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AEW Dynamite Results (February 9 2022)

Posted By: Jonny Knapp on Feb 09, 2022

AEW Dynamite Results (February 9 2022)

It's Wednesday, you know what that means! It's time for a huge edition of AEW Dynamite with a world title match and a huge debut scheduled! Let's get straight to the action in Atlantic City, New Jersey, with JR, Excalibur & Tony Schiavone on commentary, let's get straight to the wrestling!

MJF Celebration

Wardlow starts the show by coming out with two MJF cardboard cut outs and bringing them to the ring via a Burberry print carpet. He sets them up in silence as he doesn't get an entrance and gives a script for Justin Roberts to read. Justin introduces FTR and Tully who get an entrance and come out in suits with glasses of champagne. Next, Shawn Spears gets an entrance too and finally MJF gets his big announcement and finally, out come Maxwell. MJF enters on a throne with guys carrying him to the ring through Cody's middle tunnel. He comes to the ring, makes out with a girl and then he begins his monologue.

He says he made it clear last week that he's the best wrestler on the planet, not Kenny, Danielson, Cole or Hangman. He says last week was bittersweet for him as after he beat CM Punk twice in Chicago because he grew up watching Punk and it made him emotional. He says he whispered into his ear that he sucks and then he goes ahead thanking the person who really helped him last week, Shawn Spears. The crowd chants Wardlow whilst Spears shows MJF a gift, a new shirt design for being better than the best in the world. MJF then says he deserves to be the AEW world champion but out wanders CM Punk with no music. He calls Tony Schiavone over and gets the mic from him.

Punk says he's sick of listening to him and says he brought some friends as back up because they keep attacking him as a group. Out come Darby and Sting and they bring out some baseball bats. Punk says he's coming down to the ring and he wants a rematch. MJF says he doesn't get one but Punk wants his rematch with Wardlow. He tells Wardlow to ditch the Pinnacle but Dax grabs the mic and he says that he wants a rematch too and Punk agrees because he gets Max again. But MJF says that Punk has to beat FTR tonight with a partner that isn't Darby or Sting and he gets an MJF rematch any time, any place, any stipulation. Intriguing but I hate it when wrestling companies book matches for that show on that show so unless that match happens on Rampage, I'll be annoyed.

Andrade El Idolo Talks To Sting

Andrade and Jose speak to Darby & Sting via Tony Schiavone and Andrade continues to tell Darby he works for Sting. Sting confirms he doesn't and both men say they want to be TNT champion. This wasn't the best.

Wardlow w/ Shawn Spears defeated The Blade via Pinfall (6:15)

Wardlow comes out in a match seemingly booked by MJF just now which compounds my irritation from the previous segment but I digress. The Blade attacks Wardlow with a chop block before the bell and stomps him down to start the match but Wardlow comes back with a huge lariat to take Blade down and he follows that with a big release German Suplex. He hits a Belly to Belly with a release next but the knee is bothering him. Blade rolls to the outside and then gets driven into the ring post as we go to break. Wardlow continues the attack outside the ring and flings Blade under the bottom rope and out again to break the count. Wardlow stops Spears from getting involved to allow Blade back into it but Wardlow stops him by tossing him into the apron. The Blade attacks again as Wardlow gingerly returns to the ring but once again, Wardlow shuts him down and hits a Delayed Vertical Suplex.

We return as Wardlow attacks Blade in the corner and Blade counters with two knees to the face but he gets caught on the third and the Powerbomb Symphony gets started. He hits the second as the crowd call for more and he continues to oblige them as the third and the fourth follow in quick succession and Wardlow pins Blade with his boot on his chest.

Spears attacks Blade with the chair after the Bell which irritates the big man but he tries to ignore it as he walks to the back.

Penta Video Package

Penta seems to be gunning for Malakai still in this cool little video narrated by Alex Abrahantes.

Inner Circle Meeting

Jericho comes out with Sammy and Jake but no Santana or Ortiz. Jericho immediately addresses this and says that they haven't seen either of them but their music interrupts him and out the come looking serious. Jericho talks about them not tagging him in and he asks them why they did it. Santana speaks and says he's been struggling to see the cup half full recently but sometimes you have to call a spade a spade and Chris Jericho only cares about Chris Jericho. He continues to explain that he feels that they've had to put their Tag Title aspirations to one side constantly to support him for his benefit. Santana & Ortiz then tell him that they're done playing second fiddle and it was always Jericho that always kept them in his shadow but the fans kept them going. Santana then says he'd have dropped Jericho a long time ago if it hadn't been for Ortiz.

Jericho says that Santana reminds him of Eddie Guerrero and they have had all the opportunities they've had because of Jericho being an influencer in AEW. Jericho says he can kick them out of the Inner Circle and maybe he chose the wrong member of LAX. Santana goes for Jericho; Sammy saves him but Jericho tells him to shut up and Sammy says that all this fighting isn't helping him so he quits unless they all figure it out. He walks off and Ortiz asks Jericho what's next? He tells Jericho that Eddie has done plenty for Santana and Ortiz and he says that where they're from, they settle things with fists and he challenges Jericho and Hager to a tag match.

Roppongi Vice Promo

Tony Schiavone lets us know that we get the rebooked Roppongi Vice vs Young Bucks match on Sunday and Trent and Rocky go to talk but they're interrupted by the Bucks and attacked from behind by Adam Cole before Switchblade Jay White of all people shows up and finishes the attack. Wow.

Keith Lee defeated Isiah Kassidy w/ Matt Hardy & Marq Quen via Pinfall (4:29)

Keith Lee is revealed to be the mystery opponent for Isiah Kassidy and Kassidy has no chance! He takes his time entering the ring and he looks so happy to be here. The crowd bask in his glory before he launches Kassidy across the ring with a huge throw. Kassidy tries to fight back but Lee squashes him with a running cross body. He heads outside and comes back in with another crossbody and Isiah just gets pancaked and then Lee sets up for the Spirit Bomb but he takes too long and Kassidy escapes but not for long as Lee Pounces him out of the ring and we see Matt Hardy walk out on Private Party. Marq Quen tries to help Isiah out and he gets him with a cutter over the top rope and then a Corkscrew Tope to take out Keith. Isiah stays on the attack but Lee looks like he's swatting away a fly before Keith Lee finishes the match with a huge Powerslam.

Private Party try to attack after the match but Keith Lee powerbombs the two of them. Great debut.

Thunder Rosa vs Mercedes Martinez Video Package

Britt reminds us she hired Mercedes and we find out the rematch between Martinez & Thunder Rosa will be no DQ.

CM Punk & Jon Moxley defeated FTR (Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood) w/ Tully Blanchard via Pinfall (18:48)

Well, looks like we're getting it tonight. I wonder what match got cut. FTR comes out first and then CM Punk is watched by MJF in the back but Punk's opponent is Jon Moxley which makes this slightly better, I guess. Moxley wanders through the crowd and bows to Tully on his way to the ring. Punk starts off the match with Dax and they battle back and forth in the middle of the ring as neither man can gain an advantage. Dax eventually uses a tag to gain control and Cash Wheeler enters but Punk counters him to take over and then Moxley comes in and so does Dax. Dax uses a Side Headlock Takeover to stop Mox but he fights out of it and hits a Body Slam and multiple kicks to take control before CM Punk comes back in from the tag. Dax immediately goes back after the left leg that MJF injured last week and FTR have a new target as they begin to beat down CM Punk. Punk eventually escapes to bring Mox back in but Dax brings in Cash and Moxley hits them both with German Suplexes and then a Double DDT. Punk comes in to take down Cash with a Springboard Lariat and then dives on FTR. They catch him but then Moxley follows and takes the pile down as we head to break. They all fight on the outside during break and Moxley and Cash brawl into the crowd. When they come back ringside, Cash drives him into the Ring Steps and then Dax helps him to send Moxley through the timekeeper's table.

We return as Moxley is trying to break the count out and he manages at 9 but Cash attacks him as soon as he does and then tags in Dax. The two of them beat Jon down in the corner and exchange quick tags back and forth. Moxley keeps kicking out at one and two and won't stay down no matter what FTR throw at him and he eventually fights back with a Manhattan Drop and a Suplex but Punk is kept away from making the tag before FTR hit a double team leg drop from the top rope but Mox kicks out. He looks for another move from the top but misses and Moxley fires out with a huge lariat on Cash to finally make the tag to Punk. CM Punk comes in fired up, he hits a leg lariat, rising knee and the short arm clothesline for two. Dax fires back with an Uppercut and then Dax takes Mox to the top rope. Mox fights out and he and Punk hit a Doomsday device but it only gets a two.

Cash takes Mox out on the floor and then grabs the ring bell. He clocks Punk with it but Punk kicks out even after eating a Brain Buster! Dax beats Punk up some more and then Cash tags in. Punk tries for a GTS on Dax but FTR hit the Big Rig and Mox has to break up the pin! All four men fight in the middle of the ring and after a battle, FTR battle out of the GTS and Paradigm Shift and go for a Piledriver but then Mox and Dax battle outside and the referee gets distracted by this so when Cash taps out to the Anaconda Vice, she can't call it. Tully breaks it up and Punk hits him with a GTS and then almost gets rolled up but then finally Mox and Punk hit their finishers to end the match. This was an epic.

Jade Cargill w/ Smart Mark Sterling defeated AQA via Pinfall (7:43) to retain the TBS Championship

AQA makes her AEW debut to answer the open challenge that exists on the TBS championship. She faces an uphill battle against the bigger Jade Cargill but AQA has the best of the opening 60 seconds only for Jade to show her strength and power out of AQA's hold with a Powerbomb. She goes for her pop-up elbow but AQA hits a Dropkick to send Jade outside. She tries to follow it up but Jade takes her out with a huge elbow as we go to break. It's almost all Jade throughout the intermission although AQA does try a few moves only for Jade to catch her and punish her. Jade hits the Fall Away Slam and then drops the elbow for two before she does press ups for the crowd. She takes AQA to the top rope and then stops her from fighting back before just pressing AQA above her head and dropping her and then hitting a Senton for two and she gets frustrated. We come back from break and AQA hits a huge DDT and then a beautiful Shooting Star Press for two. AQA goes for it again Jade stops her before catching her on a Crossbody and flattening AQA and hits Jaded to get the win.

Young Bucks & Adam Cole Promo

Young Bucks say they're going for the titles and Roppongi Vice will get beaten on Friday. Adam Cole says that Jay White is here to back up the bucks and then Matt asks about Adam inviting him. Cole says they can trust him. Can they?

Serena Deeb defeated Katie Arquette via Submission (1:00)

Serena Deeb comes out with a mic and says that nobody can go 5 minutes with her and issues the professors 5-minute rookie challenge. Katie Arquette is first and she is completely outclassed by Serena before she taps out to the Serenity Lock in 60 seconds.

Hangman Adam Page defeated Lance Archer w/ Dan Lambert & Jake The Snake Roberts via Count Out (15:25) to retain the AEW World Championship in a Texas Death Match.

Archer's music plays and we go straight to the back where Page and Archer are brawling and Hangman is on top backstage but when they get to the ramp, Archer fights back only to eat a belt shot to the face and gets pushed through the pane of glass set up for his entrance. Archer comes back bloodied so Hangman rushes him to the ring and hits the Buckshot Lariat. Archer rolls out of the ring and the ref begins the count. Lance makes his feet at 9 and Hangman tries to attack him with a dive, only to get a Trash Can Lid to the face and then hits him with it repeatedly. Dan Lambert appears to undo the top rope so Hangman can't hit the Buckshot and Jake is there too to watch as Archer and Hangman brawl in to the crowd. Archer ends up helping Hangman vault onto the retaining wall and then hit a Moonsault. They return to the ring and Archer uses Hangman's distraction to get on top and then we go to break as Archer hits the Hellacoaster.

Archer takes the turnbuckle hook and gauges Hangman's face with it before he sets up two tables on the outside. Hangman is bloodied even worse than Archer now and Lance just beats him down before he goes for a Chokeslam through the tables. Hangman fights back and Archer goes for the Blackout instead but Hangman escapes as we return from break.Hangman goes back in the ring and tries to send Lance through the tables with big boots but the third is caught and Hangman goes into turnbuckle. Lance rips up the mats on the outside and Jake hits Hangman with the Short Arm Clothesline but Lance stops him hitting the DDT and Hangman hits it on Lance instead.

Back in the ring the men go and Hangman attacks Lance with a Kendo Stick but Lance eats them and powers up before chokeslamming Hangman through the trash can. The ref begins counting and Hangman gets up at about 6 before Archer stabs Hangman repeatedly with a Fork like he's Abdullah the Butcher. He follows that with a Cannonball Senton on the outside and then gets some chairs from under the ring and the last one is covered in Barbed Wire. Archer turns the Ring Steps on their side and hits the Blackout on them. The referee checks on Hangman and then Archer takes him back in the ring before the ref can count but Hangman fights back by grabbing some barbed wire and punching Lance. He hits discuss Elbows with the Barbed Wire Sleeve and then uses a bent over referee to hit the Buckshot Lariat through the two tables and Lance can't answer the ten count. Hangman wins! Great match to close the show.

Adam Cole wanders out after the match and grabs the title before the ref can give it to Hangman. Cole then puts it over Page's shoulder and makes his intentions clear as the show closes.

Great episode of Dynamite. Don't like booking matches for the show at the start of the show but I can let it go this once. What did you think though? Let us know in the comments, join us back here for Rampage on Friday and follow me on twitter @Knapphausen. So long and goodnight.

Tags: #aew #aewdynamite #hangman adam page #keith lee #jay white #serena deeb #lance archer #cm punk #mjf #jon moxley #ftr #wardlow

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