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AEW Dynamite Results (April 6th 2022)

Posted By: Jonny Knapp on Apr 06, 2022

AEW Dynamite Results (April 6th 2022)

It’s Wednesday, you know what that means! It’s time for another episode of AEW Dynamite. Tonight, we’re in Boston, Massachusetts and we have an absolutely stacked card including the debut of Samoa Joe and a tag team match for both the AAA and ROH Tag Team Championships amongst much more. With JR, Excalibur and Tony Schiavone on commentary, let’s not waste any time and get straight to the wrestling!

Adam Cole defeated Christian Cage via Pinfall (13:56)

We’re starting off with a huge match up as Adam Cole’s potential future AEW Championship match against Hangman could be in jeopardy if he can’t win here against Christian Cage. Commentary reminds us that Christian pinned Kenny Omega and the electric crowd is split 50/50 as the two men lock up for the first time. Cage backs Cole into the corner and then backs off to start us off and then continues to retain the advantage on the next lock up via a headlock. Cole tries to fight back and Christian drops him with a shoulder tackle as the veteran seems to have Adam’s number. Cole backs up and tries again, he gets the advantage this time and backs Christian into the corner but then nearly gets caught with the Killswitch so he backs outside the ring and then spits at Cage. Cole tries to run away but then he catches him with a Lariat on the outside and hits a few chops. Back in the ring, they head to the top rope but Cole slips out and takes over before Christian goes knees first into the ring steps to send us to break. Adam Cole continues to dominate in the ring throughout the break, cutting off anything Christian tries to muster.

When we return, Christian sends Cole to the outside and then climbs up top to hit Cole with a dive which leaves both men down. They both crawl back into the ring and then get to their feet to exchange strikes but Cole wins out with the Enzuigiri but Christian gets the feet up when Cole tries a flying nothing. Christian takes over with an uppercut among other moves before he hits the swinging DDT for two after a Pendulum Kick set it up. Cole then almost gets hit with the Killswitch but he escapes and hits his own Backstabber for two. Cole tries to berate Cage and gets rolled up for two and then Christian hits a reverse DDT and climbs up top and misses a Diving Headbutt so Cole hits superkicks and lowers the boom but Cage kicks out at two! Both men end up in another striking exchanger and Christian wins out but he gets caught with a Superkick when he comes off the top with a flying uppercut and it earns Cole a two. Cage cuts off a Panama Sunrise and then hits a Hurricanrana for his own two count as we go back and forth. Cole drops Christian with a kick to the knee and then after missing the Panama Sunrise, goes for the boom and misses and Christian hits a huge spear for a two count. Both men are spent but Christian goes for the Killswitch and Cole uses a rope break to poke Christian in the eye and that allows him to hit the Boom with his kneepad down to get the win.

ReDRagon immediately appear to beat up Christian and then Jurassic Express makes the save. Christian and the Tag Champs chase them off before Hangman comes out to the ring. Cole tries to stop him with words and Hangman ignores his warning, marches straight to the ring and snatches the mic. He tells Cole that this match he wants so bad will be Cole’s punishment as it will take place live on Rampage in Texas next week and it’ll be a Texas Death Match. Hangman tells Cole to get his affairs in order as we end the segment.

Jay Lethal Video Package

Replay of Jay Lethal interrupting the Jonathan Gresham celebration at Supercard of Honor last Friday and we see what happened. Namely the return of a certain Samoa Joe. Speaking of which....

Samoa Joe defeated Max Caster w/ Anthony Bowens via Pinfall (2:52) to qualify for the Owen Hart Foundation Men’s Tournament

Huge pop for Joe entering an AEW ring for the first time. What a sight to see. Out comes Max, does his little rap and it’s very very good but very very dumb.

The crowd let Max know what’s about to happen. He ignores them and jaw jacks with Samoa Joe until Joe headbutts him and beats him down in the corner before dancing in front of him. He tosses him across the ring and hits an Enzuigiri to drop Caster. Max tries to fight back with Body shots but Joe drops him with a Knee and then a kick. Max tries to escape to the outside so Joe hits him with an Elbow Suicida. Bowens distracts Joe for a second and Max jumps Joe to get an advantage but back in the ring, Joe just flattens him. He heads up top and snatches him into the Muscle Buster for the win. Joe has arrived.

As soon as the match ends, Jay Lethal and Sonjay Dutt appear on the screen and tell Joe that he shouldn’t have ignored Lethal’s calls for 4 months but Joe only answers the phone to billionaires. They say next week in New Orleans, they’ll have a present for him.

Blackpool Combat Club Interview

On Rampage, Danielson fights Trent and Yuta fights Mox. Regal says that Wheeler has to impress Mox if he wants into the club.

Capt. Shawn Dean defeated Shawn Spears via Pinfall (3:48)

MJF joins commentary for this one and comes out after Spears to steal his thunder as ever. We’re reminded that Shawn Dean defeated MJF but in the ring it’s all Spears as he grabs Dean and tosses him over the top rope. The crowd chant for Wardlow as Spears brings Dean back into the ring and hits some chops in the corner. Dean fires in a few of his own chops but Spears catches him with a Pump Handle Neckbreaker. Spears doesn’t let Dean stay down for the pin and sets up for the C4 but then Wardlow appears backstage, marching to the ring and destroying security as he heads towards Max on the stage. Security eventually stops him again but Dean rolls up Spears in the ring to get the shock win. He’s beaten two of the Pinnacle. Spears is furious.

Best Friends Interview

Wheeler is also there and Chuck reminds him what they did for him. Trent says he should watch Trent’s match against Danielson as he might learn something.

Sammy Guevara & Tay Conti Cue Cards

Sammy & Tay vs Ethan/Scorpio & Paige seems inevitable.

Pre Recorded Backstage Attack

We see Eddie Kingston & Santana & Ortiz beating down mostly Jericho until he escapes with the rest of the JAS.

It leads to Eddie and the boys coming out with the mic and walking to the ring. Eddie calls Jericho a coward and tells him from now on, it’s on sight and he’ll attack them no matter where they are. He tells Garcia that he knows where he lives and passes the mic to Santana. He calls them the Jericho Bitch Society and Santana says they better fight hard and Ortiz then challenges them to a 6-man tag next week but even if they don’t accept, it doesn’t matter, because it’s on sight.

Hook & Danhausen Video Package

We’re reminded of Danhausen trying to curse Hook and then getting mad about it. I need a Danhausen & Hook tag team more than I need air. Give it to me.

Jade Cargill Interview

Tony Schiavone introduces Jade to the stage and she tells Tony to cut the shit before introducing her Baddies section. She explains what a Baddie is then her and Mark tell the crowd how hard it is to find attractive women in Boston. They address Marina Shafir and Jade tells her that she’s sick of MMA people coming into the wrestling business. She calls her number 30 and says she’s the problem solver.

Shawn Spears & MJF Interview

MJF and Spears discuss how there will be twice as many security next week so warns Wardlow not to turn up before challenging Shawn Dean to a match next week.

The Hardys (Matt & Jeff Hardy) defeated The Butcher & The Blade (11:54) in a Tables Match

This match gets started in a hurry and Butcher & Blade get the tables involved before the Hardys even emerge. When they do they bring the fight but Jeff Hardy dodges a spear as Blade puts himself through a table. Butcher takes out Matt on the outside and attacks Jeff inside before trying to hit a German Suplex. Matt makes the save and the Hardys hit a Double DDT on Butcher before Jeff tries to put him through the table with a Swanton but Blade makes the save. Jeff Hardy is sent through a table by the Butcher & The Blade to send us to break leaving them one move away from a win. They need to put Matt through a table and it looks like they’ll manage it with ease but Matt fights back and escapes. Butch cuts him off and then sets up another table before Butcher tries to put Matt through with a Crossbody but misses. Blade jumps on Matt to make sure his team retain control and then brings in a Chair but Jeff helps Matt get control of it and Matt beats down both opponents.

We return to the action and Matt sets up Butcher on the table and climbs up top, taking him through the table with a leg drop. Matt then dives through a table as he tries to take out Blade. Blade tosses him into the barricade and gets a table set up. Butcher helps put him onto it but Matt escapes over the barricade. Butcher & Blade follow him and try to suplex him through the table, over the barricade but Jeff had moved the table. Jeff attacks The Blade then he and Butcher, the two eliminated men, brawl. Matt hits a Twist of Fate on Blade and then Jeff pulls out a ladder. Matt takes out Butcher with another Twist of Fate. They set up the ladder and tables and get Blade on top and Jeff hits a Swanton Bomb from the top rope to get the win.

After the match, Andrade’s music hits and he emerges with the rest of the AFO, Bunny, Jose & Private Party. They head down to the ring and seem menacing until we get the familiar music of Sting (Stink if you’re Andrade). Sting takes out Private Party with a Bat, Jose runs away and Andrade saves himself by using The Bunny as a human shield.

Jurassic Express Promo

Christian loses his cool and can’t talk, Jungle Boy takes over and tells ReDRagon that their record isn’t good enough to challenge them so Jurassic Express challenges ReDRagon to a match next week for the titles.

Nyla Rose vs Thunder Rosa Video Package

Nyla says she respects Rosa and Rosa calls her a coward before telling her she can have a match at Battle of the Belts

Jamie Hayter & Toni Storm Interview

Oh my god. I need this match right now. Toni Storm offers a handshake but Jamie slaps it away and says she hopes that they do face off so Jamie can show that she's the better wrestler.

Hikaru Shida defeated Julia Hart w/ Varsity Blonds (Griff Garrison & Brian Pillman Jr) via Pinfall (7:40) to qualify for the Owen Hart Foundation Women’s Tournament

Julia attacks Shida before the Bell and then chokes her with her jacket. The Varsity Blonds are confused so sends them away. Shida manages to get back on top and hits Julia with a knee strike to take over. She heads under the ring for the chair and sets it up and then jumps off it with a Dropkick. Julia kicks Shida as she comes back in and gets on top with some punches to the grounded opponent to send us to break. Julia continues to attack Shida in the corner then kicks her in the back before locking on a stretch hold. Shida tries a roll up but Julia kicks out and hits a Knee to the back and a trip before a Standing Moonsault Press gets her a two. Shida tries to attack the knee of Julia and ends up in a striking exchange.

We return to the action as Shida takes over with multiple strikes and then hits a Running Knee in the corner before she hits a Suplex and tries another Knee but Julia evades and rolls to the apron. Shida brings her back in with a Suplex over the top for two before she gets Julia up on her shoulder. Julia rakes the eyes to escape and splits out with a Bulldog for two before she goes for a Senton from the top and misses. Shida hits the Tomashi and the Falcon Arrow and she picks up the win.

After the match, Serena Deeb’s music hits and Deeb tries to attack from behind with a Chair. Shida catches her and stands off with her Kendo Stick and Deeb retreats.

Swerve Interview

Swerve discusses going to the Grammys and then tells Ricky Starks that he hasn’t forgotten about him but then Ricky and Hobbs jump him in the locker room. Keith Lee tries to make the save but Team Taz is winning till Lee puts Hobbs through a wall.

FTR (Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler) defeated The Young Bucks via Pinfall (20:06) to retain the AAA Tag Team Championships & the ROH Tag Team Championships

Bobby Cruise from ROH makes the ring announcements in a nice touch. The Young Bucks try to get under the skin of the champions by tossing their ring jackets at them but this is a new FTR. They don’t react and the crowd are loudly in the corner of FTR. Cash starts off with Matt and they take a while to get going but when they do, Matt backs Cash into a corner and Cash pushes him to his ass. Cash takes the advantage from there but Matt does fight back until he has to escape to the outside. When he comes back in, Cash takes over and tags out to Dax but Matt brings in Nick within seconds and now they get to locking up. Harwood wins out with a Shoulder Tackle and a Body Slam before Dax grounds him with an Arm Drag. Nick escapes and brings in Matt and then Cash comes in to counter the potential double team. Matt and Dax take out Cash and Nick separately but then the two illegal men come back in to brawl before the Young Bucks hit their double Team dropkick. Cash fights back and gets Dax to tag him in before we get Stereo Sharpshooters on the Bucks. The bucks escape and then get rid of Dax before their plethora of double team offence drops Cash. Matt is the legal man and begins to beat down Cash and pose for the crowd before Nick comes in with a fake tag. The Young Bucks send us to break with Cash being isolated and sent to the outside. Nick comes back in to tag Matt and Cash fights back with chops so Matt has to cut him off with a Jawbreaker. Matt tags in Nick who just continues to ground Cash Wheeler. Cash hits a Back Body Drop and nearly makes the tag but Nick brings in Matt who grounds him once again with some right hands. Nick comes in again as the Bucks exercise their exceptional Tag Team tactics.

We return as Cash fights back with a Suplex but once again the Bucks make the tag and Matt cuts him off but Cash sends them both to the outside and almost makes the tag but Nick Superkicks Dax from the apron to stop him making it. Cash avoids the double team in the corner and Matt eats an Enzuigiri and finally Cash brings in Dax who runs wild with strikes and Suplexes before he moves on to chops and then almost Rolls up Matt for two. Matt comes back with a Sunset Flip and they exchange roll ups and cradles before they lock arms and roll and Dax hits a Piledriver for 2.9. Dax bring Matt to the top rope and tries for a Superplex but Nick stops him until Cash drops him on the apron. Dax stops Matt from hitting a move and then Cash tags in as they go for the Powerplex. Dax hits the Superplex but Nick stops Cash with a Springboard Hurricanrana and we get all men down. Matt and Nick explode on Cash with double teams but Dax cuts of Nick with a Brainbuster on the outside. Cash hits a crazy looking move back in the ring but Matt kicks out at 2.9 once again. They go for the Big Rig but the Young Bucks counter and then Matt hits a low blow on Cash whilst Nick distracts the ref. The Bucks hit a Big Rig for 2.9 and then More Bang For Your Buck for another 2.9. Matt tries the cover again but can’t get it. Nick grabs the title belt and Dax stops him and Cash almost rolls up Matt but then the belt hits Cash and Matt rolls him up but Dax breaks up the Pin. Dax eats a Double Superkick and Cash eats a BTE Trigger but gets his foot on the ropes to escape. The Bucks are furious as the ref did count three but he spotted the foot before he called for the bell. They go for the Meltzer Driver but Dax catches Nick and hits the Slingshot Powerbomb whilst Cash reverses Matt into a Tombstone Piledriver. They get rid of Nick and hit Matt with an FTR Trigger before they kiss Matt on each cheek and then pin him with a Big Rig. What a match. Please can we have the rubber match at Double or Nothing?!

What a show that was, top to bottom excellent. What did you think, agree with me? Disagree? Let us know in the comments, follow me on twitter @Knapphausen and see you Friday for Rampage. Adios.

Tags: #aew #aew dynamite #dynamite #results #young bucks #ftr #adam cole #christian cage #samoa joe #blackpool combat club #eddie kingston #danhausen #hook #the hardys

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