones of his own to Pages chest and back before a huge Irish Whip drops Page in the corner. Punk hits his Russian Leg Sweep for a one count. Punk follows with a Body Slam and then another as Punk gets a mixed reaction. A third Body slam comes next before Punk heads up top for a Crossbody. Hangman rolls through with Punk for the Fall Away Slam. Hangman hits a Springboard Lariat to send Punk outside then Hangman throws himself over the top for a Cross Body. Hangman tosses Punk into the barricade then grinds his head in to the ring steps. Page rolls Punk back in and they exchange strikes once more, Page winning with the Rolling Elbow this time. He follows with some chops in the corner and sends him Sternum first into another. Punk reverses the next Irish Whip but Hangman comes back with a Lariat and heads outside for the Buckshot. Punk sees it coming and sends him crashing to the barricade instead. 

Punk tries to follow outside but instead gets a Pop Up Powerbomb on the apron from Hangman before Hangman hits a flying Lariat once Punk sees the Orihara Moonsault coming. He sends Punk back out to the floor and sets up for the Orihara once again. Punk cuts him off this time and joins Hangman on the top rope. They fight up top and Punk pulls out a Superplex which causes a double down. We go back to a strike exchange and Punk fires in some kicks and then drops the champ with a Leg Lariat. Punk hits the Rising Knee and the Bulldog to roll back the years and the Springboard Lariat follows. Punk tries a Sharpshooter and Hangman fights out but almost straight into the GTS. Hangman gets out of that but can’t escape a Neckbreaker for two. Punk heads back up top only for Hangman to take him down and then finally he gets to hit the Orihara Moonsault. Hangman rolls Punk between the ropes once again and he sets up for the Buckshot but Punk counters with a Double Leg Takedown and then a Sharpshooter. Hangman crawls for the ropes and makes them to force the break. Hangman hurt his knee on the Moonsault and is now having real issues with it. Punk messes up a Buckshot Lariat and Hangman tries to capitalise but can’t. Punk once again botches the Buckshot Lariat, falling and hitting a weaker version once he springs up but Hangman kicks out. Punk is also now holding his knee and calls for the GTS this time. Hangman catches Punk on his rising Knee with a Powerbomb and then drops Punk on his head with a Deadeye and Punk kicks out at 2.999. That was insanely close.  

Hangman calls for his own GTS and hoists Punk to his feet but Punk grabs the top rope. Hangman drops him and Punk hits a Roundhouse only for Hangman to immediately reply with that GTS for two. Hangman hit the GTS with his bad knee so is really struggling with it now. Both men exchange elbow strikes on their knees and then on their feet. Punk utilises his kicks but Hangman hits the big boot to come back. Punk hits one of his own and then Hangman takes them both outside with a Clothesline. He throws Punk over the Timekeeper's table and tells Punk the title is his before dragging him back to the ring. He leaves the belt on the apron and sets up for the Buckshot. Punk counters by picking him up for the GTS, the referee gets kicked in the head and goes down before Hangman hits the lariat. Hangman gets up first and stares at the title. He goes to grab it and screams at Punk to get up. He can’t bring himself to do it and throws it to the floor before going for the Buckshot. Punk counters with the GTS and gets the win. We have a new champion and his name is CM Punk. Who’d have dreamed of that this time last year?! What a moment.  

So,that was Double or Nothing 2022 and boy howdy was it a long one. A lot of good coming out of this show though. What did you think? What was your match of the night? What will you do if CM Punk ever tries the Punkshot Lariat again? Let us know in the comments below or you can tell me personally on Twitter @Knapphausen. See you all on Wednesday for a very interesting AEW Dynamite. So long & Goodnight. 

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