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WWE Extreme Rules results from Sunday, September 26, 2021, courtesy of Mike Hogan of RAJAH.com.
The WWE Extreme Rules 2021 Kickoff Show starts off inside the Nationwide Arena in Columbus, OH. as Kayla Braxton welcomes us to the show. The camera pans the venue and settles at the Kickoff Show area where Braxton introduces Booker T, JBL, Peter Rosenberg and Kevin Patrick.
The pre-show panelists introduce themselves and Patrick tells a bad joke about Dublin and then they remind fans to sign up for the WWE Network at Peacock TV and then run down the lineup scheduled for tonight's big event.
After running down the matches scheduled for the show, we head to our first elaborate video package to tell the story leading up to a match, as the history between Becky Lynch and Bianca Belair is shown to set the stage for their SmackDown Women's Championship showdown.
Once the video package wraps up, we return to the pre-show panel where Sonya Deville joins the rest of the Kickoff Show panelists to give their thoughts on the big match. Afterwards, we head to a quick commercial break.
We return from the break and a video package is shown highlighting Big E.'s crowning moment after finally capturing the WWE Championship. Subsequently, we see The Bloodline vs. The New Day showdown. Afterwards, we shoot backstage where AJ Styles and Omos talk briefly before The New Day come in and we have a big brawl between both sides, including Bobby Lashley.
The video package airs to hype the U.S. title showdown pitting Damian Priest against Sheamus and Jeff Hardy. We return to the panel and the panelists give their thoughts and predictions for the match before sending us to another commercial break.
Now a big six-man tag-team match pitting AJ Styles, Omos and Bobby Lashley against The New Day is announced for tonight's PPV. The panelists discuss the new match. We head to another video package for the SmackDown Tag-Team Title match and then we see the arrival to the arena of The Street Profits. They vow to have their sights on capturing the titles tonight. They are all business this evening.
We head back to the panel and the Kickoff Show experts give their thoughts on the match. Booker T has some fun playing to the crowd during this one. After this, we head to another video package, this time telling the story leading up to tonight's Raw Women's Championship showdown between Charlotte Flair and Alexa Bliss.
After another quick ad time out, we return to the pre-show panel where Sonya Deville has once again re-joined the panelists. They run down the match and send us to one more break before we head to the ring for our lone Kickoff Show match of the evening.
The theme for Liv Morgan plays inside the Nationwide Arena and she makes her way down to the ring to a decent reaction from the members of the WWE Universe in attendance live in the arena.
As she settles into the ring, highlights are shown from SmackDown to help explain the back-story leading into this match on tonight's show.
After the highlights wrap up, we see Morgan staring at the entrance waiting on the arrival of her opponent. Carmella's theme hits and out she comes and she heads down to the ring.
Pat McAfee and Michael Cole talk about this one on commentary as Carmella settles into the ring and we await the bell for our first bout of the evening.
Instead of the bell, however, we get Carmella babbling into the microphone about being the most beautiful woman in all of WWE. She gloats for a while and then Morgan eventually loses her cool and attacks her to get this one off with a bang.
Morgan works Carmella over early on, even dropkicking her out to the floor. Once on the floor, however, Carmella shifts the offensive momentum in her favor after sweeping Morgan on the hard part of the ring apron and taking over inside the ring.
We see Liv fight back into competitive form, but this doesn't last long, as Carmella takes back over and gets back to dominating the action for what seems like forever. Finally Morgan kicks Carmella nose-first into the announce table on the floor. Back in the ring she hits a big move into a cover and gets the pin fall victory.
After another quick ad time out, we return to the pre-show panel where the panelists react to Morgan-Carmella and then shift gears to the Universal Championship Extreme Rules match. The video package airs to promote the showdown between "The Demon" Finn Balor and Roman Reigns for tonight's show.
Once the package wraps up, we head backstage to a Paul Heyman interview. Heyman talks about whether or not he and Roman Reigns have overlooked "The Demon." He mocks the interviewer brutally and then makes it clear that after tonight your winner and still Universal Champion will be Roman Reigns. He says that's not a prediction but a spoiler.
We return to the panelists again and they give their thoughts on the Reigns-Balor match and then we hear Braxton wrap up the Kickoff Show and get us ready for the WWE Extreme Rules 2021 main card -- which starts ... now!
The opening video package airs to get the main card for tonight's WWE Extreme Rules 2021 pay-per-view off-and-running. It's showtime, folks!
Once the Extreme Rules PPV opening video package wraps up, we shoot live inside Nationwide Arena in Columbus, OH. and see the jam-packed crowd going nuts as we head down to ringside for our opening contest.
After the commentators quickly welcome us to the show, we hear Big E. off-camera doing his routine and then The New Day theme hits. Out comes Big E., Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods for our first match of the evening.
The crowd goes nuts for The New Day and after they settle into the ring, AJ Styles' theme hits and out he comes alongside Omos. The two settle into the ring and then their music dies down.
Bobby Lashley's theme hits and the crowd reacts as "The All Mighty" one himself emerges and heads down to the ring. We're moments away from getting this one started.
The bell sounds and we see Styles and Woods kicking things off for their respective teams. The fans break out in a "New Day rocks!" chant. Styles takes it to Woods early on and taunts the crowd. Woods fires back up and takes over and the crowd rallies behind him.
Kingston tags in and the crowd noises immediately picks up. He blasts Styles with a wide-variety of kicks as fans chant "Kofi! Kofi!" Styles hits Kofi with a chop-block that takes his left leg out. Big E. doesn't like some follow-up trash talk from Styles so he tags in.
We hear the crowd react as Big E. settles in the ring. He and Styles jaw at each other a bit and then Big E. turns "The Phenomenal One" inside out. He throws Styles into his corner and tells Bobby Lashley to tag in.
Lashley does and the crowd goes nuts as he and Big E. close in on each other. They collide and start trading shots. We see "The All Mighty" one take over early on and take it to the WWE Champion. He throws him in the corner and goes for a big follow-up shot, but Big E. avoids it and takes over.
Big E. bull-rushes Lashley into his team's corner and beats him down. Woods yells that it's time to turn up and Big E. stomps a mudhole in him. Woods comes in and stomps him some and then Kingston tags in and stomps him some as well. The crowd enjoyed this, as you would expect.
We see Lashley roll out to the floor to recover. Kingston tries launching himself onto him but it doesn't work out well for him. Back in the ring, Lashley brutalizes Kingston and quiets the crowd in the process. Omos tags in and the big man picks up where Lashley left off, adding additional punishment to the WWE veteran. The fans try and rally Kofi back into competitive form, but Omos continues to beat him down.
Omos hits a big inverted suplex, slamming Kofi down face-first and then he tags Styles back in. "The Phenomenal One" goes back to work on Kofi as the commentators still talk in awe of the power displayed by Omos moments ago.
Kofi tries making the tag but is stopped on multiple attempts. Finally he does make the tag to Woods. Woods takes the hot tag and comes in clearing house and taking it to Lashley for some close near falls. Lashley ends up cutting his momentum short with a huge powerslam for a near fall.
Woods makes it to the top-rope and hits a big missile dropkick on Lashley that buys him enough time to make the tag to Big E., just as Styles tags in as welll. Big E. with the body lock of doom on Styles before launching him across the ring with a big exploder suplex. And another. He clears the heel corner by knocking Omos and Lashley off the apron.
Big E. beats Styles down and leaves him laying in the middle of the ring. He hits a big splash off the ropes and then gets the crowd fired up with a "New Day rocks!" chant. He goes for the Big Ending but Styles avoids it and blasts him with a Pele kick. Styles goes for a splash on Big E. in the corner but Big E. catches him and powers him up and over for a big slam.
Lashley drags a lifeless Styles to his corner and tags himself in. He takes Kingston out with a big move and goes for the cover but only gets two. He charges at him for a follow-up spear but Lashley flies through the ropes and crashes on the floor after Kofi moves. Kofi launches Styles out to the floor. Big E. tags in and launches Kingston out to the floor but Omos takes him out in mid-flight.
Back in the ring, Lashley takes Big E. down and then stalks him in the corner waiting for him to get up. Styles tags himself in. He yells at Lashley to let him finish him. He springboards off the ropes but Lashley tags himself in during this and walks into the ring and spears his own partner, taking Styles out. Unfortunately from there he turns to Big E. and is hit with a Big Ending. Big E. then pins him for the victory.
After a quick ad time-out we return back inside Nationwide Arena where The Street Profits theme hits and out comes Angelo Dawkins and Montez Ford for our next match of the evening.
Pat McAfee and Michael Cole are introduced on camera as they take over on commentary for this one. They mention the build-up to tonight's match and the upcoming WWE Draft as Dawkins and Ford settle in the ring.
Their music cuts off and then the familiar sounds of The Usos' theme hits as the reigning, defending SmackDown Tag-Team Champions make their way down to the ring for our first championship match of the evening.
We hear the commentators talk about Montez having his ribs taped up and how they are still hurt from the attack from The Usos leading up to tonight's match. Jimmy Uso and Angelo Dawkins kick things off for their respective teams as the bell sounds to get this one off-and-running.
Jimmy fares well early on and taunts his opposition, however moments later he finds himself on the defensive. Montez tags in and he and Dawkins send Jimmy out to the floor the hard way. The fans chant "We want the smoke" as Ford turns up the violence meter a bit as he beats Uso down.
A blind tag from Uso ends up with Montez getting kicked with a wide open shot directly to his injured ribs. Uso follows up by stomping away at the hurt ribs of Ford and then blasts him ribs-first into the ring apron on the floor. He takes a big suplex on the floor and sells his ribs big time.
Ford continues to take a beating on his ribs from both Usos until finally he makes the badly needed tag to Dawkins. Dawkins takes the hot tag and starts handling both Usos in the ring and on the floor as he is fired up and in control of the offense. The fans chant "We want tables!" as he and Uso head to the top-rope. Dawkins hits a big superplex and rolls through for a twisting neck-breaker into a close near fall.
We see Ford tag back in after this and he connects with a big top-rope blockbuster on Uso for a near fall. Cole questions how much that hurt Ford himself with his ribs taking the brunt of the landing. Dawkins tags back in and The Usos hit a double-team flap-jack on Dawkins for a close near fall.
The Usos don't see a blind tag from Montez Ford. He goes for a big high-flying spot off the top-rope but Uso gets the knees up and he lands injured-ribs-first on them. Regardless, Ford stays in control and kicks the hell out of Uso before tagging Dawkins back in. Dawkins hoists Uso up on his shoulders as Ford goes to the top. Uso escapes and crotches Ford before super kicking Dawkins and tagging in Jimmy. Jimmy hits the Uso splash off the top for a close near fall again.
Now Uso drags Dawkins out of the ring and slam him into the barricade. Ford tears his tape off his ribs and hits a crazy dive off the top onto The Usos on the floor. He brings Uso back in the ring and hits another top-rope spot for a close near fall which the other Uso breaks up just in time. The crowd bought on that as the finish for sure.
After a "This is awesome!" chant, The Usos regain the offensive control. They hit stereo super kicks on Ford and then both come off the top-rope on opposite corners for a double Uso splash. 1-2-3. The Usos retain the titles in an excellent match.
We shoot backstage to a pissed off Bobby Lashley who calls Big E. a coward for the way he won the title by capturing in his briefcase after he fought Randy Orton and hurt his knee. He says the way he won tonight makes him a straight chicken sh*t. He dares him to face him one-on-one with the title on-the-line. We head to a commercial time out after this.
The video package airs to tell the story leading up to the Raw Women's Championship showdown on tonight's show and then we return inside Nationwide Arena.
Alexa Bliss' theme hits and the crowd actually goes pretty nuts for her coming out. She heads down to the ring for her Raw Women's Championship opportunity against "The Queen."
Her music dies down and now we hear the familiar sounds of Charlotte Flair's theme music. The Raw Women's Champion makes her way down to the ring for our next match of the evening here at Extreme Rules.
The bell sounds and we're off-and-running with our second championship match of the evening. The crowd is clearly behind Bliss in this one, with Flair the obvious heel based on reactions thus far.
Bliss takes it to Flair early on, even hitting a flipping splash onto "The Queen" from the ring apron to the floor. She taunts Flair in her own way with her stop-and-deep-stare-style after connecting on each high-impact move early on. Flair fires up and starts slamming Bliss' face into the canvas repeatedly. "The Queen" starts to take over now.
Charlotte goes on to dominate the action for several minutes with slow, deliberate offense. Bliss shows signs of life for a brief moment but "The Queen" takes right back over. Bliss ends up on the shoulders of Flair. She hits a hurricanrana that sends Charlotte face-first into the bottom turnbuckle -- hard.
On the floor at ringside, Charlotte picks Alexa up and swings her face-first into the barricade. She stops to taunt the crowd before bringing Bliss back into the ring and going back to work on her. Bliss gets a near fall out of nowhere but Charlotte kicks out and goes right back to work on her. She hits a nice spot off the ropes for a near fall of her own. Now she's crawling around and staring at Bliss.
She hits the Natural Selection on Bliss, but Bliss rolls through and splashes onto Charlotte for a near fall. Charlotte reverses into a near fall of her own. She hoists Bliss up and power bombs her down into another pin attempt. Bliss keeps kicking out and Charlotte is starting to show signs of frustration. Charlotte comes off the top but lands face-first on the boot of Bliss. Bliss follows up with a Canadian Destroyer for a close near fall.
Bliss heads to the top rope with Charlotte laid out in the center of the ring. Corey Graves thinks she's looking for Twisted Bliss. Charlotte gets to her feet and was heading to the ropes but Bliss kicks her and climbs back up. Bliss comes off the top-rope and goes for the Twisted Bliss but Charlotte moves. Charlotte goes for the Figure-4 but Bliss counters with a pin attempt. Charlotte kicks out. Bliss hits a DDT and covers her again, but again Charlotte avoids being finished off by putting her foot on the ropes at the count of two.
Now Charlotte heads over and grabs Lilly out of the corner. Bliss immediately looks irate. Charlotte tosses it to Bliss. As Bliss goes to catch it, Charlotte blasts her with a boot to the face. She rams her into the turnbuckle in the corner and then hits the ropes and catches her with the natural selection. She goes for the cover and scores the pin fall victory to retain her Raw Women's Championship in the process.
Once the match wraps up, Charlotte kicks Bliss out to the floor and then grabs Lilly again. She starts tearing Lilly's head off and ripping all of the stuffing out of it. She holds up the head in one hand and her Raw Women's title in the other.
The crowd boos and then out of nowhere, Bliss attacks Charlotte from behind. Like a woman possessed, she punches and kicks away at Charlotte. They roll to the floor and Alexa keeps striking. Charlotte ends up getting the better of things and she launches Bliss onto the commentary table. She grabs her title and heads to the back as her theme hits again and the fans boo.
Charlotte's music cuts off and we see what's left of Lilly. Bliss notices this at ringside and screams. She starts pulling her own hair out. She rolls back into the ring and looks like she's going to cry. She grabs the stuffing and tries to stuff it back into what is left of Lilly. She looks sad and then angry and then sad again. The fans chant "Thank you Lilly!" Bliss then screams again and exits the ring and heads to the back.
After a quick ad time out, we return backstage to see Paul Heyman on the phone talking to someone about the WWE Draft. Kayla Braxton creeps up behind him and sticks a microphone in his face. She asks him who he's talking to. He hangs up and taunts Kayla and says he bets she thinks he's talking to Brock Lesnar. He talks about covering all bases and then hears a ton of noise as The Usos walk by with their SmackDown Tag-Team Championships. Heyman says he sees The Bloodline and has to go. He walks off with them.
We return inside Nationwide Arena and we hear the familiar sounds of Jeff Hardy's theme music. "The Charismatic Enigma" makes his way out and settles down to the ring as highlights from Raw are shown to explain how he was added to this U.S. title bout between Damian Priest and Sheamus.
With Hardy settled into the ring, his theme cuts off and then Sheamus' music hits. "The Celtic Warrior" makes his way down to the squared circle. His music cuts off.
Finally, the theme hits for Damian Priest and out comes the reigning, defending WWE United States Champion. He settles into the ring and we're just moments away from our next title match of the evening here at WWE Extreme Rules.
As soon as the bell rings, Sheamus charges across the ring and flattens Jeff Hardy. The commentators react to that and then Priest starts duking it out with him. He gets the better of the exchange and then starts mixing in a variety of kicks before clotheslining Sheamus over the top-rope and out to the floor.
The action continues on the floor where we see a bunch of back-to-back high spots from all three guys. Back in the ring, Priest fires up and takes over for a while until Sheamus cuts him off and takes over. On a few different occasions we nearly see Sheamus finish Hardy off to win Priest's title, which Graves points out has to be Priest's worst nightmare.
Hardy goes for the dragon sleeper on Priest but they botch the spot. He ends up hitting his Twist of Fate finisher on Priest and heading to the top-rope. Before he can do anything, Sheamus knocks him off. The fans loudly boo. Sheamus heads to the top-rope and mocks Hardy before flying off and landing on the champ for a close near fall.
Priest avoids a Brogue Kick but not a double-boot from "The Celtic Warrior." Sheamus skins the cat to head to the top-rope but is cut off by Priest after gloating that he still has it to the fans. Priest chokeslams him off the top and goes for the cover. As he's laying on Sheamus for the pin attempt, however, Hardy comes off the top-rope with a swanton on the double-stacked duo.
The fans go absolutely bonkers after this spot and begin chanting Hardy's name. Hardy recovers and starts trading shots with Priest in the center of the ring. The fans react to each shot that lands from Hardy with cheers and each that Priest lands with boos. Priest ends up getting the better of the exchange. He springboards into a Brogue Kick from Sheamus, however, and then Hardy throws Sheamus out to the floor and covers Priest. Somehow Priest kicks out.
Hardy stands up right into a Brogue Kick from Sheamus and then Sheamus turns and is rolled up immediately by Priest for the 1-2-3 out of nowhere. Priest retains in an excellent U.S. title triple-threat match.
We shoot backstage to Big E. holding his WWE Championship. He responds to the comments made earlier in the show by a fired up Bobby Lashley. He mocks him for complaining about his knee hurting when Big E. beat him to become champion. He tells him his knee better be fine when he sees him in the ring tomorrow night on Raw. We head to a quick ad break after this.
After the ad break we return inside Nationwide Arena and the commentators send us to the video package for our next match of the evening -- which will once again feature a championship on-the-line.
Out comes Bianca Belair as the fans give her a big pop in Columbus. She settles into the ring and her music dies down.
Becky Lynch's theme hits and the fans pop even louder as "The Man" heads down to the squared circle. Michael Cole talks about tonight marking only the second match Lynch will have since returning from her hiatus.
The bell sounds and we're off-and-running with this rematch from their quick initial bout at WWE SummerSlam 2021. The fans immediately chant "EST! EST!" and Lynch stops to let them go. She extends her hand to Belair. Belair decides against it and the fight is on.
Lynch goes for the man-handle slam coming out of the gate but Belair counters it and hoists her up for the K.O.D., but Lynch slides out of the ring to avoid that. The commentators talk about these two being in a hurry to get this one over. The fans are split down the middle in Columbus, with half cheering for Belair and the other half strongly behind Lynch.
Belair dominates the action early on. As Lynch takes a moment to get a breather on the floor at ringside, she overhears Cole being critical on commentary and takes him to task for this in his face. Pat McAfee tells Cole he was being rude as well. Funny stuff.
Now we see Lynch use Belair's long ponytail against her as she yanks her down from the floor as it was hanging over the top rope. Back in the ring, the SmackDown Women's Champion settles into the offensive driver's seat.
Lynch enjoys some time in control of the action but then Belair shifts the momentum in her favor. She takes it to Lynch as the crowd cheers her on. She hits a big spinebuster for a close near fall but "The Man" hangs on. Belair continues to work Lynch over but Lynch keeps finding a way to avoid being finished off. Belair is starting to get frustrated at her inability to finish Lynch off.
The two head to the top rope and we see a big superplex spot. At ringside, Lynch takes over and plants Belair with authority into the ring steps. Back in the ring, Lynch comes off the top-rope with a big flying leg drop for a close near falll.
Becky hits another big leg-drop off the top-rope over the back of the neck of Belair as she had her laid up across the middle rope. She goes for the cover but again Belair finds a way to hang on and keep this one alive.
The fight hits the mat where Lynch looks to try and tap out Belair with a submission hold that she refuses to let go of. Belair eventually hoists Lynch up into the sky and brings her down the hard way to free herself and put herself in a pinning situation. Regardless, Lynch finds a way to kick out before the count of three.
Both ladies get back to their feet and start trading shots. Belair rolls Lynch and goes for the cover but Lynch kicks out and reverses into a pin attempt of her own, which Belair also kicks out of. After a couple more pin attempts and reversals, we see Lynch snatch the arm of Belair. She looks to secure the Disarm Her submission but Belair does a good job of fighting it off.
Belair uses a crazy display of strength to hoist Lynch up while stuck in the Disarm Her. She gets her up for the K.O.D. but as she does, out of nowhere, Sasha Banks hits the ring and starts brutally attacking Belair.
Michael Cole and Pat McAfee go nuts on commentary as "The Boss" continues her attack of Belair. Lynch backs up with her title and looks at Banks, who stares back at her.
Lynch puts the thumbs up but looks unsure. Banks smirks. The two close in on each other and then Banks takes Lynch down and starts firing away at her with big punches. Belair recovers and goes to grab Banks but Banks b*tch slaps her and takes Belair out. She then hits Lynch again and takes her out with the back-stabber.
We head to another quick ad break and then when we return, we head straight into the elaborate pre-match video package to tell the story leading up to tonight's main event of the evening.
When the video package wraps up, we return inside the Nationwide Arena in Columbus, OH. where we hear the familiar sounds of the theme music for the champion for this WWE Universal Championship match, as Roman Reigns' theme hits and "The Head of the Table" makes his way down to the ring.
"The Tribal Chief" heads down to the ring accompanied by Paul Heyman and then settles inside the squared circle and awaits his challenger for the final featured attraction of the evening here at WWE Extreme Rules.
With Reigns in the ring, his music dies down. The familiar sounds of the theme for "The Demon" Finn Balor plays and the challenger emerges to an enormous pop from the fans inside Nationwide Arena.
Both guys are in the ring and Balor's music and entrance finally wraps up. The bell sounds as the referee holds the Universal Championship high in the air to show these two what they are competing for here tonight.
We're now officially off-and-running with our main event of the evening. Balor goes to work on Reigns early on but Reigns brushes off his early onslaught and turns the tables on him. Pat McAfee references Balor's black tongue as Reigns drills him with repeated shots.
Reigns scores a near fall and then heads under the ring to grab a kendo stick. With this being an Extreme Rules match, anything goes, so this is allowed. When he slaps the kendo stick on the apron he talks to the commentators in arrogant fashion. He turns around and notices Balor isn't in the ring, but instead has grabbed four kendo sticks that are taped together.
Balor waits for Reigns to enter the ring with his single kendo stick and then begins beating the hell out of him with the four kendo sticks tied together. This doesn't last for long, however, as Reigns shifts the momentum back in his favor moments later and fires away at him in the corner with repeated punches before launching him out to the floor.
"The Demon" takes back the lead but then Reigns blasts him as he was pulling a table out from under the ring. He takes him out with a Superman Punch and then puts the table back under the ring. He taunts the fans and says no tables tonight. He throws the kendo stick away and grabs a steel chair from under the ring. Back inside the ring, Reigns wears Balor out with repeated steel chair shots.
We see Finn fight back into the lead and double stomp the chair onto Reigns. On the floor, he goes to bring a table out from under the ring again and the fans go nuts. He goes to set it up, however, and is blasted from out of nowhere by Reigns with a Drive-By. Reigns then launches Balor over the guard rail. He asks Heyman for a face mask and then puts it on and heads out after Balor, beating him down throughout the crowd as they battle around Nationwide Arena.
Reigns dominates him throughout the crowd and they brawl near a set up table and production equiptment area. Balor fights back into the lead and then launches himself off one level down below, putting Reigns through a table in the process. Balor beats Reigns down and takes him back down to the ringside area. He then throws him back in the ring where there is still a table laying.
Finn starts setting up the table and then he goes back to work on Reigns. Reigns shifts the momentum back in his favor and hoists Balor up, planting him through the table with a big chokeslam. He goes for the cover but Balor manages to find a way to kick out before the ref can get the three count.
Roman Reigns stands up and plays to the crowd before pounding the mat with his fist and calling for the end of this one. He waits for Balor to get up, but when Balor does, he takes over and knocks Reigns silly with a Pele kick. Reigns catches Balor off guard out of nowhere seconds later with a Superman Punch for another close near fall.
The champ amps up and fires up again and talks about who he is and how he is the man, etc., but turns around into a big shot from Balor. Balor then gets turned inside out with a big spear. Reigns goes for the cover but Balor kicks out and when he does, his arm blasts Reigns with a big low blow that the commentators point out and show highlights of. Balor knocks Reigns out to the floor and flies over the ropes, splashing onto him afterwards.
Back in the ring, Balor heads to the top and comes flying off with the Coup de Grace. He goes for the follow-up cover but The Usos hit the ring and break up the pin attempt. The commentators point out that there are no disqualifications in an Extreme Rules match. They beat Balor down and blast him with stereo super kicks and then grab a table from under the ring and set it up at ringside. They pick Balor up but Balor fights back and breaks free before they can do anything.
Balor hits a sling blade on one Uso and puts the other through the commentary table with a power bomb. He turns around, however, directly into a spear from Reigns that puts him through the barricade. The red lights and beat in the arena start flickering. The commentators say it's The Demon's heartbeat. The Demon pops up like nothing happened and Michael Cole says he has ressurected. He grabs a chair from under the ring and beats Reigns down with it. He puts Reigns through a table set up at ringside as his Demon music plays and the red lights stay on. Cole is losing his mind, as is McAfee, on commentary.
"The Demon" does the demon crawl up the steps and then to the top-rope while Reigns is laid out in the center of the ring. He stands up tall and raises his hands but then the rope breaks and Balor collapses and falls to the mat clutching his leg. The red light goes out, his Demon music stops, and Balor is laid out holding his leg. He looks around confused and then stands up, only to be speared inside-out by Reigns. Reigns covers him. 1-2-3. "The Tribal Chief" retains his spot at "The Head of the Table" with an unlikely victory. The commentators are dumbfounded at what just transpired.