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WWE NXT 2.0 Results - January 18, 2022

Posted By: Ben Jordan Kerin on Jan 18, 2022

WWE NXT 2.0 Results - January 18, 2022

WWE NXT 2.0 Live Results (January 18, 2022) - Capitol Wrestling Center, Winter Park, FL, courtesy of our live coverage partner Mike Hogan of RAJAH.com.


Welcome to NXT 2.0!

Vic Joseph and Wade Barrett welcome us back to our 565th episode. LA Knight arrives in a red sports car, then tells Chase Academy that if they want a teachable moment then they should watch him kick "his" ass. He passes Briggs and Jensen and bids them luck in the tournament before heading to the ring.

LA Knight Addresses Grayson Waller

LA makes his way out to a great welcome from the crowd as our anti-face pumps himself up in the ring. Knight starts off by saying "yeah" three times, then gets right to business. He calls out Grayson Waller, and the crowd loudly boos before chanting "asshole." Knight continues, telling Waller to "go ahead and bring your skinny ass out here so I can finish what I started last week!" He drops his mic and readies-up but Waller doesn't appear. The crowd with another negative chant for Waller. Knight goes on to state that the crowd irritates Waller with all their chants, but states the thing that Waller hates to hear most is the name of the man who will "drop you on your head...L-A-Knight!" He says Waller did one "half-cool" move at WarGames but that was it. He says Waller failed to get the job done and didn't take out Knight at WarGames. He then recalls back to when a woman turned down Waller weeks ago, in favor of LA Knight. Grayson Waller then makes his entrance to massive boos.

Waller holds up a manila envelope and claims it's a restraining order against LA Knight. He calls Knight a dog for attacking him (Waller) last week for "no reason." He then claims that his attorney did the restraining order not so much to protect Waller as to protect Knight from Waller. Waller tells us that the restraining order states that if Knight gets within 50 feet of Grayson he will be arrested immediately. Knight reads the paperwork and tells Waller to shut up. "This is impressive, even for you man, this is big...I tell ya what," and he pauses as the crowd chants "rip that shit" haha, and Knight continues. "You got a restraining against me which is pretty back but you ain't got a restraining order against him!" Cue Dexter Lumis! Lumis slithers up from behind Waller and scares Waller back to the ring. Knight tells Waller he can either get rid of the restraining order and get his ass beat by Knight, or he can get put to sleep by Lumis. Waller has to choose--after this break!


Singles Match: Grayson Waller vs Dexter Lumis

We return from the break and this match starts right away. Throughout the match, the fans batter Waller with mean chants. Waller starts off slow but takes control with an underhook DDT. Waller begins to focus his attack on Dexter's left arm and elbow--the arm needed for his The Silence submission. Waller takes Lumis to the corner and fends off a few attempts by Lumis to fight back. Waller hoists Lumis up but Lumis wiggles free. Lumis whips Waller into the ropes and pops him up, catching Waller on his descent with a big Street Fighter-style uppercut! Lumis begins his stretch of offense, using a DDT and a neckbreaker as he focuses on Waller's neck, again in an effort to impact The Silence submission. Lumis hits a third neckbreaker then applies a sleeper. Waller squirms and regains a vertical base, using a jawbreaker to gain some separation. Waller catches Lumis by the ropes and hops off the apron, dropping Lumis' arm hard across the rope as Waller's weight pulls him down. Waller with a diving attack to the outside as we head to break!

The break sees Waller controlling the pace of the match as he continues to work Lumis' left arm and alternates head holds. Waller taunts his opponent, stomping him frequently whenever he's not applying an arm wear-down move. Waller climbs the middle rope and takes too long to taunt the crowd, allowing Lumis to rise and chokeslam Waller off the turnbuckle! Waller once again shuts down Lumis' offense with a kick to the gut, followed by an arm bar that drives Lumis into the canvas. Waller again slows the pace, continuously alternating various working holds as he works the shoulder and elbow over and over. Lumis finally starts to fire up as we return from break! Waller and Lumis exchange attacks briefly before Lumis starts his comeback sequence. Lumis hits eight consecutive lariats to lay out Waller before dropping him again, this time with a back-body drop. Lumis with a dead-lift belly-to-back suplex! The crowd pops big as Lumis indicates he's ready to finish this. Lumis hits a side slam and looks for The Silence but Waller squirms to the ropes. The two move to the outside, where Waller strikes Lumis before heading back into the ring. Waller distracts the referee as a bearded, unknown man attacks Lumis at ringside! Waller exits the ring then hits his finisher, the rolling backpack stunner, and picks up the win.
Your Winner, Grayson Waller!


Dusty Classic, Round One Match: Briggs & Jensen vs the Creed Brothers

After a video hyping the Dusty Classic, we get on to our first match of the tournament! The Diamond Mine escort the Creed Brothers out, with Malcolm Bivens cheering his team on for gold. Briggs & Jensen are out next to a decent pop. We start with Brutus and Jensen. Both men look to lock up but Brutus drives Jensen into the mat with a textbook wrestling takedown. Jensen hits Brutus so hard with a running knee to the face that it pops Brutus' mouth guard out. Jensen forces Brutus into the friendly corner and tags in Briggs, who easily scoop slams Brutus. Briggs focuses on Brutus' left arm. Brutus bull-rushes them into the Diamond Mine corner and Julius makes the tag. Julius doesn't get to much, however, as Briggs and Jensen use quick tags to double team Julius with a double shoulder block. Jensen works the neck but fails to contain Julius, who tags in the bigger Brutus. Brutus pops Jensen over the top rope, where he crashes hard onto the floor. Note--they've pulled rows of seats really close to the entrance-side of the ring.

Fans are, at its narrowest point, perhaps two yards from the Superstars when they're outside the ring. Brutus and Julius take a page out of Briggs & Jensen's playbook, using tags to contain Jensen and double team him. Brutus slaps Julius' face to tag his brother in, firing him up, and Julius immediately starts to throw shoulders into Jensen's midsection. Once, twice, he sends his body into Jensen's ribs. He goes for it a third time but Jensen dodges. Both men make hot tags. Briggs clears the house, taking it to both Creed Brothers, man-handling the duo easily. Briggs with a big chokeslam on Julius and covers, but Brutus makes the save. Outside the ring, Julius sends Jensen hard into the barricade and ramp. Julius makes a blind tag in and catches Briggs off guard. The Creed Brothers double team Briggs and pick up the win!
Your Winners and Advancing in the Dusty Classic, the Creed Brothers!

Backstage: Imperium

Walter and the NXT Tag Team Champions talk in German. Long segment short, WALTER has declared that Imperium dominate NXT just as they did NXT UK. They will remind all that the mat is sacred.


Singles Match: Dante Chen vs Guru Raaj

Dante Chen is back after a four month absence. The fans welcome him eagerly. Both men lock up and Raaj takes an early lead. Raaj drops Chen immediately and looks for a cover but gets nothing. Chen dodges, ducks, dips, dives, and dodges as Raaj runs back and forth across the ring, rebounding off the ropes, until Chen sends Raaj flying to the outside. Chen with a springboard Senton to Raaj outside! Suddenly, Duke Hudson attacks Chen! Hudson, growing his hair back, beats Chen brutally before yelling for people to stay out of his way.
Your Winner by Disqualification, Dante Chen!

Backstage Interview: NXT Champion Bron Breakker

Breakker is addressing his reign when Santos Escobar and Elektra Lopez walk up. The two exchange some words, getting heated, and Breakker essentially accepts Escobar's challenge.

Tony D'Angelo's Memorial Service for Pete Dunne

When we return to the ring, it's set up for this "memorial service." A picture of Dunne is in the corner, and a casket is in the ring with a reef and crowbar on top of it. D'Angelo tells us it's a closed-casket service, stating nobody wants to see Dunne after the wicked crowbar shot D'Angelo gave him. Tony tells us that we can't mourn forever, and it's time to move on to more important things. D'Angelo declares his intent of coming after the North American Championship. And here comes our North American Champion, Carmelo Hayes! Trick escorts him out to the ramp. Melo tells Tony that he's happy for him, but then takes offense to what D'Angelo said about his title. Trick tries to de-escalate things, stating that they're all "boys" as they teamed up at WarGames. D'Angelo tells them they're not boys, and it's nothing personal--it's just business. Trick mocks D'Angelo's list of friends, then Hayes warns D'Angelo to keep out of Hayes business or else D'Angelo will get a closed casket. Cameron Grimes makes his way out on the mic. "I hate to tell you this (Tony,) but you're going to have to wait at the back of the line. As for you, Melo, last week I walked up to you like a man and I looked dead in your eyes...and I told you that I was coming for that (title). He then informs them he scuffed their rental car, and Trick freaks out as it's not a rental. Hayes suggests D'Angelo and Grimes fight it out to see who should challenge him. Grimes will fight anyone because he's going to the moon. D'Angelo attempts to ambush him during his catchphrase but Grimes sends Tony face-first through the portrait of Dunne. The crowd looooves Grimes.

Backstage: Briggs, Jensen, Catanzaro, Carter, and Wendy Choo

Briggs and Jensen are addressing their loss when Kacy Catanzaro and Kayden Carter walk up. Jensen gets nervous as he likes Kayden, and Wendy--sleeping on top of the lockers in her pajamas--teases him for liking her. Jensen proceeds to bumble words, put his foot in his mouth, and send us to a break.


Backstage: Dakota Kai and Valentina Feroz & Yulisa Leon

After a video package that hypes the brand-new tag team, we cut to the back where they're interviewed. As usual, the interview goes nowhere as Dakota Kai walks up. The three exchange heated words, setting up a singles match later tonight.


Singles Match: Kay Lee Ray vs Ivy Nile w/ Malcolm Bivens

KLR and Nile lock up and push and pull each other around the ring for a few long moments. The fans are behind Ivy in this bout. KLR and Nile break the exchange and exchange looks. Nile and KLR again lock up, but KLR takes the lead early with several chops. KLR whips Nile into the ropes and catches her with a dropkick on the rebound. KLR attempts a cover, but no joy. Again the fans chant for Ivy. KLR looks for a suplex but Nile reverses it, hitting one of her own. Nile with a running Liu Kang kick to KLR in the corner! Nile fires off a step-up Enziguri and covers KLR for two. Nile takes the action to the ground, drawing from her MMA experience as she locks KLR's head between her knees. KLR attempts to escape but Nile simply rolls and sends KLR back down into the mat. Again KLR attempts to get to a vertical base. Again Nile twists and sends KLR rolling. Nile rushes KLR but Ray drops her with a pair of shoulder bumps. KLR fails to capitalize on this as Ivy Nile uses yet more unique, innovative moves to punish Ray. Nile hits a knee-held DDT in an impressive spot and is coming up with some very unique moves. Very innovative. Kay Lee Ray connects with a Superkick and threatens a K-L-R Bomb but Mandy Rose distracts her. KLR looks for another but Nile rolls her up, off the distraction, and steals the win!
Your Winner, Ivy Nile!


After the Match: Toxic Femininity

Rose continues to beat KLR. Gigi Dolin and Jacy Jayne hit the ring and help work her over. Indi Hartwell & Persia Pirotta make the save for Kay Lee Ray, sending Gigi and Jacy out of the ring before KLR Superkicks Rose. Toxic Attraction retreat up the ramp as KLR, Hartwell and Pirotta yell at them from the ring.

Backstage: Odyssey Jones Got Got

We cut to the back, where we find Odyssey Jones rolling in pain in the medical room. The officials checking on him ask what happened, and we observe Joe Gacy & Harland walking back behind them, totally innocent. We head to break.

Video Promo: the Return of Sarray

We get a new video that hypes the return of Sarray. In Japanese, she addresses that her start in 2021 didn't go as she planned so she returned home to recharge mentally and physically. Upon finding a sun-pendant/necklace her grandmother had given her, Sarray has found her drive again and will return soon.

Dusty Classic, Round One Match: Legado del Fantasma vs Malik Blade & Edris Enofé

We start with Blade and Mendoza. Blade takes control and brings Mendoza into the friendly corner, bringing Blade in. Blade works over Mendoza and attempts a cover. Wilde makes a blind tag and LDF double-team Blade, hitting a double suplex and stereo basement dropkicks before attempting a cover. Mendoza whips Blade into the corner and charges but Malik avoids it. Blade looks for a tag and, after a brief struggle, tags in Enofé. LDF look to cause a distraction, with Santos Escobar and Elektra Lopez interfering at the ringside. Bron Breakker comes out, pulls Escobar off the apron and places him over his shoulder, then walks to the back with Escobar. This distracts LDF, costing them the match!
Your Winners and Advancing in the Dusty Classic, Edris Enofé & Malik Blade!

Singles Match: Dakota Kai vs Yulisa Leon w/ Valentina Feroz

Both women start quick, with neither truly taking control for long. Kai taunts Leon whenever she works offense in, and uses the ropes and turnbuckle as weapons against Leon's face. Kai tries for an early cover but no joy. Kai finally takes the control, and sends Leon into the corner. Kai fires off kicks and foot chokes. Leon attempts to escape but Kai gives her no room. Kai with another cover. Kai with a face wash and a running boot followed by another pin attempt. Leon throws two weak punches but Kai sends her rolling out of the ring with a jump kick. Kai follows her outside, mocking her partner Feroz. Kai looks for a jump kick on Feroz but Feroz dodges. Leon takes advantage of the distraction, sending Kai into the ring. Leon starts her comeback, hitting a variety of diving attacks and suplexes. Leon hits a Fallaway Slam with a bridge pin! Beautiful move. Kai kicks out, and attacks Leon by again sending her into the turnbuckle. Kai with a kick to Leon's face, ending the short match.
Your Winner, Dakota Kai!


Main Event Singles Match: WALTER vs Roderick Strong w/ Malcolm Bivens

WALTER is out first as even Vic Joseph states this is a match we never thought we'd see. But hey, it's our main event and it's next--after this word from their sponsors. With seven minutes left in our allotted broadcast time, we finally return to the ring and get Roderick's entrance. The crowd seems equally behind both men in this contest. With two victories tonight already, the Diamond Mine is on a roll. The bell rings and both men circle each other. Strong looks for a wast lock but Walter throws him off like a doll. Strong again circles Walter but the Ring General takes Strong to the match and looks for a leg hold. Strong escapes and the two again circle each other. Both men grab hands and Walter uses an arm drag to send Strong into the mat. Walter kneels on Strong's left shoulder and bends the left elbow against his (Walter's) leg, twisting the joint. Strong powers to his feet but Walter refuses to let the hold go and takes control back. Walter throws Strong into a corner, and Roddy dips under the ropes to buy himself a few moments.

Strong finds every attempt at offense countered, as his attempts at suplexes are countered. Strong hits a loud chest chop on Walter, pissing off the Ring General who hits Strong so hard on the chest that it sends him flying and causes both welts and a big chant from the crowd. Strong looks to get more offense in, throwing two rights, but Walter fires off a Big Boot that flattens the leader of the Diamond Mine. Walter easily controls this match. Walter pushes Strong's torso through the ropes and clubs his chest. Walter reaches over the ropes and attempts to pull Malcolm Bivens into the ring. Strong attempts to take advantage of the distraction, chopping Walter's neck across the rope and rocking the big man with a drop kick. Walter easily takes control, however, as we head to our final break of the night.

The break finds Walter still dominating Strong. Walter works Strong's neck with a vise-like grip. Strong attempts to slip free and Walter pounds Roddy's back, slapping another hold on him. Walter transitions beautiful from working hold to working hold, submission attempt to submission attempt. Roderick attempts to power to his feet but again, Walter stops him and pushes his foot into Strong's back as he yanks back on Strong's arms as we return from the short break. It's now overrun territory! Strong finally gets a bit of offense in, dropkicking Walter and sending him stumbling into the corner. Strong with a huge chop to Walter. Strong with another chop. Strong loks to hoist Walter but can't get him up, and Walter reverses it into a standing Sleeper! Strong breaks free with a jawbreaker. Walter again slaps on a sleeper. Strong draws a move from Dunne's playbook, using Walter's fingers and wrist to manipulate his joints and free Strong from the grip.

Strong battles Walter to the apron. Strong runs at Walter but the human wall swats Strong down easily. Walter and Strong struggle in the corner, with Strong seating Walter on the top turnbuckle. Walter chops Strong, sending him crashing to the canvas. Strong climbs again at Walter attempts to stand. Strong climbs all the way up and looks for a Superplex. Roddy fires it off! Top rope Superplex on Walter! The fans rip off a big "holy shit" chant as Strong covers, only picking up a two.
Walter and Strong are sweating rivers as they exchange blows in the middle of the ring. Strong with a series of kicks and running shoulder blocks. Strong runs off all the ropes, attacking Walter repeatedly with rebound strikes. Strong covers Walter for another near fall! The crowd justifiably chants "fight forever." Who would've thought Strong v Walter would be this great? Walter and Strong jockey again for control. Walter attempts a Powerbomb but Strong rolls over and leaps onto the Ring General. Walter rams Strong into the turnbuckle, then connects with his Powerbomb to pick up the win five minutes past ten!
Your Winner, WALTER!

Source: rajah.com
Tags: #wwe #wwenxt #nxt #results

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