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AEW Dynamite: St Patrick’s Day Slam Results (March 16 2022)

Posted By: Jonny Knapp on Mar 16, 2022

AEW Dynamite: St Patrick’s Day Slam Results (March 16 2022)

It’s Wednesday, you know what that means! It’s time for another episode of AEW Dynamite, this time live from San Antonio, Texas and celebrating St. Patrick’s Day early! Can you think of anywhere more Irish than Texas? I can’t. We have two title matches set up for tonight and a match which sees the world champion and the tag team champs working together. JR, Excalibur & Tony Schiavone are on commentary and with all that in mind, let’s not waste any time and get straight to the wrestling.

ReDRagon (Bobby Fish & Kyle O’Reilly) & Adam Cole defeated Jurassic Express (Jungle Boy & Luchasaurus) & Hangman Adam Page via Pinfall (13:58)

We’re starting off with three champions in the ring but no titles on the line as the AEW World Champion, Hangman Adam Page, teams with the AEW Tag Team Champions, Jurassic Express, to take on Adam Cole & ReDRagon. Jungle Boy starts off with Adam Cole and we’re quickly reminded that Cole has been attacking Jungle Boy since he arrived in AEW. Both men exchange holds and strikes to get the match underway before Jungle Boy gets the upper hand with a Dropkick. Cole soon grabs him though and drags him to his corner to bring in Bobby Fish but then Jungle Boy does the same thing to bring in Luchasaurus. The big man runs wild on all three opponents before Bobby takes his legs out on the apron to give him and his team the advantage. Fish attacks outside for a while before Luchasaurus is brought into the ring for more of the same. Fish allows O’Reilly to do the same with a tag before it’s Cole’s turn. They keep the dinosaur isolated and work him over in their corner, attacking his legs to keep him grounded. Luchasaurus eventually breaks through both of ReDRagon to bring in Hangman who runs even wilder than Luchasaurus did as he takes out all three opponents before getting a two from a Pop-Up Powerbomb on Bobby Fish before he sets up for the Buckshot but Fish rolls out of the ring. Jungle Boy tags himself in to take out all three of Cole, Fish and O’Reilly with a dive before we get an incredible triple moonsault with all three champions hitting one at the same time and Jungle Boy gets a two on Fish. Cole then hits Jungle Boy with an Enzuigiri from outside and ReDRagon resume control as we head to break with O’Reilly getting a two count on Jungle Boy.

Throughout the break it’s all Cole and ReDRagon as Jungle Boy has to take strike after strike and move after move as they keep him isolated like they did to his tag team partner earlier in this match. Fish, O’Reilly & Cole take this opportunity to show off their innovative MMA style moves and then we return to the action as Jungle Boy escapes to bring in Luchasaurus and he can’t be stopped as he hits a German Suplex on O’Reilly, a Superkick on Cole and then Chokeslams Fish on his tag team partner before pinning both for a two with a Standing Moonsault Press. ReDRagon come back into it by countering the Doomsday Device attempt and then Kyle locks Luchasaurus in a Kneebar while Cole puts a Sleeper on Hangman. Eventually Luchasaurus escapes and he brings in Hangman as O’Reilly brings in Cole. Hangman hits the Deadeye for two before Jungle Boy deals with Bobby Fish and then hits a Double Doomsday Device with Hangman and Luchasaurus on Cole and O’Reilly but Fish breaks the pin up. Jungle Boy ends up the legal man and gets isolated by all three men and Cole lowers the Boom from nowhere to pin one half of the tag team champions!

Keith Lee & Team Taz Interview

Tony Schiavone says that all men have agreed to no physicality before announcing that Keith Lee has a Rampage match against Max Caster and Ricky Starks and Powerhouse Hobbs tell Lee that if he turns up for that match then he’ll get beaten up by them like he did last week. Lee tells Starks that he laid him out last week whilst laughing and walks away telling them he’ll see them Friday.

Kris Statlander Video Package

Kris Statlander takes off her make-up and is no longer going to be an Alien maybe? This was weird.

Jon Moxley & Bryan Danielson defeated Chuck Taylor & Wheeler Yuta w/ Trent Beretta, Orange Cassidy & Danhausen via (11:46)

The next match on the card is one of two with no champions involved but believe you me, that could all change soon if Moxley & Danielson want it to. Regal joins commentary rather than accompany his team to ringside. As Mox makes his way to the ring, Regal admits he can’t control his team which is very amusing. Danhausen gets the big pop when Taylor and Yuta make their entrance. Mox and Danielson attack as the bell rings and then Danielson begins to isolate Yuta and brings in Mox as the two of them go to work with strikes and Danielson hits a Brainbuster. Danielson comes back in from a tag and quells a Yuta fightback before hitting a few kicks to the chest. Mox and Danielson tag in and out quickly and never spend longer than 60 seconds in the ring before bringing the other in as they make mincemeat out of poor Yuta. The first time that Danielson spends longer in the ring, Yuta fights back with a dropkick before bringing in Chuck Taylor. Taylor takes out Mox before locking Danielson in a Single Leg Crab but Bryan makes the tag and Jon breaks it up. Mox sends Chuck outside for Danielson to brutalise him with the barricade before passing him back to Moxley in the ring. Taylor fights back with some chops but Moxley drops him with one shot and tags in Danielson who comes in with a big kick. Danielson grapevines the legs of Taylor and puts him in a Muta Lock before it’s Moxley’s turn to kick Chucky T in the face. Moxley takes him up top and hits a Superplex for a two count as we go to break with Mox transitioning straight to a Hammerlock.

This match has been all Moxley and Danielson and the picture-in-picture break is no different as the quick tags stop Chuck making any headway on a comeback. Danielson ends up missing a running knee in the corner to give Chuck a chance but Moxley gets the tag to stop him and then we return from the break as Taylor catches Mox with a kick in the corner and tags out. Yuta hits a dropkick and an Inverted Atomic Drop but Mox hits him with a Clothesline only for Yuta to end up hitting a German Suplex with a bridge for two. Yuta tries to stay on top but gets distracted by Danielson so eats a Mox Cutter and then combination offence almost gets the win for them but Taylor breaks it up. Mox takes Chuck out with the Paradigm Shift outside and then Yuta eats 10 or more kicks from Danielson before firing up and attacking Mox and Danielson and getting some success until Moxley takes him down with a Saito Suplex and Danielson hits him with a Shoulder Capture Suplex for two. The crowd chant for Yuta but Danielson stomps his head in and then Moxley tags in to make him tap with the Bulldog Choke. That was a hell of a beating.

Regal joins Moxley and Danielson in the ring to celebrate and then Yuta turns his back on the best friends to go back into the ring and offers a handshake to Regal but gets the taste slapped out of his mouth before being told to leave but what’s next for him?! Intriguing

FTR Interview

Cash explains that they fired Tully because he had checked out on them. Dax says he respects Tully but before he can go any further The Young Bucks interrupt with some fashion insults before telling them they can replace Tully with the best there is but they’ll always just be the second-best team in AEW.

Max Caster Rap

I just.... Can’t. They get interrupted by Starks and Hobbs who tells them to put him down because they don’t like newcomers but then HE gets interrupted by Swerve who is of course new himself. Interesting weaving of storylines. I love it.

Jericho Appreciation Society In Ring Segment

The crowd serenade Jericho with Judas before Matt Lee tells them they love that song and they need to thank Chris Jericho for allowing them to sing it. He says if it was up to him, they wouldn’t get to sing it and says that’s why Jericho is a better man than him. Jeff Parker says Jericho should be idolised as a wrestler and as a human being before handing him the mic.

Jericho says the crowd are lucky to be alive in the Jericho era. He takes credit for AEW again but says the fans undermine him and insult him on social media and they don’t appreciate him and neither does the roster and the Inner Circle never did. But the Jericho Appreciation Society do and they can’t relate to the rest of the AEW roster because they’re just pro wrestlers and they’re Sports Entertainers. Garcia cuts him off and says that he’s a Sports Entertainer too. Jericho takes back over to explain that he donated thousands of dollars to Daniel Garcia after he broke his leg in a car accident.

He then buries 2point0 for their names and calls them bad creative and then gives them new names of Daddy Magic Matt Minard and Cool Hand Ange, Angelo Parker and explains that they appreciate him because he had them on his podcast when WWE sacked them as a favour to his former best friend Kevin. He then calls Hager his ride or die and calls him the hand of the king. Hager says they’re the JAS and they beat up Pro Wrestlers. Jericho then says that now is the Era of the Sports Entertainer and that’s entertainment. This is so dumb, it’s brilliant.

Serena Deeb vs Hikaru Shida Video Package

Serena welcomes Shida back and says she didn’t think about her once and warns her to remember what happened last time. She says that the Professor will be responsible for ending her career.

Scorpio Sky w/ Paige Van Zant, Austin Vanderford & Dan Lambert defeated Wardlow via Pinfall (9:20) to retain the TNT Championship

TNT title match up next. Dan Lambert has one of the two TNT Title belts on now which is hilarious. The bell rings and the two men square up before Scorpio gets a Headlock and Wardlow gets out with a Back Body Drop. Sky comes back with kicks and punches to drive Wardlow into the corner but Wardlow drives Scorpio into the opposite corner and beats him down before just slamming him into the mat. Sky escapes out of the ring and Wardlow follows before Paige Van Zant and her husband stop him and kiss in front of him. Wardlow tries to Powerbomb the husband, Austin Vanderford or something, and Sky attacks from the ring to take the advantage as we head to break. Sky spends most of the break attacking Wardlow with strikes and leg kicks, keeping him in the corner and using underhand tactics whenever Wardlow fights back.

We return to the action with Sky beating Wardlow down in the corner but Wardlow fights back to his feet, Sky tries and Eye Poke but Wardlow hits a Belly to Belly but he’s having issues with his legs and his midsection that Sky has been targeting. Sky goes for a Cutter before Wardlow teases the Powerbomb and Sky the TKO but a one handed Chokeslam gets Sky down. Wardlow calls for the Powerbomb Symphony and the first one is hit with ease, the second one too. He pulls Sky in for the third and turns for the fourth as Lambert jumps up on the apron. Wardlow turns to face Lambert so Sky rolls out and Wardlow goes for a Powerbomb on the floor before Shawn Spears walks out with two chairs. Wardlow stares him down but as the ref sends Spears away, MJF appears from nowhere and drives Wardlow into the ring post. Sky recovers enough to roll up Wardlow and retain his title.

As soon as the match is over, Austin Vanderford jumps in and attacks Wardlow with Elbows. MJF, Vanderford, Sky and Spears surround Wardlow and he fights them off and looks to Powerbomb MJF till Spears appears behind him with a chair and ends that opportunity. The men in the ring beat down Wardlow, Spears hits him in the head with a chair, MJF pays Lambert who leaves and then MJF hits him with the ring before standing tall.

Jade Cargill Promo

Mark Sterling asks for lucky number 30 in Cargill's soon to be 30-0 record and Jade continues asking the same question as to who her next challenger will be.

The Hardys (Matt & Jeff Hardy) defeated Private Party (Marq Quen & Isiah Kassidy) via Pinfall (12:20)

Matt starts in the ring against his former protégé's. Quen starts for Private Party and Matt gets hold of him, Isiah jumps in so Jeff deals with him and then Matt tags Jeff in. The crowd sound their appreciation as the Hardys begin to show their classic double team offences. Jeff gets a two from a Dropkick to the back of Quen. Jeff drops Quen again with an arm drag but it’s only worth a one count. Jeff brings in Matt and they hit a double suplex which earns Matt a one count. Matt drives his elbows in to Quen’s head but he fights back with an Enzuigiri and brings in Isiah who gets a two count from a double team move. Matt turns the tables on Kassidy before Private Party drag Matt into the ring post with his legs either side to send us to break. Kassidy beats Matt up outside the ring, using the barricades before tagging in Quen to help do the same. They bring Matt inside the ring and beat him down, distracting the referee to allow the other to choke him over the ropes. They keep making quick tags and Matt begins to fight back as we return from commercial.

Matt goes for the Side Effect and Quen fights out before Matt ends up fighting Isiah on the outside but Quen hits him with a dive and gets a two when he returns him to the ring. They get another two from a Footstomp/Neckbreaker double team and then Isiah takes his turn beating down Matt. They keep exchanging tags but make one too many Hardy taunts and Matt fights back before tagging in Jeff who runs wild on both of Private Party. He gets two 2 counts on Isiah with some innovative offence before just hitting a Facebuster and climbing to the top but Quen stops him on the top rope. Private Party go for Gin and Juice but Matt takes out Quen with a Side Effect. Jeff gets a two from a Splash before he goes for the Twist of Fate. Private Party counter and go for the Silly String but Matt helps Jeff out of it and they both hit Twists of Fate and Jeff gets the win with the Swanton Bomb.

After the match, Andrade comes out with the rest of the AFO and make their way to the ring. They surround the Hardys before Darby & Sting make the save with Skateboard & Bat in hand respectively before the AFO back off.

Red Velvet Interview

Velvet faces Leyla Hirsch on Rampage and she says that she sees what Statlander meant when she told her Hirsch had changed and Red Velvet says she stops her on Friday.

Thunder Rosa defeated Dr. Britt Baker via Pinfall (17:33) in a Steel Cage Match to become the NEW AEW Women’s World Champion

No Mark Henry in sight but it’s time for the Main Event! A year in the making. Thunder Rosa gets a mariachi entrance which is really cool and as she makes her way to the ring, you can tell this is the biggest moment of her career to date. Britt gets boos for maybe the first time in her entire reign as champ when she makes her entrance. Britt tries to escape the cage as soon as she can but Rosa stops her. Britt fights back with a back elbow and then forearms but Rosa fights back, ducking a clothesline with one of her own and then tossing Britt headfirst into the Cage wall. The crowd chant loudly for Rosa as she hits a dropkick and then dragging Britt’s face across the cage as she opens up the champion. She hits 10 punches in the corner and a Body Slam in the middle of the ring. Rosa is enjoying having Baker alone in a Cage and then takes Britt to the other side where they can stand on the floor before attacking her with the cage, only for Britt to throw Rosa into the cage wall to get a break to send us to break. Britt traps Rosa in the ropes and just delivers multiple strikes to the face and then some swift knee strikes to ground Rosa who has also been cut open. Britt continues to attack the challenger as she gets stomped down in the corner and then throws her into the cage wall which is right next to the apron. The rest of the break continues to be all DMD as she gets a few two counts.

As we return, Britt is piling the ring with chairs and picks one up but Rosa dodges the strikes and hits two clotheslines before she’s the one using the chairs. She hits a stunner and a Clothesline in the corner. She follows with knees and a dropkick before she gets a two count on a pin. Britt tries to fight back before she kicks the referee with a Superkick. Rosa and Britt send him tumbling to the outside and Britt gets pinned on a roll up and after a Fire Thunder Driver but there's no ref. Rosa tries to go up top but Britt stops her with the chair and then piles chairs up beneath them so Britt can hit an Avalanche Air Raid Crash to get a two. Britt screams for a ref and out comes Aubrey so the cage is now open but Rosa kicks out of the pin. Britt squares up to Aubrey and that gives Rosa some time. So does Britt setting up some chairs. Britt takes her up top and sets up more chairs before her and Rosa fight on the tope rope. Rosa wins with a headbutt before Britt is sent into the chairs spine first for a two count.

Britt hits a last gasp Superkick and then brings out the bag of Thumbtacks. She empties them into the centre of the ring and then Rosa fights out but Britt drops her into the tacks with a Back Body Drop, the pin earns two and Britt goes for the Lockjaw but Rosa bites the hand. Britt tries the other side and Rosa gets out by using the tacks. Rosa hits a vicious Powerbomb on the tacks but Britt rolls out and hits Rosa with a chair in desperation. It’s only a glancing blow though and back in the ring, Rosa hits the Fire Thunder Driver from nowhere to get the win. NEW CHAMP!!! What a well-deserved victory. Rosa’s emotions are clear to see post-match and Dustin Rhodes comes out to congratulate her as the show closes.

What a great episode of Dynamite crowned by an incredible cage match. I am a satisfied customer. Give me a follow on twitter @Knapphausen or just join me back here for Rampage on Friday. Adios!

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