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AEW Rampage Results (December 3rd 2021)

Posted By: Jonny Knapp on Dec 03, 2021

AEW Rampage Results (December 3rd 2021)

It's Friday, you know what that means! It's time for the fastest hour in all of professional wrestling as AEW Rampage hit the air. We have one title match to look forward to amongst the card, so with Excalibur, Ricky Starks & Taz on commentary, let's get straight to the wrestling!

Sammy Guevara defeated Tony Nese via Pinfall (12:48) to retain the TNT Championship

Speaking of title match, that's what we're starting off with tonight as Sammy defends his TNT title against newly signed Tony Nese. Sammy comes out with his ribs taped once again but he comes out of the blocks fastest and puts Nese under pressure. Those ribs are like a target for Nese though as he targets them to get Sammy down but Sammy hits a double leg takedown and follows it with his Flipping Dropkick off the ropes and a Corkscrew Tope as Sammy shows exactly why he's TNT Champ. Nese gets thrown into the steel steps and chopped against the barricade outside before being driven into the same metal structure but Sammy is having issues with his ribs and takes a break. This costs him as Sammy goes to the top and Nese cuts him off before catching him with a kick to the ribs and then a Gutbuster. Nese takes Sammy out with the Guillotine and then hits the Double Jump Moonsault Press to come back in which gets him a two. Sammy seems to have issues with his knee too now as Nese continues to work him over. Sammy tries to fight back with a Sunset Flip but Nese stops him with a back spinning heel kick for two and locks him in a Body Scissors as we go to break. Sammy returns to his feet as both men chop each other before Nese sends Sammy back to the mat with a dropkick as we return.

Sammy fights back with a backdrop to get some separation but he gets locked in a single leg crap and Nese drives his tiny knees into Guevara's ribs. Sammy fights out and suddenly gets a second wind and hits a series of moves culminating in the Double Jump Cutter for two. Sammy sets up for the GTH but Nese blocks it and goes back to the single leg crab and Sammy almost taps but he instead rolls up Nese to get out. They battle for supremacy but Guevara hits a Spanish Fly from nowhere and gets a 2 count from it! Sammy sends Nese to the outside and goes for a huge Springboard Moonsault to the outside and he hits it perfectly but his ribs take the brunt of the impact. Nese gets back into the ring first and Sammy climbs to the top but Nese knocks him to the top and then hits a Top Con Hilo and returns Sammy to the ring for a 450 which gets him a two count. Both men look exhausted as the crowd sound their appreciation. Nese tries to bully Sammy but Guevara fires back with elbows only to get hit with a buckle bomb before Sammy fires back again, this time with a Pump Kick and finally gets the GTH to earn the win after a great match! Sammy Retains!

Jurassic Express & Christian Cage Promo

Christian says that Jurassic Express are number one ranked and they say that even though Lucha Bros beat them last time and Fenix isn't here tonight, they'll be watching tonight because everyone is a potential opponent and Christian will make sure that Jungle Boy and Luchasaurus become tag team champions.

Jade Cargill w/ Smart Mark Sterling defeated Janai Kai via Pinfall (0:34)

Thunder Rosa joins the commentary desk as she is the trainer of Janai Kai and the opponent of Jade Cargill in the TBS Tournament Semi-Final. Cargill starts off hot and slams Janai Kai to the mat, hit the pump kick and then Jaded for the victory.

She continues to attack after the bell and Rosa comes down to stop her. Rosa and Jade brawl in the ring and the referees come out to beak them up and they eventually manage it after a pretty good fight. Let's hope the match is as good.

Superkliq Promo

Adam Cole tells Orange Cassidy he got what was coming to him on Dynamite and then Nick and Matt tell the Best Friends that they're tough guys and challenge Best Friends to a tag match on Dynamite. I think it's too soon but could we see Trent? return? (Spoiler, it's not, it's Rocky Romero)

Eddie Kingston Promo

Eddie Kingston doesn't care that 2point0 beat up Jericho but he promises 2point0 that he has an issue with them attacking him and tells them that they will reap what they sow.

Bryan Danielson vs John Silver Preview

A nice little video package here but there's no chance Silver beats Danielson unfortunately. Hangman on the other hand....

Mark Henry Main Event Interview

Mark Henry asks PAC how he can wrestle with one eye and PAC assures him he's good to go and tonight is all about revenge for Rey Fenix. FTR say it's about revenge for them, or was supposed to be until Fenix decided to not show up, for them not being beaten fairly at Full Gear. They shout over each other for a while and Mark Henry interrupts them because it looks like we've had enough talk, it's time for the Main Event!

FTR (Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood) w/ Tully Blanchard defeated Death Triangle (PAC & Penta El Zero Miedo) w/ Alex Abrahantes via Pinfall (17:05)

This match has got a lot of bad blood and we begin with Penta and Cash in the ring. They start off very slowly and exchange moves without either getting in a big blow. Penta tags out to PAC and they hit stereo Dropkicks and Cash rolls out to take a breather. Cash tags out to Dax when he comes back in and it's the Grumpiest man contest as they wrestle back and forth but PAC manages to get the upper hand on both members of FTR. He hits a back body drop on Dax and allows Penta to punish the perineum after tagging out but FTR use the numbers when the ref has his back turned to change the momentum. Dax and Cash exchange tags as they begin to beat down Penta using their expertise to cut Penta off from PAC until FTR mess up and Penta gets the tag. PAC comes in and is legal with Dax and it's the Brit who gets the better of the exchange until PAC's lack of two eyes finally comes back to haunt him as he loses his balance on the top rope and FTR can take over as we go to break. PAC tries to fight his way up and he rolls up Dax for about 10 seconds but the referee is distracted by Cash Wheeler and when Rick Knox gets there, it's too late as Dax clotheslines the Bastard to take back over.

Harwood tags out to Wheeler and the beat down of PAC continues as he's locked in multiple submission holds. Cash has him in one as we return from the break but PAC fights to his feet and tosses Wheeler out of the ring but Dax returns him so he can get the tag and then keep PAC as the legal man but PAC fights back and almost makes the tag but Cash takes Penta off the apron and almost win the match with the elbow drop as FTR try to confuse the referee (and me) with who's legal. The referee sorts it out and then we're on the top rope as PAC fights Dax off and hits a huge Shotgun Dropkick and Dax makes the tag first but PAC does tag in Penta and he comes in like a house on fire with Slingblades and chops before he hits a DDT to take out Dax and then a Crossbody for two on Cash. He gets another two with a Backstabber but Cash then counters a Fear Factor and hits a powerslam before tagging out to Dax for an Assisted Leg Drop for two. Penta and PAC fight back and then Penta gets a two with a Corkscrew Code Red and tags out to PAC but Cash stops the Fear Factor and PAC hits the crossbody on Dax but Harwood rolls through for a two and then gets another with a Tiger Driver 98. Cash ends up taking out Penta on the outside so PAC takes out both him and Tully with the Orihara Moonsault. PAC looks like he's setting Dax up to the end but Malakai Black appears and mists PAC's good eye to allow Dax to roll up PAC and get the win.

After the match. FTR demask Penta and then Malakai tries to blind PAC with his bare hands in a weird scene.

The fastest hour in pro wrestling was a little slower this week as they dedicated a big chunk of time to that main event but both that match and the opener were both superb. Alas, another week of AEW is over, but fear not as they, and I, will return on Monday for the AEW Dark Elevation Results. Until then, I'll be on Twitter @0r4n93_C4551dy so give me a follow and have yourselves a good weekend! Adios!

Tags: #aew #aewrampage #ftr #pac #penta el zero miedo #young bucks #adam cole #bryan danielson #john silver #jade cargill #thunder rosa #sammy guevara #christian cage #tony nese #jurassic express

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