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AEW Dynamite Results (January 19 2021)

Posted By: Jonny Knapp on Jan 19, 2022

AEW Dynamite Results (January 19 2021)

It's Wednesday, you know what that means! It's time for this week's episode of AEW Dynamite and boy do we ever have a stacked show. We have a rare mixed tag, an in-ring debut and some other really good-looking matches so let's not waste any time. with JR, Excalibur & Tony Schiavone on commentary in Washington DC, let's get straight to the wrestling!

Jon Moxley Returns

Mox is back! For the first time in a couple of months after taking some time out to deal with some personal issues and Wild Thing hits the speakers to start the show. The purveyor of violence makes his way through the crowd cutting an imposing figure on his way to the ring. He grabs a mic and, in my opinion, the greatest promo in wrestling begins. He takes off his jacket whilst the crowd go absolutely nuts except one guy who Mox tells security to kick out.

Mox recounts waking up from a bad dream on a plane ride which involved him being followed by a black cloud, a demon, that's mocking him. When he woke up, he realised that nobody can get through life unscathed and the scars on the inside are the important ones because those are the ones that tell our story and make us who we are. He says nobody is perfect and everyone should be able to stand up and say this is me no matter what scars they have.

He says that if anyone wants to write him off or doubt him then they can hear what the cloud heard and you can shove it up your ass. He says he just kicks demons’ asses and he thanks anyone who has supported him because 2022 is gonna be a great journey because Moxley is finally free. He says he's been through hell and nobody can take him near that in the ring and he's thirsty because now, all he drinks is blood. I love this man. AEW isn't the same without him and they're lucky to have him back.

MJF Promo

Maxwell calls last week an abomination and berates CM Punk for stealing the win last week and Wardlow should have reversed it if he was more seasoned. MJF then tells Wardlow he's sorry for last week because he lost his cool last week and it's his birthday (Wardlow's) so he wants to give him an apology but also, Warlow put his hands on MJF and Max can't allow that to slide so he docks his pay. He then makes some jibes about how he'll get more money when he gets wins and he can watch Spears actually get the job done against CM Punk tonight.

Adam Cole & Britt Baker defeated Orange Cassidy & Kris Statlander via Pinfall (14:26)

The rare mixed tag gets us underway and Britt and Adam keep exchanging tags to put Orange and Kris confused. Britt has to endure some of Orange's vicious kicks before she stomps on his foot but while she is doing the DMD to the crowd, Statlander comes in with a boop and a slam. She almost gets hit with a Big Bang Theory but escapes to make the tag out to Cole. Adam comes in and Orange takes him down with a cross body and then a DDT. Cole escapes to the outside and Britt runs in to stop him putting his hands in his pockets but Statlander takes her out with a Delayed Vertical Suplex. Britt escapes to the outside too and Orange calls for a Double Team move which involves a somersault from Kris and a No-sault from Cassidy but Britt and Adam hit stereo superkicks to take over the match as we head to break. They maintain dominance through the break with Cole doing most of the damage to Orange and there seems to be nothing Cassidy can do to escape Cole's grip.

Cassidy suddenly springs to life when we come back and we get a double clothesline for a double down before the women get the tag in. Statlander gets on top and gets a two with a Blue Thunder Bomb but the pin is weak. We get a good back and forth and some technical exchanges where Britt almost wins with a Backslide before hitting a Neckbreaker and we get another double down and the men come in from the tag and exchange right hands in the middle of the ring but Coles kicks get him the upper hand until Cassidy hits the Stundog Millionaire on Cole. Britt tags in and stops Cassidy hitting her boyfriend with a Beach Break before stomping him behind the referee's back. Statlander comes in and takes over but when she goes to hit Area 451, Cole protects Britt so Statlander lands on his back. Kris tags out and Cassidy almost wins it with the Beach Break but Cole kicks out at two. After a little back and forth again, Cole catches Cassidy with a Superkick and Britt hits one on Statlander. She follows it with a Pittsburgh Sunrise on the ramp and then Cole hits the Panama version on Cassidy but Orange kicks out. Cole can't believe it so he clears out the timekeeper's area and moves the table ringside with Britt. Cassidy misses the Orange Punch and he bumps into Britt who goes through the table and Cole is livid so he low blows Cassidy whilst the Ref checks on Britt and then lowers the boom and pins Cassidy to get the win.

Inner Circle Backstage Interview

Jericho says he doesn't give a fuck about Eddie but Ortiz interrupts him to stand up to Eddie and then Santana says maybe Eddie was right about him being the reason that they haven't won a title in AEW and next week, when they face 2point0 and Garcia, maybe they'll find out whether they're actually better off with or without him.

Adam Cole Backstage Interview

Cole kicks out Alex Marvez and then says Orange has been a thorn in his side for too long and now he's decided to put his girlfriend through a table so he proposes a light out match with Cassidy at Beach Break next week so he can end his career.

CM Punk defeated Shawn Spears via Pinfall (0:10)

Next up in action is CM Punk who endured 8 powerbombs from Wardlow last week including one through a table. We get a nice little video package before the match begins and when both men have made their entrance, we get MJF making his entrance to come and sit on commentary. The match finally gets underway, it's over in 10 seconds as Punk outmanoeuvres Spears and hits a GTS for the win. Wow. Spears just got embarrassed in a perfect ten.

MJF sneaks up on Punk whilst he's celebrating but Punk catches him and almost gets a punch in but Max escapes leaving his Burberry scarf behind.

Billy Gunn Grabs A Camera

We get told Billy Gunn has commandeered a backstage camera and we watch him tell Christian to set up a tag championship match for his sons against Jurassic Express. Christian tells him his boys are just like him and they can't get the job done on the biggest stage and they need to make a statement. They do that by attacking him from behind.

Cody Returns

The uncontracted Cody makes his entrance and is cut off by a Go Big Show advert if you're in America. Cody gets out a ladder during this break and sets it up in the middle of the ring. When the commercials are finally over, we return to hear what he has to say and he's greeted with a fair number of boos as per usual. Cody asks what the crowd want to talk about and then he said he brings up the Pipebomb. He says that the Pipebomb was the beginning of the revolution and laid out the blueprint for what would become AEW. He says Punk coming back is the comeback of the decade despite the crowd telling him to Shut The Fuck Up. He then says that whilst Punk was gone, he did everything Punk brought up in the Pipebomb. He gets so angry and he says he won't turn heel because the crowd cheered him when he needed them the most. He then brings up the Forbidden door and says he was the one who built it and the crowd begin to chant his name.

He says he's gone for two weeks and last week, he watched the Young Bucks nearly restart the Wednesday Night Wars with ReDRagon, Ricky Starks challenge Jay Lethal, and Malakai debut Brody King. He says that AEW don't name change with things like Gunther, but naming yourself Brody is a big ball move in AEW and he'll learn that in 8 years when -1 shows up. He says that the TNT isn't a secondary title other than the fact there are two so he challenges Sammy to a ladder match at Beach Break. This was all over the place as a promo. Some amazing high points in amongst a lot of meandering.

Jade Cargill vs Anna Jay Announcement

We head backstage to Tony Schiavone and learn that Anna has taken the open challenge for Jade's TBS title and then we get a little back and forth between the two ladies.

Kings Of The Black Throne (Malakai Black & Brody King) defeated The Varsity Blonds (Griff Garrison & Brian Pillman Jr) w/ Julia Hart via (1:55)

The Kings of the Black Throne's entrance is intimidating whilst Varsity Blonds look like lambs to the slaughter. Brody starts off but Black makes a quick tag in as they begin to beat down Griff Garrison with rapid tags and big strikes. Pillman tags in when Griff escapes but Brian can't hit his springboard after messing it up against Malakai and it allows Brody and Malakai to take over. Griff goes into the ring steps before they hit the Dante's Inferno double team and pin Pillman to get the win.

Malakai grabs a mic and addresses the members of the House of Black and asks them to rise. PAC interrupts him via video and tells Malakai he's a self-obsessed, power-hungry cretin like everyone else. The Bastard says he won't be calling him Master but he'll make a Martyr of him.

Lance Archer vs Hangman Page promo

Jake the Snake Roberts and Adam Page take it in turns to make a big deal of the title match between the pair and that might well be happening at Beach Break next week. Archer has Dan Lambert beside him.......... Why?

Roppongi Vice Promo

Brandon Cutler is looking for the Bucks but Rocky Romero and Trent walk into frame and they say they're sick of losing so they challenge the Young Bucks for Rampage on Friday and then Trent says thank you and Brandon doesn't know how to react to someone being nice to him.

Lance Archer w/ Jake The Snake Roberts & Dan Lambert defeated Frankie Kazarian via Pinfall (10:01)

Archer and Kazarian start out with elbow strikes but Archer takes over with some big Short Arm Clotheslines. He transitions to chops in the corner then clubs Frankie to the mat with some huge blows and stomps him down further. He hits a huge elbow strike in the corner and then hits a big release Suplex to cut Frankie's attempted come back. Kaz begins to show some life as we head to break but Archer cuts him off with a Clothesline on the apron. Kaz attacks outside the ring but Archer just manhandles him whilst terrifying a small child in the crowd. Frankie throws everything he has at Archer back in the ring but Archer pounces him and ends that comeback once more. Archer tells the girl he scared to pay attention and then he continues to beat down Frankie.

We return from break and it's much of the same as Kaz has to endure more punishment whilst Archer continues to shout abuse at those fans at ringside. Archer sets up for a Chokeslam but Kaz flips out of it and staggers Lance with a flying forearm but Archer stops him in the corner and goes for The Blackout but Kaz fights out and hits a Missile Dropkick from the top ad then he hits the big Springboard Leg Drop but Archer kicks out at one. Frankie tries for the Crossface Chicken Wing but Archer powers out and hits the Chokeslam. He follows it with a Ripcord Hellacoaster and then finishes it with the Blackout. Frankie barely got anything here. Hangman is in for a hard fight.

Dan Lambert In Ring Interview

Tony Schiavone comes to the ring to interview Archer but Lambert speaks for him and he chats his usual bollocks until Archer grabs the mic and says enough of this cowboy Bullshit and he says he's going to show him what he's going to do before picking up Frankie on the Ramp and going to Chokeslam him on a chair until the Champion interrupts him.

Hangman Adam Page comes out and he and Archer get into a fight on the ramp. Hangman wins that with his Cowboy Boot. Archer blocks the Buckshot Lariat but Hangman fights him out of the ring regardless.

Dante Martin Interview

Dante Martin is asked by Alex Marvez why he saved Matt Sydal and Lee Moriarty and he says thats because whilst Darius Martin has been injured, they've been like brothers to him and Lee Moriarty promises to back him up against Team Taz too. We immediately cut to Ricky Starks and Powerhouse Hobbs who tell Dante he has a Little Brother complex and he needs to realise not everyone in AEW is his friend and then Hobbs finishes by telling him to watch his back, front, and side to side because Team Taz build assassins.

Kris Statlander & Red Velvet Interview

Schiavone tries to talk to Kris Statlander and Leyla Hirsch interrupts her to blame her for their loss last week and Red tries to back up Statlander so Leyla hits her and then does the same to Kris before locking in the Juji Gatame on her.

Serena Deeb defeated Skye Blue via Submission (2:51)

Serena takes the centre of the ring and when Skye attacks, she gets dumped on her ass by Deeb. Serena dominates and keeps Blue under pressure constantly before she takes her out on the apron with a brutal Hanging Neckbreaker and then hits a Guillotine into the bottom rope. She hits an Uppercut to the front and then the back of Blue and follows it with the Swinging Neckbreaker. She paintbrushes Blue from above then hits the Deebtox. Blue is done but Serena locks in the Serenity Lock for good measure and Skye Blue has to tap out. Serena won't let go for a while but this was dominant.

Men of the Year Promo

Dan Lambert is with Ethan Page and Scorpio Sky and Ethan steps up to accept Jon Moxley's challenge for AEW Rampage.

Rampage Preview

I normally skip this but we get a LOT of NJPW footage to show off Roppongi Vice's history with the Young Bucks and a cute little video package for Hook and both are really refreshing in the middle of the preview.

Sammy Guevara Cue Cards

Sammy is at a Beach doing his Cue Cards and basically, he accepts Cody's challenge for Beach Break and he says he will be walking out as the Undisputed TNT Champion and then we get a video package for that match.

Matt Hardy & Andrade El Idolo Interview

Andrade has bought 51% of the HFO. And now it's the AHFO.

Darby Allin & Sting defeated The Acclaimed (Max Caster & Anthony Bowens) via Pinfall (9:22)

We get a hilarious video and rap ahead of the Acclaimed entrance which pops me twice and then we get Sting wrestling on TBS for the first time in 21 years but The Acclaimed attack before the bell and they take out Sting and then attack Darby with a Steel Chair, Pillmanising him with the Ring Posts. The referee calls for the Doctor and they tell Sting Darby can't go so Sting takes them on 2 on 1.

Both of the Acclaimed attack once the bell rings and Sting takes them both out before sending them both outside the ring. Bowens gets tossed into the Steel Steps, followed by Max Caster, twice. He hits a Stinger Splash on Caster but Bowens dodges and eats the turnbuckle because Bowens ripped off the pad. Sting kicks out of a Pin at two and we head to commercial for the last time with The Acclaimed finally putting their numbers advantage to good use. They spend the break in charge and beating down the Icon whilst exchanging tags. Sting won't stay down though and we return to watch Sting finally make a comeback with a Double Lariat and thn he locks Caster in the Scorpion Death Lock and then he no sells a Bowens elbow but he goes down at the second strike.

Caster distracts the ref and Bowens takes out Sting with the Boombox, they drag him to the Ring Steps but all of a sudden, a wild Darby appears and takes out Bowens with a huge dive from nowhere.

He rolls Sting into the ring and gets the tag and then hits a Coffin Drop on Caster and Bowens. Caster eats a Code Red for two and then two Coffin Splashes before Darby locks in a Hanging Guillotine and Bowens tags himself in to save Caster. They hit the Mic Drop on Allin but Sting makes the save and then hits a huge Crossbody off the stage to take out Caster. In the ring, Bowens runs into the expo

sed Turnbuckle and then Darby hits the Coffin Drop as he and Sting get the victory!

That was a good episode. The first hour especially was really enjoyable and flew by for me. But what did you think? Let us know in the comments below, follow me on twitter @0r4n93_C4551dy and come back on Friday for the Rampage Results. So long and goodnight.

Tags: #aew #aewdynamite #jon moxley #mjf #wardlow #shawn spears #cm punk #a

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