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AEW Dynamite: Anniversary Show Results (October 6th 2021)

Posted By: Jonny Knapp on Oct 06, 2021

AEW Dynamite: Anniversary Show Results (October 6th 2021)

It's Wednesday, you know what that means! AEW Dynamite is live from Philadelphia, PA tonight with their second anniversary show and they have stacked this line up. We have the usual team of JR, Excalibur and Tony Schiavone on commentary and a big match to start the night so let's go!

The Super Elite (The Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Jackson), Kenny Omega & Adam Cole) w/ Brandon Cutler & Michael Nakazawa defeated Jurassic Express (Jungle Boy & Luchasaurus), Christian Cage & Bryan Danielson w/Marko Stunt via Pinfall (17:58)

Told you we were starting big. No entrances for anyone as we start with 8 men in the ring and Justin Roberts doing the announcements. When the bell rings, Nick Jackson starts off with Jungle Boy before Jackson tags out to Cole who then has his turn with one of the four pillars of AEW. Jungle Boy gets the better of him and exchanges some quick tags with Christian to keep on top of The Super Elite. The two babyfaces make quick work of Kenny and Matt Jackson when they try to attack but eventually when Jungle Boy is left alone, the heels use the numbers games to get Jungle Boy in trouble but he's too good and manages to fight off both Young Bucks before he makes the tag out to Bryan Danielson.

Danielson comes in, attempting to kick a hole into Matt Jackson's chest before he tags out to crowd favourite, Luchasaurus to ensure all 8 men have now seen action. Eventually all four men end up hitting splashes into Matt Jackson in the corner but then the match turns as the referee, Rick Knox loses control of this one as The Super Elite take control via Michael Nakazawa and Brandon Cutler getting involved. Christian gets hit with an Indie Taker on the floor to take him out of the match with an injury and Matt Jackson superkicks poor Marko Stunt whilst he is checking on Christian to add insult to injury. Back in the ring, Jungle Boy takes a torrent of offence from all four men including that Superkliq kiss cheek spot before Jungle Boy manages to outwrestle Kenny to make the tag but before he can, Nakazawa distracted Danielson and Luchasaurus was taken out by the Bucks, meaning he can't.Aafter hitting a double DDT on the Bucks, Jungle Boy does get the tag to Danielson. Now we get the Kenny Omega vs Bryan Danielson face off as both men go strike for strike in the middle with Kenny looking to be on top until Bryan hits his flying clothesline to take the advantage. He follows that with kicks in the corner and a Hurricanrana before he gets a pinfall off the diving headbutt broken up by the Bucks by two. Danielson manages to maintain control and gets another two with a bridging Suplex and then Nick Jackson has to hit a top rope elbow to break up the Cattle Mutilation.

Luchasaurus gets tagged in and takes out all four members of the Super Elite all on his own delivering kicks, slams and moonsaults in an impressive display. All men take each other out on the outside which ends with Kenny hitting the terminator dive. Back in the ring, Luchasaurus and Adam Cole are legal and Luchasaurus almost finishes the match but then The Super Elite take him out and then do the same to Jungle Boy and then Bryan Danielson comes in and looks like he might succumb to the four on one treatment too but he fights everyone off until, when he is focusing on Kenny, he gets hit with a triple superkick from the other members of his team. In all the madness, Jungle Boy ends up legal and gets hit with the 4-man BTE Trigger to end the match. This was amazing! Did Bryan Danielson just hit 5 stars again?

Jon Moxley Promo

Mox says there's no man in AEW that can pin him but he's here in Philadelphia so he's ready to get crazy with some ladders because his 3-month-old at home is insane.

CM Punk Promo

CM Punk continues the Lovefest with Wrestling and it's great to see. He talks about how he has great history in Philadelphia and he offers the crowd Cheese Steaks or the chance to watch him wrestle tonight. The crowd loudly chant wrestle and he agrees with them. He calls out Daniel Garcia for a match on Rampage Friday. That match will be so good!

Arn Anderson/Cody Video Package

Arn stands on Cody's lawn burning some stuff in a bin and Cody comes out. He makes Cody take his suit off to burn it and asks Cody why he doesn't just paint a Star on his face. He tells Cody that Cody threw "us" away as we close the segment. Ominous future for both these men.

Sammy Guevara defeated Bobby Fish via Pinfall (9:18) to retain the TNT Championship

Before the match, Sammy gives Fuego the car that he promised him and Fuego has definitely got a much nicer car now than the one Miro took. In the match, Bobby Fish attacks early with strikes but Sammy counters with a flipping drop kick as both men look to gain the upper hand. They go back and forth and as we go to break with neither man having gained an advantage. During the break, Bobby manages to get on top of Sammy but never for very long a Sammy is always so adept at fighting back. Bobby delivers a kick to Sammy's Achille's though and as we come back Sammy begins to fight back through the pain. Bobby hits a Backdrop Suplex though and gets a close two count as he looks to regain control but the Sammy hits his Spanish Fly to get some separation and goes for his 630 but Fish knocks him off the top rope before he can hit it before Fish hits an Avalanche Falcon Arrow but Sammy still kicks out at two. Fish hits an Exploder into the turnbuckle for another two and he begins to get frustrated. He goes for a big head kick but he misses and Sammy turns it into the GTH to get the win.

As soon as the bell rings to end the match, Sammy is surrounded by the MMA fighters of American Top Team and when Paige Van Zant distracts Sammy, Scorpio Sky attacks him from behind. Junior Dos Santos completely destroys Sammy and then out comes Fuego but it's to no avail but then Chris Jericho and Jake Hager come out to clear the ring and save poor Sammy. Lambert gets on the mic afterwards and the crowd serenade him with Judas. When they finish, Lambert says that Rampage is in Miami on October 15th and he challenges the Inner Circle to a trio's match with Men of the Year and Junior Dos Santos!!! What an announcement. Jericho says he didn't hear anything Lambert said but he will beat the shit out of him and his dipshit team. Wow!

The Acclaimed Promo

Max hits a sweet little acapella rap and we have Lucha Brothers vs The Acclaimed on Rampage!

Big Announcement from Tony Khan

Aubrey Edwards joins Tony Schiavone in the ring as he announces the TBS Championship for the women's division and Aubrey unveils the title! Excellent news.

Darby Allin Sit Down Interview

JR sits down with Darby to discuss what happened with MJF last week. JR says that he's looking forward to his match tonight but he asks Darby about his face paint. Darby then tells the story about why he paints his face that we've heard before and that MJF referenced last week. Darby says MJF won't win this war physically or mentally and that Darby has met plenty of MJF's but MJF has never met anyone like Darby Allin.

Darby Allin w/Sting defeated Nick Comoroto w/QT Marshall & Aaron Solo via Pinfall (4:00)

Darby attacks straight from his entrance as he hits a flipping senton onto Comoroto and Solo on the outside before the bell rings. Darby returns the action to the ring and his speed has Nick in real trouble to start this one. Darby goes for one move too many though and Comoroto slams him after reversing Darby's attempt at a Cutter. Comoroto continues to beat Darby down throughout the break, tossing him around with ease. The presence of Sting stops QT or Solo getting involved from the outside and when we come back from commercial, Darby fires back with the cutter he couldn't hit before and finishes it with a Coffin Drop to get the pin.

After the match, QT hits Sting with a Diamond Cutter but Sting pops straight back up and punts QT with a low blow before following it with a Scorpion Death Drop.

Dark Order Promo

Evil Uno apologises for trying to take control and make decisions and the group decide to make decisions together from now on. Silver suggests that Alan Angels puts his mask back on but 5 says he and Silver look the same. The group almost start bickering again but Anna shouts and they all get back on the same page once again. Amanda Huber did it!

Dante Martin Promo

Dante Martin challenges anybody in the AEW locker room and then the lights go off and i think Malakai has found his next victim. Malakai appears behind Dante and removes his mask. He then mists Dante and hits him with the kick before telling him the House of Black accepts. This match should be incredible.

Ricky Starks Promo

Ricky Starks has the FTW championship and says Cage hasn't shown up for work today and that if he had turned up, Starks would have challenged him to a Philly Steet Fight match. Brian Cage's music then hits and he attacks Starks till Team Taz pull Ricky from the ring to save him.

TBS Championship Tournament Video Package

The women's division take it in turns to announce themselves as entrants in the TBS title tournament and the first four entrants are Thunder Rosa, Skye Blue, Ruby Soho and Jade Cargill.

Serena Deeb defeated Hikaru Shida via Submission (10:18)

Hikaru Shida has the fifty victories announcement made as part of her entrance and there's a trophy for her should she win clearly on display ringside. When the bell rings, we get some excellent mat exchanges between the two women before Shida's strikes manage to get her the upper hand. She hits the running knee lift on the outside without the chair to assist before she then pulls out the chair but Serena sees it coming and jumps back in the ring and catches Shida with a Neckbreaker in the ropes as we go to break. Deeb maintains control throughout the break but just before we return, Shida hits the Tilt-A-Whirl Backbreaker to get back into it. She hits a swing and then gets a two count but Serena fights back and gets Shida in an Octopus Hold. Serena then tries to transition to the Deebtox but Shida fights out of it. Shida hits a knee strike to the back of Serena's head and then hits her with a crossbody on the outside but Serena chop blocks Hikaru as she comes back in to the ring and follows up with a dragon screw in the ropes. Serena then goes after the leg relentlessly. Shida almost gets the win when she hits a Facebuster and again with the Falcon Arrow but Serena won't stay down and Serena manages to block the Katana and goes for the leg once more before she does hit the Deebtox and Shida is the one kicking out at two! Serena transitions to the Serenity lock and Shida has to tap out after an excellent match.

After the match, Deeb gets the trophy we saw before the match and smashes Shida in the face with it. Serena is a heel now!

Darby Allin Backstage Interview

Alex Marvez asks Darby if he accepts a match with MJF next week and Darby accepts. A limo appears and Darby prepares for a fight but Spears hits him from behind with a chair and then FTR and Wardlow exit the limo. They beat Darby down relentlessly before MJF chokes him with his own skateboard. The Pinnacle all wear balaclavas during this segment so they can claim innocence but it's very obvious who is who!

Lio Rush Promo

Lio tells Dante Martin he's a huge fan of his and offers to help him in his match with Malakai Black. It seems that Lio is going to be in AEW as manager! Fantastic choice if he doesn't want to wrestle anymore.

Britt Baker Promo

Britt puts over how great it is to have the TBS title because it means that everyone can leave her and her title alone and fight amongst themselves.

Hangman Adam Page defeated Jon Moxley, Lance Archer, Matt Hardy, Orange Cassidy, PAC & Andrade El Idolo (17:06) to win the Casino Ladder Match and earn a AEW World Championship match

Full disclosure, this is going to be a hard to follow. We get our first entrant as Orange Cassidy who comes out with the Philadelphia 76ers mascot. His first opponent is PAC and my mind immediately goes back to Revolution 2020 when these two fought and it was glorious. PAC gets the better of the early exchanges as we get the traditional slow start to the Casino Ladder Match. PAC is the first to go for a ladder but Orange won't let him keep it in the ring. The third entrant is Andrade El Idolo and he brings a ladder into play as he comes in but PAC dropkicks it into his face. PAC sets a ladder and he and Andrade fight atop it before Andrade hits a Sunset Flip off the ladder in a brutal move! Orange Cassidy faces off with Andrade and Orange Cassidy gets the upper hand as Matt Hardy comes in at number 4. He hits a Side Effect on Cassidy and hits the other two with a ladder before he tries to go for the chip above the ring. Cassidy stops him as we go to break. We get a flurry of moves from everyone during the break including an Orihara Moonsault from PAC .

The fifth entrant ins Lance Archer and Archer comes out with a ring attendant who gets beaten up before Archer makes the ring. Archer takes out everyone and out comes Jon Moxley at 6. Archer goes into the crowd to meet him on his entrance and Mox seems to have got the better of it until Archer chucks a chair into his face. Archer returns to the ring and walks into two orange punches but the Moxley recovers to take out Orange and Archer. Hangman Adam Page returns at number 7 and he has a striking exchange with Moxley which he gets the better of. He then takes out everyone until PAC hits him with a chair from behind to renew their two-and-a-half-year rivalry. PAC brings a table into the ring and tries to put Hangman through it with the Black Arrow from the top of the ladder but Andrade stops him. They fight on the top rope but PAC gets the upper hand as Andrade tumbles. Hangman climbs the ladder with PAC and then he hits the Dead Eye from the top through the table. Mox returns and takes out Hangman with a paradigm shift. Mox and Orange fight on the ladder but Matt Hardy takes them out. Matt then puts Cassidy through a table with a leg drop on the outside. Archer is back on his feet and he takes out Moxley and sets up the ladder but Hangman hits him with the Buckshot Lariat. Hangman climbs but Moxley hits him with a chair and climbs the other side of the ladder and both men fight at the top before Moxley drops and all of a sudden Hangman has the chip! What a way to end the two-year anniversary with the next chapter in the longest story AEW are telling. Absolutely incredible storytelling right here.

We'll be back for AEW Rampage on Friday but until then, catch me on twitter @0r4n93_C4551dy. Adios!

Tags: #aew #aewdynamite #aewrampage #hangman #hangman adam page #jon moxley #pac #andrade el idolo #orange cassidy #matt hardy #lance archer #darby allin #cm punk #kenny omega #adam cole #the young bucks #bryan danielson #christian cage

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