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It's Wednesday, you know what that means! We've got another episode of AEW Dynamite to watch and talk about. We have several intriguing match ups to look forward in Atlanta, Georgia to so let's not waste any time. It's Excalibur and Tony Schiavone (Get well soon JR) on commentary so let's get straight to the wrestling!
Hangman Adam Page joins commentary before this match gets underway as one cowboy replaces another. Dasha is on ring announcing too just to cover all the changes tonight. Alan Angels gets the home town crowd reaction as expected and they chant his name loudly once the bell rings. Danielson wrestles him to the mat in a half crab but Angels makes the ropes to start us off. Danielson takes him to the corner but Angels turns the tables and fires in with chops and punches but Danielson comes back with a huge uppercut to drop Angels. Angels tries to return fire with kicks but Danielson's chops are too strong for 5 as he begins to dominate this match and follows up with a running dropkick and then strong uppercuts in another corner. He winds up for a big one but Angels rolls him up for two and then strikes Danielson down but Bryan hits a Butterfly Suplex into a Juji Gatame that makes 5 go for the ropes again. Angels manages to get the upper hand from there and sends Bryan to the outside and follows with a Tope Suicida and back in the ring he hits a Spanish Fly but that's all the offence Angels can muster as Bryan comes back with the Busaiku Knee and then rather than pinning the corpse in the ring, he stomps Angels into the mat and taps him out with a Knee Bar. He holds the submission for as long as he can after the bell.
No. 1 contender @bryandanielson remains undefeated against #DarkOrder - Watch #AEWDynamite LIVE everywhere on @tntdrama NOW! pic.twitter.com/yp0DNFWhdK
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) December 2, 2021
Tony Schiavone interviews Danielson after the match and he tells Atlanta he whooped the ass of the best they have and he thinks he snapped the MCL of Angels. He says next week, he hears there's a Dark Order member from Long Island and it's his turn next week and he takes the title from Hangman at the home of the Cowboys in Dallas. He runs Hangman down and when Hangman goes to the ring to confront him so John Silver stops him because Hangman can't touch Bryan before Winter is Coming but Silver can. Silver runs to the ring but Bryan escapes and tells the crowd he would slap Hangman in the face but the crowd don't deserve it.
Can't wait until #AEW World Champion @theAdamPage & @bryandanielson fight in TWO WEEKS on #AEWDynamite #WinterisComing! Watch #AEWDynamite LIVE everywhere on @tntdrama NOW! pic.twitter.com/6H32AlcYAC
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) December 2, 2021
Miro has been wondering what he should do and thanks his God for showing him what a *bleep* he is. Once again, I can't possibly do justice to Miro's amazing words so please watch below, but I'm scared for whoever he faces next.
Don't want to be the next person to find themselves across the ring from @ToBeMiro - Watch #AEWDynamite LIVE everywhere on @tntdrama NOW! pic.twitter.com/C8Fz5BXbLY
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) December 2, 2021
Before this can start, MJF's music hits and he comes out in a hideous Hannukah suit and joins commentary. (Happy Hannukah to any Jewish fans by the way!). When the bell rings, Lee Moriarty and CM Punk exchanges wrist holds with Punk until Punk takes him down but Moriarty reverses and we get some nice mat exchanges. Punk ends up getting taken down by two Moriarty shoulder tackles and MJF tells us all how bad it is that Punk is struggling and then he and Schiavone argue a little bit. Punk manages to get back into the match and hits a big leg lariat and a diving lariat to take control as we head to break. Punk begins to hit his Body Slams as he looks to be in full control and the fans are loving it. He whips Moriarty corner to corner and applies strikes to the midsection before Punk locks in a Body Scissors whilst MJF informs us he doesn't want to wish his family a happy Hannukah because he doesn't speak to them and his Mum's a skank.
#TAIGASTYLE on full display!
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) December 2, 2021
Watch #AEWDynamite LIVE everywhere on @tntdrama NOW for @CMPunk v @theleemoriarty pic.twitter.com/GZciBayQL2
We return to the action as Moriarty fights his way to his feet and avoids a running knee in the corner before he begins to dominate Punk with kicks and almost pins Punk following a kick to the head of Punk. Punk hits a crossbody from the top to come back into it but Lee rolls through into a roll up for two and then straight into a Crossface which looks to have Punk in trouble and Punk makes the ropes with his foot. Punk hits Moriarty whilst he's on the top rope and hits a Hurricanrana but Moriarty rolls through and they exchange roll ups but Punk hits a huge head kick afterwards to drop Lee. Punk goes for the Pepsi Twist but Moriarty hits it himself and then hits a huge pump kick and I think a Falcon Arrow for two. Moriarty tries to follow up but Punk fights out into a GTS and gets the pinfall after to pick up the win after a tremendous match.
.@The_MJF is back for more on the mic with @CMPunk - Watch #AEWDynamite LIVE everywhere on @tntdrama NOW! pic.twitter.com/LN9O8vjDYx
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) December 2, 2021
MJF cuts off Punk's music and tells Punk he's proud of him because it takes a lot of balls to claim to be best in the world when he's struggling to get past QT Marshall and Lee Moriarty and that he's only best in the world at trying to get into Britt Baker's pants. Punk responds by telling Max he shouldn't discuss Pants whilst in Larry David's pyjamas and tells Max to shut up and bring his needle dick into the ring so he can beat him back to Long Island. MJF refuses and tells Punk that Punk needs him more than he needs Punk and he'll win the Dynamite Diamond Ring in Long Island and his fans in his hometown will celebrate and it'll be bigger than Punk in Chicago. MJF finishes by threatening Punk's dog and Punk chases him up the ramp only for Wardlow to appear and stop him getting what he deserves.
.@CMPunk doesn't want to talk anymore, he wants to FIGHT @The_MJF - Watch #AEWDynamite LIVE everywhere on @tntdrama NOW! pic.twitter.com/loK6zDCimB
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) December 2, 2021
Britt says Riho cheated and she's upset. Jamie and Britt argue briefly about losing to Thunder Rosa but then Britt stops it and says Jamie is fighting Riho next week and Riho won't get to the title match.
Is everything "kumbaya" now between #AEW Women's World Champion @RealBrittBaker and @jmehytr? Next week, Hayter takes on top contender to Baker's title, @riho_gtmv - Watch #AEWDynamite LIVE everywhere on @tntdrama NOW! pic.twitter.com/XtLyieOodM
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) December 2, 2021
Adam Cole comes out after the break and makes his full entrance before joining commentary and telling Schiavone what he thinks of him. Orange Cassidy then comes out and stares at Cole. They face off on the ramp and Orange puts his hands in his pockets but the Young Bucks sneak out behind him and prepare for the superkick. Orange turns on them and hits his weak kicks on thm but Adam Cole low blows him. The Bucks mock the weak kicks and then hit a big Superkick on Cassidy before the three men set up for the BTE Trigger and it takes Chuck Taylor and Wheeler Yuta running out with chairs to stop them.
The @youngbucks and @AdamColePro gang up on @orangecassidy - Watch #AEWDynamite LIVE everywhere on @tntdrama NOW! pic.twitter.com/XJD1jIPNt0
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) December 2, 2021
Tony Nese says that he's going to beat Sammy on Friday at Rampage. Nothing special
.@TonyNese doesn’t think @sammyguevara deserves to be TNT Champion. Will the Premier Athlete take the title from the Spanish God this Friday on #AEWRampage? Watch #AEWDynamite LIVE everywhere on @tntdrama NOW! pic.twitter.com/exx8nnJRNC
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) December 2, 2021
Wardlow completely destroys AC Adams and hits 4 powerbombs and pins Adams but then Spears attacks him with a chair after the bell for no real reason. This was the definition of a squash match. Wardlow's eventual face turn will be so good.
1 powerbomb
— All Elite Wrestling on TNT (@AEWonTNT) December 2, 2021
2 powerbombs
3 powerbombs
4 powerbombs
🦇 Ah ha ha 🦇 #AEWDynamite pic.twitter.com/eGgUA7YK6i
So, Tony says that Fenix is injured, PAC is replacing him but he has an eyepatch from getting Black Misted by Malakai Black and PAC says he's ready to go even with only one eye.
With @ReyFenixMx unable to travel, #DeathTriangle's @BASTARDPAC steps in to team with @PENTAELZEROM on Friday's #AEWRampage against #FTR, even with a bad eye. Watch #AEWDynamite LIVE everywhere on @tntdrama NOW! pic.twitter.com/yB56gSRElI
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) December 2, 2021
Sting returns to wrestle in Atlanta for the first time in 14 years. Team Taz join commentary with obviously Taz doing all of the talking. When the bell rings, it's Colten facing off with Darby to start us off and Colten is a little stronger than Darby but Darby is smarter and quicker and sends Colten into his corner with a Shotgun Dropkick. Billy Gunn tags in so Darby tags out to Sting and Sting is the better of the big men. Sting goes for the Splash but Billy ducks out of the ring as the crowd tell Sting he's still got it. Billy tags out to Colten and Sting beats him down and tags out to Darby. Darby goes for the Coffin Splash but Billy gets a blind tag and catches Darby before returning him to the mat with a big Suplex. Gunn Club beat down Darby in their corner and exchange tags as they beat Darby down as we go to break. The beatdown continues throughout the commercial and Darby ends up with a cut on his head somehow. Darby tries to come back, once with a Jawbreaker to Colten and once with a Crucifix Bomb on Billy but neither time can he capitalise with a tag to Sting.
HERE WE GO...@Sting taking the fight right to @RealBillyGunn! Watch #AEWDynamite LIVE everywhere on @tntdrama NOW! pic.twitter.com/wm47xcqWR5
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) December 2, 2021
We return as Colten locks Darby in a Scorpion Death Lock and Darby fights out of it and goes for a sunset flip which eventually sends Gunn Club into each other and allows Sting to tag in. Sting comes in on fire and hits a Stinger Splash on both men and then a Spinebuster on Colten before he locks on the Scorpion Death Lock. Billy distracts the ref and Austin manages to break the submission up. Darby hits a Tope on Austin to take him out but Billy hits the Fame-Asser on Sting. Colten covers but Sting kicks out and then Darby hits a Tope on Billy to take him out too. Darby returns to the ring and hits the Stunner on Colten before Sting hits the Scorpion Death Drop to get the win.
It's over! The Icon @Sting and @DarbyAllin end the #GunnClub's undefeated streak. Watch #AEWDynamite LIVE everywhere on @tntdrama NOW! pic.twitter.com/9bOVtCuMGk
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) December 2, 2021
Jericho says he didn't come to Kingston's aid last week and he was there for 2point0 and Garcia and then those men appear and beat Jericho down before hitting him with a chair to lay him out.
A mauling backstage by #2point0 and @GarciaWreslting on @IAmJericho - Watch #AEWDynamite LIVE everywhere on @tntdrama NOW! pic.twitter.com/cLWMmAhxly
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) December 2, 2021
Lio comes out to talk to Taz who's still on commentary and tells Taz that he's had the odd's stacked against him all his life and he tells Taz he's a fighter and he's not going down without a fight. Dante Martin comes out to face Lio with Ricky Starks and I'm not sure what this accomplished.
The odds don't look good for @TheLionelGreen going up against #TeamTaz, especially now that they have signed @lucha_angel1 - Watch #AEWDynamite LIVE everywhere on @tntdrama NOW! pic.twitter.com/aNoGcYj4jY
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) December 2, 2021
Smart Mark Sterling congratulates Thunder Rosa but says that she has no chance against the uncrowned Rookie of the Year, Jade Cargill and says that Jade has a match with Thunder Rosa's student, Janai Kai, on Rampage and then Rosa appears to tell her she'll be on commentary for that match.
.@Jade_Cargill & @thunderrosa22 meet in the semifinals of the TBS Women's Tournament, but first, Jade faces Rosa's student @Janai_Kai Friday on #AEWRampage - Watch #AEWDynamite LIVE everywhere on @tntdrama NOW! pic.twitter.com/TP1u7scL2Z
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) December 2, 2021
I've been looking forward to this match for a while and finally, here we go! We get some nice mat wrestling to begin as both ladies show that they're technically proficient. They're pretty evenly matched and Ruby has a chance to hit a cheap shot on Statlander but she stops herself as a sign of respect but then Kris gets a similar opportunity and boops Ruby instead. Statlander begins to make her size advantage count but Ruby doesn't stay down for long and the evenly matched contest continues to go back and forth. Ruby catches Statlander with a Flatliner as we head to break. Kris comes back into the match and hits a Delayed Vertical Suplex on Soho before she begins to target the shoulders with a hold. Soho fights to her feet but Statlander catches her with a Powerslam but Ruby won't stay down and avoids the moonsault from Statlander and hits a knee to the head to cause a double down.
Holy cow is right, @OfficialTaz!
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) December 2, 2021
Watch this great match between @callmekrisstat vs @realrubysoho NOW on #AEWDynamite LIVE everywhere on @tntdrama! pic.twitter.com/ZRFbBGZdEX
We return from break and Ruby hits a Senton for two and then a kick to the face for another and Statlander won't stay down. Ruby goes for a Suplex but Statlander muscles out into a Blue Thunder Bomb for two. Statlander goes to lock in the Spider Crab, Ruby blocks and goes for a Triangle but Kris fights out with a buckle bomb and then hits a Falcon Arrow for a 2.999999. Kris hits a running elbow in the corner but Ruby avoids the second and hits some of her own and a headbutt. Ruby has Statlander in the corner but Statlander fights out of it with Ruby on her shoulders. Ruby punches to block whatever Statlander has in mind and the hits a Poisonrana and follows with a Hurricanrana to a kneeling Statlander which drives her headfirst into the mat. Ruby looks to have it won but Statlander kicks out at 2.9999999 herself. Ruby goes for the No Future Kick but Statlander catches it and goes for the Big Bang Theory, only for Ruby to roll her up for the win. What a match this was! Worth the wait.
What a counter by @realrubysoho to get the win and advance to the semifinals of the TBS Women's Championship Tournament! Watch #AEWDynamite LIVE everywhere on @tntdrama NOW pic.twitter.com/35UHp8b7ih
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) December 2, 2021
After the match, both women show respect and Statlander leaves but is confronted on the ramp by Vickie Guerrero and Nyla Rose sneaks into the ring and attacks Ruby who is celebrating. Statlander runs her off when she notices.
The Native Beast @NylaRoseBeast gets the jump on her TBS Women's Championship Tournament semifinal opponent @realrubysoho - Watch #AEWDynamite LIVE everywhere on @tntdrama NOW! pic.twitter.com/Ic3lpJXu1A
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) December 2, 2021
Andrade has Jose bring a bag of knives and Cody gets boo-ed in Atlanta. What a crazy world this is. Andrade jumps Cody during said entrance and the brawl begins as even Arn and Jose get into it. Cody and Andrade disappear into the crowd and Cody begins to get the upper hand and hits a dive from the retaining wall. Andrade pushes Cody into the barricade on the way back to the ring and dumps Cody onto the edge of the ring steps. They brawl outside some more and Cody gets a chair from T-Pain who's ringside to get on top. They finally get back in the ring and Cody gets hit with a low blow. Andrade whips Cody with his own weight belt. and then Andrade gets a laptop and beats Cody with it. They head back outside the ring and Andrade now attacks with a chair. Andrade brings in more weapons and tries to whip Cody with a chain but Cody dodges. The crowd beg for tables but Andrade refuses and instead places a chair on Cody's chest and hitting his Split Legged Moonsault on top for a two count. Cody then flips out of a Backdrop and hits a low blow but Cody goes for a Cody Cutter and Andrade pushes him out of the ring as we head to break.
.@AndradeElIdolo crushes the chest of #CodyRhodes - Watch #AEWDynamite LIVE everywhere on @tntdrama NOW! pic.twitter.com/N1zKOYbWpW
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) December 2, 2021
During the break, Jose & Arn reappear to brawl some more and Arn beats him down on the ramp, meanwhile, Cody sets up for a Cody Cutter on the apron but Andrade escapes to hit a huge boot to Rhodes. Andrade grabs the chain and wraps it round his fist and hits Cody only for Cody to kick out again. Andrade sets up for a moonsault as we return and Cody launches the chair from his chest into Andrade's face. Cody fights back and then he uses the chain around his fist to knock Andrade down and follows with a Powerslam. Andrade rolls to the outside and Cody goes for a Tope Suicida and Andrade gets a chair up to intercept him and bust him open. Andrade exposes the concrete but Cody Backdrops him onto it and then goes under the ring. He throws away a Kendo Stick and a Sledgehammer before retrieving a literal Golden Shovel from under the ring as he shouts "Lean in" down the camera. Excellent work. Jose runs down with a Tazer and Cody hits him with the Golden Shovel, only for Andrade to take him out with a dive from the top. Andrade attacks him with the chair and the crowd once again beg for tables but Andrade drives his knee into the chair in front of Cody's head and Cody kicks out at two. Jose finally brigs out a table and puts it into the ring but he takes too long with it and Cody attacks but then Andrade hip tosses Cody through the table. Andrade pulls another table out and this one is set up properly with Cody on it. Andrade goes to the top and then Cody fights him off. A wild Brandi appears and lights the table on fire and Andrade is superplexed through it to allow Cody to get the victory. Wow.
.@TheBrandiRhodes brought the 🔥🔥🔥
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) December 2, 2021
Watch #CodyRhodes vs @AndradeElIdolo on #AEWDynamite LIVE everywhere on @tntdrama NOW! pic.twitter.com/ixe9fT6eSY
That was another fun episode of Dynamite. Fite TV went down during the main event so I had to work extra hard to get all the details for it, you can show your thanks by not mentioning Raw or Smackdown coverage in the comments for once! Alternatively, give me a follow on Twitter @0r4n93_C4551dy and I'll see you on Friday for Rampage. Adios.