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It's Friday, you know what that means! The end of the week and what better way to start your weekend than with the fastest hour of professional wrestling on TV?! It's time for another episode of AEW Rampage, this time from North Carolina. We have Excalibur, Taz, Ricky Starks & Chris Jericho on commentary so let's get straight to the wrestling!
This is a singles match but both men have bought their entire team with them to make this resemble a Lumberjack match. Trent starts off the match much hotter than Cole and he has him in trouble with his striking and some excellent explosive suplexes. He sends Cole to the outside with a sliding Dropkick and Adam hides in his crew but when Trent comes out from the apron, he uses the bodies to sneak up to Trent quickly and sweep his leg out to take over the match. Cole takes it back into the ring and begins focusing on the surgically repaired neck of Trent with Neckbreakers. Trent kicks out of a pin at one and tries to come back only to eat a pump kick and Beretta heads to the outside. Cole sets up for Panama Sunrise but Trent flips him off to reverse it but when he tries for a Spear to follow up, Cole dodges and Trent goes headfirst into the barricade and we head to the first commercial. Cole has a kiss break with Britt before returning Trent to the ring and focussing once again on the neck of his opponent.
WHAT neck injury 🤯 #AEWRampage pic.twitter.com/DFJyBBTdjv
— AEW on TV (@AEWonTV) January 15, 2022
When we return, Trent tries to fight back and we get a heavy striking exchange in the middle of the ring which he manages to win. He dodges and Enzuigiri to hit a Deadlift German Suplex and then gets a Swinging DDT that earns him a two count. Cole fights back and climbs up top but Trent follows him and pulls out a massive Avalanche Brainbuster which gets him an even closer two! Trent hoists Cole up but Cole fights out and hits a Backstabber and then sets up for a big Superkick which Trent won't get up for. Cole gets annoyed and gets caught with a Half and Half but then Cole suddenly hits a Neckbreaker over his knee for two! We head out to the apron and Cole looks to hit a move but Trent counters and hits a Piledriver and rolls Cole back in. He goes for Strong Zero but Cole hits a Canadian Destroyer from nowhere and somehow Trent kicks out. Cole goes for one more Panama Sunrise and Trent counters with a Saito Suplex and then hits a huge Lariat but Cole comes back with two Superkicks only for Trent to find that Strong Zero which is only a two count and then everyone outside begins fighting and with the ref distracted. Cole hits the low blow and lowers the boom to get the win. What a way to start off Rampage. Quarter of the way through the show in the blink of an eye.
And now @AdamColePro counters with a destroyer!
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) January 15, 2022
Tune in to #AEWRampage on @tntdrama right now! pic.twitter.com/xjlDJKZ8ql
There's only a little bit of meat on the bone of this story but the match is going to bang, I can feel it in my bones.
The animosity between @thunderrosa22 and @RealMMartinez shows no signs of slowing down. Hear what they both had to say on #AEWRampage: pic.twitter.com/muWcdM0Wbz
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) January 15, 2022
Spears drags Wardlow out to the ring with him for his match up with AEW debutant Andrew Everett who is an IWC darling right now. Everett shows why with his early moves but it takes mere seconds for Spears to catch him and hit the C4 which is more than enough to earn him the win.
Impressive movement by veteran @_AndrewEverett making his #AEW debut tonight, but unfortunately fell short when @ShawnSpears took control!
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) January 15, 2022
Watch #AEWRampage on TNT right now! pic.twitter.com/2bkpk4DJPH
After the match, Spears asks why he can't be the best in the world and continues to compare himself to CM Punk and then directly addresses Punk and warns him that Spears is the guy people don't see him coming. The crowd chant for Wardlow throughout and then Spears suggests that Wardlow is just a rookie and that's why he won on Wednesday but Spears will expose him next week.
“Is he really the best in the world?”@ShawnSpears poses some questions to #CMPunk tonight, after his victory on #AEWRampage. Will #CMPunk have the answers when they meet at #AEWDynamite next Wednesday? pic.twitter.com/AiSIlxAzBJ
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) January 15, 2022
This is okay, kinda catchy. No bars that are out of this world though.
🗣 Yo! Listen! 🗣
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) January 15, 2022
Watch #TheAcclaimed music video right here!#MicDrop 🎤⬇️💥 pic.twitter.com/BDBOe7zfoU
This match starts with no entrances and Leyla immediately tags herself into the ring. She gets isolated by Nyla Rose and then Nyla goes about systematically taking Leyla apart. Leyla gets close to her corner and Kris tags herself in whilst The Bunny comes in for her team and Statlander takes charge with a Powerslam after a good back and forth and then Statlander brings in Red Velvet. They hit a double team and then Velvet tags in Leyla and Leyla and Velvet hit a double team but Leyla won't tag Kris as we go to break. Velvet tags herself in and whilst that's all been going on, Nyla has come in and she takes over! She clears the corner and then takes out Red Velvet before her and her team begin to exchange tags and dominate over Velvet. Leyla and Kris have recovered and are begging for a tag but Bunny and Penelope are all over her and won't let her near her corner. We get our usual 30/60 second black out when a match has been edited and then we return from the break with Nyla hitting a huge chokeslam on Velvet but it only earns her a two. She tries to follow up with a Senton but Velvet rolls out the way and then makes the tag to Statlander who runs wild. Nyla has tagged out to Penelope and Ford eats a Gord Buster for two and Penelope rakes the eyes to get an advantage but Statlander manages to lock in the Spider Crab and Bunny breaks it up. Bunny tries to take Statlander down the rabbit hole but Statlander turns it into a Blue Thunder Bomb for two. Statlander goes to set up for something else but Leyla tags herself in and then The Bunny rolls her up and gets the win!
And now @callmekrisstat has @thePenelopeFord bent in half!
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) January 15, 2022
Tune in to #AEWRampage on @tntdrama right now! pic.twitter.com/Np1kSASllw
Ethan and Scorpio call out Sammy and Cody and tell them that he's going to beat whichever one of them finds themself as the actual title holder after they wrestle for it.
#MenOfTheYear @OfficialEGO and @ScorpioSky with some fighting’ words about the TNT Championship here at #AEWRampage: pic.twitter.com/Aq1zbCUTTA
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) January 15, 2022
Starks begins to call out Jay Lethal but Jay interrupts him saying he's heard all what he's been saying tonight about him and then he explains he's been watching what Team Taz have been doing to Dante Martin the last two months and he's sick of it and that's why he got involved on Wednesday. He then says that he notices that nobody seems to challenge Ricky for the FTW title so he does that before goading Ricky with a line that called Taz his Daddy which sets Ricky off. The refs all come out to separate them and then Taz loses his cool on commentary saying he doesn't give a shit about Ring of Honor. Could that line be more important than anyone realises right now?
#RickyStarks, who is sick and tired of being interrupted, gets interrupted by @TheLethalJay here tonight on #AEWRampage.. pic.twitter.com/HYEt6uq2Gn
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) January 15, 2022
Mark asks Dark Order if they're ready, and they are before taking the piss out of Christian's old Kazoo playing ways before Christian retorts and tells them that they aren't on Jurassic Express's level. Well, looks like we've had enough talk. It's time for the main event!
It’s TIME for the MAIN EVENT!
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) January 15, 2022
The #AEW World Tag Team Champions @boy_myth_legend & @luchasaurus will defend their belts against #DarkOrder’s @SilverNumber1 & @YTAlexReynolds!
#AEWRampage is on TNT right now! pic.twitter.com/s82tkFGeGI
Oh my... Jungle Boy's girlfriend is ringside for his opponent! Is reality about to bleed into fiction? Reynolds and Jungle Boy start us off and they show off their excellent technical wrestling before Jungle Boy gets the upper hand with a Dropkick. He brings Luchasaurus and the big man starts to run wild. Jungle Boy comes back in with a Stalling Senton for two but then Reynolds gets a Backslide for two and then John Silver comes in. He hit the high boot and the Back body drop onto Jungle Boy. JB gets Silver onto the apron but Silver catches him with an Enzuigiri and then Silver is distracted by Christian. That allows JB to recover with a Tope but Silver catches it and hits a Suplex on the outside as we head to break with the Dark Order in control. Throughout the break, JB tries to get away but Dark Order keep him isolated in their corner whilst exchanging tags repeatedly. They keep taking him down but they can't keep him down for a three count, no matter what they throw at the resilient champ.
#DarkOrder’s @SilverNumber1 with ALL the power!
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) January 15, 2022
Watch #AEWRampage on @tntdrama right now! pic.twitter.com/iVlLsZFgfJ
We return to Jungle Boy finally getting to Luchasaurus for the tag and, surprise surprise, Luchasaurus runs wild on both opponents. His kicks and strikes obliterate Silver and Reynolds and then he Chokeslams the former onto the latter for two. Luchasaurus brings in Jungle Boy but Silver counters their double team then brings in Reynolds to hit the Doomsday Device but JB escapes and then all four men end up fighting on the top rope and we get the huge Tower of Doom spot where Luchasaurus basically throws all three of the other men from the top rope! Wow!
And they all fall DOWN 😳 #AEWRampage pic.twitter.com/BBduwDavzi
— AEW on TV (@AEWonTV) January 15, 2022
When everyone recovers, we get a great back and forth as everyone hits big moves and then Jungle Boy gets caught with the quick offence of Silver and Reynolds and somehow Jungle Boy kicks out at 2.99999. Dark Order try to follow up but Jungle Boy escapes all their offence and gets the Comebacker Lariat on Reynolds then hits a Hurricanrana from the apron to the floor sending Silver into Evil Uno. JB flies back in the ring as Luchasaurus takes out Reynolds and JB hits a Canadian Destroyer onto Reynolds from the dinosaur's back for another two count! He tags out to Luchasaurus and hits the Assisted Cutter with him before taking out Silver on the outside with a Tope whilst Reynolds is pinned by Luchasaurus. This match was so quick paced!
What a combination attack by #DarkOrder but #JungleBoy is just too resilient!
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) January 15, 2022
Tune in to #AEWRampage on @tntdrama right now! pic.twitter.com/uvgc4QUPxQ
Well, that hour certainly flew by. And now it's the weekend! Give me a follow on twitter @0r4n93_C4551dy and join me back here on Monday for AEW dark. So long and goodnight!