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WWE Royal Rumble Results (1/27)

Posted By: Aleczander Michaels on Jan 27, 2019

WWE Royal Rumble Results (1/27)

Welcome to the Royal Rumble!

Bobby Roode and Chad Gable vs Rezar and Scott Dawson

Roode and Gable make their way to the ring and now Rezar with Maverick make their way to the ring and now Dawson makes his way to the ring.

Dawson and Roode start off and a stalemate and now the tag to Gable and the double team on Dawson and now a 1 count. Gable works on the left arm of Dawson and now a quick trade off 1 fall attempts. Gable with a crossbody for 2 and now an arm drag and now the tag to Rezar. Rezar with a chokeslam and now crossface forearms on the rope to Gable and now Dawson back in, Dawson with a suplex 2 count. Tag now to Rezar and now the beatdown on Gable and a 2 count, Rezar sends Gable into the turnbuckles chest first and now the tag to Dawson, Dawson now with a suplex for 2. Gable with a few forearm shots and now is met with a forearm to the back, Rezar in now and Gable with an arm bar in the ropes on Rezar and now Dawson back in and so is Roode, Roode now with clotheslines to Dawson and a back body drop to Dawson and a spinebuster now. Roode with a shoulder into the corner and now a blockbuster to Rezar and Dawson with a quick roll for 2, Rezar taken out and now Dawson with a 2 count and the tag to Gable and now a moonsault for the win.

Winners Roode and Gable

Shinsuke Nakamura vs Rusev US Championship Match

Nakamura makes his way to the ring and now Rusev with Lana make their way to the ring.

Rusev with shoulders into the corner and now a 1 count, Rusev with a hip toss and now a couple elbows for 1 again. Rusev with a suplex and again and now dumps Nakamura over the ropes, Nakamura with a kick and now tosses Rusev into the barricade and now a running knee, Nakamura with Bad Vibrations in the corner and now a 2 count. Nakamura with a kick and now a knee to the face, Rusev tosses Nakamura off and a drop kick and now rights from Rusev and a fall away slam by Rusev and now a kick for 2. Rusev with a right and now is met with a kick and Rusev returns the favor for 2, Nakamura with a heel kick and now a running knee for 2. Rusev with the double axe handles and now the Matchka kick and a slam and Nakamura with an arm bar and blocked into a triangle submission which is broken as well and now a guillotine and Rusev with a suplex for 2. Nakamura swipes the leg out from under Rusev on the ropes and now Rusev runs into Lana who's on the apron and is met with the Kinshasa for the win.

Winner Shinsuke Nakamura NEW US Champion

Kalisto vs Hideo Itami vs Akira Tozawa vs Buddy Murphy Cruiserweight Championship Fatal 4-Way

Kalisto makes his way to the ring, Tozawa makes his way to the ring, Itami makes his way to the ring and last but not least Murphy makes his way to the ring.

Quick rollup on Murphy and trade off pin attempts and now Kalisto with a hurricanrana and Tozawa stops Kalisto and a drop kick to Murphy. Murphy with a suplex to Kalisto on the floor and now Itami with an elbow and now Murphy with a kick to the spine and now Itami returns the favor and now Kalisto with the help of Tozawa's suicide dive with a hurricanrana to Murphy on the outside. Itami with a 2 count on both Tozawa and Kalisto, Murphy with a right and now is dumped outside and now Kalisto with the boots up in the air and dumps Tozawa into Murphy on the outside. Kalisto now with a springboard spinning elbow and now a 2 count. Murphy launches Kalisto into Itami in the corner and now Tozawa with a drop kick and now a snap suplex into a running knee for 2. Tozawa plants Itami face first and now a suicide dive to Itami, Murphy tosses Kalisto over the top onto the pile and now Murphy with a dive himself taking out everyone. Kalisto with a hurricanrana through the ropes on Murphy for 2 and now Murphy with a kick to Kalisto and a 2 count save by Tozawa. Tozawa with an inverted rana and now a trade off of pin attempts and Kalisto with the Salida Del Sol on Itami for 2. Now trade off of shots between Murphy and Itami and now everyone gets shots in, Tozawa with the spinning kick and a straight shot to Murphy, 2 knee shots to Itami now and Murphy's Law to Itami for the win.

Winner Buddy Murphy 

Becky Lynch vs Asuka SD Women's Championship Match

Lynch makes her way to the ring and now Asuka makes her way to the ring.

Stalemate to start off with a dropkick by Asuka and now Lynch shoves Asuka and now a right, Lynch with a shoulder tackle and now a right by Lynch and a uppercut now. Asuka with a kick to the hamstring and now a slap, Lynch with forearm shots now and now a shoulder tackle again by Lynch. Asuka with the hip attack knocking Lynch off the apron, Lynch with a kick to Asuka knocking her off the apron now and now slamming her head first off the apron. Asuka now repays the favor and now off the barricade and shoulder first into the LED board on the ring, Lynch with the exploder suplex into the barricade and now a 2 count. Asuka dumped face first into the corner and rights n lefts into the corner now and now face first goes Asuka off the top turnbuckle and now a suplex for 2. Lynch now working on the left arm with a kick from Asuka to Lynch and now a series of strikes to Asuka tied up in the ropes and Asuka Lock in the ropes. Asuka goes shoulder first into the post and now the Dis-Arm-Her to Asuka between the buckles, Lynch caught by a knee from Asuka off the middle rope, Lynch with rights now and a drop kick by Asuka and now hip attack into the corner and a spinning backfist into a kick into a suplex. Asuka with the hip attack again for 2, Lynch plants Asuka for 2 and now Asuka with an arm bar and now Lynch rolls up for 2 and now the Asuka Lock but wasn't fully applied. Now trading shots on the apron with Asuka getting the upper-hand with shots to the back and now a ddt onto the floor. Asuka with a kick and a 2 count, now a slap fest with Asuka hitting a spinning heel kick for 2. Lynch with a kick and now super Becksploder for 2, Lynch misses the leg drop right into the Asuka Lock and now Lynch with the Asuka Lock and roll through for 2 and Asuka with a kick and Dis Arm Her by Lynch and the roll through for 2 and again, Asuka Lock again and the win.

Winner Asuka

The Miz and Shane vs Cesaro and Sheamus(The Bar) SD Tag Team Championship 

Miz and Shane make their way to the ring and now The Bar make their way to the ring.

Sheamus and Shane start off with a spear right off and the beatdown on Sheamus, Cesaro and Miz in now with Miz quick roll for 1, Cesaro with a boot and now a right and now Cesaro with an uppercut and the double team on Miz, Shane makes the save and now Sheamus in and he takes out Shane. Miz with repeated kicks in the corner and now all hell breaks loose on the outside, Shane takes out Sheamus on the outside and is sent into the barricade by Cesaro. Sheamus in now off the knee drop and now knees to the back of Miz and now the clubs to the chest by Sheamus on Miz and the tag to Cesaro. Tag to Sheamus now the the repeated stomps to Miz and now a quick rollup for 1, Sheamus with a kick and the tag to Cesaro and the double axe handle to the head off the top and now Sheamus back in. Miz with some life and now a jaw breaker and the tag to Cesaro now who gets dumped and now Sheamus and Shane now, Shane with a back elbow and now a right. Shane with a DDT for 2, Cesaro tags in now and is met with a back elbow himself and now Shane caught and now Cesaro Swing. Shane with a triangle hold and now Sheamus with a leg drop off the top rope and now Miz takes out Sheamus and is met by a clothesline outside. Sheamus in now and the double team white noise for 2 on Shane, Cesaro in now and Cesaro gets met with the Brogue kick and the Skull Crushing Finale to Sheamus and Shane with a shooting star press for the win.

Winners Shane and Miz NEW SD Tag Champs

Sasha Banks vs Ronda Rousey Raw Women's Championship 

Banks makes her way to the ring and now Rousey makes her way to the ring.

Stalemate to begin not much happening besides trade off of arm drags, Rousey with a suplex and now trade off of submission attempts, Banks with a slap and now face first off the apron and now Rousey hits a right off the ring post. Banks with a suicide dive and now a 1 count. Banks with the double knees twice now for 2 in the corner, Rousey with a back elbow but Banks with a boot to the face and now a running elbow by Rousey for 2. Banks with a right and now slaps to the face, Banks with the knees to the arm and a running knee for 2. Rousey head first off the top buckle and now Banks with the boot under the chin in the corner and misses the running double knees and now Banks with an arm bar from Rousey's back and now biting the hand of Rousey and now Bank Statement and now Rousey with Piper's Pit and now the arm bar through the ropes. Banks knocks Rousey off the top ropes and now a knee to Rousey, Banks with a superplex for 2 and now back to the right arm of Rousey tying up behind her back and now a hip toss by Rousey for 2. Rousey with the arm throws and now tossed out of the ring, Rousey with the arm bar outside the ring and now back in the ring with lefts by Rousey and now some rights in the mix. Banks with a kick and a awkward leg drop by Rousey for 2, Rousey sent face first into the middle buckle and now the double stomp to the left arm. Banks with the Bank Statement and now a fujiwar arm bar and Rousey breaks into a gut wrench powerbomb and now Piper's Pit again for the win.

Winner Rousey

Women's 30-Woman Rumble Match

Lacey Evans and Natalya start off the match and a stalemate even matchup at the moment, Evans almost dumped but is back in, Natalya with a discus clothesline and now Mandy is 3rd. Clothesline to Natalya and now a knee by Mandy who now tries to dump Natalya, Natalya with a discus clothesline to Mandy and now a basement dropkick to both the 2 and a double sharpshooter. Now Liv Morgan is 4th, and is a quick exit by Natalya. Double team on Natalya now, Mickie James is 5th and now takes out everyone in the ring. James with a neckbreaker to Evans and now a heel kick to Natalya, James trying to pry Mandy out and now Ember Moon is 6th. Moon takes out James and Natalya and Evans and James, Moon tries to take out Mandy and now James trying to dump Moon. Billie Kay is 7th and now won't enter until Payton comes out, now Nikki Cross is 8th and dumps Kay into the barricade then takes out everyone in the ring upon entering. Kay in now and straight for Cross upon entering, now we have Peyton in at 9th and straight for Cross as well upon entering. Moon almost dumped by the IIconics and now Tamina in at 10th. Tamina takes out everyone who comes at her with Samoan drops. Tamina with a superkick to Cross and now a splash to Cross off the top rope. 

Now we have James eliminated by Tamina and now Xia Li in at 11, Li taking on Tamina now and a spinning kick takes her out and everyone else. Now we have Sarah Logan in at 12 and right after Natalya and the rest, Logan almost eliminates Moon but by the skin of her teeth hangs on literally. Cross is eliminated by the IIconics and now Charlotte in at 13, Charlotte with a suplex to Evans and now the IIconics are gone thanks to Evans. Li eliminated by Charlotte with a boot to the face and now Kairi Sane in at 14th, Tamina gone by Charlotte and now Sane takes out Logan and chops to Charlotte and the return favor. Sane with the Insane Elbow to Logan and now Natalya and Sane take out Logan.  Now we have Maria Kanellis in at 15 then gets kicked by Evans and Charlotte after yelling at them both. Charlotte spears Kanellis and now we have Naomi in at 16, Naomi kicks Rose out of the Rumble and now Naomi almost eliminated by Rose after the fact but is not but is after she saves herself by Rose. Rose attacks her after the elimination and now Evans eliminated by Charlotte, now we have Candace LeRae in at 17. Moon with a gutbuster to LeRae and now Alicia Fox in at 18, Natalya is the only starter left in the match at this point as Fox takes out a few with drop kicks and now she hits Sane with one as well and now gloating with Kanellis after the double team on Sane. Fox with her mental breakdown after Kaneliis stomps on her captains hat and now is eliminated by Fox with Kacy Catanzaro in at 19 who goes after Moon at entrance. Fox with a backbreaker through the ropes to Kacy and now Zelina Vega in at 20. 

Vega and LeRae going at it now and now we have Ruby Riott in at 21 with the rest of the Riott Squad. They take out Charlotte from under the ropes and beat her down on the outside of the ring and now Foxxy gets taken through the ropes and Vega slithers under the ring and now back into the ring and then eliminated by Riott. LeRae is slammed into the barricade but NOT eliminated but is now by Riott. Now we have Dana Brooke in at 22 and now straight after Riott, now a powerbomb to Kacey and now Riott Squad takes out Brooke under the ropes and Sane eliminated now. Now we have Io Shirai in at 23, she dumps the Riott Squad upon entrance. Now we have Rhea Ripley in at 24, and right after Moon then Shirai, Brooke almost eliminates Kacey who makes it safely back to the ring and now eliminated by Ripley. Now we have Sonya Deville in at 25, and straight after Ripley and now a knee to Riott. Brooke now with a back elbow to Ripley and now Ripley eliminates Brooke, Hornswoggle appears from under the ring and chases Vega around ringside back into the match in which she is eliminated by Ripley and is again being chased by Swoggle. Now we have Bliss in at 26 and now Deville on Bliss in the corner with straight body shots and now a straight right by Bliss eliminates Deville. Next we have Bayley in at 27 and now straight for Bliss and the rest of the competition, Bayley eliminates Riott and now Ripley right after. Next we have Lana at 28 who i doubt will enter the match with her bum leg from earlier, next we have Nia Jax at 29. Jax attacks Lana during her walk to the ring and now eliminates Shirai, Jax eliminates Natalya and now we have Carmella in last.

Carmella straight for Jax and now a drop kick to Moon and then gets run over by Jax, Lynch comes out and wants Lana's spot in the Rumble and is granted the right. Lynch right after Jax and now a dropkick to Jax off the top rope, Moon plants Bliss and now Bliss eliminates Moon. Bayley tosses Bliss into the buckles and now eliminates Bliss alongside Carmella's help. Now 5 women left with Charlotte eliminates Carmella and now Charlotte eliminates Bayley on Nia's shoulders. Now down to 3 left with Lynch eliminating Jax, Lynch and Charlotte left now with Jax attacking Lynch before she got back into the ring NOT eliminated. Lynch in the ring now and right after the knee is Charlotte, Lynch with a kick and now a suplex to Lynch, Charlotte eliminated by Lynch.

Winner Becky Lynch 

AJ Styles vs Daniel Bryan WWE Championship Match 

Styles makes his way to the ring and now Bryan makes his way to the ring.

Rights by Styles in the corner and now a shoulder tackle by Styles and a side headlock which is broken. Styles with a deep arm drag and Bryan exits the ring, now a trade off of chops and rights n lefts by Bryan. Styles returns the favor and now a back body drop to Bryan,Styles with a kick to the spine and now an uppercut by Bryan and Styles lands on top of the post chest first onto the floor, Bryan sends Styles shoulder first into the ring post and now a kick to the injured arm/shoulder of Styles. Bryan back to working on the injured shoulder of Styles and a rope break, Styles with a sunset flip 2 count and Bryan with a double underhook into an arm bar and rope break. Now a trade off of shots in the middle of the ring and now a drop kick by Styles, Styles with the flying clothesline and now a suplex into a neckbreaker for 2. Styles with straight rights to the face and now trading 2 count pin attempts, Styles hits the dragonscrew and Bryan with a drop toe hold planting Styles into the buckles and now kicks in the corner and the running double boot in the corner. Bryan with a dragon suplex for 2, Styles with a knee to the face and now a moonsault DDT by Styles on the floor. Styles misses the springboard 450 with Bryan's knees up and into the Labell lock and the reverse pin attempt for 2 to break the hold and now the Calf Crusher by styles and a rope break. Bryan with an inziguiri and now the "famous" kicks from Bryan and misses the last one, Bryan with a kick to the face and a 2 count. Bryan stomping now on Styles and his leg gives out and now Styles tripped on the top buckle, Styles into the Calf Crusher and now a 2 count. Styles with a kick into a brainbuster for 2 and now Bryan hung up on the top rope, Bryan hits a kick in mid air on Bryan and is met with a Pele kick from Styles. Erick Rowan comes out and is now ringside and a trade off of shots before Styles kicks the knee repeatedly of Bryan and now the ref is down. Styles with the Styles Clash and now a Chokeslam to Styles by Rowan and the win for Bryan thanks to help from Rowan.

Winner Bryan

After the match Rowan helps Bryan hit Styles with the running knee and then celebrates with Bryan after.

Finn Balor vs Brock Lesnar Universal Championship Match

Balor makes his way to the ring and now Lesnar with Heyman make their way to the ring.

Balor with a drop kick and now the beatdown in the corner and an overhead kick and again, Balor with a stomp to the spine and now a couple dropkicks. Lesnar with the suplex and now Balor tossed back first into the ring apron and into the barricade. Lesnar with another suplex onto the floor and now Balor sends Lesnar into the corner of the announce table and now face first off the table, Lesnar with a knee to the midsection and now Balor with a kick and now tossed into the corner. Lesnar with the shoulders in the corner on Balor and now another suplex, Lesnar with the shoulder in the corner into a suplex yet again, Balor targets the injured part of Lesnar's leg(hip?) and Lesnar with a clothesline from hell. Balor counters the F5 into a DDT for 2 and now stomps to Lesnar, Balor with a dive and takes out Lesnar and again and again for the third time. Balor with the basement dropkick and now the Coup Des Grace for 2 and Lesnar now with the Kimura Lock and the win.

Winner Lesnar

After the match Lesnar hits a few more suplexes on Balor and then a F5.

Men's 30-Man Royal Rumble Match

Elias and Jeff Jarrett will start off the match, Elias hits a right on Jarrett and now kicks to Jarrett Jarrett with a series of strikes now to Elias but is met with a clothesline. Elias hits Jarrett with the guitar and is eliminated, now we have Nakamura entering at 3. Elias straight after Nakamura and now a kick by Nakamura, and Angle is 4th to enter. Angle with a suplex and one to Nakamura and then a throw to both Elias and Nakamura. Now we have Big E is 5th to enter and now right after Nakamura with suplexes and then a belly to belly and now gloating into the splash. Angle hits the Angle Slam to E and Nakamura sends Angle into the post and now Nakamura eliminates Angle. Johnny Gargano is 6th and now goes straight for Elias and a DDT to Big E. Gargano with a slingshot shoulder takedown to Elias, now we have Jinder Mahal at 7th, who takes down everyone in the ring. Gargano eliminates Mahal with a superkick and now Elias and Big E take care of the Singh Brothers. Next we have Samoa Joe in at 8, everyone in the ring trying to eliminate Nakamura but that ends once Joe enters the ring. Joe eliminates Big E and now we have Curt Hawkins in at 9th and now exits the ring without eliminating himself to save face now back in and Joe with the Coquina Clutch and then Hawkins hides under the ring. Next we have Seth Rollins in at 10 and now takes down those left in the ring upon entering the ring.

Rollins eliminates Elias and now Titus O'Neil is 11th and doesn't trip this time and goes after Hawkins under the ring and Hawkins eliminates Titus and then Joe eliminates Hawkins. Next we have Kofi at 12th, he takes down Nakamura upon entering the ring and now we have Mustafa Ali is 13th and he goes right for Joe. Nakamura now on Ali and is met with a kick by Nakamura who is then eliminated by Ali, next up is Dean Ambrose 14th, Ambrose and Rollins go at it now. Kofi almost eliminated by Joe but as usual saves face and now Ambrose with a DDT to Gargano is eliminated. Next up we have No Way Jose is 15th and is eliminated the second he enters by Joe. Now we have Drew Mcintyre in at 16 and he headbutts Jose and mauls the conga line, McIntyre takes out Rollins and Ambrose(not eliminations) and now a Claymore to Joe and he is the only one standing now. Next up we will get Xavier Woods at 17 and now Kofi is almost eliminated again but is using Woods to help him remain safe on the outside. McIntyre eliminates both Woods and Kofi at the same time and now Pete Dunne is 18th. Dunne straight at Ali and now a kick to Joe and now the stomp to the awkward setup of McIntyre's elbow, next in we get Andrade at 19th and now straight for Dunne upon entering. Next up is Apollo Crews at 20 and a drop kick to Ali and a kick to Joe and then takes down Dunne.

Next up is Aleister Black at 21 and straight after Dunne and then a back elbow to Rollins, Black catches Ali mid air with a kick and now Black Mass to Ambrose who is eliminated by Black. Next is Shelton Benjamin at 22nd and now trading shots with Crews as he enters the ring and now Coquina Clutch by Joe but Ali breaks that and now onto Ali with the hold and Ali eliminates Joe. Next up we have Baron Corbin at 23rd and goes right after Rollins and hits Deep Six on Ali then eliminates Apollo with a right. Now we have Jeff Hardy at 24th and now goes after anyone he can to start off, Twist of Fate to Benjamin and now a boot by Black to Hardy and now a trade off of massive shots by Dunne and Black and Corbin eliminates Black. McIntyre eliminates Dunne after the Claymore kick and now we have Rey Mysterio at 25th, Mysterio right after Corbin but is met with a backbreaker knee by Corbin. Andrade with a sit out powerbomb to Mysterio and now we have Bobby Lashley in at 26th with Rush, Lashley tosses Rollins across the ring and eliminated by Rollins and is pissed off at Rollins and attacks him and chokeslams Rollins through the announce table. Next up we have Braun Strowman at 27th and right for Corbin and eliminates Corbin and now also Benjamin as well is eliminated. Next up we have Dolph Ziggler at 28th as Hardy is eliminated by McIntyre as Ziggler eliminates McIntyre, Strowman just mowed Andrade down and now we have Randy Orton at 29th. Strowman glares Orton down as he makes his way down and into the ring and now a powerslam to Orton and Strowman and Mysterio take down Ali and Andrade off the top rope into the ring, Strowman shoulder first into the ring post and last but not least R-Truth is 30th and Jax attacks him from behind before he ever gets into the ring and Jax is heading to the ring and now takes down everyone in the ring. Jax eliminates Ali and now staredown with Randy in the middle of the ring, Jax is met with a superkick by Ziggler and now the 619 by Mysterio and now an RKO by Randy. Randy and Mysterio eliminate Jax and now an RKO to Mysterio and he is eliminated and Randy eliminated by Andrade now its Ziggler and Andrade left. Trading shots now and Ziggler gets in a few headbutts and now Strowman mows them both down who's still alive and flattens both Ziggler and Andrade in in 2 different corners and now runs over Rollins on the outside. Ziggler with a superkick and the double knees from Andrade and the Zig Zag to Strowman and now the Frog Splash by Rollins, Strowman eliminates Andrade and now Ziggler eliminated by Strowman and now a superkick to Strowman and a chokeslam to Rollins. Rollins eliminates Strowman and is the winner.

Winner Seth Rollins


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