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It's Wednesday, you know what that means! It's AEW Dynamite: Thanksgiving Edition as they have lined up another stacked card for us. Two Chicago natives headline the card whilst the main event is an 8-man tag. We'll get into all of that but with Excalibur, JR and Tony Schiavone on commentary, let's get straight to the wrestling!
The crowd are definitely ready as soon as the static hits the speakers as CM Punk makes his entrance but it's cut short by MJF who comes out with a microphone in his hand. Chicago lets Maxwell know what we all think of him before then telling him who they're here to see. MJF tells Punk that it doesn't feel good to be interrupted and Punk hurt his feelings last week. MJF then brings up the pipebomb and says that whilst that's Punk's best moment, every MJF moment is the best MJF moment. He then gets personal by telling Punk he doesn't like the way he's treated the situation between them because MJF didn't bring up Punk when asked who he'd like to wrestle. Max says that's because he didn't want to go toe to toe with him in the ring or on the mic and MJF is about to finish Punk quicker than his UFC career.
.@The_MJF just went there - Watch #AEWDynamite LIVE everywhere on @tntdrama NOW! pic.twitter.com/dUyA5YkT1w
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) November 25, 2021
Punk finally grabs a microphone to respond and tells MJF he's disappointed in him. He thanks MJF for his manners last week and then tells MJF he has the time and he definitely chose not to mention him because he didn't want to feed his ego. He tells MJF that he needs to look at him and maybe he's upset because he has a CM Punk poster on his wall. Punk continues that he's disappointed in him because he's heard so much about the great MJF but Punk shut him up last week without saying a word. He says Max had all week to think of good lines and goes after the lowest hanging fruit but Punk should have expected it as MJF is a less famous Miz.
That one hurts! @CMPunk x @The_MJF
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) November 25, 2021
Watch #AEWDynamite LIVE everywhere on @tntdrama NOW! pic.twitter.com/WkmiJr9Uad
The crowd loves that but MJF comes back and says that Punk's run has been disappointing since he came back because he's barely been able to beat easy opponents. He continues by telling him he's kissing ass and he goes on to call CM Punk, PG Punk because Punk might as well be coming out here preaching Hustle, Loyalty & Respect but MJF can see him and see through him. He says that Punk only came back for the money and it took him so long because he was too scared and he should be because in the other company he should have been the number one guy and he has all the opportunity to show everyone right now. Max says Punk hates him because MJF was born for this and Punk had to work hard to get to the top but after all his hard work it's not enough and his whole career he's been nothing more than second best. The You can't see me man and the king of kings did it first and now it's MJF who's better than him and he knows it.
PG Punk?! Watch #AEWDynamite LIVE everywhere on @tntdrama NOW! pic.twitter.com/Ad8gEcz43y
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) November 25, 2021
Punk tells MJF there's some truth to that and he's not going to lie and these people have made sure that he's not scared any longer because CM Punk was selling out MSG when Max was on Rosie O'Donnell. He brings up that MJF won an award from the New York Times and Punk says that he'll put him back there in the obituaries. Punk says MJF is just jealous of him choosing Darby as his first opponent and doesn't realise that Britt Baker has replaced him as the most powerful pillar of the company. He tells Max that the only way he'll be top of AEW is if we all wait for Tony Khan to have a daughter and Max marries her. Punk tells Chicago he's going to punch MJF to give them all a present but Max leaves and we just got one of the most iconic opening segments to AEW Dynamite ever. Full video below.
When we return from break, QT and Punk begin their match and Punk gets off to a good start and even avoids the distraction from Aaron Solo to catch QT Marshall with Body Slam after Body Slam. The ref catches Solo and Comoroto getting involved and sends them to the back and then CM Punk uses another Body Slam but Marshall takes over when Punk tries to take him into the corner only for Punk to catch him with a Back Elbow and follows it up with punches in the corner. QT has a strength advantage though and flips Punk back into the turnbuckle and then Snapmares him out before attacking with stomps and a Chin Hold. Punk fights back with a back body drop and then when QT rolls to the outside, he hits a Flying Clothesline from the apron as we head to another commercial break. QT ends up catching Punk with a Guillotine on the top rope as he's returning to the ring to get Punk back into trouble and he spends the rest of the break on the attack. We return from break and QT gets a big two count with a Liger Bomb but then spends too long talking to the crowd and Punk fires back with a Roundhouse Kick and then he begins to fire up with a Leg Lariat and Swinging Neckbreaker. He hits the Rising Knee in the corner and the short arm Clothesline and then the big Elbow Drop from the top rope. He calls for the GTS and hits it to get the victory. This match was average especially in comparison to the promo beforehand.
.@QTMarshall runs his mouth and @CMPunk shuts it! Watch #AEWDynamite LIVE everywhere on @tntdrama NOW pic.twitter.com/eKdtq3YWPB
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) November 25, 2021
Christian talks about momentum and says that they all have it and when you have momentum, good things happen. He says Jurassic Express are the number one ranked tag team and they'll win them this time because of the momentum and because of him.
#JurassicExpress have a ton of momentum and are the top ranked tag team in AEW! @Christian4Peeps is going to make sure they win the #AEW Tag Team Championships. Watch #AEWDynamite LIVE everywhere on @tntdrama NOW! pic.twitter.com/K0m6xxoqnK
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) November 25, 2021
Kingston is interrupted by 2point0 and Garcia who say they read his Players Tribune article and they tell him he's not hungry anymore. They then tell him he couldn't help Mox and then a brawl ensues after they throw coffee in Eddie's face. Mistake.
#2point0 & Daniel Garcia fire the first shots on Eddie Kingston before @MadKing1981 faces @GarciaWrestling this Friday on #AEWRampage - Watch #AEWDynamite LIVE everywhere on @tntdrama NOW! pic.twitter.com/5RM2BLUo7m
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) November 25, 2021
The Gunn club attack before the bell and even when the bell does ring, they continue the assault outside the ring and Bear Boulder is taken out with the ring steps. Bear Bronson manages to get on top of Colten but one trip from Austin on the outside allows Colten to hit the Colt 45 and pick up the pin.
Darby Allin's music hits afterwards and Sting comes out. Austin Gunn runs up to attack the Icon and is trucked by Darby who comes out of the tunnel like a bullet. Sting and Darby run off the Gunn Club.
The Icon @Sting & @DarbyAllin are after payback on #GunnClub. The collision seems inevitable - Watch #AEWDynamite LIVE everywhere on @tntdrama NOW! pic.twitter.com/oBVrHuXtK4
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) November 25, 2021
Adam and Bobby are discussing how annoyed they are and then a random interaction between them and Best Friends leads to the two of them up against Orange Cassidy & Wheeler Yuta coming up soon. This was random as all hell but the match will be fun.
Are @AdamColePro and @theBobbyFish better best friends than #BestFriends? Watch #AEWDynamite LIVE everywhere on @tntdrama NOW! pic.twitter.com/pwwK5EyPJk
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) November 25, 2021
Team Taz gives Dante a contract and tell him it's now or never. Lio tries to stop him but Dante Martin signs it and shocks everyone before leaving with Team Taz. Wow.
We are SHOCKED! @lucha_angel1 signs the contract to join #TeamTaz against the wishes of @TheLionelGreen - Watch #AEWDynamite LIVE everywhere on @tntdrama NOW! pic.twitter.com/Cejg5HTUrI
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) November 25, 2021
This one gets off to a strong start as both women struggle to get the upper hand from the lock up but Jamie is much stronger. Rosa slaps her so Jamie tosses her to the outside and when she follows, Rosa tosses her into the barricade. Jamie soon returns the favour and we get Thunder Rosa firing back with Chops but Jamie stomps her down back in the ring. They battle back and forth once more until Rosa gets Jamie caught on the ropes and attacks her with a Dropkick. She takes her back outside and uses the barricades once again before she hits a running Dropkick through the ropes and follows it with a Suplex on the outside but when she goes for a Cross Body from the apron, Jamie catches her and runs her spine first into the ring post as we head to commercial.
The powerful @jmehytr catches @thunderrosa22 in mid-air! Could that be the turning point in this match? Watch #AEWDynamite LIVE everywhere on @tntdrama NOW! pic.twitter.com/ItRhxYogVA
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) November 25, 2021
Jamie returns Rosa to the ring and continues to attack the spine with kicks and suplexes. Rosa catches Hayter with a Hanging Guillotine but Jamie is too strong and tosses her off with ease before going back on the attack. Rosa fires back with several kicks but then Hayter hits her with a Spinebuster and locks her in a brief Boston Crab before taking her to the top rope. Rosa fights her off and hits a Shotgun Dropkick and then attacks Hayter in the corner and a final running Dropkick earns her a two. Rosa goes for a Suplex but Hayter is too strong and blocks it before she hits a Backbreaker for her own two. Both women struggle to their feet and battle for supremacy with strikes and Jamie has the upper hand by attacking Rosa's back but Rosa locks in the Peruvian Neck Tie. Reba jumps on the apron and Britt breaks the hold behind the ref's back but the Superkick the champ aims at Rosa hits Jamie and that allows Rosa to win with a Roll Up.
BACKFIRED! Watch #AEWDynamite LIVE everywhere on @tntdrama NOW! pic.twitter.com/2K7LeYJxhR
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) November 25, 2021
After the match, Jamie and Britt argue and seem to potentially break up.
.@jmehytr is not happy with @RealBrittBaker and how that ended - Watch #AEWDynamite LIVE everywhere on @tntdrama NOW! pic.twitter.com/Rd7a5lHScg
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) November 25, 2021
Jericho is also interviewed and interrupted by 2point0 and Daniel Garcia and Jericho tells Matt Lee he has a Square Head, tells them to be afraid of Eddie Kingston breaking into their houses and tells them to not interrupt him again.
#2point0 and @GarciaWrestling getting in everyone's way backstage...even @IAmJericho - Watch #AEWDynamite LIVE everywhere on @tntdrama NOW! pic.twitter.com/XG6Q0ngntt
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) November 25, 2021
Yeah, this is a little convoluted in set up. Britt says that she might not have been happy with what happened in Jamie's match but Britt is happy that she's still World Champion. Schiavone breaks the bad news with the handily placed TV behind him to show that Riho never got eliminated from the battle royale at All Out so she has a match against Britt on Rampage on Friday. It's a Black Friday Deal match which will work as a title eliminator.
A Friendsgiving worth forgetting for @RealBrittBaker as she finds out from @tonyschiavone24 that she'll face @riho_gtmv on #AEWRampage in a Black Friday Deal Match: If Riho wins, she gets an #AEW Women's World Title match! Watch #AEWDynamite LIVE everywhere on @tntdrama NOW! pic.twitter.com/40AUukxgfc
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) November 25, 2021
The crowd are audibly behind Colt Cabana as this one gets underway and both men wrestle for the upper hand. Danielson goes for a Juji Gatame immediately but Colt makes the ropes. Colt shows he's no slouch but every time he manages to get any momentum, Danielson reverses and comes back even stronger. Danielson goes for a running dropkick but Cabana dodges it and then hits the Bionic Elbow. He tries to follow up with a Flying Apple but gets caught with a Release German Suplex and Danielson takes over once again. Danielson takes Cabana to the top rope for an Avalanche Back Drop but Cabana fights him off and gets a two count from a Moonsault. Cabana attacks with elbows but Danielson gets him to the mat and stomps his head into it before tapping him out with the LeBell Lock.
Head kicked in ✅
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) November 25, 2021
The American Dragon @bryandanielson beats @ColtCabana - Watch #AEWDynamite LIVE everywhere on @tntdrama NOW! pic.twitter.com/AzaqSP4riW
Schiavone heads to the ring to interview Danielson after the match and he says he got a much different reaction when he was first in Chicago and wonders if it is him or the crowd. He says he kicked Cabana's head in and teeth out and invites any Dark Order member from Atlanta to get their heads kicked in. He says it's all because of Hangman Adam Page and he appears. The Cowboy emerges with his title and tells Bryan he gets it but that's the last head he's kicking in and this City is a great place and time and he wants the match right here and now. Danielson says he's already wrestled a match and that's more coward shit than cowboy shit. Hangman said that he's not leaving Chicago without a fight and offers Danielson the first shot. Danielson obliges and they begin to brawl but Danielson escapes from the Buckshot Lariat as the champion stands tall!
No. 1 contender @bryandanielson barely escapes the Buckshot Lariat from #AEW World Champion @theAdamPage - Watch #AEWDynamite LIVE everywhere on @tntdrama NOW! pic.twitter.com/UShPPfI6Gs
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) November 25, 2021
Both ladies state their case to win this match and win the TBS Women's Championship. That match will be amazing, I'm sure.
With so many men involved, this is likely to be impossible to follow and write about but as always, I'll do my best. Cody and Dax start us off and Cody actually manages to get the first advantage with a big Shoulder Tackle but he lets Dax back to his feet and it looks a mistake as Harwood goes for the Slingshot Suplex but Cody reverses and gets Dax to the floor. Cody tries to toss his belt into the crowd and the crowd throw it back in huge show of defiance and Cody ends up putting it back on. PAC and Cash end up being the legal men and PAC wins out in that match up before tagging out to Penta who comes in firing. Cash fires back with a huge clothesline and tags out to Andrade who comes in on the attack immediately but Penta fights him off long enough to get the tag to Fenix who then outwrestles Andrade completely with his incredible offence. He tags out to Penta and Death Triangle hit a triple team move but then Cody tags himself in and Andrade outwrestles him and the other team mug him in the corner as Malakai Black becomes legal but Cody gets out to tag in Fenix and Fenix takes out Andrade and Malakai by himself but as he goes to concentrate on Malakai, he has to avoid Tully and fight off both members of FTR which lets Black take him down and that's when we go to break.
Rey Fenix doing @ReyFenixMx things - Watch #AEWDynamite LIVE everywhere on @tntdrama NOW! pic.twitter.com/X8L3Mg9rr8
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) November 25, 2021
FTR come in and make a point of keeping Fenix away from his corner and stuck in theirs throughout the commercial. Malakai and Andrade follow suit with this gameplan and the four men exchange quick tags and it's Cash who's legal when we return and then Fenix dodges a Tiger Feint Kick and hits a Comebacker Heel Kick to allow him to tag out to Penta who runs wild on FTR and Andrade (who's also legal) and gets a two from a Backbreaker. PAC tags in and he also clears house before hitting a Tope Con Hilo on his opponents. We then get the part where everyone hits their big moves and it all ends when Cody hits PAC with a Superkick and Andrade takes him out but then tries to hit a running knee on PAC but gets tossed into the turnbuckle for a double down. Arn and Tully enter the empty ring and Jose does the same so the Brain Busters reunite to take him out and feed him to Alex Abrahantes. FTR come in and Fenix takes them out but then as Lucha Bros hit dives, Malakai mists PAC as he sets up for the Black Arrow and then hits a Kick on Cody as Andrade hits El Idolo on PAC to get the pinfall victory. Phew.
The mist from @malakaiblxck right in the eyes of @BASTARDPAC steals the victory on #AEWDynamite pic.twitter.com/STQ1ucOkvV
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) November 25, 2021
Another good episode of Dynamite. You’re always guaranteed good wrestling and storyline progression when you tune into this show and today was no exception. MJF vs CM Punk is going to be insanely good, as is Danielson vs Hangman and we have Eddie Kingston vs Daniel Garcia on Friday which is when I'll be back. You can find me on twitter @0r4n93_C4551dy until then. Happy Thanksgiving to our American readers too! See you all Friday!