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As Rocky Romero, Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson prepare for TalkNShop-AMania 2 on November 13th, the trio has also announced that they're developing a whiskey and an animated series during an appearance on Talk is Jericho. Gallows stated...
“(We’re working with) Leatherwood distillery out of Tennessee. Talk N Shop whiskey, coming your way. I think we’ll be drinking it by the next Talk N Shop pay-per-view. It’s good, I got shit-faced, felt terrible in the morning. You’re gonna love it,”
Romero followed up with information about the animated series.
“We’re working on an animated series that is going to debut on Instagram called ‘The Gimmicks.’ It’s phenomenal. We’re working with an amazing team called Toonstar. They are out in LA. We’re doing South Park meets wrestling. All the insanity from TalknShopA-Mania, we’re bringing to you in a cartoon. It’s unfiltered, wild, and real. We make fun of a lot of shit.”