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AEW Dynamite Results (September 1st 2021)

Posted By: Jonny Knapp on Sep 01, 2021

AEW Dynamite Results (September 1st 2021)

It's Wednesday, and you know what that means. Another episode of AEW Dynamite hits out screens and this one is the go home Dynamite before AEW All Out on Sunday. We're spending all week in Chicago at the NOW Arena and this is the first of three shows from that venue. We have a hot card of action so lets get straight to it!

Santana and Ortiz defeated FTR (Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler) w/ Tully Blanchard via Pinfall (13:33)

Starting off with this grudge match is the right choice for me. They deserve 20 minutes ad free to tell this story. FTR come out with gear that pays homage to Beautiful Bobby Eaton whilst Santana & Ortiz come out in their Dead Presidents white face paint and both teams are set to go to war. We have a very back and forth opening with both teams struggling to take control. The story of the match is of course all about Cash Wheeler's horrific injury the last time these two teams met and early on, Cash himself exposes one of the turnbuckles in a neutral corner. At this point though, Santana and Ortiz take control and Santana gets a close near fall with a Frog Splash on Dax Harwood. FTR take back control and both Dax and Cash hoist Ortiz up but Santana spears Dax out of nowhere and Ortiz gets another close 2 count as he rolls Cash up. The advantage keeps going back and forth and it's hard to call a winner, even this deep into the action. FTR hit the Big Rig somewhat out of nowhere on Ortiz and Santana has to break it up at 2.99999 seconds. All four men are down and Ortiz manages to take control and get the tag to Santana, Santana hits a rolling cutter on Cash, Ortiz hits a Lungblower, Santana hits a Superkick and then they both perform a double team flatliner to pick up the victory. This match was much better than their first.

Daniel Garcia & 2point0 Backstage Promo

We close off the opening segment before break with Garcia and 2point0 talking about how excited they are for Sunday but they warn Allin not to look past Garcia on Rampage. They also warn that they're going to take this Punk vs Allin match away from everyone.

CM Punk In Ring Promo

I will never get over getting to hear Cult of Personality on my wrestling show again. CM Punk is back and his promo skills are like he never left. He hit the ring. Punk feels the same way and lets the crowd know he loves to hear his music again and he's going to enjoy this feeling while it lasts because if he loses to Darby it could be all over for him. He tells the crowd he's nervous or maybe scared but the crowd tell him that he still has it. CM Punk begins to make a promise that he's going to always try his hardest for them but out come Garcia an 2point0 to beat down Punk. That is until Darby Allin's music hits and he and Sting run down to make the save. They make short work of Garcia and 2point0 and we get an Allin Coffin Drop, a Sting Scorpion Death Drop and a CM Punk Go To Sleep on one opponent each. Punk and Darby then go forehead to forehead, eye to eye for the first time before things calm down a little.

Sting hits the mic and says he has always wanted to share a ring with Punk. He says he has respect for Punk and puts over both the GTS and Coffin Drop. He then tells Punk he won't be following Darby down to the ring on Sunday because then it will be Showtime and there should be no interference. Darby and Punk stare down one last time to end the segment. Goosebumps.

Kenny Omega vs Christian Cage Video Package

We get a small preview of what we're likely to see on the AEW All Out Countdown. The commentators take turns to put over both men and this match on Sunday should be an epic.

MJF Sit Down Interview With Tony Schiavone

Tony Schiavone tells us he's with the most disgusting and despicable human being he's ever been around in his life. Max takes over and tells Tony he's a professional. Max lists every single nickname Jericho has gone by and puts over how great he was for 4 decades at consistently evolving. He says Jericho will forever be on the Mount Rushmore of pro wrestling. He then warns that by the time that his career is over, he's taking Jerichos place. He says that he might as well be known as the Step-Dad of pro wrestling because he's going to fill Jericho's shoes.

He tells Jericho he's like Muhammad Ali. Ali was considered the greatest Boxer in the world but he kept coming back for the spotlight. That's Jericho after all that MJF has put him through. He says that like Ali, Jericho needs the spotlight because he's addicted to it. September 5th, at All Out, MJF ends one of the greatest runs in wrestling history. He finishes with it's poetic that the same yearning for the spotlight that got him to the dance will be the same reason that the music dies.

Hot take: MJF is a great talker.

Orange Cassidy defeated Jack Evans w/ Matt Hardy via Pinfall (5:49)

Matt Hardy attacks Orange Cassidy on his entrance and gets ejected from ringside by Bryce Remsburg before the bell has even gone. Evans uses this to his advantage and takes control of a weakened Cassidy early on. Cassidy manages to turn it around and hits a great Tope on Evans for a two count and the same for his big Michinoku Driver. Cassidy then takes things back to first gears, hitting those devestatingly soft kicks on Evans and baiting him in. We go to a break as both men are battling on the top rope. They stay up there a long time until Evans comes down and hits a Spider German Suplex and follows it up with a Sky Twister Kick for a 2 count. Cassidy looks out on his feet as Evans continues to beat him down. Then, all of a sudden, Orange Cassidy rolls Evans up and the match is over. This happens in Picture in Picture as we get the first ever match to end during a commercial Picture in Picture break in AEW.

Hardy hits the ring after the bell to attack Cassidy, Best Friends comes out to try and help but they get outnumbered when the rest of the Hardy Family Office come out. HFO surrounds Cassidy in the ring and things look bad for Orange but then Baltimora hits the speakers and out come Jurassic Express to make the save and see off the Heels.

Miro vs Eddie Kingston Promo Package

Eddie starts off by telling Miro that he's going after his Neck because its his Kryptonite. He says he's taking the title and that will mean Miro is no longer God's favourite. He tells Miro to take his hand because they're going to go through hell together and if Miro survives, maybe he'll see his God's heaven. Miro retorts with "God's favourite champion stays down only for his hot wife in a hotel room after a victory" and how did this man not get a chance to be this good in WWE? He says that Eddie will realise that redemption comes after agony and that he is bringing both.

Mox vs Onita Video Package

Another preview from the All Out Countdown and there's not much here that we haven't seen and heard before. This one should be good but I can't help that wish that Mox was facing Tanahashi, Ospreay or Suzuki.

Jim Ross in-ring interview with Chris Jericho

Jim Ross introduces Jericho down to the ring and Jericho welcomes the crowd to Chicago is Jericho as he wants to harken back to his past as he started his main event journey 22 years ago in Chicago because JR signed him which explains JR being here. JR asked him why he's put his career on the line. Jericho calls MJF a Piece of Shit straight off the bat but then puts him over as having the same traits as him such as arrogance and confidence and being diabolical. He then reminds us of the three victories MJF has over him and explains that he needs to get one back. He says he's never been complacent and that's why he's in AEW. He then explains that he couldn't continue his AEW career knowing he couldn't beat MJF which is why he needs to beat him so his career can continue or else it's obvious to him its the beginning of the end and he wants more. Jericho say's MJF will have to be the best he's ever been to win on Sunday and MJF doesn't have the balls to get rid of him.

Darby Allin Video Package

Darby Allin says that CM Punk was his favourite wrestler but says that Punk is overlooking him because he says that he should be last on his list, not first. He says he has to beat Punk or die trying.

Powerhouse Hobbs w/ Hook defeated Brian Cage via (7:24)

Taz joins commentary as Powerhouse Hobbs makes his entrance but Cage attacks before the bell. He beats Hobbs down outside the ring and then finally the match starts. Hobbs manages to overturn the momentum via a Hook distraction as we go to break. Hobbs beats Cage down throughout the break but manages to hit a flatliner not long after we return to TNT. Hobbs hits some nice kicks and an Exploder before a two count. Hobbs reverses a drillclaw and gets his own two count with the spinebuster but Hobbs takes too long to go back on the attack and Cage hits a rising knee strike followed by my new favourite move name, Deep Sea Diverticulitis. Cage brings Hobbs back into the ring from the apron with a suplex and looks to hit the Drillclaw again but Hook jumps up on the apron to distract referee Rick Knox. Hobbs gets out and pushes Cage to the ropes where Ricky Starks was waiting with the FTW belt to smack Cage in the head with it. Hobbs hits the Town Business for the win.

Malakai Black Promo

Black calls out Lee Johnson. He says he's given him 7 days to atone for interrupting him. He reminds us that all his other matches to date have been quick but he intends to make Lee Suffer. He says he will put two coins on Lee's eyelids after so he can pay the boat fare on his way to Hades. Satanic shit.

QT Marshall vs Paul Wight In Ring Segment

QT, surrounded by Nick Comoroto, Aaron Solo and three other men, calls out Paul Wight to face him man to man, heavyweight to heavyweight. When Wight hits the ring, he is immediately swarmed by the 6 men not in bowling shirts but makes light work of all of them. Once the ring is cleared, out comes Gunn Club to help him out which is really bad timing as Paul had already done all the hard work. QT tries to get back in with a chair but Billy takes it from him and QT backs away down the ramp. We think that's all we're going to get but then out of nowhere, Billy attacks Paul with the chair. One shot to the hip sends Paul to the canvas and another to the head finishes the job as QT pretends to be shocked on the ramp. The Nightmare Family hold up Wight for QT to hit a diamond cutter after Gunn Club leave. Have Gunn Club joined the Factory? What will Cody be thinking?!

Britt Baker Backstage Promo

We tease Britt Baker has a huge announcement about a free agent signing with AEW (Adam Cole is her boyfriend if you didn't get the joke) and it turns out her big announcement is that Reba and Jamie Hayter will be in the Casino Battle Royale. The free agent signing was her and I think that means she signed a contract extension and then says Tony Khan let her book a match as part of that deal so two days before her title match at All Out, Kris Statlander has a Handicap match against Reba and Jamie.

Tay Conti defeated Penelope Ford w/The Bunny via Pinfall (8:29)

Conti comes out and this time its her attacking someone during her entrance. She hits a crossbody on Penelope and Bunny on the outside. We head back into the ring and the match gets started as Conti takes full control of Penelope. Penelope manages to switch the momentum by knocking Conti off the top rope as we head to break. Penelope maintains control throughout the commercial but Tay begins to make her comeback as we come back. She hits the crossbody that Penelope interrupted before. Penelope uses the ropes to her advantage again and locks in her Indian Death Lock but Tay is a Judo Black Belt so that's a mistake as she gets out and locks in a Calf Slicer. She then goes for the DD-Tay after two huge pump kicks in the corner but Penelope turns it into a Gutbuster for a two count that could have been three had she not paused to hold the leg that Tay hurt with the Calf slicer. Bunny tries to get involved but ends up clashing heads with Penelope which gets her rolled up and Tay gets the win.

Bunny and Penelope attack Tay after the win but then we get the Dark Order music hitting and Anna Jay makes her long waited return from Injury to chase off the Heels. TayJay reunion in the ring and Anna is in the Casino Battle Royale too.

Thunder Rosa Backstage Interview

Alex Marvez asks Thunder Rosa about how she feels about the Battle Royale on Sunday but before she can reply, Nyla Rose and Jade Cargill appear. Rosa tries to fight them off but they're too much for her. Nyla and Jade square off but Mark Sterling interjects to stop them as Rosa is left laying.

MJF vs Chris Jericho Video Package

One more preview from the All Out Countdown and this match isn't one I'm particularly looking forward to but the promos tonight may have won me round!

The Elite (The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson) & The Good Brothers (Doc Gallows & Karl Anderson)) w/ Brandon Cutler defeated Lucha Brothers (Penta El Zero Miedo & Rey Fenix) w/Alex Abrahantes & Jurassic Express (Jungle Boy & Luchasaurus) w/Marko Stunt via Pinfall (9:50)

Because AEW are in the same venue all week the Cage for Sundays Tag Team Title match is already hanging high above the ring and it's pointed out in both teams involved in that matches entrances. As we get underway, it's Luchasaurus and Doc Gallows in the ring and Don Callis joins commentary. Gallows gets overpowered and tags out to Nick Jackson which makes Luchasaurus tag out to Rey Fenix and both men eventually get their older brothers in too and we look like we're getting a preview of Sunday until the Good Brothers attack as we go to break. All four men get involved during the commercial and The Elite take over and isolate Jungle Boy. He makes his comeback as we return to full screen on TNT and gets the tag out to Rey Fenix as Lucha Brothers take control of the match. Nick Jackson tries to flip the tables but it results in a quadruple down as Penta and Nick take out Matt and Fenix before kicking each other simultaneously. This match is breathless as it heads outside and we get all kinds of carnage culminating in an assisted Tornado by Jungle Boy. Back in the ring, Luchasaurus beats down Karl Anderson and tags out to Fenix but as he and Penta go for the Fear Factor, Cutler intervenes with the cold spray and the Good Brothers hit the Magic Killer which requires Luchasaurus to break up the pin on Fenix. Luchasaurus gets thrown into the post and the the Bucks come in to hit the BTE trigger but miss it and get hit by a Fenix double cutter. Fenix heads to the apron and has to fight off Anderson and Gallows so when he goes for the Crossbody, he gets caught and the Bucks hit the Meltzer Driver for the win.

After the match, Omega comes down to the ring and the beat down begins. Luchasaurus goes through a table so Christian Cage comes to save Jungle Boy but the numbers game gets him too so The Elite have Cage and The Lucha Bros down in the ring. Kenny thanks Tony Khan for the meeting today but says that Callis has aquired the keys for the control booth for the Cage and tells him to lower it. Once lowered, we have Kazarian and Dante Martin come down with Orange Cassidy to help but they keep them out along with Jungle Boy and Marko. The show goes off the air as The Elite beat down all the contenders for their titles on Sunday.

A fantastic show tonight for me. Back to form well and truly. What did you guys think? Let me know below in the comments or on twitter @0r4n93_c4551dy. Until Friday, see you!

Tags: #aew #aewdynamite #aewrampage #aewallout #mjf #chris jericho #young bucks #kenny omega #miro

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