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Actor and wrestling fan Paul Walter Hauser talked about the Omega vs Moxley match when he spoke to WrestlingInc on their podcast.
The main event of Full Gear saw Jon Moxley defeat Kenny Omega in an unsanctioned match and while Hauser enjoyed it, he doesn't want to see it again.
"I feel the way about this match how I feel about The Joker – I think it's a masterpiece but I don't want to see it very often. I enjoyed the match but I don't think they should have them more than once every 18 months.
If people can die from practical things, think of the impractical, stupid things we're putting them through that they could have horrible reactions with…
I don't go into a Moxley match waiting for [a technical classic]. I go into those matches expecting DDTs and bulldogs and punches and tables. He's got his own style and he's starting to refine it where we can say, 'This is a Jon Moxley match.'"I thought the match was great and I a guy shouldn't take a devastating DDT onto wood twice and not get pinned. I love Gargano and NXT but those matches where he's taking seven finishers and still kicking out, those get a little stupid after a while."