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It's Friday, you know what that means! It's AEW Rampage Day and it's an early start this week thanks to some American sport or other. I believe it's Basketball but I digress. 3 hours earlier but just as stacked as usual, we have Taz, Excalibur, Ricky Starks & Chris Jericho on commentary so let's get straight to the wrestling!
Adam Cole makes his usual entrance and then 10 charges through his Dark Order friends as he storms to the win. The bell rings and 10 overpowers Cole with ease on the first lock up. Cole has more luck the second time but 10 soon sends Cole to the mat with a Shoulder Tackle. They fight in the corner and 10 hits multiple forearm shivers before dodging a Cole Pump Kick and hitting a huge Release German Suplex before he goes for the punches in the corner but Adam attacks 10's knee to escape and then uses the ring post to do more damage. 10 has had his knee in a support since he came back from injury ages ago and Cole begins to target it. He hits a Neckbreaker back in the ring and then goes for a Suplex but 10 blocks it and gets Cole up for a delayed Vertical Suplex of his own for two. Cole goes back after the knee and 10 rolls outside so Cole follows him and slams the knee into the ring steps. Cole tosses him back in the ring and goes back after the knee further but 10 fires back with a Forearm but Cole hits a Pump Kick as we hit the 90 second break with him on top. He continues to focus on the knee and hits another Pump Kick to stop 10's comeback.
And #DarkOrder’s @pres10vance fights back, brutalizing the spine of @adamcolepro on the mat! Watch #AEWRampage SLAM DUNK right now on @TNTdrama! pic.twitter.com/G1SFXatQwQ
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) February 19, 2022
We return and 10 fires back but and hits a couple of Lariats before transitioning to a big Spinebuster. He goes for the Full Nelson but Cole escapes easily and the hits an Enzuigiri and a Spinebuster for two. Cole goes for the Panama Sunrise but 10 turns it into a Back Body Drop then hits a huge Discuss Lariat for 2.9. 10 Tries to follow up but Cole hits him with a Knee Strike and goes for another Panama Sunrise which 10 reverses with a Spear for 2. 10 goes for the Full Nelson twice and gets rolled up for two twice but he locks it in the third time. Cole walks into the ref to stop her seeing his low blow and then he follows with two Superkicks before lowering the Boom to get the win. Good match to open.
.@adamcolepro sneaks in the low-blow on @pres10vance on the path to victory! Tune in to #AEWRampage SLAM DUNK right now on @TNTdrama! pic.twitter.com/kBqqNRA75z
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) February 19, 2022
Short and sweet, this is gonna be an incredible match.
.@CMPunk v @The_MJF II will be a Dog Collar Match on Sunday March 6th in Orlando, FL #AEWRevolution LIVE ON PPV!
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) February 19, 2022
Tune in NOW to #AEWRampage SLAM DUNK on @tntdrama! pic.twitter.com/5FARYr6PMh
You're gonna have to watch this one yourself guys because my write up deleted itself (Someone buy me MS Word because WordPad is a pain) and I didn't have time to rewatch it. Many apologies. On the plus side, this is a great match so it's worth seeing for yourself.
SLAM.DUNK. #PowerhouseHobbs @truewilliehobbs sends @lucha_angel1 flying! Tune in to #AEWRampage SLAM DUNK right now on @TNTdrama! pic.twitter.com/lg9wnxHx9i
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) February 19, 2022
Brief notes: It's all Powerhouse before the break as Power beats Speed but he gets cocky and allows Dante back into it. Dante looks great but a huge Spinebuster from Hobbs ends his night after a valiant battle.
And brutal spine buster by #PowerhouseHobbs @truewilliehobbs for the win! Tune in to #AEWRampage SLAM DUNK right now on @TNTdrama! pic.twitter.com/XoKvuZGJ7a
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) February 19, 2022
Jade Cargill is looking for a fight so Matt Hardy rocks up with The Bunny and that's set for next week. Should be fun.
It’s all about that money match between #AHFO’s #TheBunny (@alliewrestling) vs. reigning TBS Champion @Jade_Cargill next week!
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) February 19, 2022
Tune in NOW to #AEWRampage SLAM DUNK on @tntdrama pic.twitter.com/euSXZjCVLZ
Another easy win for Serena as she puts away Angelica and toys with her whilst she does so. She has fun beating Risk up, not even looking at the clock for the first 90 seconds and pulling her up by her hair on a pin before she finishes the job with the Serenity Lock
#TheProfessor @serenadeeb applies the Serenity Lock scores another win! Tune in to #AEWRampage SLAM DUNK right now on @TNTdrama! pic.twitter.com/z3gpXDw9UW
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) February 19, 2022
God this segment was awesome. Can't wait for the match at Revolution.
"I don't stand side by side with nobody until I bleed with them first…”@JonMoxley gives @BryanDanielson his answer on #AEWRampage SLAM DUNK on @tntdrama! pic.twitter.com/grIisaCLYV
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) February 19, 2022
Mark asks why Jay attacked Trent and Jay says because he can. He says the whole wrestling are talking about him and he's here to dispose of Trent as a favour to the Bucks and Cole. Trent welcomes Jay to AEW and says he's slamming the forbidden door in his knife pervert face. Looks like we've had enough talk, it's time for the main event!
It’s TIME for the MAIN EVENT!#Switchblade @JayWhiteNZ vs. @trentylocks on #AEWRampage SLAM DUNK! Tune in to @TNTDrama right now! pic.twitter.com/1OrUgRj3Zb
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) February 19, 2022
Trent is fired up for this one. He marches to the ring slapping his face and when the bell rings, Jay White throws up the two sweet before Trent overpowers him but Jay turns it round in the corner and attacks with chops and then stomps. Trent tries to fight back only for Jay to stop him until Trent hits a Back Elbow to flip the momentum. He attacks with his own chops in the corner and then hits a Back Body Drop when Jay fights back. Trent gets Guillotined over the top rope before Jay sends him between the barricade and ring apron, only for Trent to throw Jay into the barricade himself. Jay takes back over but Trent no sells the barricade and hits a suplex. They return to the ring but White sends Trent over the top rope and he lands on his neck on the apron as we go to break. Jay waits in the ring and tosses him back out when Trent returns. Jay heads out too this time before he drops him on the apron again and then too sweets a security guard. They return to the ring and Jay slows the match down further as he dominates the man from Best Friends and Chaos. He hits a Dragonscrew and then mocks Tanahashi with the air guitar and then locks in a Muta Lock in the middle of the ring. Trent drags himself to the ropes with Jay on his back to force a break but Jay hits a Back Suplex and then drops Trent on the ropes for two.
.@JayWhiteNZ just tosses @trentylocks over the top rope, right on to the apron! Tune in to #AEWRampage SLAM DUNK on @TNTDrama right now! pic.twitter.com/Bxp3Ok86V8
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) February 19, 2022
We return to the action and Jay continues to dominate Trent until Beretta manages to send Jay into the corner then hits a Springboard Moonsault onto Jay and neither man took that well. Trent gets up first and then throws Jay back inside the ropes. He hits a Back Elbow in the Corner but Jay fights out of a DDT with a Flatliner and gets a two of a Deadlift German Suplex with a bridge. He misses a splash in the corner and Beretta hits a Tornado DDT for two. Trent fires in some big forearms and elbows before driving him out of the ring with a low Dropkick. Trent goes for a Spear on the outside but Jay meets him with a well-timed Knee Strike then suplexes him into a chair. Jay takes them back in the ring and hits an Uranage for two and then locks in a Chokehold but Trent fights back and hits a huge Backdrop. Jay goes for the Blade Runner but Trent counters with a Half and Half and then hits a Knee Strike for two. We get a wobbly legged strike exchange in the middle of the ring which Jay looks to have won until Trent comes back with a Standing Lariat and gets a two with a Piledriver but when Trent goes for Strong Zero, White counters into the Blade Runner and gets the win! What a match!
BLADE RUNNER! #Switchblade @JayWhiteNZ takes home the victory at #AEWRampage SLAM DUNK on TNT tonight! What a war between these two and what a night of action it's been! pic.twitter.com/Unu8f51cIk
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) February 19, 2022
That hour flew by. Have a great weekend everyone. Follow me on twitter @Knapphausen Adios.