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During his recent appearance on Broken Skull Sessions on WWE Network, Kane talked talking about a number of topics including how Undertaker was responsible for the continuation of his character during the Attitude Era.
"Throughout the Kane storyline if The Undertaker would have decided that’s all I want, I want a one-off, that’s all it would have been. He was the guy that pushed everything.
I mean, if someone didn’t want to do business all I literally had to say was ‘Well, you can talk to Taker about it’ and that was the end of the conversation.
He always had my back and I knew that. We had conversations where ‘So and so wants to do this,’ and he’s like, ‘Well, it’s up to you, but I wouldn’t.’ I’m like, ‘Okay I’m not going to.’ All that stuff and then the Brothers Of Destructive, the actual tag team and everything."
He also talked about, Undertaker working injured and not telling WWE officials:
"The Undertaker broke his ankle. I don’t know if he ever told you that.
He was doing some backstage angle and he was chasing Paul Bearer and he kicked a TV or something and when he did his foot went back too far. Same deal with [The Undertaker]. When I worked with him in Houston he had a broken ankle."
Kane tells “Stone Cold” Steve Austin about an unexpected problem that arose as a result of his infamous unmasking in 2003.