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It's Friday, you know what that means! It's time for the fastest hour in pro wrestling and AEW has stacked the card once again so let's not waste any time. Excalibur, Taz and Chris Jericho are on commentary, so let's get straight to the action!
Sammy and Andrade go at it early and Sammy gets a double leg takedown and Andrade fires back with a huge chop. They both tease hitting their finisher before they both take a break on the ropes. Andrade offers a handshake and Sammy responds with a middle finger. Andrade doesn't take that kindly and sends Sammy to the mat before attacking him with chops. Sammy hits his Corkscrew Dropkick to come back into the match and gets a 1 count from a Spanish Fly. Both men end up fighting for supremacy on the top rope and Sammy wins out with a Gamengiri but when he goes for a Springboard Cutter, Andrade pushes him to the outside and we go to break. Andrade hits a Suplex on the ramp and then wastes some time breaking the count and looking at one of the TNT title belts. Andrade brings Sammy back into the ring and Andrade hits the Three Amigos Suplexes but Guevara turns the third into a roll up for two as we return to the action.
DDT on the apron by #AHFO's @AndradeElIdolo! It’s #AEWRampage on TNT right now! pic.twitter.com/GBIkV8Ib9f
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) February 26, 2022
Andrade takes control again but Sammy comes back with some strikes before he goes for the GTH again and Andrade escapes. He avoids Andrade's knee in the corner and Andrade spills to the outside so Sammy follows him with a Tornado. He rolls Andrade back in and then wastes time talking to Matt Hardy so he misses the 450 and Andrade takes over again before he hits the Slingshot DDT onto the apron. El Idolo goes up top but Sammy cuts him off and then Sammy hits the Avalanche Spanish Fly but he's too slow getting to the pin so it only gets him a two count. Both men fight on their knees with a strike exchange and it causes a double down. Andrade gets up first and tries to rip off the turnbuckle pad but the ref stops him so Hardy takes a different one off and then both men battle for supremacy in the middle of the ring. Andrade almost steals the win by using the ropes on a pin but Sammy kicks out. Sammy then hits a Superkick and heads up top but Andrade stops him and joins Sammy on the top rope and from that position, Sammy drops Andrade onto that exposed turnbuckle before he hits his Double Jump Cutter to secure the win and retain the title. Great match.
#AndStill!@sammyguevara is still the TNT Champion! #AEWRampage is on TNT right now! pic.twitter.com/946nZcA7zS
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) February 26, 2022
Matt attacks Sammy after the match and Darby and Sting make the save before Isiah eats a coffin drop for his troubles.
The challenge thrown out at #AEWDynamite by the #AHFO for a Tornado Trios match at #AEWRevolution has just been answered by @Sting, @DarbyAllin and @sammyguevara! Don’t miss another minute of #AEWRampage on TNT right now! pic.twitter.com/jvIqb7ODEH
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) February 26, 2022
QT Marshall comes out and cries about not getting respected and blames Taz for Hook's behaviour and tries to takes credit for Hook's positives. Marshall calls the "handsome devil" out to "stretch him in front of his Daddy" but you know he was just too busy eating chips and he comes out as QT says he knew he wouldn't. QT sends 3 trainees at Hook and Hook deals with all of them with ease before QT refuses to attack and Hook leaves.
Right in front of @OfficialTAZ, @QTMarshall interrupts the scheduled programming and demands that @730HOOK show him the respect that he deserves, for building #HOOK into who he is today! #AEWRampage is on @tntdrama right now! pic.twitter.com/NUDKCz3QWp
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) February 26, 2022
Lambert says he had a meeting with Tony Khan and he offered Scorpio a chance to qualify for the face of the Revolution Ladder Match. Sky is mad but Lambert promises that he will get Sky a TNT title match and Ethan tells Scorpio to trust Dan.
#DanLambert promises @ScorpioSky he will get that Title shot and BEFORE the winner of the #FaceOfTheRevolution gets his!
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) February 26, 2022
Tune in NOW to #AEWRampage on TNT! pic.twitter.com/WbASZQ0ma9
We jump into this one with no entrances. Comoroto hits a Gutwrench Powerbomb on Wardlow but he no sells it and hits two Release German Suplexes quickly. Comoroto staggers Wardlow again but Wardlow just snatches Nick up and dumps him over the top rope as we go to break. Wardlow follows him outside and goes to hit a Powerbomb but Solo distracts him and allows Nick to dump Wardlow into the ring steps. We head back into the ring and Comoroto hits some shots in the corner but Wardlow takes him down with a Double Leg and almost gets a Juji Gatame but Comoroto hits a Powerslam and an Elbow Drop to get back on top. Nick hits a Suplex and Wardlow kicks out at one. Comoroto is on top though as we get the black out from action.
.@RealWardlow throwing @Mr_Freakbeast around like a ragdoll! Tune in to #AEWRampage right now on @tntdrama! pic.twitter.com/hC2B1hp3ui
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) February 26, 2022
When we finally return to the match. Wardlow is fighting back but he ends up on the top rope and Comoroto goes for a one-armed press slam but Wardlow escapes and hits a Chokeslam before he goes for a Powerbomb. Comoroto fights out but then Wardlow gets back into position and the Symphony begins. One, two, three, four powerbombs before Wardlow finally pins Comoroto and gets the win.
POWERBOMB SYMPHONY by @RealWardlow and he gets the win! #MrMayhem looks READY for the #FaceOfTheRevolution at #AEWRevolution! Don’t miss another minute of #AEWRampage on TNT right now! pic.twitter.com/C8pLirPsZV
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) February 26, 2022
Aaron Solo jumps at Wardlow and gets caught but before Wardlow can Powerbomb him, Spears hits him with a chair. Spears grabs a mic and tells Wardlow that the Powerbomb Symphony isn't working and Wardlow needs to get back to basics and stop hitting Powerbombs. He finishes by telling Wardlow MJF and Spears are proud of him and giving him a very unwanted hug.
The #Chairman @ShawnSpears offers some words of advice for @RealWardlow... Will #MrMayhem listen? Watch #AEWRampage right now on @tntdrama! pic.twitter.com/3cIZEyoOfT
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) February 26, 2022
The Professor's 5-minute Rookie Challenge continues with Kayla Sparks and she gets jumped by Serena before the bell and then choked with her ring robe. She then just brutalises poor Kayla, strikes and nasty submission holds with Sparks stuck in the rope. Serena continues to take her time and stops a small fightback before she finally ends it with the Serenity Lock.
#TheProfessor’s 5 Minute Challenge with @Serenadeeb claims another victim in @kaylasparks247! Watch #AEWRampage on @TNTdrama! pic.twitter.com/63TqmyqJmU
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) February 26, 2022
Everyone is already in the ring to begin this segment as Tony Schiavone introduces. Thunder Rosa tells Britt that they need to give the people what they want, a better champion. Britt responds by telling Rosa that she's only relevant when discussed with Britt Baker. Britt says that everyone talked about her after their last match, so who really won? She says that Rosa could win the title but she will never be Britt, she'll never reach her level because Britt has been here since day one whilst Rosa was wrestling on YouTube. She finishes by telling Rosa that she doesn't hate her, she's hates herself because she'll never be Britt. Rosa jumps at Britt as soon as the contract is signed. Jamie makes the save for Britt but Mercedes makes the save for Rosa and Jamie Hayter gets a Spinebuster through the table from Mercedes Martinez as Rosa holds the title and Mercedes looks menacing.
“We made history, and you won… So why was everybody talking about me?”
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) February 26, 2022
🥶 Ice cold words from the #AEW Women’s World Champion Dr. @realbrittbaker!#AEWRampage is on @tntdrama right now! pic.twitter.com/mYdsMwjiD2
Chaos erupts as the match is made official at #AEWRampage! The #AEW Women's World Championship between @thunderrosa22 and Dr. @realbrittbaker is ON for #AEWRevolution LIVE on PPV Sunday March 6! pic.twitter.com/pWVphe9Otm
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) February 26, 2022
Orange Cassidy gets the rules explained to him by Wheeler Yuta before Bowens and Caster call him Macklemore and Ryan Gosling with Scurvy. Looks like we've had enough talk, it's time for the main event!
It's TIME for the MAIN EVENT: #FaceOfTheRevolution Ladder Qualifier with @orangecassidy vs. #TheAcclaimed’s @Bowens_Official. #AEWRampage is on @tntdrama right now! pic.twitter.com/nNREiM7kcp
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) February 26, 2022
Caster makes his rap and then passes the mic to Orange who spits his own freestyle. Word to your mother.
#TheAcclaimed have arrived! 🗣@PlatinumMax | @bowens_official | Tune in to #AEWRampage right now on @tntdrama! pic.twitter.com/YUoAIf6N9o
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) February 26, 2022
The match gets started with a Tope Suicida from Orange but Bowens takes over the match by slamming Cassidy into the apron as we take an early break. Back in the ring, Bowens beats Cassidy down with strikes to the back of Cassidy's body before Orange tries to fight back only to get a Rip Cord Neckbreaker from Bowens from his trouble. Caster chokes Cassidy with his chain whilst Bowens is distracting the referee and then Bowens uses the ring post to stretch Cassidy out. Bowens fires some chops in and stomps Cassidy down in the corner but Orange almost rolls him up from nowhere and then Bowens comes right back with a Neckbreaker.
An exchange between @bowens_official and @orangecassidy!
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) February 26, 2022
Who will advance in this #FaceOfTheRevolution Ladder Qualifier match?!
Don’t miss another minute of #AEWRampage on TNT right now! pic.twitter.com/Dii5fs3R7p
We return to the action with Bowens tossing Orange around with ease but Orange fires up again and turns the tables on Bowens before he gets a Crossbody from the top rope but Bowens catches Cassidy on his DDT and then takes Orange down with a Superkick. Cassidy comes back with the Stundog Millionaire but Bowens then gets a two from a Spinning Facebuster. Cassidy fights back with a Michinoku Driver out of nowhere and then Cassidy gets distracted by Caster and Bowens goes for a DDT in the ropes but Cassidy fights back with Body Shots and then takes Bowens out of the ring before hitting a Springboard Cannonball on both members of the Acclaimed. He puts Bowens back into the ring and hits a DDT from the top and then a Tilt-a-Whirl DDT for two and then he sets up for the Orange Punch but Caster throws in the Boom Box. The referee spots it and takes it away and Orange gets distracted by Caster so almost gets rolled up by Bowens who then takes control with a Clothesline and almost wins with an innovative Body Slam for two. Orange rolls to the outside and then Caster goes to attack him whilst Bowens distracts the referee. However, out of nowhere, Danhausen appears, curses Caster who eats an Orange Punch on the outside and then Bowens meets the same fate in the ring before Cassidy pins him to advance to Revolution.
A Very Evil interference by @DanhausenAD giving @orangecassidy the chance to take the win tonight at #AEWRampage, and he advances to the #FaceOfTheRevolution Ladder Match at #AEWRevolution LIVE on PPV Sunday March 6! pic.twitter.com/HiQpYhWcQ7
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) February 26, 2022
That was certainly a fun way to end the week. Thanks for reading, find me on twitter @Knapphausen and have a great weekend. Adios.